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    Monday, March 8, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Too valuable, better save them for a rainy day

    Guild Wars 2 Too valuable, better save them for a rainy day

    Too valuable, better save them for a rainy day

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:04 AM PST

    [iV] Invicta Luna | Restricted Nightmare CM Fullrun 5:45s

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:34 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    We, Invicta Luna [iV], decided a while ago to attempt speedclearing a fractal instead of a single CM boss, and we decided to go for a Restricted Nightmare CM Fullrun. This project was pretty fun to do, as we had to think of other ways to do the bosses due to the lack of precasts (as you want to start the boss as fast as possible) and the restricted rules that don't allow the usage of portals, consumables, tonics, etc.

    We decided to go with the 1 Renegade, 1 Guardian, 1 Berserker and 2 Soulbeasts composition because it is the comp thats the the most similar to our daily clears, and therefore the one that we were more used to.


    Pineapple | Renegade : https://youtu.be/x_2ahQx_QDQ

    Tantor |Firebrand/Dragonhunter : https://youtu.be/JONEqZ9rARM

    Cloyd | Berserker : https://youtu.be/SIdcWSGkL-M

    Blackhawk | Soulbeast : https://youtu.be/UlPsUMH7vZE

    Delay |Soulbeast : https://youtu.be/DYP_RuapR8c

    Pre-MAMA :

    Not a very hard moment, but impacts heavily how MAMA is as we can't precast on the mistlock and go to MAMA directly. In order to have enough CC, the renegade had to run axe offhand. We split the group in 2 subgroups, 1 on each add. One of the soulbeasts skipped the 1st add to precast a frost-trap to be used in the actual MAMA fight.

    MAMA :

    Log : https://dps.report/iUAV-20210307-145017_mama 44s

    Probably the boss that was the longest to grind. Because of 3 reasons :

    1 - The amount of RNG involved is pretty big,

    2 - There is basically no precast, so we couldn't precast Bane Signet, One Wolf Pack, and obviously the Berserker couldn't precast banners and swap to other utilities, which reduces damage and CC,

    3 - The presence of 3 Knights before the fight, which required us to use abilities and did put everyone on cooldown.

    Though, it went pretty well. After some theorycraft we came up with a pretty consistent strategy which allowed us to get through the boss very consistently. Getting One Wolf Pack in p2 and 4 massively helped us. Renegade had to not participate to p4, because he had to rush to the checkpoint that is a bit further, next to the first altars.

    Altars :

    We found out a pretty cool strategy for altars. For the first set we did split up the group in 2 halves, stack the snakes on one point and pull them out of the cap point in order to start capping as fast as possible. For the second set, we stealthed the Renegade and one of the Soulbeasts attacked the adds in the central altar, so the Renegade could start capping it as soon as possible (was really important to speed that one up, because this altar takes more time to cap than the west's and east's ones). To cap the other altars, we sent 1 soulbeast on each side to pull out the adds and kill them.

    For the ramp, Soulbeasts and Berserker were the fastest, so they ran forward as fast as they could, to trigger Siax asap

    Siax :

    Log : https://dps.report/PA7z-20210307-145234_siax 33s

    Was actually pretty easy to find how to get a good siax with the infamous 2 Soulbeasts comp. Due to the funny feature that makes adds appear the first time you trigger Siax, we had to countdown from 12 to start precast neither early or late (which created a few funny situations, I tell you), and stealth in to not get in combat too early. The strategy we came up with allowed us to get a decent kill, in the low 30's. Again, the One Wolf Packs helped massively to get fast phases. Due to the short length of the fight, the Guardian was able to go Dragonhunter which is a very good source of damage when he doesn't miss his Spear of Justice. Berserker also performs well, with its sustained damage throughout the fight. Renegade had to leave the boss earlier in p3, to trigger the last boss quickly and start the last part of this fractal.

    Ensolyss :

    Log : https://dps.report/nyTC-20210307-145441_enso 1:42s

    This encounter is really close to a daily kill, because nothing really changes from a daily scenario. We had a bit less damage in p1 than a daily kill would have, because we were not able to precast a portal to start the fight immediately after finishing the precast, and get more value from Bane Signet and One Wolf Packs

    That's all for the theorycraft, we worked really hard on this project and are quite happy with the result! Could still be grinded more but unfortunatly one of our members had to stop playing the game and so our grind ends here. We had better kills of both MAMA (https://dps.report/9Q8N-20210307-180402_mama 39s) and Siax (https://dps.report/Nl7c-20210307-170420_siax 31s) so this run if given a bit more time could be brought down to a comfortable 5:40 or even below.

    Regardless we really hope you'll enjoy watching it!

    submitted by /u/Yrteym
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    Tiny Guild Wars 2 | Tilt Shift | Flurdeh

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:52 PM PST

    The Commander And Acquired Tastes

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:24 PM PST

    SC Roul: Condition Weaver Dagger/Focus | 41k (~42k w/ lesser eles)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:31 PM PST

    The True Purpose Of The Sylvari, Their Dream And Nightmare (Part I)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:29 PM PST

    This won't be the last time that I query the true purpose of the sylvari Dream, or the mainstream understanding of sylvari origins.


    The Dream is best described as a pool of positive memories that defines the lives of all sylvari, including the Pale Tree. As the sylvari are the youngest race to emerge on continental Tyria, their memories are equally innocent and childlike - or at least, that's what those sylvari sympathetic to the Dream tell each other and inquisitive outsiders. In truth, Dream is accompanied by Nightmare and those sylvari who swear fealty to the latter claim that "[i]t has always been and always will be". In contrast to Dream, Nightmare is a pool of negative echoes, once described as "[t]raumatic memories [and] evil impulses".


    What is the purpose of Dream and Nightmare? They are experienced by sylvari at all times), though most sylvari associate them with sleep. Sylvari aren't the only race to slumber, however, nor have dreams and nightmares. So why do they have such a strong connection to these phenomena?


    One possibility is that, as the sylvari are Elder Dragon minions and dragons can augment lesser beings with magic, one of the most common forms of which being the mutation of lesser beings' brains, such that dragons can and do create extensive hive minds, Dream and Nightmare is a reflection of the sylvaris' augmented biology. Thus, Dream and Nightmare is nothing more than the effect of hive mind infrastructure lacking the oversight of a dragon. Some sylvari (e.g. Killeen) would disagree with this assessment, mind you. But the sylvari were born into Tyria decades before their dragon progenitor, Mordremoth the jungle dragon, awakened, and it makes sense that the true nature of Dream and Nightmare would be misunderstood by them in it's absence.


    In the years preceding the release of Heart of Thorns and the revelation that sylvari come from, belong to, and were meant to serve the jungle dragon, however, I developed a theory about the origin of sylvari that may, nonetheless, remain relevant; a theory that tries to explain the origin of the sylvari and the true purpose of their Dream and Nightmare. For as much as sylvari know that their primogenitor is Mordremoth, the realization doesn't necessarily mean that the Elder Dragon intended to create them. I think that the intent to generate the sylvari was formed by a "terrible and fearful race of spell casters" who drew upon Mordremoth's life-giving powers - the jungle dragon merely inherited the gain of their work.


    The chosen were Krytan humans sacrificed on the Maguuma bloodstone by the White Mantle, under the supervision of the mursaat. This practice was all-but-stopped when the Shining Blade, a Krytan human faction, rebelled against the White Mantle and hunted the mursaat to the brink of extermination. Prior to the halting, though, the souls of many sacrificed chosen were successfully harvested by the White Mantle and transported to the Ring of Fire bloodstone at Abaddon's Mouth, where they were suspended before a tear in the fabric of reality.


    The results of the mursaat's labor with the chosen is, I believe, that which Mordremoth inherited. In my opinion, many of the souls harvested by the mursaat become the sylvari. (This may explain why, when the Krytan human Livia was banishing him, the now-infamous mursaat Lazarus the Dire declared, "I saved Kryta". The mursaat created a new race that would help Krytan humanity in the coming war with the Elder Dragons.)


    Now it is true that the White Mantle returned to sacrificing souls upon the Maguuma bloodstone. However, they weren't able to draw upon the guidance of the mursaat and so, although they retained one of the most important tools used to select candidates for oblation (the Eye of Janthir), they were unable to capitalize on their means. Moreover, if the mursaat were present for consultation, they might have advised the White Mantle to abandon sacrifices atop the Maguuma bloodstone. Without Abaddon, it is entirely possible that whatever benefit was to be gained from harvesting the souls of the chosen could never be attained.

    submitted by /u/stevenharryson
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    Exploring outside of the Hall of Monuments. (Map Breaking Eye of the North)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:48 PM PST

    PSA: Storage Expander on sale 600 gems (25% off)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:16 PM PST


    The storage expander is on sale. You can check previous sales prices on the wiki.

    submitted by /u/xanderlynn
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    First thing I thought of when I saw this in DyingLight sub. It's how I feel if elementalist got longbow like the one created by TPenny5071. Credit for the Meme is from ThiccZoey. Hopefully not too pathetic to be removed

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:50 PM PST

    Can I play on an NA server if I live in EU with no latency or ping issues? Or would you advise against it?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:17 AM PST

    Most of my friends playing live in US and are on an NA server. I want to play WvW and PvP with them but I tested on a free account and the average ping is higher. I was just wondering if you advise against playing on an NA server if I live in EU? I guess maybe it's not the "best" or "normal" thing to do? I also heard WvW on NA is a little more competitive, hardcore and in some ways more "stable" than on EU - which apparently has lots of transfers and stuff.

    submitted by /u/BreathExtension3559
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    Is the new xpac coming to steam?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:12 AM PST

    I'm very confused how crit works with a pistol or other condi weapons

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:04 PM PST

    I'm very confused how crit works with a pistol or other condi weapons

    I'm trying to figure out when I am shooting my pistol you see it shows Damage 60...Can that damage crit? I know the Bleeding effect below for 6s at188 Damage can't crit. I've been scouring forums and not found anything other people saying Condition damage doesn't crit and referring to the devs post. I am thinking that the Damage 60 though isn't Condition damage and can crit am I right?


    submitted by /u/ClareMyssterium
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    Need of a guiding Thread

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:27 PM PST

    Hello fellow Tyrians. I just came back from a long break and after playing the living story i now dont know what to do. Strikes? drm? I got some many construction sites.. i dont know where to start. What do u guys do?

    submitted by /u/Nomnok2019
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    Can anyone ID this Priory Explorer's bow? Is it obtainable or only for NPCs?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:47 AM PST

    How will the world map be expanded with End of Dragons?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Someone also not getting MC from LLA?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:24 PM PST

    I get gold or silver participation but no chest for a view days now

    submitted by /u/Sensitive_nob
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    A Fix For The Guild Wars 2 Instrument Octave Bug

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:07 PM PST

    Hello Fellow Guild Wars 2 Music Players!

    Are you demoralized by how skill in playing the instruments is 90% (slight exaggeration) dictated by how low your ping is? Well, believe it or not, there is in fact a solution! (This solution requires that you have a decent internet connection, ideally fiber)

    Sure, you could just move somewhere closer to the server. Alternatively, you can use a streaming service (personally I use the free trial of GeForce Now), and set your location to the streaming server closest to the GW2 server hub! For people looking to play on European servers, set your GeForce location to EU Central 3. And for people looking to play on North American servers, set your GeForce location to US East 2.

    Using streaming services, you can easily reach pings of less than 20 on EU servers, and less than 40 on NA servers, no matter how far you live from the server/how high your ping normally is.

    **NOTE*\* The use of GeForce Now has been associated with account suspensions despite it suposedly having been approved by ArenaNet. I'm assuming these issues are short term and most likely will be resolved. Anyways, here's the reddit post that mentions this issue Link

    submitted by /u/FlightOfCards
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