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    Monday, February 22, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 TIL home instance cats can be killed

    Guild Wars 2 TIL home instance cats can be killed

    TIL home instance cats can be killed

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:24 AM PST

    Well if you insist...

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:37 PM PST

    If there's one way to ensure GW2 is Dead on Arrival when it hits Steam, it's the performance

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:54 PM PST

    Basically, a lot of people like Steam because it's easy. You can browse easily, download and install easily, and usually you can start playing a game in a few clicks.

    Because it's so easy, someone who downloads the game and finds that it runs very poorly will likely quickly uninstall and move on to something else, maybe even leaving a bad review.

    I know I'm not the only one with a decent rig which struggles to get a consistent frame rate, even with all settings on the lowest settings (it often seems like there's no difference in performance when you lower the settings though).

    DX12pxy is great, and does help for a lot of people (works ok for me, I'd say maybe 5/10% increase in performance, my gf gets more like 50/75% increase, so that's great), but a majority of the people who would play through Steam would likely not know about this, or consider it too much effort when the game 'should just work'.

    Also, I know there's been some mention of the Living World model as another potential sticking point, and while I do think that needs to be looked at (at least make it super obvious what it is and how to get it on the Steam page), I think a far more immediately impactful one is the game's performance.

    I might just be projecting my own frustrations with the game's poor performance here, but I'm sure you'll let me know. Game is genuinely difficult to play sometimes.

    I just worry the Steam reviews will all be 'Overwhelmingly Negative', and that's not what I want for GW2, it's such a dang great game, and I'd love to see its population swell just before its biggest release in years; that would mean more money for ANET to hopefully make another expansion after this one. It would also be awesome to see it finally get some real recognition for how great it is.

    submitted by /u/RagingRube
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    Gets funnier every time you run Dragon's Stand meta

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST

    How to use finishers in Raids - Non pChrono record on SH

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Greetings fellow redditors,

    My Chaotic Asylum [MCA] is proud to present you our latest speedkill on Soulless Horror.

    If you thought you knew all the strengths of the Chrono class, then you might have forgotten about the existence of combo fields and that chrono has access to a huge amount of finishers. This kill is not only about dropping most supporters and stacking the purple class due to its high bench but also a comp utilizing the combo finisher system, which has already been part of several other records.

    Sub 1 Sub 2 Sub 3
    cChrono (Kirby) Tank cChrono (Angrax) Druid Pusher (DrRitu)
    cChrono (Neok) Tank cChrono (Felko)
    cChrono (Maeckle) cChrono (goodlive)
    cChrono (NSG) (Meme Vid) cChrono (Nanox)
    cChrono (Neno)

    Log: https://dps.report/0gQk-20210221-221939_sh

    The comp:

    We removed classes like Renegade or BS, which are spamming fields other than ethereal and also use finishers and thus take spots from the Phantasmal Wardens. Druid was the only one who survived the purge since we needed healing and might which, unlike alacrity and quickness, could not be supplied by the Chronos.

    The strategy:

    We tried to get as many whirl finishers as possible into the ethereal/smoke fields for maximum confusion output. Therefore, we used Focus off-hand in order to cast the Phantasmal Warden with its 24 finishers per cast (12 from the first phantasm - 12 from the resummon through chronophantasma), which enabled an insanely high confusion burst in the beginning and a very good uptime over the whole fight. As a nice bonus, the Phantasmal Wardens destroy the attacks of the Flesh Worms. Furthermore, the Chronos could help the Druid with keeping the Tormented Dead away from the group.

    To ensure that as many finishers as possible hit the boss, we had to place the Phantasmal Warden inside the hitbox. At the same time, it was important to stay as synchronized as possible.

    Short explanation of combo fields:

    Each combo field can be used by up to five characters. When a finisher is used, the oldest free field is always prioritized. A complete list of all possible finishers can be found in the wiki.

    We hope you enjoy the kill as much as we do and see you around!

    Special Thanks to RedDiamond.5746, Jenny.3791, Horus.9685, lemmino.1349 for helping out during progress.

    submitted by /u/felko_97
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    Enjoying the long-awaited samurai skin. Used green dyes to look like a Jade Samurai!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:13 PM PST

    "Bringer and Keeper of the sun".

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:51 PM PST

    Hello, I am new to gaming. I downloaded gw2 a couple weeks ago, I am stuck without a quest to do.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:19 AM PST

    I apologize if this seems way too basic but I am level 18 and I did the first personal story but what now? There is no quest to do. The nextpersonal story is at lvl 20. So do I just explore the map, doing those heart quests? Or is there a way to play the game? I heard that the story was very awesome on YouTube.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/sunday25
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    Drew my little master of evil~

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:08 AM PST

    Drew my adorable pink necromancer Zempt who I've just gotten to max lvl jeweler. He is ace (just like me) and all he wants is to find some friends who will hug him and tell him he is a good boy.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 04:51 AM PST

    How are we over a month into the thunderhead DRM being released and still have invisible shockwaves?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Yes jumps, blocks, and dodges work on both the invisible and visible ones. Yes I also dodge jump over both at once. Yes there are ways to play around it but that doesn't justify a month of invisible attacks being OK.

    If this is going to be the only content the game receives for months, ANet how are your standards this incredibly low? At least make it functional

    submitted by /u/RUBIK1376
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    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 35 - Bitterfrost Frontier

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:48 PM PST

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    35 of 52 - Bitterfrost Frontier - Level 80

    It's hard to talk about Bitterfrost Frontier without addressing the elephant in the room. This map is on the top three-five for retention, and has developed something of a cult following. I was surprised, in our survey, how highly the map was rated. I had thought that familiarity from farming would, as they say, breed contempt. But instead the opposite was true - folks cited the amount of time they spent gathering berries on this map as a reason it was one of their favorites.

    This puts us in an interesting position when trying to analyze the map's qualities. How much is our sense of a map's qualities based purely on the time we've spent there? Is Bitterfrost actually a good map? Or do people talk about it's qualities in a positive way purely based off of its popularity?

    Added in November 2016, it's hard to believe that the launch of Path of Fire was less than a year away from this map's release.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    A lot like the later Bjora's March, Bitterfrost is all about heat and light in the dark and cold - in both a literal and metaphorical sense. It's about the idea that through tradition and bonds of kinship, communities can withstand the elements that threaten to destroy them. This is one of the few instances where I think the implementation of the theme itself may be better than the gameplay used to represent it. Everything about this map really zeroes in on this theme, from the torch mastery and the storytellers you interact with for it, all the way to the implementation of hot springs and thermal tubes across the map. Everything is really cohesively about the preservation of heat and community in this isolated settlement that is constantly under threat from the storm and the dragon. It's really quite atmospheric to be wandering with your torch during the storm boss meta, even if it's not necessarily the most engaging gameplay in the world.

    Lore - 8/10

    Again, for a map that so many only focus on for the farming potential, there's a lot of great lore on this map. In contrast to, say, Silverwastes, we really get a lot in addition to the berry farm. The kodan on this map talk about their origins and philosophy - as well as their opinions on norn and quaggan. The quaggans get some lore too, talking about their movement and history. Add to that some ancient jotun lore (!) and you've got some of my own personal favorite lore conversations in Season 3. A special highlight is the quaggan epic poetry you can find throughout the map - the quaggans in general here are a bit more warrior types than those we found in the south, which is very fun.

    Design - 5/10

    Generally speaking, Bitterfrost Frontier is a map that isn't interested in 'organic' environmental design. It's focused more on a 'function first' philosophy, with clear 'play areas' that are not connected by smooth transitions. We have a central 'meta' ice plain, and clockwise from left we have a svanir area, a forest, a grawl cave, a special cold zone, the quaggan hot springs, and finally a small foothills area.

    The svanir, forest, grawl cave, and hot springs are our central renown heart regions, and have one or two events each that run on a really frequent timer - excessively frequent, I think. Then in the center around our kodan sanctuary we've got a dozen braziers which have regular defense and take events. All this nominally plugs into the central meta event, with preparedness rising as different braziers are lit. Once the timer is up, a storm hits and all braziers are supposed to be defended from different boss monsters and attacks. Very little of these mechanics end up mattering, as I've been unable to distinguish any kind of consequence of low preparedness other than having less braziers - which counterintuitively makes the following meta easier, as there's less to defend. On top of that, the storm meta in general is excessively easy, with very little challenge in just zerging around and killing bosses. It almost strikes one as by design - essentially combining the normal 'meta' and 'champ train' phases from other maps into a single 'loot train' meta.

    The general design of this map is… fine. It has the open layout of a vanilla map, without a strong sense of flow, but packed into a smaller space. In that small area the different components feel artificial, and remove a sense of exploration. Combine that with a meta which feels like it features very little consequence, and I'm not enthused about the overall structure here.

    Gameplay - 5/10

    That isn't particularly helped by how the events and renown hearts are tuned. Standout for me is the forest heart and corresponding events, which seem incredibly overtuned - especially in comparison to the very easy brazier defense events. There isn't a lot of variety here, either - you will be fighting the same groups of svanir and frostbrood across the map. I will say, in the map's defense, that the new svanir and icebrood mechanics and enemy types introduced here are a standout - especially the summoned storms and the pouncing icebrood enemies.

    Where this map really shines in gameplay is actually in traversal and tucked away secrets. The bouncing mushrooms are incorporated well in the forest, the jumping puzzle(s?) in the quaggan area are a blast, and the treasure chests hidden all over the place are a treat. These last are not too tough to find like the coin scavenger hunts, but just the right difficulty.

    A lot of this almost doesn't matter though, because one of the strange things about this map is that you can always find people to tackle events with who are hanging around for the berry farm. If you're one of those people who likes just logging on for an hour, wandering around and tackling some simple events, you can always find a community here. Bitterfrost Frontier always has a lively map chat going on, and there's no way to deny that that sense of community definitely supports the map's gameplay elements.

    Art - 8/10

    This is where the map gets some kudos. The image of the kodan sanctuary, anchored to the frozen lake, is a powerful one. The entire fortress, actually, is a fantastic example of well designed environmental art in the game - the approach up through the ice tunnel, the plaza and central buildings, it's all done really well. It's actually surprisingly one of the 'coziest' environments in the game to me - if we ever do get any kind of player housing option, I want to build a house in a kodan sanctuary.

    Beyond that, you've got lots of great images here. The forest - despite sticking out like a sore thumb - is itself beautiful, and the giant ice sculpture of the svanir base and the enormous jotun remnants in the hot springs area are additional standouts.

    Of special note is, again, how the map plays with light and dark. We get some of the darkest lighting we had received up to this point during the storm event, and it does a wonderful effect of really driving home the mood. If only the meta itself lived up to that mood.

    Long Term/Retention - 10/10

    There's no denying that Bitterfrost Frontier is one of the 'hubs' of this game's player activity. When the game finally begins to die out, in hopefully like two decades, the last maps left standing will include Bitterfrost Frontier. One of the reasons it really stands out, in addition to the obvious cheap ascended rewards you can get, is that there's very little player coordination or population requirements to complete things on this map. It's just a low level event, heart, and resource farm 24/7. So unlike a map like Auric Basin, which has a very regular population that is timed with the meta, this map just has a low level consistent flow of people. That again creates a strangely comforting community feel - no matter the time you can pretty much always find some folks running around.

    Overall - 7/10

    Bitterfrost Frontier benefits strongly from having the most exploitable currency in the season. In terms of actual design, it struggles with a really choppy 'biome' structure. The sanctuary at its heart is really neat - one of the few examples of urban environments where the team feels comfortable placing bank access. There are some tantalizing lore hints for the jotun and the early history of the kodan. Lots of parts of the map struggle from too many mindless mobs and few engaging events. But if you're looking for somewhere to just hang out, relax, and farm some berries, this is your map.


    That's all, folks! What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others? Next week, we'll be infiltrating Lake Doric.

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    What's the best-feeling class specialization for slapping things with a greatsword?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:46 AM PST

    I've been struggling coming up with a main character to play and have maximum-level characters of all classes. I finally refined my desired playstyle into "I just wanna hit things with a greatsword," but more than that, I'd like the class to feel fun and damagey. What are some opinions on the best, most fun classes and specializations for smacking things with a greatsword?

    Edit: Thanks everyone, for the advice! I have decided to try Soulbeast!

    submitted by /u/StormGryffen
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    Giveaway Predator

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:02 PM PST


    Hello, I'm going insane and am giving away a Predator (legendary riffle). I will pick one random player in the comment section by tomorrow. I'll take into account only people who will put the nickname of their character in the comment.

    Good luck everyone!



    Check your ingame mailbox and don't hesitate to share a screenshot or two! 😉

    Thank you all for your kind messages and see you soon for (maybe) another giveaway!

    submitted by /u/bigbootyGW2
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    Are you bored of Kiting Qadim on Deadeye? Then this guide is for you - kite on power soulbeast like the cool kids!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:43 AM PST

    Dagger/Torch Power Scourge WvW Roaming Montage :) Something different

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:00 PM PST

    Mysterious Murders In Tyria - Teaser - Guild Wars 2

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Do you think will be an another Legendary PvE Trinket in the end of Champions?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 03:42 AM PST

    LeyLine Boss Event

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I've been doing the Leyline boss event just about every day over the last couple years. After last night's reset, I've tried it three times. The first, I didn't get chest at all. The second and third, I've received a chest from the even, but it hasn't contained a Mystic Coin. Did they alter the event?

    submitted by /u/Rolo_Tamasi
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    Game crashed for DC, came back and won match, got dishonor and no credit.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:59 AM PST

    PvP Conspiracies -

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 04:57 AM PST

    Firstly, let's take this thread as a joke/fun thing, and not descend too much into the salt mines.

    My favourite current conspiracy is that sPvP/Conquest has been "abandoned by the devs" because their Twitch eSports streams never took off and everyone hates Stronghold.

    submitted by /u/ProjecTJack
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    The Commander And Stories

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:29 PM PST

    The Mist War Podcast Episode 2 “Unspoken Rules” of WvW

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:49 PM PST

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