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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Oh no

    Guild Wars 2 Oh no

    Oh no

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    [ART] I drew a few GW2 Meme Templates for you to use

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    To all old or new players who never tried PvP: give it ONE serious attempt - advice from a player who's always HATED PvP.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    I've always hated PvP. Like, really hated it, and avoided it like the plague in every game that had it. So naturally, when I tried it in GW2 in 2012, I was bad at it. Permanent panic, button-mashing, everything on cooldown, and I was invariably annihilated by literally everyone who took a shot at me. And I mean "literally" literally.

    It was a miserable experience.

    I started playing GW2 in beta, pre-launch, and for 8 years ignored PvP after that first attempt. I was a 100% PvE player, with which there's nothing wrong. With the recent influx of new players, a few "GW2 for newbies" videos popped up here and there, and they all stressed how easy it is to get into PvP if that's your thing –go in from level 1, all stats and traits immediately accessible, all skill-based, everyone on the same level, etc.

    So I thought: "How about giving it JUST ONE serious attempt? Just ONE." One week, ago, I did.

    My years of PvE meant I was familiar with my main profession's skills: a Mesmer. I loaded up the godsofpvp.net site and just mimicked their Mirage build. I jumped into an unranked match.

    I won't lie, I was bad. Other players still downed me with apparent ease, I was still panicking, pushing every skill I could, finding myself in the cooldown pit where anyone would make whatever they wanted of me.

    But this time I thought:

    "This is the meta build on that website. Other people have at least some success with this. It cannot possibly be that out of reach for me. If I try again, and again, I must, by force of just trying, eventually get better".

    I decided not to let defeats get to me. I expected them (I still do).

    I adjusted my goals: instead of trying to win, I tried to do slightly better in any way. I focused on 1v1s, which are much less overwhelming. I focused on disengaging more often when I inevitably realized I wasn't going to win that encounter. I memorized which skills would help me escape, and I used them with that purpose. I got a little better at disengaging.

    I thought "OK, so improvement is possible".

    I then came up with a sequence of skills that would allow me to get some quick damage in. Starting off with a daze, so I'd have a 1-second break to get close, and then bursting with attacks and shatters. I failed at first, then slowly started to hit for a portion of the sequence's potential – my fingers just weren't sure what to do – hitting wrong keys, fatally hesitating.

    I started to recognize the "dazed enemy" animation. That 1 second of opportunity somehow felt longer now that I noticed it, and I could process the keys I had to press. I started landing that combo more often, doing more damage.

    After landing this combo, I was still panicking. That was all I had – that ONE combo. Then I would return to button mashing, back to that cooldown hell-hole again, and die. But the person would be at half health.

    Again, improvement.

    Not knowing what to do next, I used my recently acquired disengaging skills. I teleported away behind an obstacle, where I'd often stealth, just to get a breather. In those few seconds, I could think.

    I had reached some sort of calm.

    My first great achievement was that I wouldn't panic as much.

    Slowly, death by death, I could add more parts to my method.

    Using the second weapon, I came up with another burst damage sequence, including another daze or immobilize. I added this second combo to the first one, which I had gained a little practice in. It felt viable – like it would actually produce a positive effect sometimes. I was still in the enemy's melee range when that daze ended, but I had a dodge – why not use that? "Surely they'll try and burst me down immediately after that daze is over. Maybe I can deny them that?"

    Little by little, I was setting up my own methods of engagement. I didn't start winning consistently, but these little improvements were visible and motivating. Repeating these sequences made them more automatic – this freed up some attention and cognitive resources to permanently analyze the situation and react accordingly. I started noticing their blocks (and was able to NOT automatically burst, instead waiting it out). I started anticipating their bursts, as they walked up to me and their character's tiny arms went up, surely casting something meant to harm me.

    I didn't become a good PvP player in a week. I climbed up to Silver (3 of those little marks, I'm sure they have a name), and my match win ratio went up to 50%.

    I die to a lot of people but I don't die to everyone. Sometimes, even many times, I understand what is going on in a fight. I can adapt, escape, come back. Some fights I win, some of those I win easily.

    Now the most important part:

    I am having fun with these little improvements. I'm not doing it for the rewards – I don't even really know what those mean yet. It's the getting better, and the challenge. Playing against other players is extremely challenging, and it has the potential to feel extremely rewarding on its own – gold or no gold.

    Today, I found out that just by playing ranked matches, I'd eventually have enough of whatever stuff you get to obtain a full legendary armor set. And for what? Just playing matches? For having fun? This was great news! I've been playing them for nothing at all!

    Take home message:

    I'm sure there is PvE content that is equally challenging, that requires mastery and gradual improvements, in which all I've said here probably applies. This is not a defense of PvP against PvE (which would be ironic, coming from me).

    But PvP was the thing I hadn't tried. And I wish I had.

    It could have happened that I still hated it; not everyone enjoys the feeling of overcoming a challenge, and in that case it might not be for you. But nothing lost in that case.

    I enjoyed it, and I've opened up a whole new game that I'm excited about, when PvE felt stale some days (my bad, though – the challenges also there, waiting for the day I give them that ONE serious try).

    As a freebie, I'll get legendary armor. In due (long) time, I know, but that's not a problem when you're doing it for the newfound fun you have.

    I urge every new and old player to try it, if they haven't. But remember that PvP is hard, and like every hard activity, it:

    • Requires practice;
    • Implies failing, which is not a bad thing, but simply a part of the process you will have to get through - so expect it;
    • Improves slowly and gradually;
    • Benefits from focusing on one small goal at a time, like any complex thing.

    You wouldn't expect to play the piano beautifully the first time you sat at one. No; you'd understand that it would require everything listed above, and you'd accept failure naturally – with much less frustration. Until you one day nailed that first 30 seconds of a song, and one day the whole song.

    That's what PvP has been for me. I hope this convinces some of you to try it too – maybe you'll hate it. But maybe you'll love it. Don't pass on the opportunity to maybe find something you enjoy - that's just a bad decision.

    Load up a character you're familiar with from PvE, and go die a lot. Try to die slower, when when you do, congratulations! You've improved. Clearly, getting better is something you CAN do.

    Oh, and thieves still make me feel like I've learned nothing. Seriously, that stealth, get outta here. Thanks for that panic PTSD I didn't need.

    Edit: typos.

    submitted by /u/zoejdm
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    Is Anet aware of the dhuum CM exploit ?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    Not gonna explain the bug as it's against sub rules. Pretty sure it's been in the game for a while but now the cat is out of the bag and 4/4 dhuuum CMs i joined last week were using it, and when i made my group people whispered me asking if we can do it. It's getting hard to find a group doing it legit

    submitted by /u/cuddlylilbunny
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    The Commander And Dented Iron

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    What do you love about your class? Help me see the game through your eyes

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    I am getting tired of my revenant and I want a change.

    Although I am mostly interested in PvP and WvW, I would like to hear from all players.

    I don't want to play whatever is strongest in the current meta, I just want to try something that seems fun.

    For that I would love to know what it is you love about your class or build. What appeals to you?

    Give me your little stories. Describe your most memorable fights. Tell me what you like aesthetically or mechanically about the class. Anything you can think of that adds to the "cool factor" of the class.

    submitted by /u/_Enferian_
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    Thinking to Join, can someone expand on End Game

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    I have done my research and I know to some extent what end game in GW2 entails. I define end game as farming the hardest dungeon/raid etc for rewards. There has to be a sense of challenge and definitely communications with your party to make gaming more social for me.

    Fractals and raid that i have read about seem like just my cup of tea. I hail from Neverwinter online, and i just can't let go of its combat. I have a lvl 60 char in FFXIV but the combat is the turning point why i can't play that game. I prefer the hybrid style of tab-targeting and skill shot reliant combat and GW2 seems perfect for me but i really don't want to join an MMO that doesn't have an end game that i am looking forward to.

    My main problem with NW online was that there was nothing to do once you reach end end game and i mean full enchantments at lvl 15 and end game gear. Is GW2 the same, would i get fed up fast from trials and fractals? Can i log in every day or other day and expect someone in the guild will be ready for that fractal or raid? I am also a big fan of speed runs for dungeons or instead of 8 manning a dungeon, 4 manning it xD. Are there scoreboards for dmg dealt or healed in a raid or fractal?

    All the rest of the end game content i.e. pvp, open world pve and fashion are just a bonus but not the defining point for me as to end game.

    submitted by /u/sobi99
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    Expansion features - So 'End of Dragons' will be another story-focused expansion? Do you think it will be different to Path of Fire?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 25 - Cursed Shore

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    Also, before we get to the recap, you should know that I'm currently conducting a survey on map preference. I'm currently still accepting responses - and I'll be publishing the results in a Weekly Map Recap Special article. Get in those responses while you still can!

    25 of 52 - Cursed Shore - Level 80

    We're finally there.

    Cursed Shore is the 'end-game' map of vanilla Guild Wars 2. The only map at launch which had a solid '80' as its level recommendation, it was a source of great speculation in the first days of release. Would we fight Zhaitan first here in the open world, and then in the dungeon afterwards? Would there be a world boss - perhaps a bigger, badder Tequatl? At the very least, surely Cursed Shore would be the pinnacle of open-world challenge.

    This map isn't really any of those things: it has no world boss, it was the game's first farmfest, and it was plagued by map-breaking bugs on release. It is the 'first draft' of what a level 80 map should look like, and in many ways it has the misfortune of being compared to every map released since.

    Theme/Concept - 6

    If Malchor's Leap is about performance and cycles, then Cursed Shore is about life and death. It is thematically appropriate that the gods closest to Arah and Zhaitan are Melandru and Grenth. We could view this as the dragon's claim, in a thematic sense, over the domains of those gods. Undeath makes a fool of both the living and the dead.

    There's certainly thematically appropriate environments and characters - I mean the Source of Orr is here, the Royal Tombs are here, Grenth's Reapers appear here. That's all great stuff that ties into this struggle: the Reaper basically tells us to go take back death from Zhaitan. There are meditations on death by other characters: an outpost running 'immortal' charr for whom living is a great shame. A ghost captain who can't move on.

    Now, I'm not sure the extent to which it is the most compelling theme of the game. By this point, most players will have had more than their fill of Risen. If they felt any real sense of threat - any impending doom that this battle really matters - I'll bet that it wore out before they reached this map.

    While I criticize the implementation of Heart of Thorns' story in many ways, that expac nailed the sense of urgency. Here in Orr, Cursed Shore somehow feels less pressing. Even though we're fighting over death itself.

    Lore - 6

    Cursed Shore has the unenviable position of being the 'front porch' of the City of the Gods. For years, since Guild Wars Prophecies, players had wondered about Arah. What did it look like? What secrets lay within?

    The developers seem to have been focused, with this map, on giving the big cinematic conclusion to the open-world story. That's all as it should be, I think, but it leaves little time for lore.

    There are definitely key lore locations and characters here. As we saw above, the Source of Orr is here - and that counts for a lot. The location where humans first arrived in Tyria is not nothing. The Reaper is fantastic too - and I love Captain Menke the lost norn mariner.

    But compared to Malchor's Leap there's very little real revelation here. We actually received the big Grenth bomb (that he was half human) in the previous map. Melandru doesn't have any particularly interesting lore on this map - which is frankly something that she's kind of always struggled with.

    But oddly there's very little mystery here, either. There's nothing like the golden orb from the last map, or the undead farmers going about their daily routines. Everything is focused on 'the final push to Arah' in this map. That's very appropriate, but the lore suffers for it.

    Design - 5

    We've talked before about the developer ideas for the invasion of Orr. It's clear that during the development process there was a grand sketch of a multi-front battle on land, sea, and air. That servers would need to work together to conquer the temples of the gods and unlock the final dungeon: Arah.

    Very little of that original design remains intact. Cursed Shore seems like the map that would most want the grand interconnectedness of the Straits of Devastation meta. Instead, it has one smaller meta for pushing south, and one for taking the Gates themselves. This second one is long, for sure, but it doesn't have the sense of real phases that we'll see in Dragon's Stand.

    In fact, I want to call out directly how unfair it is to this map that we can compare it to Dragon's Stand. As far as 'the final push to the boss' maps go, that map blows this one out of the water at every level of design.

    The whole concept of needing to work together across maps to open Arah is no longer applicable. Since the implementation of megaservers, the Gates of Arah do not require all of the Temples to be taken.

    So in general, then, the whole map ends up feeling less grand than it should. It doesn't help that the final Risen Wizard boss is A) not a world boss and B) not a dragon. I can think of fewer disappointing moments when I realized that there was no dragon lieutenant on this map at all: especially after seeing them flying overhead for the last three maps.

    Gameplay - 6

    This is not to say that the gameplay on this map doesn't have its moments. For what it is, the Gates event and the Risen boss are strong. They hit hard - though their mechanics are nowhere near the level of any post-launch boss design.

    The Temple metas here are good, as well. They have long chains and the Grenth meta in particular actually has mechanics that players must pay attention to. It is easily the most challenging of the metas - and quite fun - as a result.

    The rest of the map is… fine. Again, it's almost unfair to compare it to a map like Dry Top - which has incredible event variety. There are just so many different kinds of things you're asked to do on that map. On Cursed Shore, that is not the case. All events are 'go here, defend this, loot a couple waves of enemies' unless they're a champion event.

    This is made worse by the map's history with both bugs and farming. Profitable farms of Cursed Shore often rely on counterintuitive and unfun failing of events. It's been that way since launch, and caused many a map chat flame war. That's before you throw in the bugs. Cursed Shore had some of the worst of them - events that were broken essentially from launch that took weeks and weeks to fix. Now that's reasonable from a developer perspective, since they were transitioning to live support for an absolutely enormous video game after having had clearly less time to develop late game maps. But it still made the map less fun.

    There is one jumping puzzle on this map which is, again, fine. It has a neat 'boss' fight at the end, but pales in comparison to either of the puzzles from Malchor's Leap. It also has an explorer achievement which involves navigating underwater in tight spaces.

    Art - 9

    Cursed Shore deserves kudos, I think, for really being different. As far as 'highest level maps' in mmos go, Cursed Shore is artistically distinct. Most final maps tend to be dark and brooding. There's often a lot of fire. We need look no further than GW1's Ring of Fire Islands.

    Cursed Shore isn't that. Instead, it has this fascinating washed-out feeling: like bleached bones washed up on a beach. Everything is limp and dead. It is post-apocalyptic in the best sense. This is another map that would benefit so much from mist weather effects that were developed for Path of Fire.

    And finally, we don't have to worry so much about the lack of verisimilitude in the buildings. This is the front porch of Arah after all - it feels much more natural that everything is monumental and impractical. The Gates of Arah themselves have always looked wonderful.

    Long Term/Retention - 8

    Ah, Penitent Farm. Between August 2012 and November of the same year, the end-game was either Penitent Farm or CoF Path 3. Pick your poison. Cursed Shore was, naturally, for a time the highest population map in the game. As players reached max level they would arrive on this map, see where everyone was gathering (at Penitent Camp), and start farming. I expect that the Penitent Farm is single-handedly responsible for an enormous amount of launch players leaving the game after thinking that this was all the end-game of Guild Wars 2 had to offer. Although we'll talk about this more in a later article, this frustration was compounded by graphical 'culling', magic find gear problems, and 'diminishing returns' implemented shortly after release.

    Since then, Cursed Shore and Orr in general have received a number of updates to improve their playability, stability, and funability. In fact, my understanding is that this map is a strong option if you want somewhere different to go farm some karma and gold. It is no longer top-tier, but it is not the worst option by any means.

    On top of that, Cursed Shore has two temple events which are widely run (Melandru more than Grenth), and access to a dungeon. Put all these things together, and you have a map that - while no longer as living as it once was - keeps going strong in undeath.

    Overall - 6.5

    Cursed Shore is stuck in an unenviable position. As the game's first 'post-80' map, it is destined to be compared to all 26 maps that we'll cover afterwards. As the game's first endgame map, it initially struggled to be anything other than a farmfest. Worse, the farm didn't even really involve the map's meta. Some really striking environmental design pushes the map - but there are some ways that it ends up feeling a little rushed, especially given the bugs on release. The meta - essentially the 'end game' meta - is disappointing. No dragon? Interesting to note that the Melandru meta is most heavily run on this map.


    I'm pleased to announce that next week we'll be taking a short break from maps in order to do a special retrospective article on the Launch of Guild Wars 2.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    Don't forget that survey!

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Guy Flames me in PvP Match

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    So I'm chilling, losing a game of ranked, nothing out of the ordinary. I'm fighting this scourge and someone +1s and kills me. Then he starts taunting me, also the usual.

    Then he whispers me post game calling me a loser and such. So I bet him 10 gold on a 1v1 and he says, nonono, we fight for 100 gold. He keeps messaging calling me a loser and telling me to come fight. So I do.

    We both have pretty bunker builds so we fight for 5 minutes, take a break, he changes his build. I kill him.

    Here it comes. Nono, I was running around too much. If I kill him without running away he'll give me money. Ok.

    I kill him again. He says I must come kill him again.

    At this point I've got a massive smile plastered on my face, and I tell him to be a man and pay his bet. He blocks me and goes to kill some centaurs in Harathi Hinterlands so he can feel good about himself.

    Thank you for listening to my tale. I was really hoping this guy would make my 200 gold 300 but stomping the ego of a trash talker is quite nice.

    submitted by /u/TylerIrith
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    Where are the marshmallows on our sticks? We want our smores!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Where are the marshmallows on our sticks? We want our smores!

    In Bjora Marches, I bought Sweet Campfire Treat and noticed that there are no marshmallows on the end of our sticks. It'd be a nice touch to add them. We want our smores after a long hard day doing META! XD


    submitted by /u/voxanian
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    [suggestion] Mid-rarity unique drops to grind for.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I've been thinking for a long time why I don't find grinding in this game as satisfying as, say, osrs or wow and I think I realized why.

    Every drop in this game is either a super common gear drop that is only useful for mats or an ultra rare 1-in-a-million drop that only people with infinite time or money will get. But there's not really that many medium-rarity drops for players to shoot for. Something for us to get that isn't as good as a precursor, but still desirable to grind for. Maybe some unique skins specific to one monster type that is like 1/500 chance or something.

    If this was added to the game it would make grinding a lot more engaging because of that small chance in the back of your mind for that unique drop. There would actually be a reason to kill monsters aside from collections or as events, and getting a drop would definitely break up the monotony of the unid gear and salvaging loop.

    submitted by /u/JWSoft434
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    Best race/profession for an "adventurer/explorer" themed character?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    I wanna world map complete and help the Tyrian Explorers Society (the guys that send you a mail and some mats and stuff after 100% zone completion) but im not sure which race/character combo to go for.

    Efficiency isnt inportant ,like having mobility, tons of ranged aoe and such. I will be doing jumping puzzles as well as looking for cool looking places for cool screenshots

    The end goal is to finally 100% map complete on a single character, and also craft a legendary or two on the same character.

    So far i came up with:

    • Sylvari/Ranger: The intro does say the character dreams of far off places. Sylvari can be a curious bunch. Rangers are categorised as an adventurer profession. Collecting pets world wide is also a cool perk of being a ranger. Weapons are versatile and thematic for all types of terrain. Even has a torch to light up dark and spooky caverns. Bonus points for HoT sylvari playtrough. Legendary kudzu fits great with sylvari.

    • Norn/Ranger: Romke storyline fits as an adventurer/explorer. I get to meet my own grand-grand-granddad later own as well. Norn cultural armor is cooler than Sylvari imo. Legendary Howler fits great for a Norn/Ranger, Frostfang, Nevermore, Astralaria as well

    • Sylvari/Human/Elementalist: Ele is a scholar, and would fit with priory and T.E.S. and their ranks. I always liked ele staff skills and meteor shower is still my fav skills. Ele has little weapon choice so i could in theory craft a full set of legendary weapons one day. Nevermore staff looks great

    • Human/Thief: A poor homeless human thief seeks odd jobs to get out of poverty.. so he joins T.E.S. and becomes a cartographer / treasure hunter. Will have far more challenge playing as a squishy thief. Stealthing trough jp and mini dungeons and looting chests is super fun. ...however there are no thief legendary weapons i wanna have...simply because i dont like having flashy weapons on a stealthy thief.

    So what do you guys think ?

    submitted by /u/Wolftail18
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    175 Black Lion Chest Results

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Here is the result of me opening 175 black lion chests:

    To note, I took all the BL Statues and exchanged them for the exclusive keys (costing ~50 each, I got around 11 keys!!).


    Items of interest:

    Black Lion Exclusives Chest!!! Woo!! Glyph of Virtue Glyph of Watchknight A LOT of skins : https://prnt.sc/ucngq2

    submitted by /u/cjhorack
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    How are people getting the claimed 30 gold per hour in Drizzle/Dragonfall?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Were these farms gutted (the videos are 2-3 months old)? I'm by no means perfect, but I've done about 10 of each since returning to the game, and, using gw2efficiency farm tracker, I average 10-15 gph and on one outlier run I got 20 in dragonfall. I've also tried it on various characters incase I'd get more tags using different ones.

    submitted by /u/14279854a65s
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    After 3 years of raiding I finally got this bad boy dropped

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Finished up a drawing of my guard!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Looking for an Art Commissions

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    We are currently looking to commission some art work of an in-game character for a friend and open to any and all styles at this point as we are hoping to have a completed commission by late October. Please let us know if you know someone who is open, if not yourself who is willing to take on some work. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/SpitfireFOOL
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