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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 A few backgrounds from the personal story dialogue cutscenes

    Guild Wars 2 A few backgrounds from the personal story dialogue cutscenes

    A few backgrounds from the personal story dialogue cutscenes

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    what goes around, comes around :D

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    "I could outrun a centaur!"

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    First time fighting Thaumanova Anomaly was surprising

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Fanmade Legendary Hammer

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Your least favourite heart quests?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    I know a lot of you hate the ash legion stealth heart in Blazeridge, and that is my number 2 as well, but my number one is the one where you have to catch bugs within a time limit and feed them to cows; the one in Diessa Plateau .

    edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/ugly_moa
    [link] [comments]

    This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    WvW just got a new patch

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    The *Updated* New Commanders Guide to Drizzlewood Coast

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I just wanted to share my updated Drizzlewood Coast (DWC) guide here for everyone to read.

    You can find the old guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/htg4j8/the_new_commanders_guide_to_efficient_and/

    This guide is updated and essentially uses the old guide as a foundation to follow with the new South Meta changes, and I have added new sections for the North Meta.

    I am going to save all the numbers crap from this post though, because the profit fluctuates daily in this meta, but if you want to maximize your profits then make sure to represent Blood Legion and when you get your final box from the reward track take the Blood Legion Charged Lodestones box.

    The North Meta tips and strategies provided are to decrease the overall meta time thus making this meta feel like less of a drag.


    The *Updated\* New Commanders Guide to Efficient and Profitable Drizzlewood Coast

    By [SM] Riku Shinobu.4518

    Hello friends, and welcome to the updated guide for efficient and profitable Drizzlewood Coast (DWC). I am going to go through the old guidelines in this guide and update the areas that need updating. For posterity the new information will be in **Green** and I will be commenting on the changes in the guide based on the changes in the DWC meta. Old information is going to be left in so that you can see where the meta has come from and what tactics are obsolete.

    This guide is to help new players and commanders new to the map learn and understand the Drizzlewood Coast (DWC) meta farm in what I consider to be the most profit oriented approach to the meta so that your coin purses grow. As such this guide is not meant to be a teaching tool for the overall map meta but as a supplement to other guides that are already out. This is still true you need to go out and experience the meta before you follow this guide.


    My approach to DWC has always been to increase the Gold Per Hour (gph) earned during the meta. I have lived in this map since it was released and I have tried different iterations of running the map to see what comes of it. I am still testing new ideas every run to get more information from the map to increase gph even at the risk of lowering a runs profitability; to say that some of these runs have produced horrible results would be an understatement. I have three rules that I follow now as simple guidelines.

    Rule #1: East side = Money

    Breaking down each individual territories rewards from Keep Lord Chests and the Troop Readiness Evaluation rewards it is clear that the east side is the high profit side.

    Vloxen Mine: Ore Petraj Overlook: Wood

    Fort Defiance: Fangs Port Cascadia: Scales

    Leadfoot Village: Bones Lighthouse Point: Totems

    Succeeding across the whole map is necessary for finishing out the meta but setting up the map to give you more rewards from the east side of the map is the idea behind increasing gph. The bar I set for myself when commanding the map is to get as many Lighthouse Point chests that I can get before the readiness bar fills up for the final assault. I'm going to be commenting on this section at the end, but please read the edits for yourself to see where the meta is at now.

    Par Run: 2 Lighthouse chests & 2 Village chests

    Optimal Run: 3 Lighthouse chests & 2 Village Chests

    Par Run: 2 Lighthouse chests & 1 Village Chest

    Optimal Run: 2 Lighthouse chests & 2 Village Chests

    Troop Readiness Evaluation is based on the morale of each based controlled by the Legions, and I achieve my optimal runs by staggering east and west sides so that east side is always the first side to push forward into new territory. How I originally performed this was by staggering the initial escorts at the start of the meta to an east/west approach; starting east side first and then once east side hit the gates running over and starting west side. This is almost impossible to due now due to the amount of AFK farmers and botters that sit on the west side escort start point to leech participation and loot from the west side bull runners. They will always start west side at the beginning of the map and it is annoying. I have been unable to use this method of starting the map off for the last week and because of that we have figured out a way to return the stagger to the sides so that each run will end up with 3 Lighthouse chests. I add this stagger by making sure certain events that affect the morale of Fort Defiance end up failing on purpose so as too delay the escorts on west side, which in turn lowers the amount of morale at the end phase of the meta.

    The event that you want to fail is the Tier 2 Bull escort that starts at Mine and ends at Fort. This event has the least impact to the base so that you don't risk losing it, but it accounts for roughly half the morale of the base. We are still in the middle of testing how much is the optimal amount to fail and right now we are sitting on 3 to 4 bulls, with the potential for more to fail based on how efficient your map is. This gives us enough of a stagger to make sure that Village and Lighthouse ARE NOT captured in the same reward interval (tick) of Readiness.~~

    In order to push East side as fast as possible you need to make sure none of the events fail on the east side. This means that all the Tier 2 Bull escort events that spawn at Petraj need to succeed! I cannot stress enough how important those escorts are to speeding up the morale in Port Cascadia! THOSE BULLS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED SACRED AND HOLY UNTIL YOUR ASS IS SITTING IN LIGHTHOUSE!

    I think it is possible to end the meta with 3 chests of each Village and Lighthouse, and we are still running the maps with this goal in mind but I have not achieved it (at least that I can remember, some of the runs have been a blur because I run this meta so much xD). I will add my speculations at the end of the guide for others to try and achieve this.

    So as you can see a lot of this has been changed thanks to the reduction in readiness "ticks" in the map. The total amount you can receive now is 6, and by the time you get to lighthouse and village you will get only 1 or 2 ticks at that level. The Par run and Optimal runs are only obtainable now with a stagger from East side and West side with East side taking the lead. This stagger needs to be significant and it is easily achievable by waiting to start the West side Vloxen Mine escort until after the East side Petraj Overlook capture event has completed. This should leave you with Petraj capped and rewarding a chest on the first tick and then Petraj and Mine capped on second tick. It is extremely easy now to get your participation up to 150% before you make your Port and Fort attacks, so please ignore the cries of "I need 150% before first tick we should do them both at the same time". You are hurting your profits in this map by not staggering. If you need to make up the stagger later on because someone started West earlier than necessary then you need to fail every bull event up until you assault Village. The map moves way too quickly now to just fail the bull from Mine to Fort.

    I am also going to add that with the new meta the morale build up time in each territory is 3 completed events with their accompanying bull escort events. It goes by very quick, so you need to pay attention to what is going on now in the map.

    Rule #2: War Supplies make Siege

    This rule is a very simple rule, after buying your 15 daily keys from the Quaestor you should be spending your war supply on siege weapons. Specifically you need to be buying the Flame Rams and Catapults. These 2 siege weapons are extremely important when pushing escorts forward and using them WILL SPEED UP THE INFLUENCE DRAIN DURING CAPTURE EVENTS!

    The Arrow Cart and ~~Ballista~~ have very little use in my opinion and you should not be spending war supplies on them. I also do not recommend that you buy more than 15 keys either. ~~At 250 supply each after daily prices, it can be a very quick drain on supply for something with little impact to the map.~~

    Not much new to add here except that the Ballista does now have a very good use in the meta, this part of the guide mainly is detailing South meta and the use for Ballista is in the North meta, but please buy some and be ready to use them every meta when the time comes. Also, keys are more expensive now and the 250 supply is another tier before they cap at 500 supply per key. I do not buy them at 250 still but the choice is up to you whether to buy the extra 5 keys or not. Keys are in short supply right now thanks to the mechanics for how keys are rewarded. If ArenaNet would make it to where every event guaranteed a key then people wouldn't be short.

    Following this rule leads to our next rule…

    Rule #3: Always assault with Remote Charges

    You should always be assaulting bases with the Remote Charge ability! Until the champion spawns you should be throwing them at every building you see around you! Stacking the Remote Charges with the siege weapons that you can use on the map you can speed through the Influence drain of the assault very very quickly. The goal is to have the champion out within 1 minute of breaching the gates into the base. Speaking of breaching the gates, **PUT FLAME RAMS DOWN ON THE GATES!** Running around attacking the buildings with your weapon is going to get you nowhere fast. Remote Charges and siege weapons are intended to break as many structures in as quickly a time frame as you can. Comboing both of these is essential! The influence drain phase of the event can become one of the biggest time sinks in your map (not including weak dps and/or a bad combo on the champion).

    Initial Assault: Remote Charge → → Champion Spawn: Electromagical Pulse

    Once the champion spawns you should be switching to the EMP to make sure that their bars are broken as quickly as possible, so that they die as quickly as possible.

    As an addendum to this rule I will add that if you do not yet have the Remote Charge ability unlocked then keep running EMP but you should be focusing on using siege weaponry to break stuff. Be wary when sitting on a catapult, the enemies seem to have a nose for sniffing out someone sitting on one. If you are completely new to the map and meta then focus on killing elites when assaulting.


    Focus east side, making bulls a priority

    War Supplies = Siege weapons (Flame Ram, Catapult, Ballista)

    Always assault with Remote Charge

    Nothing in this section needs to change, but the new Remote Charge 2.0 ability is amazing. You technically do not even need Flame Rams on the gates now because if you have everyone using this ability then all the buildings are going to be broken really fast. A lot of the decrease in meta time now has been because the influence drain is so much faster now with the faster building destruction. This part can be considered now for newer players to the map who do not have access to either version of Remote Charge and only have access to siege weapons.

    IF you have Remote Charge/2.0 then you need to be running either one of these on the gate/buildings. OTHERWISE follow the instructions above if you do not have these masteries unlocked yet.


    So this part will include some tips that I hope make it easier for you when running.

    Players are generally lemmings and will not follow your instructions. To use an example, whenever I am calling out for players on the map to start escorting the Tier 2 bulls, I will also go to the bulls myself and the lemmings will follow. Once I am confident that enough people are on the event I will head to the next area I am needing to be in. This is still a problem to this day, but it has gotten better with all the lieutenants that I have now. Thanks to them I can make sure at least 1 person is doing what needs to be done around the map. Do what I do and get yourself some lieutenants who can make the job easier on you.

    Escorts with less people will run super fast. I try to limit the assault escorts to 5-8 people so that they are scaled way down and are easily completed. Doing this is like adding a turbocharger to Malice and Efram when they are pushing forward. Speaking of those two, they like to fight, so I always recommend that you run slightly ahead and kill anything on the way before they get close to it.

    This needs to be done with escorts to speed up the map, but generally early on everyone is going to be tagging the escorts for the increased Participation rewards from them. The later escorts will usually see less people on the escort that your tag is not at, which is great because it will complete faster.

    And by the way, with the new Participation rewards, you need to be aiming at 150% participation before the SECOND TICK. This is very possible now thanks to the fact that events reward 30% participation (not the bull escorts they are still only 10%. You can thank the AFK Farmers from the previous meta for that)

    There are events that need to be higher on the priority list than others based on their consequences when failing. I follow this list of priority based on the event.

    Skirmishes > Bombers > Mortars > Balloons > Champions/Cannons > Mines > Recon/Tower

    Skirmishes will actively drain your morale until the event is over. If this event fails you get none of it back! Upon succeeding you get the morale that was drained back plus a boost.

    Bombers will lower morale by killing your NPCs in each base. This is bad. It is not as harsh as skirmish and the same rule applies, fail and you lose it all, win and you get it back plus more.

    Mortars reduces your morale when the shield breaks. The rest of the events just lower your morale when they fail.

    I do not consider the Dominion assaults as events in this list because it is the highest priority!

    1. If you fail this event you LOSE THE BASE!
    2. This event pauses your morale so it is neither raised or lowered by anything.

    This can end up slowing your progression on the map if your forward bases are attacked.

    3) The assaults can and will stack with the other events, so following the priority list will tell you how badly you need to be defending the base. Skirmishes and Bombers stacking with an assault will quickly end up with you losing the base.

    Remind your map that rewards are participation based across the map and that they don't need to be solely focusing on any part of the map. The map should be played as a whole.

    The Keep Lord Chest does suffer from diminishing returns, the readiness chests do not. My personal goal is to be at 150% participation BEFORE the third tick of readiness from the map. It is very possible to do this before the second tick, but I do not recommend it. This is due to it being a pain in the ass to achieve and also the reward increase to this is minimal at best. Best to save the stress and just get it ready before the third tick. Reminder that each tick is 10 minutes of time. This is all crap now, and as I stated above you need to be 150% before SECOND TICK!

    AFK Farmers and botters will mess up your early map meta. It's not that the AFK farmers don't exist, but to get the good rewards in this map you actually have to participate, so that means the lazy people are back at the other metas and they aren't messing with yours.

    Some of the events can be buggy thus reducing the efficiency of your map. All I can say is that when you are commanding you need to just roll with the punches and deal with it. Skirmish events will fail to mark targets which can delay completion, also sometimes if that base is really full the progress from kills will actually be low.

    Having a champion that has the Signaler effect will increase the time it takes to kill it, slowing down your champ train. Champions now also take an increased time to kill thanks to the nerf to EMP. Even with EMP 2.0 from the mastery it is nowhere near as powerful as the original unnerfed EMP was.

    The balloons are really hard to shoot when you are the commander.

    Almost everything in this map is RNG based. Rewards, bases that get assaulted + when they get assaulted, champion abilities during champ train, so don't let a bad RNG run get you down.

    I always ask my squad to call out events on the map so that people can respond to them, almost every event is tied to an achievement so people should be answering them quickly.

    It is a good idea to keep scouts assigned to territories so they can track events and the morale of the base. This is not necessary anymore thanks to how quickly the map runs, you will only be in each territory for about 10-15 minutes before it's time to move to another one.

    Sometimes Malice and Efram will say they are going to move out but they don't for quite a few minutes. They still do this. It is very annoying. They will sit there for up to 3 minutes before moving.

    Vishen likes to bug and stay up above everything, don't jump down until she actually goes down.

    North Drizzlewood Coast Meta

    Alright so let's get to the new North meta and what we can do to speed it up. This meta is definitely a lot slower than the South meta and is actually less rewarding than the South meta, but there are rewards that are locked to this meta that cannot be earned anywhere else. Those rewards are the Otter enrichment + Shards of Jormag's Blood for the Frost Legion Infusion. Both of these are going to require numerous runs to attain (or a lot of gold to buy in the case of the Frost Legion Infusion). Needless to say you can't really avoid this meta because people want to do it. There are a lot of people that weren't doing the meta during the exploit week where you could multi-loot the chest and get your Otter enrichment in 1 day, but you are here for the strategies to increase the speed of this map so let's get to it.

    Camp Event Rotations

    When it comes to the Camp capture rotation follow the baseline rotation of:

    Middle → West → East → North

    This is the most efficient way to run your squad through each of the camps for capturing. When jumping from West to East camp take an air drop over Middle (Canopy Crag) and fly to East, do not run across to East, you're wasting time.

    The events in each camp are on a random rotation, and depending on the events it will speed up or slow down your meta progress. I will break down the events that are going to slow you down the most, as well as the strategies to speed the other events up so that they happen at a faster pace.

    Heavy Artillery: This event is different if it is on the West or East side. West side Heavy Artillery is going to be slower than East side, this is due to the fact that the West side tank is actually driving down the hill or along the lake. The East side tank is sitting nicely on top of a cliff and is easy to deal with. Station some people up on the cliff above the road on West side to grab the EMP Mines that spawn there. EACH BREAK BAR ON THE TANK IS LIMITED TO 1 EMP MINE PER PERSON, so make sure to stack your person EMPs with the EMP Mines.

    Portals and Cannons: I am going to combine these together because the premise is the same. Take out the portals/cannons that spawn around the territory. This event is slow because all the lemmings are going to follow you to objectives instead of SPREADING OUT AMONG THEM. Spread everyone out and this event is super fast, but if no one spreads out then you can expect this event to slow you and your meta efficiency down.

    Prisoners: This event will not actually start until all the Gatekeepers are in place, so if you are running around East because an event hasn't popped then you need to check the prison camps. There is one camp that is the "North" camp where the Blood Tribune will spawn, the other camp is "South" camp and that one is located down the road from North near the edge of the water.

    The gatekeepers will run inside the tents so if you can't find some then make sure to run into the tents. When the Warden spawns he is immune for the first 15 seconds or so, so wait for him to walk to wherever he is going before you waste time fighting him.

    Blowing Up Tents: This event requires that you destroy the tents in either "North/South" camp in East or the tents in North camp. You don't actually need to plant the bombs, just glide over the tent and take a little bit of fall damage and the bomb will blow up. The bomb is triggered when you take damage, so we can take advantage of that and trick the bomb into blowing up without wasting 5 seconds planting the bomb and another 5 seconds of the bomb waiting to blow up. Be careful not to kill yourself here.

    Corrupted Shard/Dolyak Slapper: Okay so these events are easy enough to do, just be warned that the shard will spew out constant chill and damage around it and the Dolyak cannot be slowed down. Try to kill the Dolyak while it is still inside the tent that it spawns in.

    Tribune Fights: Each Tribune has a different mechanic when you fight them, and so each one has to be approached slightly differently.

    Flame: Run into his "Wild Flames" the fire tornado things and they will shoot you up into the air, when you are in the air you get a special action to return the magic to him, spam this and break his bar easier.

    Ash: She will always to a mass stun in front of her before she releases a massive cone attack and expands outwards. Do not stand in front of her, and make sure to have a stun break in this fight or be prepared to get one shot.

    Blood: This is a very simple fight, but he does buff his allies and he hits like a truck, be careful of his aoe attacks.

    Frost: He will drop a line attack down on the ground that does massive damage, do not stand in front of him when he does it. Otherwise the fight is cake.

    Iron: He teleports, drops a huge bomb, and can charge away. Try to keep him contained otherwise you will be chasing him down the bridge or down the road. Whatever direction he tries to go down don't let him, swarm him from the other side and he will use his escape abilities in that direction.

    **Frost Gate Cannons and Siege**

    The next phase is the Frost Gate siege. This one can be very quick or very slow depending on how much your squad is actually following directions. The same play with the Portals/Cannons event is played here, EVERYONE NEEDS TO SPREAD OUT BETWEEN THE CANNONS.

    The cannon locations are West, Central, and East. Generally Central and East cannons will always need more people as everyone waiting at the camp for the next phase to start will just jump down to West cannon and help out there. Make sure that everyone spreads out and you won't have any problems with this part.

    Once the capture phase is done, and the build phase begins, EVERYONE needs to grab a hammer from the toolbox and start building the cannon when the engineer places it down. Watch out for the portals during this phase, occasionally they will spawn on top of the cannon where everyone is building and will jostle everyone around and you won't be getting credit for building even though the animation is still going.

    After that just defend the cannons and destroy the elemental when it spawns. Once you get there then it is time for the Frost Citadel assault.

    Frost Citadel Assault & Ruinbringer Fight

    This part definitely can feel like a drag but don't worry because through trial and error we figured out some things that can speed up both of these parts. They do not warrant their own section because each room inside the Frost Citadel is its own fight, and they all make up the whole, but this is essentially the first half strategies.

    When it comes to the Phalanx lines you need everyone to charge them and spam their CC and EMP's to break their bars. You can also set a line of catapults to fire onto the Phalanx line and help break their bars even faster. You can have a total of 6 catapults close together, so you are limited, but put your catapults up and add them to everyone's EMP's. When you are placing the catapults on the first line, place them before the gate fully breaks, but make sure to face them to the right when facing the gate, the gate is actually side ways and you will turn to the right slightly when it breaks. For the line inside the room guarding the snipers, just set them up far enough back that you can just tap the catapults to fire. **YOU WILL ONLY GET 0 FOR DAMAGE BUT YOU ARE DOING BREAK BAR DAMAGE. DO NOT TURN THEM OR FIRE THEM ON ANYTHING ELSE.**

    **For the fight with The Ruinbringer**, place ballista in the rafters around the room and use them to fire onto the generators to help destroy it. I originally shared the strategy of using catapults and ballista here, **but avoid the catapults**, they are slow to fire and slow to aim. The ballista auto aim and have reduced cd compared to the catapult. I apologize to the people I told to use catapults but that is why we test these things out.

    If you don't want to be on a ballista then you need to be spamming the remote charge on the tank, just make sure to throw it high enough that you can hit the generators hit box. Speedy destruction will see the tank blowing up as it reaches the wall under the mastery point.

    Blood Processors and Frost Shaman

    There are only actually 4 pumps that you need to break, the other one Efram will destroy on his own once he finishes his speech. Make sure not to waste DPS on this pump. Everyone again NEEDS TO SPREAD OUT AND ATTACK EACH PUMP. Once the Golem spawns, make sure to soak up the blood on the floor or everyone is going to fall down a lot. Also spam your EMP's on him, he has a tough break bar.

    The frost shaman can be difficult if you do not soak up the blood from the previous fight, but this is not really an issue in experienced squads.

    Once you leave this room you can completely skip the last Phalanx line by jumping onto the wall where the pipe protrudes and climbing over it. Just run to the gate and get your Remote Charges ready to break the door down. If you want to have some fun then you can fight the phalanxes from behind because they don't get any of their defensive bonuses from behind.

    First/Second Jormag Phases

    There is not much here that we were able to do to speed up these parts. I try to make sure that the cannon scraps are being ran to 1 cannon at a time, but that is not something you can expect to happen reliably.

    When the champions spawn, drag them together to fight all 3 on top of each other. Sometimes the Shaman (Ranged) doesn't want to walk anywhere, so if this happens just worry about the other 2 melee champs being together. This speeds up these fights greatly and gets you on your way.

    Third/Fourth Jormag Phases

    This fight is very simple, but it is time consuming if you are lacking CC and DPS. There is a spot you can stand behind his foot and to the right a little bit that will allow you to attack 2 hit boxes at once, place a mark there and have as many people as you can stand there. You will need healers in this part of the fight to counteract all the cold damage coming out, and stability is a must here as well. YOU NEED TO SPAM CC AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This fight takes forever without good DPS and takes EVEN LONGER WITHOUT GOOD CC!

    When he jumps over to the other side I recommend that you not stand directly under his foot, stand back a bit so that he won't one shot you when he smashes his foot down, or better yet swap to your ranged option. Remember you don't do any DPS when you're downed or dead.


    After that just run around the map to collect the bloods on the ground for a little bit extra profit.

    #1 Tip for speeding up your DWC North Meta

    The #1 tip for speeding up your meta is that you designate people in your squad to run ahead and do "recon" on each of the other camps while the squad is busy in Middle camp.

    Assign about 5-8 people to a sub group and their job is to start at West camp and do all the events UP TO the Tribune fight event. Once the Tribune spawns they need to bail on that camp and run to the next one. Follow the same Camp rotation that is baseline, but they will start at West while the whole squad clears and captures Middle camp.

    This group will be slowed down by the Heavy Artillery event so whenever it pops up I always tell them to bail and move to the next camp. This event takes forever even with the lower scaled hp the tank gets with fewer people.

    The Tribune chests that spawn after Tribunes die are worth little, and as long as you don't need your otter you aren't missing out on anything by doing this. **This is the biggest impact you can have on your meta run and if a speedy meta is your goal then this is what you need to be doing!**

    All the other tips that I listed out for each section of the meta cumulatively add up, but this will have the greatest time reduction that you will be able to notice so if you are only going to do 1 thing then this needs to be it.

    It can be difficult sometimes to find people willing to do this, so having lieutenants with you that can lead this group will be beneficial, otherwise throw people in a sub group and tell them what they are doing. Very difficult I know, but hopefully soon everyone will understand why it needs to be done. No one wants to spend an extra 30 minutes in this map.

    That's all I got this time around for North meta. When it comes to the profit margins, North is definitely worth less than South, but it has rewards locked to it so that's why you do it. It is very possible that you can just infinitely run South meta by jumping out when North meta starts, but you lose out on those meta specific rewards. It's up to you.


    As always you can hit me up on Discord in our server if you have any questions about it, or hit me up in game when you see me running my squad [SM] RIKU'S ROUGHNECKS. https://discord.gg/MZCcK3H

    submitted by /u/Rush5th
    [link] [comments]

    Guild Wars 2 has one of the best designed mount movement systems in the genre. Here are some tricks you can use to make that experience even better.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Support Request deleted three times in a row

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    Following: I have registered my GW2 acc to a email I am no longer using anymore. So I wanted to change it to my new one.

    Because u can't do so yourself u need to open a Support Ticket as described in there support thread. I did so and also got the conformation email.

    Around 12 hours later my request is deleted and I haven't got a reason. So I did it again. And the same stuff happend again, and again.

    Anyone else who had such exerience with the support?

    submitted by /u/NotElonChan
    [link] [comments]

    Real life Cantha

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Highest solo open world dps?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone has ever measured dps of classes for solo open world similar to how snowcrows measures for raids... obviously it's just open world and it doesnt really matter too much but I'm curious what it is.

    What class/spec/build has the highest dps in the game when it is totally reliant on its own buffs and no one elses?

    I've not measured it myself but I would assume the top dps class can hit 25 stacks of might quickly and probably have other significant boon uptimes like fury, alacrity, quickness?

    submitted by /u/coltRG
    [link] [comments]

    [Art] My friend outdid herself with this painting of her beloved charr warrior and I just had to share it

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    New fractal weapons were shown in the trailer

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Pink Day 2020 and Quaggan Waddle 2020!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    How's it going, Tyrians?

    Pink Day 2020 and the 2020 Quaggan Waddle are nearly upon us! Are you prepared to join us in the fight against cancer once more? We're very excited to have you all here!

    If this is your first time hearing about us, we're a group of gamers just like you who genuinely care about making the world a better place. Started way back in the day with Guild Wars 1, we've been working for many years now in furthering the fight against cancer, multiple sclerosis, and more! With the full support of the Arenanet developers, we continue to make a difference!

    On Saturday 19th at 1 PM CDT (NA & EU) we will be having our volunteer meeting for both events! If you are able to volunteer and attend this meeting, it would help us make Pink Day that much more awesome this year! Volunteering isn't necessary to participate in Pink Day though, so don't worry if you are unable to! If you can though, we are always in need of people that can help!

    The 2020 Quaggan Waddle officially debuts on September 26th at 4 PM CEST (EU) and 4 PM CDT (NA). Come and join us along with many others as we march through Tyria and spread the word about Pink Day and the fight against cancer! We'll be starting in Rata Sum, making our way through Metrica Province, and then through the Caledon Forest. We'll then depart and make our way to Lion's Arch, through Timberline Falls, and then finally arrive at Fort Trinity! This event will be livestreamed, so come and join the party!

    On October 19th at 12 PM CDT for NA and EU, we'll be gathering in Lion's Arch to kick off Pink Day 2020! If you aren't on our Discord Server, join us at (https://discord.gg/8V5WCgD) to join in on the fun! Don't forget to also tune in to the GW-EN Radio through https://gamergivingback.org/ as well to keep up with the events! Pink Day 2020 is also being livestreamed by many talented streamers, so be sure to watch out for their streams! We'll be playing a variety of games and be having many events during the festivities, so make sure to watch out for those! There is even the chance to win real life prizes and in-game goodies should you choose to donate towards cancer research, so don't miss out on that! If you are interested in donating, make sure you check out the donation link at the top right corner of our website at https://gamergivingback.org/!

    We have connections to the Canadian Cancer Society, where 100% of the donations go to help further and advance cancer research. We chose the Canadian Cancer Society because of how transparent they are along with the fact that their work is not restricted by national boundaries; they help fund grants all over the world for cancer research! We at Gamers Giving Back keep zero of the donations for ourselves; any expenses that we pay come out of our own pockets.

    Canadian Cancer Society Website: http://www.cancer.ca/en/region-selector-page/?url=/en/

    Gamers Giving Back Pink Day Website: https://gamergivingback.org/events/pinkday/

    Pink Day FAQ: https://gamergivingback.org/events/pinkday/faq

    Gamers Giving Back Discord: https://discord.gg/mhM2GxF

    GGB Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamerGivingBack

    GGB Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gamergivingback/

    GGB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gamersgivingback01/

    GGB Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/team/gamersgivingback

    We really appreciate you taking the time to read this and for taking an interest in Pink Day 2020! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we'll be happy to get in touch with you! We hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/Yvelios
    [link] [comments]

    "Squeeee! We've got company! Hey, bruiser. You see what I see?"

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Meet my friend

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    Canthan Human Appearance Update

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Will humans get new Canthan themed faces and hairstyles with End of Dragons? Like the Elonan appearance update that came out when Path of Fire was released.

    submitted by /u/Count_Robert
    [link] [comments]

    GW2- The Ox's Yoke (01.02.680) Top 5 EU - no exploits except swiftness.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    don't know if it has already been done

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    The Charge - What are the Yellow and Red lights in the sky at the end of the mission?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:04 AM PDT

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