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    Friday, August 7, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Yeah sex is cool but...

    Guild Wars 2 Yeah sex is cool but...

    Yeah sex is cool but...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Unlocking All Mounts - A Guide For New Players

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    On popular demand, I've made a short guide for all the new players, what shows you how to unlock all mounts as quick as possible, Enjoy:-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXqzqsvSljY

    submitted by /u/sankurix
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    The Seven Stages of the Drizzlewood Meta

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    [ART] I drew my #1 problem I had with Skyscale so far

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Update Coming to Drizzlewood Coast Meta

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Reminder that most of us would LOVE to have a rugged cloak/cape or the NPC swimsuit that is already in the game (those sandals aswell!)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Unique engineer dialogue in new story. Cool stuff ANet.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    What's wrong with Anet Support nowadays?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Quite a few days ago, my friend submit a bug through ticket but told by GM to post on Bugs sub-forum. Once my friend post the same thing on forum, he got banned immediately.

    That should be end of the story, until I saw the same thing happend to that_shaman and the comments below, letting me know my friend wasn't the only one. What's wrong with support nowadays, that's insane.

    submitted by /u/FlameFenbi
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    Drizzlewood Cache Keepers should spawn when you take a region, rather than appearing all at the end of the south meta

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    A huge part of the problem with Drizzlewood is that you have a 15 minute chunk of breakneck farming sandwiched between two metas.

    It breaks the flow of the map, it's a point of exhaustion that immediately follows an exhausting boss fight, and it also really sucks for anyone that doesn't have a griffon or skyscale.

    If they made it so the cache keepers spawned in a region immediately after you capture it, they could at least partially address all of those issues.

    1) The assault can continue immediately after Wolf's Crossing, with a 2-3 minute breather for inventory management / whatever else instead of a 15 minute delay, shortening the overall duration of the map.

    2) Players will be in the same region as 1-2 cache keepers after capturing it, making it easier to reach them in time without a griffon or skyscale, and also just making them less exhausting in general by weaving them between other events in the south and making them easier to spot on the map (they always appear nearby).

    3) It rewards progressing a map rather than trying to join just before Wolf's Crossing.

    I feel like this is how the map "would" work if it was originally concepted as a single map with a single overarching goal rather than two separate maps joined together.

    Shaving 12-13 minutes off between the two halves isn't huge, but I think a big part of why people feel so exhausted is because of the cache keeper phase. It's tiring to scan the map for the next keeper, griffon up, dive to it, kill it, and then repeat NINE MORE TIMES in a row before going into another meta event.

    submitted by /u/Tulki
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    PvP duos should only be matched with other PvP duos (LONG). This is an opinion, you can try to change my view if you wish. If you're here to troll you will just be ignored.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    For some reason this sub hates PvP even though it's part of GW2 as much as open world. I mean, it's a permanent game mode. Not even festivals are permanent. I'd love to farm Dragon Bash all year round, but Dragon Bash is temporary. It'll return next year, but unlike PvP, I can't queue for Dragon Bash whenever I feel like it.
    So as some of you know, there's a new PvP 2v2 deathmatch. Previously, there used to be a downtime when ranked climbing was disabled, but now there's a 2-week season before, what I assume, the next 2-month season starts.
    Now before I go any further, I want to EXPLICITLY EMPHASIZE THAT I DO SUPPORT DUOS. Let me say it again. I SUPPORT DUO QUEUE. Because there's bound to be at least one person that's going to read half the title, cherry pick, and tell me I don't support PvP duos. I'm not saying duoing is bad, because it's not. Duoing is some of the most fun I've had in games.
    2v2 is a great idea. The queue times are short, and the games are even shorter. One of my biggest headaches was queuing for 10 minutes. It felt tedious, like I'm wasting too much time just trying to get into a game because 1/10 player kept declining or afk. With duos, there are only 4 players, so games are made much faster because less people have to press accept. 2v2 is genuinely a breadth of fresh air, so good on you ArenaNet. Fast pace, small arena, good elevation for ranged kiting potential so ranged classes don't get completely screwed.
    Now, what advantages does duoing actually offer? First off, duos reduce your chance of getting a troll teammate, unless you intentionally duo with a troll, but then that's on you.
    Second, trust. Would you trust a random teammate to do something risky? No. Would you trust your duo to do something risky? Eh, depends how risky. But already, that's better than being with a random. Duos offer a sense of security, you know that your duo isn't intentionally trying to throw the game. But then again, if you duo with an intentional feeder, that's on you.
    The most important aspect of duo queue is coordination through communication. That's a bigger advantage that most of you might realize, but in a 2v2, being able to tell your teammate what you're going to do and knowing what they're going to do opens a lot of opportunities for plays. Cheese strats, focus fire, trapping, whatever. There are other advantages that I've missed for sure, but I won't list them all.
    If you're not duo, you're left guessing what your teammate is going to do because, in a 2v2 no one is going to waste time typing. If you don't use mic in a duo, that's 100% on you. But in randoms, I can't exactly go on discord and look for my teammate.
    "Uh but you're just bad if you can't win 2v2". I'm not complaining that I can't win 2v2, which is what many of you will think. I don't blame you, that's the easiest conclusion to draw. However, if I can't win 2v2, that's on me.
    I'm advocating for a separate queue apart from solos. A queue for duos strictly. Now, if we had 5v5, I wouldn't mind as much, because a duo would mean 2/5 players are extremely coordinated, but that still leaves 3 randoms. 5v5 also means that I might have a duo on my team. In a 2v2, if both players are extremely coordinated vs 2 random players, well you can see how it's a bit unfair from the start.
    "Uh but you're still complaining about losing 2v2." No, I'm not. If you still think that, then you haven't read anything. Losing is fine as long as its a fair loss due to skill. Losing is not fine in a competitive ranked mode because ArenaNet was too lazy to implement a feature that exists in other PvP arena games.
    "But Apex doesn't have a duo queue only". Apex is a free-for-all with up to 60 players on one map. There's enough randomness and uncertainties to make up for duos and trios.
    Now, duoing isn't exactly a bullet proof way to climb. You can still get punished heavily if you misplay. And actually, you get punished for the mistakes of your duo. Lets say your duo warrior charges the enemy Deadeye. That's not a bad idea, in fact it's pretty common for melees to charge weaker classes. However, your duo severely misplays, thinking Endure pain was on his 8-key instead of his 7-key, and he runs through taking massive amounts of damage without blocking. He gets down, and you're left wondering why you duo'ed with this guy in the first place. All in all, you're punished for his mistake because now it's a 1v2 in the enemy team's favor. But wouldn't the same be true with randoms? In fact, you're punished just as hard, if not more, if your random warrior charges in without Endure Pain and dies. Because this is a 2v2, consequences of mistakes weight more heavily on the surviving player.
    "Uh but why not duo if you complain about duoing?" That doesn't really solve the problem does it? If I duo, and I have, I'm in a PvP guild, I become part of the problem. My whole point was that duos should get a separate queue. If I duo and I play against random solos 90% of the time, I'm going to feel bad for a good chunk of that 90% because the solos were playing from the backfoot before the game began.
    "But if you create a new queue for duos, it'll lengthen the queue times!" That's fair, and duo queue might be punished. But that's how it works in other games. Duo queue inherently have an advantage over solo players, especially in a small team pvp arena. If you're queuing with the intention of having an advantage, you should expect the enemy team to have the same advantage, unless you were looking for an unfair game the entire time.
    "What about smurfs?" Unrelated, but I don't have an opinion on smurfs, Besides, if you ask me, I couldn't tell you the difference between a smurf and a player that just really likes their class without a win-loss graph. So if you lose to a player in a 1v1, chances were that they're just better at their class or practiced more than you.
    "You can't control every aspect of matchmaking." That's true and that's perfectly valid. There's no way to match players exactly based on their skill level, to have a 100% fair match. There's bound to be randomness involved. Which is why we have a ranking system. Now whether the ranking system itself is fair can be argued, but I'm not here to argue that. I will assume that the ranking system is fair, and people belong in the division they are in.
    I welcome opinions. Maybe there's something I'm missing, or maybe my arguments have flaws. I'm not perfectly logical, I'm not a perfect player, there's bound to be something I missed. Obviously I'm going to be biased towards my own opinion, but it doesn't mean you can't change my mind.

    submitted by /u/PositiveIndependent
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    Old gw1 player, starting guild wars 2 question on Elementalist class.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Hey guild wars community members ! ( I'm on phone so I will keep it short so it doesn't endup being a giant block of text with no spacing )

    I played a lot of guild wars 1 during the A days and I now want to jump into guild wars 2. I looked alot about classes and I have a question.

    How hard is elementalist in this version ? I saw alot of information about it being one of the big effort low results class but now ; is it really that hard or is it only complicated if you try to min/max speedrun super hardcore endgame ?

    Lets say my main goal for now is open world and achievements hunting, crafting. Should I begin with another class to learn the game ?

    Tyvm !

    submitted by /u/Tii0
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    So the instance of "A Simple Negotiation" is apparently in Dredgehaunt Cliffs...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Something tells me we're not yet done with the Risen...

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    People who main thief

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    First off please don't spam down votes on this. I'm curious as I'm a thief main myself and looking for some advice, so I'm not new to guild wars, but this account is new(3 weeks) because I gave my old account to a friend when I stopped playing. So I decided on a thief main and was wondering, what would be the best way to get established? And then also does anyone else struggle with survivability in the HoT maps with all the conditions or am I doing something wrong? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/AxecX
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    [ART] beyblade spinnyboi mirage rotation: axe 2. It's all just axe 2.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    ALLCRAFT - Summit1G's opinion on GW2

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Questions about Raids from a Raid-Noob^^

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Hi peeps,

    so, first off, I've been playing GW2 on and off for about 3 years. Played through the campaign and Heart of Thorns and recently completed Path of Fire. I'm playing a Necro with the Reaper spec. Axe and Warhorn.

    However, I noticed, especially in the story missions, that I feel somewhat underleveld^^ Like I keep dying and while most of the time its probably (read: Most likely^^) because I'm a bit of a clutz, I think the issue is that I don't have better weapons and armour. I asked around and most suggested starting raiding or going for the fractals because of legendary weapons that can be gotten there (their info, not mine^^)

    So I wondered. How exactly does a raid work? Does one get paired up with a squad or has the sqad be together beforehand? How is the raiding community towards noobs? Would they be willing to explain or would they just expect me to figure it out/know at once?

    I know, I sound like a bit of a p***y asking this, but I don't want to mess up someones raiding experience, but I'd really like to try it out, if only for the chance at better weapons^^

    If someone could give me a quick rundown on what I should expect, I'd be grateful.


    submitted by /u/RhylenIsHere
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    Does ArenaNet not have the funds to do proper marketing for their game?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    We practically do it for them whenever someone asks what mmo they should play. The way the community got excited by Summit playing Gw2 shows how obscure the game really is.

    If there were a couple of commercials on insta or youtube, maybe we wouldn't need a huge streamer to boost population.

    submitted by /u/mclapperzap
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    Bot users/makers of GW2 (suggested features to improve everyone's experience)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Since you apparently aren't going to go anywhere, can you install a few quality of life features on your bots to make it more bearable for the non bot users in sPvP?

    Here are some (facetious, but please do them, it would improve my shitty experience so much) suggestions:

    1. Have the bots respond to called targets. This could be done as simply as having the bots press T (i think that's the default bind) between ability uses. It would let your human partners guide your bot, possibly increasing (but also likely decreasing) their chance of hitting something relevant.

    2. Have the bots stomp. You already have them programmed to res, but often times they get stuck on figuring out downed states, and there's nothing more frustrating than seeing your AI teammate auto attack a downed state bot while the other real person successfully rezzes them.

    3. Have the bots duo queue together! You're much less likely to get reported if your teammate is an AI too! Plus, the real players on the other side will appreciate your conscientious decision to not saddle a real person with an AI teammate during 2v2 seasons. During 5v5 seasons, please don't duo queue them! It's much more fair if the bots end up on opposite teams.

    4. Use Necromancer bots! I don't know about you, but I have a hard time distinguishing between AI and the average necro player. necro bots just seem to work better. It doesn't really matter to you what class is botting, so go ahead and make a quick necromancer character. Alternatively, dragon hunter is a simple enough class that bots there are similarly indistinguishable from the average human dragon hunter. Have your bots lay down some traps, and your human teammate can sit in them! It gives you an edge over the other bots in the game!

    If anyone else has any more suggestions, add them, and I'll collect them into a master list.

    submitted by /u/medeagoestothebes
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    209 keys and finally got the wings... im happy with them but what a journey... do u think is worth it trying that much? (Im loving my owl fantasy)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    [Question] Is it worth playing on a F2P account?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    As title says. Currently I'm kinda bored, aside from playing The Division 2, I've got nothing to play. Wanted to come back to GW2, cause I remember I quite enjoyed the game back then (reached like 47 lvl or sth). So, with that being said, is it worth playing the game in a long run? I usually like playing alone at my pace, doing some group activities from time to time and some PvP. Is base free game very limiting in terms of content/features?

    submitted by /u/ziomek1602
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