• Breaking News

    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 As always, Google Is never wrong. I don't know what I expected.

    Guild Wars 2 As always, Google Is never wrong. I don't know what I expected.

    As always, Google Is never wrong. I don't know what I expected.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    [ART] Oppt, my devious researcher!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Gw2 auto targeting bug

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    How many of you are experiencing this? Like say your targeting the keep lord with a big Zerg you tab onto him and maybe use a few point click abilities or on press ones, then all of a sudden you are targeting and ally? Messing up your rotations and having to mess around to get back to your intended target.

    I've made a ticket about a day ago so I guess I have a few more days till I get a response. But I really want this bug fixed as it's a core part of the game and I find it difficult to bring myself to play while it's still active

    submitted by /u/Happy_llama
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    The amount of downvoting in this subreddit is getting out of hand - The culture on this subreddit is toxic, fluff-centric and stifles discussion & speculation about the game.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I'm not sure what the moderators are doing, but this is getting out of hand. Are moderators even encouraging this kind of behaviour?

    Never have I seen a subreddit that is so hostile towards discussion or speculation. Not only that, but most of the posts that are upvoted are fluff, and almost discuss nothing of interest. I'm not sure what the admins of this subreddit have to say about this. Are you okey with this toxic culture? If you're not, do something. There are PLENTY of options such as hiding the downvoting button. If you're okey with it, then understand that a lot of conversation is being stifled, and new players trying to have a conversation or trying to speculate on expansions, future story, etc... are being turned off from participating in this community.

    Heck, even I don't really talk on this subreddit anymore, since I always feel like shit when I try to discuss anything that doesn't adhere to the opinion of the brutally hostile & vocal members of the community. I don't understand why this subreddit has cultivated an environment in which you're being treated like shit, just for trying to have a conversation.

    Now I'm not making this post to attack the moderators, or the admins of this subreddit - but I did make it to try to make them more attentive to this issue. For an outsider, this subreddit is horrible. And if you don't agree with this, please ask yourself the following questions:

    • Are you an active member of this community?
    • Do you agree with most people in your community?
    • Would you dare to post a reasonable comment that goes against the opinion of your community?

    Depending on how you answer these questions, you are perhaps not in a position to know how toxic this community is for someone who is not an explicit part of the community. So, again, question for the moderators: are you okey with this? And if you're not, do you even care enough to change this place to become more open & available for discussion that isn't pandering to the vocal part of the community?

    submitted by /u/Igloocor
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    Two of my most favorite games.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 14 - Blazeridge Steppes

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    14 of 51 - Blazeridge Steppes - Level 40-50

    Blazeridge Steppes was one of the first maps in Guild Wars 2 that we got a good look at. It was presented in early footage and demos, most notably at Gamescom 2010 and then in the Manifesto Trailer a short time later. This was really the end of an enormous press and information drought, which had last since the game's announcement in 2007. Although we had received a teaser trailer in 2009, there was very little information available beyond that, until the next year.

    So in many ways, Blazeridge Steppes - at least for me - represents a lot of early feelings that I had about the game in the years leading up to release. The earliest video of the Shatterer arriving to battle was one of the things that shot the hype within the community through the stratosphere.

    We're fully in the 'middle' of the vanilla maps, level wise. Blazeridge is our first level 40 map, and again like Fields of Ruin a number of ideas on this map are core to the game's design ethos and thematic structure. Players seem to be intended to arrive at this map after completing Fields of Ruin - which, as we've noted, is a less common map for leveling unless a character is Vigil.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    Blazeridge Steppes is all about the Brand in a way that only Iron Marches rivals, out of the vanilla maps. This map is where Almorra decides to found the Vigil in the first place, and where Kralkatorrik flying overhead really sets the charr on a path to peace with the humans.

    The first theme, then, is 'holding the line'. Before launch, and in the first book that was released 'Ghosts of Ascalon', the Brand is presented as an impossibly dangerous scar across the landscape. To even walk across it is to invite death. The air and soil is corrupting, causing crystals to spread within you, and the monsters are even worse. So Blazeridge and the Steeleye Span are supposed to represent the Charr Sentinel's best efforts to contain the spread of the Brand and ensure that charr forces can get across it.

    In the end, the idea is definitely there. The dialogue presented and design of the Steeleye Span and the other forts along the Brand make clear that the charr are trying their best to fight this thing. Unfortunately, given how easy the Brand and Brand creatures are in general in vanilla, the idea is robbed of some of its weight. Especially given how easy the 'defend the Steeleye Span' meta events are.

    The second theme on this map is 'frontier' - this map plays with the very little bit that the vanilla game gets into the idea of the Blazeridge Mountains. Presented in pre-release materials as a major component of the regions story, the ogres are supposedly invading en masse after being driven west. They are intended to be foreigners in a way that few other races in the game are. This isn't particularly well communicated. Arenanet's writing of the ogres has always essentially been one note: they raise pets, and I mean they really really like to raise pets. It's never been super engaging. But all the same, the complex relationships between the charr and ogres are represented on this map, and so in terms of thematics it works.

    Lore - 7/10

    As above, in general the lore here for Guild Wars 2 itself is pretty big stuff. The founding of the Vigil is core to the game's story. We also got tantalizing details early on about the relationship between Kralkatorrik and The Shatterer - what is an Elder Dragon Lieutenant, exactly? Is there on Shatterer, or is it several Lieutenants that are all called Shatterer, like the Claws of Jormag? Finally, there's some good information here on the Sentinel's and what they're up to - I've always hated the gemstore armor that they've given them, but their dialogue and interactions are still neat.

    There's some lore from Guild Wars 1 here, as well. Serenity Temple - which has a relatively small ruin you can visit - is a big ruin in the first game right after the Searing. A number of the npcs from that outpost in the first game are ghosts in this one. Additionally, the enormous Searing crystal that is present in this game is also in the first one, and its location isn't too far off.

    Design - 5/10

    Blazeridge Steppes is structured south to north, with the world boss at the central northern end. Exits are three - one to Plains of Ashford, one to Iron Marches (the next map in the Ascalon sequence), and two from Fields of Ruin. The eatern half of the map is largely focused around the different peoples putting pressure on the charr (ogre, harpy, human separatists), while the western half - including the Brand itself - is focused around the threat of the Branded. The top third of the map is divided from the rest by the Great Wall of Ascalon - creating a really well done 'arena' for the Shatterer fight.

    In general, the main flaw of the map has always been the lack of threat within the Brand. While players may sometimes moan about 'lightning strike' type elements in PoF Brand areas, that at least communicates what the lore implies much more effectively. Here, the Brand is sparsely populated by weak mobs. This comes down on both the design and gameplay sides - on a map-wide design level, I wish that the Steeleye Span actually felt like a bridge that players had to take if they wanted to survive. Or that the western/eastern halves of the map felt more separate.

    The good news is of course that we'll see more of that level of risk-taking in the design when we get past vanilla. Maps like Bloodstone Fen would never ever have been produced using the relatively tame vanilla design philosophy.

    Gameplay - 4/10

    That goes for the gameplay, as well. For a map that is all about the danger of the Brand, the Brand never feels dangerous. Before the rework, the Shatterer - for all that it looks great - was a braindead easy fight. In fact, some of the earliest complaints that led to the creation of the Tequatl rework and Triple Trouble fight originated in community concerns about the difference between expectation and reality with the Shatterer. A lot of that had to do with how much hype we had all placed on it in the runup to release.

    Even post-rework, I don't believe there's anyone that would classify the Shatterer fight as successful in the same way as the Tequatl or Triple Trouble fights. The rework was promised as on the same level as those others, and was definitely novel in its use of gliding mechanics in the vanilla game. It actually came out in a large 'feature patch' - something they did occasionally before PoF where they would bundle a bunch of elements together with little new world 'content' per se. Things like achievements, I'm not sure people realize, were hardly present in the vanilla game.

    But as for Blazeridge Steppes, it really feels like it wants to be more of a Tangled Depths-like fight for survival that leads up to a big boss, but it just doesn't come close to that idea.

    The map does have two separate jumping puzzles - a larger one and a smaller. That's a point in its favor.

    Art - 9/10

    Here's where I have no complaints. Ascalon is gorgeous as always, and the Brand has always been one of the best visually-designed environments in the game. Arenanet has always had a strong policy of letting concept art drive design in a number of ways, and the Brand is one of the areas that shows that really well: we can see abstract twisted shapes taking over the landscape.

    The ogre areas as well, I've always been a big fan of. And we can't forget the Shatterer. Despite my complaints, there is no dragon in the game - to this day - that will ever look as cool.

    Okay, one complaint. The Steeleye Span looks cool, but is riddled with holes. It's less a wall or fortress and more of a breezy walkway that opens right into the Brand. That seems… counterproductive.

    Long Term/Retention - 7/10

    Blazeridge Steppes has little going for it besides the Shatterer fight. That said, that's not a small attraction for most players. As we'll see with Tequatl and Triple Trouble, the achievement rewards that come along with the Shatterer fight - and the treasure from the fight itself - are enough to keep lots of people coming every reset.

    Beyond that, though, the only reason players might come here is for the ogre portion of the player story. Or just to look at the gorgeous scenery.

    Overall - 6/10

    Blazeridge Steppes, as one of the earliest maps shown, seems to represent a gap between design and implementation. The theme of the map seems to be that the Steeleye Span is the only fortification capable of breaching the brand - but the meta to defend it is pitiful, and it seems calm at all other times.

    The rest of the map feels relatively similar - interesting ideas, strange execution. The temple to the gods seems like it should lead to a deeper puzzle or secret, but it doesn't. The Shatterer post rework is better, but it would have been nice if that level of polish had been applied to some of the rest of the map.


    That's it for today! Next week, we'll be headed to Dredgehaunt Cliffs. Get ready for blind condition immunity!

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    help. gw2 items

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    http://gw2legendary.com/ is down
    any other page like this? to help me with my items and what i need for my legends?

    thx alot

    submitted by /u/fran_xd_
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    DeadSpecTv, aka Seven, is he gone ?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:28 AM PDT


    Does anyone know what happen to streamer DeadSpecTV also known ans Seven, who was streaming d/d ele wvw roaming for years?

    His Youtube chan still exist but twitch is gone ?


    submitted by /u/kiranslee
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    Connection error with latest Windows 10

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:27 AM PDT


    Today, my windows 10 installation updated to version 20150.1000, and for some reason I am not able to login to GuildWars2 anymore.

    According to support tech forum some other users also had this issue.

    For some reason I am not able to revert back to previous version.

    Anyone have this issue and found a solution around it for connecting to the game?

    submitted by /u/jandersson82
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    Any tips on dragon bash?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    First time on this festival, since mostly by this time. School starts, but hey i graduated already.... And corona kinda made me work at home.

    Soo is there any tips on the most effecient way to do this? I have no idea what events or anything there is...

    For people who say just play the game... My game time is abit limited, with fractal daily i might only be able to squeeze abit of the festival so id prefer if im being effecient on how im doing it.

    And finally going to get the scarlet potion

    submitted by /u/SheepPoop
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    Always feel good logging into this game. Anyone else?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Anyone else, to this day, get family, peace and love vibes from this game? I've been playing five years, been playing other games for all my life, and this game still makes me feel like the developers put love and passion and life into it and always feels good logging in.

    submitted by /u/Naeturefae
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    Starting a new Character after a while, anything I should look to bring over from old character?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:47 AM PDT


    So as the title says I'm starting again on a new character but my inventory from my old character is full. The old character is level 62 and I don't have any expansions. I was just wondering if there was anything I should look out for in it that could be useful to save or keep in my account vault.


    submitted by /u/MagicFridgeMan
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    Elementalist with no attunement

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    How would the playerbase receive an elite spec with no attunement but weapon swap? Say, elementalist gets Arcanist with a different flow and mechanics similar to a Shroud, but totally arcane, while giving up attunements completely. Or any other mechanics for that matter.

    I think that some professions are in need of dramatic changes, not just "building up" on the same core ideas and mechanics. Imagine if the game was around for about 7 elementalist elite specs, all of them having four attunements and rotating much like base game. It does feel kinda stale to me.

    submitted by /u/CrystallineSugar
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    What do you expect from the new mesmer elite spec in Cantha xpac?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    What do i do with unbound magic (for money if possible)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    I found thay magic wrapped bundles arnt worth getting for money, so just wondering what i can do for gold with unbound magic or the lw3 mats like fire orchid and blood rubies. Just wanna know if its cash money to farm the nodes or not ahah.

    Thanks for reading sry if its a dumb questions >~<

    submitted by /u/MyCookieNoShare
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    Sacred Necro Meeting QueensDale Jump Puzzle

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Attention all Necros- We wish to have a formal meeting in the sacred Ritual site known as the QDJP

    you must bring your minions- reapers pref.

    The Goal of this Meeting is to perform the Sacred ritual and crash the server do to our overwhelming power.

    Please post below and join us brothers.

    submitted by /u/marlax67
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    The Commander And Echoes

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Help me come up with arguments to make my friend want to play GW2 again

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    After playing together for the entirety of the vanilla campaign and LW Season 2, she got fed up with the game. I would prefer for us to continue playing together - it's more fun that way. I'll tell you what she likes and doesn't like about the game, so that you will have an idea how to convince her.


    - the looks, graphics and style,

    - the plot,

    - jumping puzzles,

    - (partly) a variety of content, side things like activities, festivals etc.,

    - alternative movement like gliding.


    - difficulty spike starting LW Season 2,

    - unclear game mechanics (she is used to simpler systems like WoW's. I tried to tell her to use guides, but she has, how to put it, limited mental capacities, it's difficult for her to learn stuff that way. She plays elementalist, btw.)

    - lack of housing,

    - lack of stealth mechanics.

    Help me come up with some arguments :). Right now the only one I know I can try is to suggest she makes a new character with different class; maybe she would be better at playing a warrior, ranger or thief?

    P.S. Before someone starts hating, yes yes, I will not insist, she can not play if she really doesn't want to. All I can do is try to change her mind.

    submitted by /u/AnotherSmartNickname
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