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    Sunday, May 31, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Stormcaller Weapons Meme

    Guild Wars 2 Stormcaller Weapons Meme

    Stormcaller Weapons Meme

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Charr really are lazy kitten

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Had to draw my engineer after getting the sabertooth claw for free cus it’s the best boie ever

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    so uh... did anyone else neglect to read the flavor text of the stormcaller weapons before disposing of them?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    New appreciation for GW2 living story

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    During this whole covid thing, I found myself trying out new games. This included ESO and I had a lot of fun, so I pre ordered Greymoor.

    I played through Greymoor and noticed that all of its content is equivalent (or even smaller) than a standard living story patch in GW2. Couple hours of story, 1 new zone etc. this came in at a price of $55 CAD vs what you get free in GW2.

    Anyway, thanks ANet for continuing to deliver quality free updates so often.

    submitted by /u/kaurielorhart
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    Solo Sorrow's Embrace P3 [5:20] | Chronomancer

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Icebrood Saga So Far: A Mixed Bag

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    The Icebrood Saga has just arrived to its half time (at least I suppose so, maybe they will go with 8 episodes in order to gain time to prepare for Cantha) and I have given its pros and cons some thoughts. Mind you, I am no whiteknight nor a rampaging elititst, somewhere in the middle. I bash the game if necessary but I ultimately love it, so let this be a meaningful conversation rather than a heated debate.

    When I saw the annoucement event, I was truly disappointed. They showed us nothing and since the game had already been in a bad state, it seemed like maintenance mode for at least a year. Since then, I somewhat changed my opinion.

    I think Icebrood Saga is among the best in terms of fine-tuning content according to the needs and wishes of the playerbase in the Guild Wars 2 release history. All previous Living World episodes (with some exceptions) suffered from the same issue in my eyes: lack of replayability and lack of incentive to return to maps and missions. It was such a shame because so many times ArenaNet shipped amazing singe player story content bits which will never be played again.

    With the Saga they implemented Strike Missions and for me, they - in part - solved this problem. It is so nice to play through the story and then jump into a Strike with the same environment but with a buffed boss that actually rewards your playtime. I am worried that Raids will disappear but Strikes are a good invention to support the single player aspect of the story episodes.

    The story itself is a big win for me. I like the darker tone. The dense and dark forests where terrors are lurking, the massacred norn, Bangar's frenzy, the Charr civil war, all story bits that are way darker of a tone than the original Vanilla experience. Plus I really like the environment and the ambience of all the maps relaesed in this Saga so far. They are way better than LS4 for me.

    Another big factor why the Saga is successful for me is the rewards. It was one of my main issues with the game that majority of the skins come from the gemstore. They changed this bigtime. We have received 3,5 episodes so far and there are a shit ton of loot you can get by grinding and playing the acutal game. True, certain items has an insane level of drop rate but then again, prestige items are missing from Guild Wars 2 so I don't mind that. Not only the maps drop nice skins but the Strike Missions have also received a nice loot system, similar to Raids.

    With the new map you get a farming paradise, so the new season has given us a Silverwastes 2.0 basically. All in all, I think the episodes of the Saga will be played for a longer period of time than for example LS2-3 episodes or PoF episodes for that matter.

    But where are the cons? Well, I have 2 main issues with the episodes so far. They have said they will implement expansion level features. That has not happened so far, at least in my eyes. And if you ask me, there are chances they will never happen over the course of this Saga. Why? Because they will hold back their punches for Cantha as logic dictates. Secondly, I think the Saga - as most part of the game - is too easy. The new map, Drizzlewood Coast is fun, engaging but almost unfailable if you have brain. I think a bit of a challange would do no harm for the game and the community.

    To sum it up, the Saga is a bigger success than I had been anticipating but it has some work to do to really live up to the promises and its potential. On the other hand, the announcement of the new xpack can change things. I don't think they knew about the expansions at the moment of the announcement of the Saga. It is not a far-fetched thought that they will concentrate more on the xpack rather than the Saga.

    Sorry for the long text. Opinions?

    submitted by /u/Ectopetya
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    Between Two Points (feat. Wikk and Jianmei)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Latency issues

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    The past weeks I've been encountering alot of issues related to how inconsistent my latency is acting up in game.

    Already contacted support and we've been working on a solution, but nothing changed in the end.

    I play from portugal and from the tests done my ping should be around 40 to 50, and I've been getting 80+.

    Is there anything I can do aside from contacting my internet provider to try to resolve this issue?

    submitted by /u/irasha12
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    PvP seems buggy, after that seven people chose a map, I can't join and it's written "match in progress"

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Spoilers for HoT Final battle- I loved this.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Sylvari Commander In the priory seeing their sister again, and being able to stop an elder dragon. Sieran is my favorite of the mentors and that was adorable and made me cry.

    submitted by /u/ukbdesr
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    How would a raider see the defense "I was doing mechanics to help the group so my dps is lower than other dps"

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Title. This may sound an odd question, but as a leader of newly formed raid static(150+li group) I'm really getting headache about it.

    Back story is short. One of our dps wasn't doing well recently in raid, pretty much doing bottom dps of all raid wing encounters. So me and other members went to had a small chat with the person and was hoping if anything we could help and find out the reason why dps was not well these days. At the end of it, the dps was really felt been offended and defended self with the sentence " I had to do mechanic( like sab Canon, sloth shroom etc)for the group, that's why I lost dps."

    Myself never played dps role in raid, I do realise that there could be some dps lost when dps is carrying special role. But in this case, we got other dps also was doing special role, and outdps this person(and they are playing same classes).

    I'm the tank chrono of the static. I have tried thinking this scenario if it was happening to me: If my subgroup boon duration was low, and I was trying hard to tank the boss to ensure that I did not mess up mechanics or die, so I was not doing my rotation but focus on tanking. Was it my fault that I could not give much boons as the other support chrono? I think I would say yes and it's my responsibility.

    But that's just from a support's pov. What do you think, raiders.

    submitted by /u/Deoia_ss
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    A lore discussion - who's the most powerful entity in the multiverse? How about the most powerful BESIDES Elder Dragons and Gods? Do you envision the Commander seeking out new, more powerful allies to take on the last few, growing in power dragons? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    I'd say currently the most powerful entity would have to be Aurene, or perhaps the "Mother" that Kralkatorrik spoke of that seemingly got washed under the rug as the story continued. I remember Kralks description of Aurenes relationship with Elder Dragon magic - how, unlike other dragons where the magic clashes, becomes impure, and corrupts - she stays pure and seemingly builds her power off it. I think that has to signify shes almost destined to become this sole Elder Dragon, being a benevolent omnipresent "watcher" of Tyria once/if the Commander takes care of the remaining few.

    However, the idea of a "Mother" might mean an entity more powerful than the Commander could imagine. Being able to spawn creatures of such power (Elder Dragons) would be insane, considering generally (not always) the spawn of creatures aren't stronger than their creators. I imagine that a final confrontation might be between Aurene and this "mother", who perhaps came to Tyria after witnessing her offspring being - in her eyes - slaughtered one by one by a young, foreign creature paired with lesser beings.

    Outside of Elder Dragons and the Six I actually considered the Raid bosses as being among the most powerful. I'm not super knowledgeable on the entire universe of GW2 and certain individuals power rankings, but the likes of Qadim/Xera/Dhuum (if we arent counting him as a God) seem to be magnitudes larger than other powerful beings I could think of. Perhaps the spirits might rival/usurp them? But looking back on the previous episodes of Icebrood Saga, it seems like the spirits are weakened/diminished due to Jormag feasting on them; the lesser spirits at the very least.

    There are a few notable individuals who hold quite a bit of power: Queen Jennah (I remember the theories of her being the most powerful Mesmer?), Livia, the Commander if we consider their feats, or perhaps past individuals like Lazarus the Dire, the Grand Vizier, etc.? Perhaps the I G N A C I O U S Palawa Joko, but he was bested by the mortal Turai Ossa?

    Interested to hear others' takes on this topic, especially since it seems like theres no "standalone individual" once the Gods/Dragons are factored out (unless I'm missing something).

    submitted by /u/Brawhalla_
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    Which maps are most populated these days?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I'd like to run some open world stuff. Which of the maps released post PoF tend to be run the most and why? Both metas and events/champs count. I tried the Icebrood ones in LFG but there either doesn't seem to be too many people running them or my sample size is badly unequipped to gauge the meta. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/woodpink
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    Further Beyond

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    You can see a bit beyond "no-man's land" on the map at the Pavillion of the Legions. This is most likely part of the map expansion coming in episode 4.


    submitted by /u/CEO_of_Zoomerism
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    just quick opinion: Expensive weapon collections should NOT be REQUIRED to do to finish episode's meta achievement

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    You need to do one of the new weapon sets in order to finish meta. It is the first time in gw2 when we need to spend +100 gold to finish meta achievement. Expensive collections of armor or weapons or things like koda's infusion should be optional, they should count to meta but you should be able to finish meta with other time/work gated achievement's. Thats just my opinion though.

    submitted by /u/Darkolo0
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    [Progress prevented] Event: Gather Intel at Drizzlewood coast bugged

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

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