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    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - March 05, 2022

    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - March 05, 2022

    Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - March 05, 2022

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 05:00 AM PST

    This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


    Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Jade bot cores need to be account based

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 09:17 AM PST

    This is horrible, anti-alt design. Even when prices come down, equipping each of the 20+ character many people have just to be able to use the Jade Bot across your account is a huge time and money sink (not to mention an awkward item juggle since you make them on your jeweler and have to get them to everyone else). It will also discourage the creation of future alts (why should I make a new character and have to spend all this time regrinding for a mastery I already earned?). Not to mention the amount of work you would need to do to get so many to level 10 cores if you want maximum functionality. That's ignoring making chips for everyone separately too (chips should be account unlocks, not items).

    Having it functioning is absolutely essential to do the Dragon's End Meta (you need the zip lines to reach the final area), which is just a further kick in the pants. It forces people to play only certain characters in a very hard meta, whether they are appropriate or not.

    submitted by /u/void2258
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    My problems with this game's approach to balance

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 08:28 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I wanted to start a discussion and voice my criticism on a trend that I've noticed for a long time which really stands out to me and that is Anet approach to balancing, more on the specifics below. Keep in mind that Im writing this from the perspective of someone who mainly does instanced content (Raids, Strikes, Fractals, Dungeons) and also plays solo open world quite a bit, but im sure some if not most of my points apply to WvW and PvP as well.

    Balancing with little foresight

    My first point is that their changes are often massive, but dont take into account the collateral damages it will cause. As an example the change to a lot of skills now targeting 5 people, while potentially interesting, hits some classes way more than others and no adjustments have been made to compensate for that fact. Tempest or Herald were already struggling to gain a place in the meta and were very niche, having 100% Protection uptime on your squad was one of the advantages Tempest had over Druid for example, now with everything being 5-man the advantage is gone resulting in even less reason to take a Tempest, removing options out of the meta. Additionally their skills have been balanced around affecting 10-targets for years, cutting their effectiveness essentially in half is a huge nerf that needs to be compensated for, atleast to some extend.

    Another example is the upcoming change to Banners and Spirits, which is gonna affect Power builds way more than Condi builds (Power loses 100 Power, 100 Precision, 100 Ferocity and 5% damage, Condi loses 100 Condi Damage, 100 Precision and some burning from Sun Spirit - of course they lose the other effects respectively as well but they dont matter much for dps), and while Im speculating here I would almost certainly predict that Power builds will not get compensated for that nerf, further enforcing the Condi Meta. There should be more foresight when making these changes on how its gonna affect classes and the meta and appropriate changes should be made quickly, ideally in the same patch.

    Leaving classes in the dust for years

    Another point is that some specs are 10k+ DPS behind meta classes for years making them unplayable in any instanced content unless you want to grief your squad. Scourge, Staff Elementalist, Spellbreaker, DPS Herald, Scrapper and many more all had time periods were they were absolutely terrible, why isnt this acted upon faster? Why cant they receive some simple number changes so people that enjoy these specs can play them with good conscience? If PvP or WvW balance is a concern then there is a PvE/PvP balance split for a reason.

    Swinging too much in either direction

    Often balance changes are made which affect a class's viability massively, the torment change made scourge meta and overpowered overnight, couldnt this have been foreseen? Staff Elementalist is eradicated in a few patches, never to be seen again. Balance changes should be more delicate in their approach. Players gear their favorite spec, master the spec, fall in love with the spec, spend hours upon hours on the golem to experiment with the spec only for it to be demolished and made unplayable in a few patches or in some cases one patch. I know of multiple people quitting the game just because their favorite spec got nerfed too hard and they couldnt find the same enjoyment in other specs. A lot of frustration could be avoided if balance changes would be more measured in their approach, Id rather have them make small changes over 2-3 patches to find the sweet spot instead of them taking the sledgehammer approach to balance. Related to this is the fact that if Anet ever overshoots or undershoots with a change, youre lucky if theres a followup change. Often times youre SoL and you can be happy if the change gets reverted 6 months down the line, other times the build is just gone for good- see Staff Elementalist.

    Balancing based on benchmark charts

    A minor point but here have been multiple scenarios where a class is nerfed purely based on their ranking in the snowcrows benchmark chart, which shows a worrying lack of understanding of these benchmarks. The most recent example is the coefficient nerf to Tempest's Lightning Orb. What Anet missed is that the benchmark was done Huge Hitbox, hugely inflating the numbers. If anything Tempest needed a buff, instead it received a nerf just because of a high benchmark, which is unrealistic in an actual boss encounter (Just for reference the Huge Golem has a hitbox size of 700, while the raid boss with the largest hitbox (Samarog) has 420).

    Solo/Lowman balance is all over the place

    Solo- or lowman-play is often neglected when balance is discussed even though Id wager to say that players spend most of their time playing in these lowman scenarios and that requires builds to be self sufficient to some extend in their boon, damage, cc and healing generation. Sadly the disparity between specs in these 4 points is huge, even more so than when comparing classes in a squad setting. If you ever tried to solo a Champion as Firebrand and then try the same on a Herald, Weaver or Scrapper (just examples, there are more) you will know what I mean, the difference is massive and players playing those "lesser" specs are basically playing on hardmode. In my experience the viability of a class in lowman scenarios depends on the 4 factors mentioned above, thats why specs like Firebrand, Renegade, Mirage or Illusion pChrono are so potent, they have easy access to Might, huge CC, Quickness and/or Alacrity, Fury and have good sustain/survivability without gimping their damage much, often just needing to swap out a rune or a trait. Of course the damage aspect is self explanatory, if you dont do dmg with all boons in a squad setting youre not gonna do damage in a lowman setting. Every spec should atleast have 3 out of 4 of the above aspects covered to a reasonable extent so they can function on a similar level when playing in a lowman setting. (edited)

    Not taking into account utility and complexity

    I believe its an issue when a class like Firebrand, which has massive utility in their tomes and which can swap in powerful utility skills without losing much dps, does the same DPS as a pWeaver who contributes absolutely nothing to the team, except some CC with Updraft. Furthermore I believe its an issue when a class like Condi Weaver which requires many hours of practice to achieve good results with, does the same DPS as a Condi Scourge which requires a fraction of the effort to achieve similar results. Im not arguing for a massive difference in DPS between a simple and more complex class or a class with no utility and one with high utility, but it should be there. Mightyteapot also covered this topic in more detail if youre interested.

    Managing expectations

    Lastly I want to point out that we as a community get no information on what Anets vision for the game's balance is excactly. What guidelines do they follow when making balance decisions and what goals do they want to achieve with their balance changes? We dont know and frankly, I dont think Anet themselves knows fully, or atleast it seems to change every few months. Some more insight into their changes would be sorely needed so we as a community can understand their vision for the game from a balance perspective.

    submitted by /u/FennecOwO
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    Got the new guild hall and upgraded the tavern for 500g was expecting a huge upgraded building and there is still holes in the wall wtf

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 02:48 AM PST

    A what now?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 09:17 AM PST

    Shit got serious

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 09:43 AM PST

    End of Dragons Open World Builds for all 9 Classes by Vallun

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 04:12 AM PST

    Please let us use it for fishing too!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 05:21 AM PST

    ANET - Can you please upgrade this thing to allow us to salvage a stack of consumables for research pages

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 12:38 AM PST

    Yet another incoherent rant about the final meta event, from someone who does a lot of high level content

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 08:59 AM PST

    After failing Dragon's End for the fifth time, I decided to sit down and really think about how I can be as effective as possible in the fight.

    My friend and I designed builds that were designed to hard carry as much as possible in open world. Rather than taking the normal open world nonsense. I decided to go super try hard. I modified a raid catalyst build to be able to give the equivalent of permanent quickness and might to 10 people while also doing 15k damage. I was going to squeeze every little bit of effectiveness out of my class.

    And it worked! I was pumping out a shitton of boons while also doing reasonable damage. My friend was covering might and fury for another several players while also hitting 18k dps.

    But, to nobody's surprise, we still failed- at the 20% split.

    And the arcdps logs show what the problem is.

    I understand that people aren't always bringing raid builds, but out of this nearly full squad of 50 people, it was rare to see more than 6 people doing more than 5k dps. I was almost always in the top 3, despite being in diviners and pumping out absurd numbers of boons. And, for me, 5k dps is unfathomably bad. It doesn't take a high end raid build to do more; you could do more damage by autoattacking in tank gear.

    This isn't an issue of being unfamiliar with mechanics, or bad fight rng, or anything else. This is an issue of lack of player skill.

    "But it will feel so good when you finally beat it!"

    No, it won't, and let me explain why.

    I'm very familiar with the idea of type 2 fun. In fact, that's most of what I do in this game. I have probably 20,000 deaths, owing to the wvw, spvp, raids and fractal CMs I do constantly. (I have 1.5k LI and 35k UFE so I've played a truly absurd amount of that content.) Dragon's End is obviously supposed to be type 2 fun. You're supposed to spend dozens of hours banging your head against it, and then its going to feel really good when you beat it.

    But look at it from my perspective. It makes sense to feel good about a sense of team accomplishment if you succeed after everyone brings their best to the raid. I've played in plenty of groups where there are varying skill levels, and I'm happy to do my best to push through and do my best regardless if other people are doing slightly worse than me. But when 80% of the players in the group are way below what I would consider acceptable, its really hard to feel good, even if you do beat it after trying so many times. It feels like the main challenge of being this boss isn't actually the boss. Its the other players.

    Sure, I could try to tinker with my rotation and my build so that I do 16k instead of 15k, and give quickness/might to 12 people instead of 10, but why should I have to do this? Why should I continue to strain myself to the limits of my class if the majority of people in the group aren't even autoattacking properly, and they'll get the same rewards if we win? Like, I'm willing to do it a few times, but after a certain number of attempts you can't help but be incredibly frustrated.

    "Type 2 fun" only really makes sense if you have agency in your own failures. And, in this case, it really feels like you don't. Not only is there randomness with how many tails (usually upwards of 10 after this latest patch) and cc bars (usually 1-2, like seriously what the hell) are spawned by the boss, there's also randomness in terms of how good your group is.

    "Type 2 fun" also implies that the system is set up such that the failures don't hurt as much, so its easier to think about the time that you did succeed- which, if you have to do an hour long pre event to be able to fight the boss, is simply not the case. If, when raids were released, there was an hour long pre-event before Vale Guardian before you were able to fight the boss, and you had to do that event between each and every pull, there would be so much more toxicity and frustration. But they didn't do that, because that would have been ridiculous. So why is it acceptable here?

    And the thing is: I am exactly the target audience for this kind of content, and I still hate it. I like hard content and I wish this game had so much more of it.

    Make this instanced content and I'll play it so much. But it doesn't make sense to have this in open world when you can't be selective about who to admit to your party and it takes forever even to get to the boss.

    But for now I'm going to go fishing.

    submitted by /u/ChairYeoman
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    I understand people's frustrations but really?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 12:32 AM PST

    EoD is the best GW2 expansion yet

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 03:54 AM PST

    It takes the best of HoT and PoF. The strike missions are fun and enjoyable. The first two might be a bit undertuned but I have high hopes for the CMs.

    The meta events are actually engaging and fun. Echovald and Dragons End might be some of the best metas in the game.

    Exploration is amazing. There are quite a few npcs which gives you extra lore and context when you interact with them. Love the jumping puzzle with the celestial info in Kaineng ruins.

    submitted by /u/Phantom_Star89
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    There was an attempt to hide her identity

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 09:48 PM PST

    You've got to be kidding me...

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 07:59 AM PST

    It's not much, but it's honest work. Yesterday, while completing some Returt to Achievements, I stumbled upon some afk farmers. Fortunately, there was a champion nearby

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 02:05 AM PST

    Haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, but I really loved the final story battle.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 04:57 AM PST

    Big spoilers obviously.

    I loved the final dragon fight. The revisit of all the previous dragons with their minions, their classic attacks and huge imposing forms.

    I especially loved how powerful I felt yet still in danger. Playing as a weaver I was just pouring out stupid amounts of damage, dodging everywhere, and flying around with the special action key. It made combat even more fluid than usual which I loved.

    Just an amazing job overall!

    submitted by /u/babyyodaisamazing98
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    10% Dragon's End: 1 Breakbar the entire fight, I'm sorry ArenaNet, but what the @#$%?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 10:29 PM PST

    The RNG nature to Boss fight behavior is not fun.

    Doing everything perfect, and then getting completely screwed at 20% with zero break-bars.

    • Going out of my way to use squad-announcements to inform, teach and TRY to CARE.

    Congratulations, ArenaNet, you broke me. This fight is super freaking cool, but the RNG is complete garbage.

    You need the "perfect" run with agreeable players willing to listen, frequent break-bars, less tails and side-switches.

    • I organized the sub-squads.
    • I taught CC via Waystation via Squad MSG.
    • I did calls on EMP 2.0 in Squad Chat.

    Getting a run that fails at 35% with 4 break-bars. Understandable.

    Getting a run that fails at 10% with 1 break-bar. Just... not cool. Super disrespectful to everyone's time.

    The stupid part? I don't give a flying !@#$ about the Siege Turtle. I just want to beat Dragon's End ONCE. Knowing that a bunch of the cooler elite specialization skins are locked behind class-specific Dragon's End wins is salt in an open wound that they're choosing to leave open, and letting players bleed-out.

    The music and the design of the fight; the crystals, the wisps, the tidal waves -- all that stuff is awesome.

    Getting completely screwed out of 2 hours of time definitely /s makes me want to play more Guild Wars 2.

    There's a difference between challenge, difficulty and RNG. Raids are fun because they're fairly formulaic. Same w/ Fractal CMs. You can learn Arkk in Shattered Observatory CM has 100-80, 80-70, 70-50, 50-40, 40-30, and 30-0 phases. You know what to expect. Meanwhile, this boss fight is a freaking mood ring.

    I genuinely feel like ArenaNet stole our victory. The fight not having dedicated break-bar phases is a complete disgrace.

    "It'll feel awesome when you finally beat it!"

    Right now, what feels awesome is logging out of GW2.

    The entire current design of this fight is EXACTLY why endgame content in GW2 has exclusivity barriers put up. You want the fight to be hard, challenging, memorable? Fine. However, you really need to stop and think about what makes an endgame fight fair. Could we have a break-bar to stop a side-switch? Could the boss only move 90 degrees instead of 180? Could a tail be the reaction to a failed CC bar? Design should encourage mechanical proficiency not make a complete mockery of it.

    Right now, Raids, Fractal CMs, Strikes, DRMs, Dungeons -- they feel fair.

    Dragon's End? feels like ArenaNet breaking their own formulas because they got bored. The current Dragon's End is a perfect example of when not to innovate in excess. Many of Anet's innovations are fantastic. They've brought a lot of fun open-world and raid mechanics into GW2 with End of Dragons. You know what's not a huge part of most raid encounters? Slot machines.

    End of Dragons is awesome. Dragon's End, as it is right now, is not so awesome.

    ArenaNet's proposed (and implemented changes) are a step in the right direction, but not great because they're not addressing the underlying issue. In Dragon's Stand, failing at least feels fair. None of ArenaNet's changes address inconsistent boss behavior, tail spawns and movement patterns which are the real problem with this fight.

    Dragon's End feels like deliberately manufactured frustration designed to provide an illusion of engagement. They want people running the map, but what's happening right now is they're tilting players that think, "I'll just run it until I win." Any experienced gamer can relate to that mentality and understand why its toxic. Dragon's End has fun, engaging and unique mechanics marred by extreme inconsistency that punishes the gameplay-effort, preparation and teamwork that it requires.

    submitted by /u/Win_Breakbar_WinGame
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    So much hate that it needed an LFG ad?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 12:03 AM PST

    Fishing Inventory Suggestion

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 03:23 AM PST

    I realize a lot of it is by design, but one of the most off-putting things about gw2 is the amount of garbage that fills your inventory. With the implementation of fishing, and the bait system, it's going to be SO much worse. I propose adding a "tacklebox" that can be achieved from a small fishing collection, or renown heart. It will be a box taking up one inventory slot, that holds all (or a limited amount of each, like material storage) of your bait and lures. The other option could be a separate account wide shared bag slot that can't hold other non-fishing items. I want to play more Guild Wars and less Tetris, please.

    submitted by /u/KaciFace
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    [Cosplay] Never tell me the odds! (spoiler tagged because of a new skin, just in case)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 01:27 AM PST

    Hooking the Leviathan

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 05:01 AM PST

    Arborstone feels... incomplete?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 11:35 AM PST

    Hi there

    Don't get me wrong: I'm enjoying a lot Arborstone and it's secrets, the ambient, the aesthetic, the changes with masteries, but... I mean, it's seems incomplete. Take for example the Command Quarters (picture): like... there is not even a table? A Cantha map for doing commander things? Allies present there? Just... empty?

    The library was a good opportunity to add the books from previous collections but they are not present.

    The zone with the Curator could be used to display statues from our achievements (for example the jade statues of the gods, etc.). Like a museum.

    In the Inn, they can have added the Belcher's Bluff minigame from home instance.

    I don't know... There is a lot of collections to still complete but... I was expecting something like Sun's Refuge but in better. I REALLY expect if we get a Living World Season (or in future patchs) this instance is USED and improved (maybe introducting something related to the collections of draconic legendaries, for example, or if next season is in Cantha as our base of operation). I really wish this is not abandoned same as home instance, sun's refuge or eye of the north. That the instance reflect our progression and achievements, that has changes tied to character achievements.

    Just wanted to tell my thoughts.


    submitted by /u/Auralyon
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    A slow day at the office

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 02:54 PM PST

    my favorite comfort couple, Kasmeer and Jory :)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 02:41 AM PST

    Patch notes out of context

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 01:57 PM PST

    Alert when Masteries are ready for unlocking?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 10:06 AM PST

    Is there an option to enable an alert popup when your mastery is ready for training?

    I keep finding myself wasting XP cause I didn't realize a mastery is ready and waiting for me to spend the points...

    submitted by /u/Medical_Officer
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