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    Monday, February 14, 2022

    Guild Wars 2 This sub recently

    Guild Wars 2 This sub recently

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    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 02:06 AM PST

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Do you need some nice cards to express your love? I got you covered! (I can't post them as the gallery so link to the google drive with individual pics in the comments.)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 06:17 AM PST

    85% of players on GW2Efficiency have never killed a Fractal CM boss. 95% of players with less than a thousand hours of play time have never killed a Fractal CM boss.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 07:31 PM PST


    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 03:15 PM PST

    The Chaos of Fractal CMs; what casual players don't tend to see of them, and why 5-man Fractal CMs deserve a little /something/ extra.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:04 AM PST

    What you don't see are all the bl00pers, messy runs, 1% wipes and chaos. You don't see that the record-clears are the 1 in 100 runs where the stars aligned.

    Most people will never get to the point where they can align the stars for themselves. That's why it's important that Fractal CMs retain something that rewards the individual effort, support, heroism, adventure, teamwork, skill and triumph.

    I'm not saying that it has to be <you know what> but something would be nice. These are the sort of things that you experience when you're newer to CMs. They're also things that are easily forgotten, sometimes seldom appreciated or are made out to be an inferior gameplay experience not worth talking about or remembering.

    Significant portions of the community are at the skill level right now where they can handle multiple veterans on Siax at 66/33. We won't stress over it too much if the newer player didn't go to the right phase-veteran; a win is a win while pugging.

    I actually enjoy messy runs somewhat b/c it provides an additional challenge!

    What you don't see are the long, hard-fought victories against Mama after a rough transition from 50% to 25% and Mama's final Arc Knight. Not having sufficient DPS to push her to 25% means having her invulnerable, in your face harassing your team while you're trying to kill the knight and avoid it's leaps and mama's concentric circle AoEs, flailing arms and left / right slams, and inevitable leap-front into your face if she isn't there already.

    What you don't see are the messy fights at Siax where there's a flak kiter carefully positioning poison in between the 66/33 veterans that spawn (and must die) as part of the phase mechanic at cardinal locations on the sides of the arena. You don't see botched crowd-control break-bars, 3-4 veteran hallucinations from standing in orange circles, or all the conditions via afflicted. You don't see the tiny asura who goes into the phase mechanic at 15% HP yet manages to survive against all odds and take out his vet and rush over to help a less fortunate teammate.

    What you don't see at Ensolysus are the 1 man hero solos of the 66/33 altar phases. You don't get to see people trying their hardest to survive, jump over shockwaves, and cap up to as many as 5 altar/circles to revive their team. You don't see the efforts of 2 players to try to revive an ally and get in the bubble before the arena explodes. You don't get to see Ensolysus doing his arena-wide suck attack or his awkward positioning in long-phases. You often lose 2-3 out of 5 people in inexp Mama fights. Last week, Ensolysus decided he had had enough and had his 15% to 0% phase in the direct center of our bubble!

    What you don't get to see at Skorvald is that he is an absolute mad-man on a mission with a swiss army knife of abilities. He can create shockwaves, solar blooms, teleport, spawn lasers that fear you while you're looking in his direction. He can decide he's had enough of your !@#$ and start doing arbitrary staff charges at you. You don't get to see the fights where the supports made mistakes and a solitary exp DPS has to work the boss down to 0 while managing their dodges, endurance, utilities and damage windows.

    What you don't get to see at Artsari is the arena turned up to 11 with the 66/33 CC phases turned up to crazy-cray levels w/ agony-focused vector like marble attacks everywhere. You don't get to see allies coordinate and catch marbles that otherwise do AoE attacks that nearly cover the entire arena. Everyone dies, except you. You have to be patient, sustain, catch marbles... You don't get to see who took extra CC to help out their team, and you generally don't have time to take care of anyone else! You don't see your allies and friendos that rush to save allies that down on this fight so you can continue trying to get them LNHB that they didn't ask for, but would probably appreciate.

    What you don't see at Arkk is the "random" condition-cleanses from classes like Scourge or Firebrand invalidating what you may have thought of as a "random" fear. What you don't see is the floor dropping out, the temporal anomaly spawning, alongside the green damage distribution circle. Shortly thereafter the floor panels change as Arkk's Red Marble drops down off his head and 10-15s later a Medusa Fear AoE spawns. You don't see anomalies, green circles or multiple orbs being attached (deliberately) to the same person so that allies can handle mechanics. You don't see the ridiculously tight CC windows that result in party-wide nukes. You don't see the player that can't reach the bomb shelter, see's his team precariously low and uses /gg.

    What you don't see at Ai is players that begrudgingly accept that they have to do the storm-phase, complaining that an ally went counter-clock-wise. You don't see players complaining that they have to play condition damage builds or fight for as much damage as possible - supports opting for things like Celestial Firebrand or Condi Alac Ren. You don't get to appreciate the players that delayed or saved their CC skills and took the DPS loss.

    You don't get to think about how awkward rotations and crowd-control usage are for more hybrid dps-support roles when they change in every group proportionate to variable group DPS levels. You don't get to see the skills used to save allies or interrupt vindicators. You don't get to see the random shades dropped or the barrier applied to an ally dangerously low provided them with providence. You don't get to see or notice all the little micro-support that players do for one another in a less optimized run.

    I won't say that Fractal CMs "need" mystic coins (although reduced, rather than eliminated coins would be nice). They do need something. What I will say is that Fractal CMs can be ridiculously chaotic, with all sorts of high-pressure, mechanical skill and precision required when things go awry. They're one of the few places in the game where one-person, in a five man party, can make a game-changing PvE play. I think it's important to preserve and provide an incentive for those type of feats; independent of whether they happen in super skilled groups or less exp groups.

    With enough DPS anything in GW2 tends to become a bit of a joke, but that's one of the final challenges of Fractal CMs, isn't it? Beginning to learn how to align the stars.

    submitted by /u/Mindful_Alternative
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    apparently I'm not allowed to loot that chest

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 03:29 AM PST

    found on the asuran /r/antiwork

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 05:12 AM PST

    Fall damage has caused enough deaths to make it so all three teams have more deaths than kills (1,516)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 11:17 PM PST

    Please make WvW trophies sellable. WvW trophies pile up fast for people who play a frequently.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 03:04 PM PST

    Got a new legendary for my oldest character that apparently celebrates 7 years today. Felt like that screenshot was mandatory.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 11:27 AM PST

    Forming a strike group sucks

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 08:08 AM PST

    If ANET is going to focus entirely on 10man strikes they need to re work the UI portraits.

    I've recently started commanding strikes and forming a group sucks. I completely understand why the LFG is always dead but the second you start a group everyone floods in. It's because no one wants to organize 10 people with a little note pad next to them, trying to keep track of who's doing what.

    Which two of the 4 guardians is the healer and quickness, which scourge is the heal scourge, which warrior is banners, etc.

    What's worse is the portraits and chat use character names and not account names. So if someone volunteers to go another class you have no idea their new character's name, unless you snipe his account name by hovering over it or he says something.

    When someone bails the chat log doesn't say shit. So you got to figure out what you just lost then replace it. No "Joe-blow has left the group" message, they just disappear.

    TLDR: The 10 year old UI is a little out of date. Please fix.

    EDIT: A lot of people are mentioning their Sub Group forming trick. Putting themselves in sub 2, so 1 fills up, take their role and then move them down etc, etc.

    I get it. It's a nice trick and yes I've used it but when you start, the groups have to merge and people will change roles for various reasons or leave and you then need to figure out what's missing and reorganize. It's annoying and it's those moments I just don't feel like putting in the effort for such quick content. It literally feels more difficult than the actual strikes and I believe if ANET were to give us more tools, such as Portrait Icons or something, you would see a lot more Commanders making groups.

    I am also getting people telling me it's easy to figure out what someone is by their buffs/boons or figure out who left by process of elimination and sure but again I don't want to start becoming a detective because ANET refuses to notify me when/who someone leaves.

    Is this lazy? You're damn right it is but this is a video game. I want to relax and enjoy myself, not do extra work because ANET doesn't know how to code their own game or just doesn't give a shit.

    submitted by /u/Chad_Alak
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    The Commander And Ryland

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:15 AM PST

    Raid League Presents: The World Raid Cup

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 01:00 PM PST

    Raid League Presents: The World Raid Cup


    Starting today we're opening signups for Raid League's first ever live event, The World Raid Cup. You wont be playing with your team however, as this event is inspired by the world cup. Each player will sign up individually and be sorted into your country/region based on the number of signups per country (if there aren't enough per country, US would be paired with Canada for example -- we will try and pair/group countries in a way that makes the most sense)

    You do not have to be a Raid League participant to sign up for this event

    There will also be an option to sign up as a captain for your country. If multiple captains sign up, there will be an anonymous vote within your group. Once signups are closed on March 13th, captains will be selected and draft their teams.

    To make it more accessible/easier to practice for, there will once again be 2 separate boss pools (1 pool to prepare for week 1, then the teams that advance will have a 2nd pool of bosses to prepare for.

    The quarterfinal matches are double elimination Best of 5 and we will also be implementing picks & bans (each team gets to ban 1 boss and then pick 1 boss each, the tiebreaker boss will be the exact same boss for every match as it is decided by community donation). The semi and final will both be Best of 5 with CM's being enabled for all bosses in the final. The tiebreaker will be Dhuum CM.

    The first weekend will be April 16th&17, the second will be the following weekend. The normal Raid League schedule will recommence in the first week of May.


    1st Place: 50%

    2nd Place: 25%

    3rd Place: 15%

    (10% will be set aside for future Raid League events)Rules:https://discord.com/channels/612110151243137025/716727240720908351/942554097482092584

    More Info on Format and Dates:https://imgur.com/a/JSJiMtS

    Sign up:https://forms.gle/DbyueDDbRc8A1RzeA

    We do not collect/see any of your personal information other than the information you provide (discord name, IGN, country, captain Y/N).

    Join the Raid League!https://discord.gg/KvbU2QZE

    Our prize pool is community based with some sponsorship from ArenaNet

    If you would like to donate, please send mail to

    R L Rewards 

    or account name


    (Items [specifically mystic coins and ectoplasm] are preferred to avoid gold cap). Don't forget to mention how you would like to be credited (or anonymously if you'd prefer)

    submitted by /u/gw2raidleague
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    Me and my girlfriend wish you all a very lovely valentine's day, that you can all share with someone special!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 02:33 PM PST

    Would love to have fully coloured map and compass as toggleable option

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 10:57 AM PST

    GPU overheated in WvW, got a really cool screen when it finally started responding again.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 02:58 PM PST

    Anet instead of nerfing Fractals, give us Tier 5.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 04:09 PM PST

    Lock it behind EOD if you really want to sell your expansion.

    Fractals was a really smart way to have RECURSIVE content.

    You dont have to create new assets for 'new' content. Just slap in some more instabilities and increase the AR requirement because the agony infusion economy has been shite since the Legendary Armory came out.

    submitted by /u/tokwa_doodles
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    Wiggling up Chalice of Tears as a Choya Piñata

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:38 AM PST

    Map situations of other maps after EoD Launch

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:04 AM PST

    Hi everyone, sorry if title doesn't really make sense.

    I still have ton of things to do regarding season of dragons , skyscale, etc. I didn't catch any of the expansion releases before. So what should I expect from other maps after the EoD launch? I know that people will likely to spend most of their time in the new expac but how does it go normally? Do people still do the metas in other maps? Or how long do you think hype will continue? I am asking because I am trying to decide whether I should rush those achievements.

    submitted by /u/sylvasan
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    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:26 AM PST

    Guild Wars 2 Abridged:Episode 2

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 08:06 AM PST

    Episode 2 of The Guild Wars 2 Abridged series is out! A comedy retelling of the #GW2 Story, in a similar vain to DBZA and other Abridged style takes. Memes, Jokes, laughs all that stuff!


    submitted by /u/TheLazySage7
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    [Repost cause of error, look at comments] A light in the dark + some canthan poetry

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 11:49 AM PST

    Thoughts to improve Raid/Strike Accessibility and Difficulty

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 06:30 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I've been thinking a lot about the whole "get more people into raiding" and "raids are too hard/easy" conversations lately. I put some thoughts in a video and I'm curious what you raiding types would think. My goal was to not add an additional challenge level but to incorporate ideas into the existing Normal and CM modes:


    The tl;dw -
    For Normal Modes

    • Add a training mote that lets a group repeatedly kill a boss without giving progression.
    • Adds additional accessibility enhancements like better on-screen messaging and timers to show when mechanics are going to happen.
    • Add dialog options via the mote to explain the mechanics of a fight so people new to the encounter can understand what's happening without running to the wiki.
    • Add optional modifiers (similar to the training golem) so squads can focus on mechanics or make up for skill gaps.

    For Challenge Modes

    • Add a gambit-like system to increase CM challenge by stacking one or more gambits
    • Ideas for rewards
    submitted by /u/Chickenooble
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