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    Sunday, February 13, 2022

    Guild Wars 2 Time to move on to the new content!

    Guild Wars 2 Time to move on to the new content!

    Time to move on to the new content!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 10:19 PM PST

    I don't care much about MC. The future of Instanced Content is what I care, and its looking grim.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 02:40 AM PST

    This will be a long one but trust me, this whole write up is the core issue that has been plaguing GW2 since release and its expansions. TLDR: Axing your "legacy" content kills player interest in the game long term. 10 man content does not compete with 5 man content. Fix LFG first before you fix rewards.

    Anet, just drop the whole corpospeak, spreading "positive vibes" with "Spreading the love to other content" because we all know what you really did since the game launches.

    What you did is basically taking away "love" and put it on your shiny new stuff. It's not a "spread". I get it. We get it. You want players to do strikes. And it's totally fine if you want to give more MC faucets that compete with other activities. But you don't have to take away rewards from a game activity just to "push" people away into your shiny new thing. Or maybe, "strikes" you made isn't as fun as you advertised, so you had to put everyone in a stockholm syndrome to keep up with the legendary crafting mats grinding. But I think, hopefully might not be the case. I will present some key point why nerfing CM rewards, is a big mistake.

    Competing Activities

    Fractals is a 5 man content, and strikes is a 10 man content. The statics are different. The playerbase (that's tryharding it) is different. The level of "risk" you're undertaking is different when pugging. 1 player that needs to be replaced is easier than having to find replacement 6 players for example. Not to mention, you have to pug on peak hours for 10 man content, vs Fractals that's always available. But I can theorize Anet's fear of taking this action in the first place. Palawadan meta, (and most PoF activities/S4 except Dragonfall/Pinata) is pretty dead. Because it is triggered by event timers, and competes with HoT that just gives out better rewards. But here's the thing, it does not have to compete with Fractals or Raids. You are trying to stop people eating steak, just because you want people to try drink your new juice.

    Mystic Coin Dillema

    Mystic Coin has always been the economy indicators for legendary crafting and most "shiny" items. Reasoning behind this has always been the Gen 2 legendaries that is Mystic Tribute. It has been hoarded, flipped and speculated to make easy gains because of how stable the coin is, and in constant demand as playerbase and content grow. Yeah sure, people would make Mystic Clovers out of it, but MC itself has since gatekeeping people from making Mystic Tribute. Mystic Tribute is the big issue that Anet should tackle. Yet, they had to remove an MC faucet for the sake of marketing EoD.

    5-man content

    Back to 5 man content, Fractals is the last bastion of good, easy to access activity in the game to run a chill instanced content. Ever since you killed Dungeons (which IMO, have better map design and narrative) Fractals is the one stop shop to get your golds, get some lads together quickly and just do stuff. Fractals is also the only consistent gold faucet in the game (encryption). By gutting the top tier challenge of fractals that is CM, you basically kill any chance of new players to get into endgame content, and introducing them to instance content roles (Quickness, Alac, DPS, Heal). Which is exactly you don't want to happen, because you want to nurture Strikes players for 10 man content. 5 man content is also the best platform for these new players to meet good players. Players that might need that another guy to play for their raid statics. Because communication in 5 man party is much more relaxed than a 10 man squad. In a squad level content people just bash the boss and leaves without saying a single word.

    Imagine if a new player asks a veteran. "Hey, do I need to care about CM? Will there be Mystic Coins?". And upon hearing the absymal rewards of hardest 5 man content can offer, they would just pack and leave. Killing the entire activity, even T4 runs and not even bothering putting AR (which is a very big hump for new players to get over) on their gear. Why should they, it's not like they look forward to do Fractal CM with no Mystic Coins (because they want to make Mystic Tribute, not Mystic Clovers).

    New player found out CM has no MC rewards->New player thinks CM is worthless->Zero interest in Fractals and just abandons it->Veterans leave from T4 as it gets stale and zero reason to run CM->Not enough new player to trickle into T4 level pugs->Gamemode ded->Not enough new skilled player into raids/strikes static to be recruited/pugged->10 man content ded->"GW2 HAS NO ENDGAME!"

    Networking and LFG

    As I pointed above, Fractals is the best networking activities ever existed next to event meta timers like Auric Basin and Chak Gerent (and also WvW, but this is an entirely different topic). People would socialize, form groups, and start taking notes of the names of pugs and people around them. See a good player in fractals? Hey, how about we invite them into this little group to run end game content? That is how you form a static, and that's how I get into knowing good players to consistently run CM. It's not rocket science, it's just how a comfy, 5-man content has always work in an MMO. Killing any incentive to play Fractals CM, will kill any need to socialize or participate in Fractals altogether. Now let's talk about LFG. LFG tool is antiquated, and so underwhelming and no changes has been made since it's "refresh". They don't instantly open the correct tab based on your area, and the information of the LFG is so limited the players cannot even find the players they are looking for. If you can't even advertise groups looking for Strikes, there is no point of this reallocation of Mystic Coins. THIS is the main issue of GW2 instance content, the LFG is BAD.

    The LFG is just very badly designed and anti-user, even new players did not know the existence of it to do AB metas. It should have an option to just display all LFG currently running on all activities (like FFXIV), and by default, show the LFG of activity based on your location. If you can't even MAKE the LFG to be accessible for something so simple like timed events, why would you think new players will be able to figure out forming 10 man content?


    I didn't even touch about alt accounts. I don't really care about Mystic Coins or gold per hour, but how you worded the downright nerf out and making it look like a positive thing (even having the audacity to call it "discount" as if we're all illiterates) made me a bit disappointed in the devs and a gloom outlook towards the game's future. You are basically telling everyone to be okay, while you're the one trying the hardest to sink the ship that you have done again and again. I love the game, you can nerf the mystic coins for like 2 MC or even 1 MC for whole CM runs and I would still can rationalize the decision. But having no MC rewards at all on top of upping the Mystic Coin to 2 for a clover, is just a spit to players that have been working on Fractals guides, content, composition and builds.

    Stop making mistakes Anet. But who am I kidding, you will do it over, and over again. I will enjoy whatever EoD has, but I will never preorder an expansion so I can get an exit plan.

    submitted by /u/keramatzmode
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    Now that the flavor of the month is content rewards, I wanna do a shoutout for wvw. Can we has some rewards?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 01:46 AM PST

    wvw players to pve players: "you guys get rewards???"

    submitted by /u/buzzlightyear77777
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    Texture bugs unlock a new level of beauty.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 10:49 PM PST

    A meme for these trying times amongst the CM Fractal community...

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 11:53 AM PST

    Fractal CM's were never about MC's. But if you did them daily, you'd know they were a part of the run.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 12:52 AM PST

    I speak for myself but it stems from experience, so I hope more share this.

    Ill try to explain the experience of playing daily cm's including gold per hour.

    36 gold per hour, if you did cm's in 53 minutes. I think that this is a decent average, for very good players. This will be about 30 gold, for what is considered very hard content. I'll be honest and thought it was much more, 36 gold in times which most people cant reach. At least, for me, I dont think my average was 53 mins.

    In CM's there are only a very few items which could be pinged after a run. You cant ping relics, but everyone got the same amount anyway. And for some reason asc gear has stopped being valuable because you cant monetize armor and weapons.

    However, MC's being rng as they are, had actually the only value you could show off. After 98 you'd check your inventory and ping a good amount. In every run someone will end up with a decent amount, so you ended up with 5 people sharing their MC haul for the day (even when they had nothing to show).

    It was literally that. A mutual agreement since most runs are very quiet, but that one share at the end where cm's were concluded with a smile or a QQ.

    It's like pinging your drakkar's hoard, or teq weapon chest.

    MC's in Fracs were never an issue. They were never montioned by anyone since I joined the reddit, but they somehow removed 1 of the few interactions in CM runs which werent related to clearing it as fast as possible. And I think this is actually a bad change.

    I find it mind boggling that they say it was one of the only play methods of obtaining them, and then just MOVE it to other content, instead of adding them to raids and strikes and balancing the amount over the 3.

    submitted by /u/Smecto
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    Lunar New Year in the Grove

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 10:30 PM PST

    The change to PvE Mystic Coins is a good thing and will make end game experiences better

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 09:44 PM PST

    Here is a hot take in favor of the changes ANet proposed to the Mystic Coin economy. Many people are talking about the death of fractal CMs and how it will make getting Mystic Coins/Clovers worse by increasing their price for weekly rewards.

    But there are several points in which people are glancing over that need to be considered, points that are very important. Let me go through them:

    1. The New PvE Mystic Coin Sources

    Only PvE drops are stated to be changing, therefore we will only analyze PvE sources. Login rewards, PvP, and WvW will not be considered.

    Currently there are 2 PvE sources of Mystic Coins:

    1. Daily Ley-Line Anomaly
    2. Daily T2+ Fractals and CMs

    That's it. If you are gunning for Mystic Coins for your legendary crafting and you only want to run PvE content, these are your only options. You may point out that T2 fractals have a (relatively) low barrier to entry compare to higher tiers, the drop rate is abysmally low. You don't run just T2 for Mystic Coins, you need to do the T4 + CMs if you want a decent chance at any in a given day.

    But the barrier to entry is Massive to reach that point. You need Full Ascended Gear, Agony Resistance, and practice on the fractals to be able to consider running CM Fractals. Unless a new player finds a Fractal guild or gathers a group of friends to learn the CMs with, they will not learn. Public LFGs will not teach them.

    Therefore the only people actually getting the best rewards are those who already learned or take the time to find a community to teach them.

    Now, let's look at what is being proposed in EoD and update our list of sources:

    1. Daily Ley-Line Anomaly
    2. Daily T2+ Fractals
    3. Weekly EoD Strike Missions

    Ley-Line anomaly was not said in the article and daily fractal chests are not being changed. We drop CMs and add EoD Strike Missions. There will be 4 new EoD Strike Missions on launch unlocked through the story. Already this lowers the barrier to entry to any EoD account with a level 80 toon to be able to participate. The difficulty is speculation, but I think it is safe to say how they describe the challenge as "'pass or fail' mechanical checks" that gear and builds will not be a barrier to entry. Any level 80 boosted character can make it through so long as the player understands their class and the mechanics.

    2. But people don't play Strike Mission!

    Strike Missions have only been in the game for 2 years out of however long GW2 has been around. IMO they still have yet to find their place in GW2 content. But the introduction of them directly into the story alone will increase the audience. All other strike missions (with exception of Steel and Fire) are optional content that are barely advertised as such. The more up front they are about existing the more people will want to run them.

    3. But the 10 MC weekly limit!!!

    Yes, the amount of Mystic Coins a single account will get is limited per week. But recall from the previous note: any EoD account with a level 80 toon can earn Mystic Coins via Strike Missions. More people earning Mystic Coins means more of them in circulation. More of them in circulation will bring the price down, and you can choose to buy another player's Mystic Coins for a cheaper price (cheaper than what they are now at least).

    I'll call it now: The price of Mystic Coins will go up as soon as the EoD legendaries drop from all of the people making all of them. After this immediate spike, demand will fall, and the price will settle lower than what it is now.

    And let's be honest:

    4. Only a Small Percent of GW2 Runs Fractal CMs

    To anyone who will question my credibility, I have a fully geared Guardian who can cDPS, cQB, HB and an Alacregade. Every group needs these classes. I can run T4 fractals whenever I want. I have also completed the CMs. But the thing is I don't run them daily. It's not that I can't, I just don't like to. I can't spend 1-2 hours of every day doing a stressful routine on top of my other responsibilities. I can at most commit to doing them weekly.

    Being able to run Fractal CMs daily is a privilege that I do not take because it would drive me mad for just the Mystic Coins.

    This is after clearing all other barriers to entry:

    • Full Ascended Gear
    • 150+ Agony Resist
    • 76+ Fractal Level Minimum
    • Knowledge of CM mechanics

    The people who can run T4 CMs are few. Those who do it daily are fewer. The current PvE Mystic Coin Fractal farmers are the 1% of players (if that) who can and do run it daily.

    Can't do fractals? Looks like it's 5 months of login rewards and daily ley-line for you to craft that one legendary buddy (48 MCs every 28 days minus whatever gold you want to spend on someone else's coins).

    Hot Take: The fact that many high level fractal rewards drop more Agony Resistance and makes it easier to earn Ascended Gear when most of the players running them have no use for them does not make sense. Why is it that the very items that are required to run the content at the level it is a more common reward for is given to the people who need it the least?


    The proposed changes are good and will make the Mystic Coin economy better. More people will have access to earning them and make legendary crafting more accessible. The price of Mystic Coins (after the initial spike in EoD legendary crafting) will drop in response.

    But this is the death of Fractal CMs!?

    Raid CMs have been around for years for marginal loot gains and people still run those. They even added a weekly reward set to incentivize running them more. They're not going away.

    submitted by /u/EMPBomber
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    Attribute combinations visualization

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 06:26 AM PST

    A light in the dark + some canthan poetry

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 03:30 AM PST

    Just achieved Skyscale, my main goal since starting less than two months ago!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 05:05 PM PST

    Why the fractal change is bad and why it has finally pushed me to refund EoD

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 11:38 AM PST

    Before you say 'good riddance' - read. This isn't elitist vs casual, this is Anet deciding skill in this game is irrelevant.

    Firstly, fractals are NOT op in terms of gold per hour. Fast community has done a wonderful website https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily-group to show how much you can earn per hour. This shows the Profit per hour in a DECENTLY good group, is about 40g per hour. Most pug groups will be a lot slower than this, and a wipe will slow it down a lot more. This is also only doable ONCE a day, and depending on group. In most dailies, you won't even be able to do the full hour so in actual profit, including LFG + Downtime is noticeably lower. With the mystic coin nerf, you probably lose 5g~ per run which, on a good day, will probably lose you 7-8g per hour, down to 32g~ per hour. By the way, this gold per hour assumes you have fractal god.

    In comparison, https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/farmtrain we can see here that drizzlewood coast is already better than that, 35g an hour, that you can do all day, on any build, with no prior skill commitment, and also is better for the first time you do it from the achievement commendations you get.


    Now lets look at the commitment -

    In order to do fractals and CMs, you need -

    Full ascended armour, full ascended weapons, full ascended accessories, full +9s and an infused backpack.

    How much does this cost -

    Leatherworking to 400 - 20.7g

    Leatherworking from 400 to 500 - 15.1g

    Leatherworking total - 35.8g

    Armour crafting - 33.5g, 35g, 46.7g, 35g, 41.9g, 39.9g

    Huntsman to 400 - 20.9g

    Huntsman from 400 to 500 - 40.1g

    Hunstman to 500 - 61g

    Weapons (2 axe for example) - 36.8g, 36.8g

    Infusing backpack - 50g

    18 +9s (assuming no weapon swapping) - 72g

    Total gold investment - 524.4g

    This is 524g just to START doing daily CMs + T4. This doesn't take into consideration at all the amount of time investment you need to get good at the game to reach that time, which btw is a very significant amount of time, and also the 230 days minimum needed to get fractal god in order to reach the 32g per hour.

    Requirement for Drizzlewood - 0g.

    Do you see the issue?

    Why would you quit over this?

    Most non-raider probably have no idea who I am, which is fine. I made https://snowcrows.com/builds?beginner=1 to help people into the game and I was a co-commentator on the raid league for a while. I've had personal contact with the PvE Balance Developers and my advice was ignored repeatedly. I've been active in a lot of raid communities in the last year and try to help as many people as I can get into it.

    Anet has made a lot of bad changes over a large amount of time to the endgame of guild wars 2. I am an endgame only player. A lot of players I know are endgame only. A lot of the builds you play from Discretise and Snowcrows are made by people who are endgame only.

    List of the poor endgame decisions Anet has done in the last few years -

    • Nerf fractal CM rewards
    • Make exposed change heavily Condi favoured
    • Adding an internal cooldown to Ashes of the Just (A bad fix to a bad problem - Firebrand)
    • Over buffing supportive-damage (which coincidentally are low skill) builds
    • Nerfed high skill builds
    • No balance patch for 9 months (Leaving Scourge, Firebrand and Ren to be as broken as they are See here
    • No balance patch for 9 months before that balance patch (Leaving Chrono in a completely broken state)
    • Lack of sufficient follow-up to the torment change
    • Boon removal on template swap (Status reset change)
    • No swapping out weapons mid cast (EG Precasting Meteor Shower and swapping mid cast)
    • GGing removing portals
    • Butchering the training grounds (Can't test boon generation anymore)
    • 100cm being a poor fractal CM
    • Time investment into DRMs (This just hurts everyone with how bad they are)
    • Abandoning IBS strikes and releasing very poor strikes (Cold war)
    • Half-assing consumable removal in fractals (Only annoying to use ones are left)
    • Still no fix to unbalanced fractal instabilities, aka Vengeance bug making power rough and No Pain No Gain making power unplayable
    • Probably more I can't think of right now

    Most of these changes just hurt the skill ceiling of the game and DO NOT EFFECT LOWER SKILL PLAYERS! This is just constant kick in the teeth for the higher level players for what feels like no justifiable reason.

    This change was the final straw that broke the camels back for me, they do not care about endgame, and I knew that. I was prepared for no more hardcore content. What I was not prepared for was them making the hardcore content that already exists easier, clunkier and now, less rewarding.

    I will leave these two spreadsheets I was making, but no longer will be working on, for you to appreciate the state this game is in.



    To everyone who will inevitably say 'See you in 1 month' - I hope you enjoy EoD and are happy with what you received, however, I am not Anets target audience, therefore I will not be playing it.

    Thnx and enjoy o/

    Edit: Typos + Fixing Wording

    submitted by /u/MuruGW2
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    Path of Drifting (Roller beetle freestyle)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 01:56 AM PST

    Everything alright bro?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 02:15 AM PST

    Result of Anets attempt to increase the diversity of boon support specs in 10 man content.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 10:05 AM PST

    I have to show off my birthday gift from my sister, Aurene made by u/alexndefo it's amazing!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 11:40 AM PST

    I'm confused how many coins and clover we can get in a week

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 07:23 AM PST

    So, you can get 10 mystic coins a week from strikes exchanging green prophet shards

    You can then get 5 mystic clovers a week from strikes with more green prophet shards? Is that right?

    And then you can get a max of 10 mystic clovers a week from fractals?

    I don't do raids so.im.not sure what about

    Can someone tell me what's what

    submitted by /u/kitchen_groose
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    The typical first World vs world experience

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:42 PM PST

    Suggestion: Replace outdated items in achievement chests (blueprints, experience scroll) with a mystic clover per chest

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 02:55 AM PST

    I'm sure everyone can agree that getting items that are worth than single silver or even unvendor-able trash (scrolls for level 20) is not particularly interesting. It's an obvious vestige from a different time. The chests should be updated. Clearly, the new items should be rewarded retroactively. Otherwise it would really unfair to veterans. However, if the items would be account-bound and appealing to almost everyone, this does not have to impact the economy much.

    My suggestion for a worthwhile replacement are mystic clovers. For example: 2 clover every 500 points, 4 every 1000, 6 every 2500 and 10 every 5000.

    That's 100 clovers every 10000 points.

    submitted by /u/H_Y_P_E_B_E_A_S_T
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    My six year old decided to draw new origin stories for the dragons. Zhaitan: Halloween lollipop, Kuunavang: sour patch kid, Kralkatorrik: too much rock candy, Primordus: rolled around in flaming hot Cheetos, Jormag: in a popsicle, and Mordremoth: in a salad!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 09:17 AM PST

    Complete Verdant Brink to Tangled Depths Hero Point Guide

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:35 PM PST

    Complete Verdant Brink to Tangled Depths Hero Point Guide

    Normally I'd keep this to just my discord and a facebook page, but due to the influx of newer players and pre-HoT vets returning for EoD and needing to prep for it, I made an updated guide on all the hero points from VB to TD to include as many different ways to get to each, mastery points along the way, and more while keeping the knowledge that a lot of newer players are told to go for raptor before gliding in mind. Timestamps for everything.

    -100% Verdant Brink - 100% Tangled Depths

    -Insights and Strongboxes along the routes

    -Solo vs Group

    -Train Commander/Portal tips

    Not every single way to each HP is mentioned, but the ones I use most as a train commander and common ones from others are. If a way you like most isn't mentioned and would like to share, please do! More info means more help to the community! HoT Hero Points Guide


    submitted by /u/NeoAnimeNEM
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    Another beautiful evening in the arms of the crab.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:18 PM PST

    What does Scavenger's Causeway look like?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 02:18 AM PST

    This question has consumed my mind very often since launch.

    What DOES Scavenger's Causeway look like?

    submitted by /u/Anon_throwawayacc20
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