• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 18, 2021

    Guild Wars I hated pretty much every second of it but I finally got Legendary Skill Hunter!

    Guild Wars I hated pretty much every second of it but I finally got Legendary Skill Hunter!

    I hated pretty much every second of it but I finally got Legendary Skill Hunter!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2021 02:30 PM PST

    Signet of Illusion Underworld Smite Crawler farm - anyone tried it / some info on it?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 10:51 AM PST

    So I've decided to start a new LDoA as a Mesmer and am already looking at builds to farm for ectos and obsidian shards for the Obsidian Armour.

    Since I'd like to farm on the Mesmer I've found this build:


    Has anyone tried it and if so, do you have some info on it? Like how is the Killspeed and how annoying can Skeletons become. Maybe even some advice on other locations and builds to farm the underworld.

    Currently I'm farming Smites on an Elementalist with a Fire build that incorporates Stoneflesh Aura. Using a full team to clear the chamber and the way to the wastes. So I'm at least familiar with positioning and patrols of enemies there.

    Thank you.

    Edit: one sentence got cut short.

    submitted by /u/captain_charisma14
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    Uhh Mr. Lich sir??? They are getting away with the scepter..

    Posted: 17 Dec 2021 12:59 PM PST

    Completed Prophecies - Solo Ironman Mesmer

    Posted: 17 Dec 2021 01:45 PM PST


    Back again with a 4th class completing prophecies solo with iron man rules, mesmer: Youtube Playlist. Previously completed this with Elementalist, Monk, and Necro. This completes the "caster" classes. All that's left is ranger and warrior. Ranger is in the works.

    So how was mesmer? It was pleasant. I was able to take the best of each class and use them while still having the strong kit that comes with Mesmer. For example:

    • Lots of knockdowns in Iron Mines? No problem. Go Me/W and bring Balanced Stance.
    • Lots of hexes and conditions in Thunder Head Keep? No problem. Go Me/R and bring Melandru's Resilience.
    • Having to fight two Mursatts at a time in Abaddon's Mouth? No problem. Go Me/N and bring Life Transfer.
    • Too many casters in Hell's Precipice? No problem. Go Me/E and bring Obsidian Flesh.

    Because of this flexibility, I did have to spend a fair amount of gold getting quite a few skills from skill traders and different weapon sets from collectors and go capture a few different elites. But all together seemed worth it. I could do what I felt was the best method to do each and every mission.

    So what was the downside? My unique attribute: Fast Casting. It just isn't all that useful. I had the same feeling with necromancer and soul reaping. It's not an attribute that gives a solo character usefulness. For Necro there are no skills for Soul Reaping in Prophecies and for Mesmer the only two fast casting skills are Elites (Mantra of Recovery and Keystone Signet). At least with Monk I had Spellbreaker and with Elementalist I had a huge reserve of energy to work with.

    As always, big shout out to the solo community. Feel free to join the Solo Discord: https://discord.gg/6jq7tRQY and we're still working on the solo wiki: http://gwsolo.wikidot.com/ (we just got a good template for skills worked out). I got this next week off, so I'll be doing some streams over at my twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serial_experiments where I'll be working on my Ranger/Mesmer. Feel free to drop on by during the week.

    submitted by /u/L4in
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    Unlocking Livia: Shards of Orr [returning player]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2021 05:20 PM PST

    I played quite a bit of GW back in the mid-to-late 2K's, and recently got back into it. Rolled me an Assassin (mostly as a Discord-caller; I'm lazy...), and began working on Factions, Nightfall and Eye of the North at the same time for some diversity and resources (heroes, skills). I'm currently working my way up to unlocking Livia in the Asura quest line, and I'm running into a bit of a snag...

    I get absolutely wrecked as soon as I enter the Shards of Orr dungeon on my way to find Gadd.

    I've tried setting up my heroes as mostly Mesmers for hexes and interrupts, to no avail. Then I tried a Discord variant with pretty much identical results. If the first group of enemies doesn't do me in, the second one will. I literally can't get past them.

    Any tips for hero team setups that could be of service in getting me from Vlox's Falls to Gadd's Encampment?

    I have Nightfall heroes up to about Master of Whispers, plus MOX, Olias and the two from the Norn fighting tournament (forgot their names...); I haven't bothered with Zenmai or Sousuke yet. I don't have an immense wealth of skills (or elite skills, for that matter) unlocked; I mostly have some randoms I liked and a few specific ones (like Discord or Signet of Spirits) I unlocked years back.

    Any and all advice would be immensely welcome!

    EDIT: I retooled my Elementalistst to secondary Smite Monks. Still had a few deaths (mostly bad decisions on my part), but I made it through! Thanks for the tips everyone...

    submitted by /u/Propsken
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    Old player looking to return

    Posted: 17 Dec 2021 07:08 PM PST

    Hello everyone Looking to possibly come back and start playing again And possibly look for old friends I used to run with. My main was a Ranger named Slient Archer (yes silent is misspelled.)

    I miss playing this game I think Anet should do what wow did and remaster GW. Lol.

    submitted by /u/CJ213432
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    GW 600/Smite

    Posted: 17 Dec 2021 07:08 AM PST

    Is there a way to petition Anet to reintroduce 600/Smite? I feel as though this is something that can reasonably be brought back since the game is EOL and there are a tremendous number of bots in the game already. As I'm sure many people would agree, 600/smite was a pretty fun way to clear dungeons and other content. At this late stage in the game, it wouldn't be too awful to bring something like this back. Additionally, it would just be changing the skills back to the pre-nerf interaction.


    submitted by /u/Substantial-Debate75
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    Looking for specific friends that I used to play with

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 10:57 PM PST

    I used to be a part of your guild a while back. We did an insane amount of UW runs, trial and error as to what would work. Did Spider runs, a lot of 600, 55/SS etc.

    MY Character names: Mithril Man/Lust The Brave/Marshal Redwood

    Looking for:

    Raina Bloodmist

    Neocons R Fascists

    The Ending

    The guild has since been disbanded and I'm looking to reunite.

    submitted by /u/Bud_wisser
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