• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 22, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Spending half an hour luring a boss to kill one single Afk-Farmer? It aint much but its honest work!

    Guild Wars 2 Spending half an hour luring a boss to kill one single Afk-Farmer? It aint much but its honest work!

    Spending half an hour luring a boss to kill one single Afk-Farmer? It aint much but its honest work!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 08:24 PM PST

    GW2Radial custom menus - Release: Profession_Skills_0.5

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 10:13 PM PST

    GW2Radial custom menu - Profession Skills 0.5.ish?

    First things first, I am not the creator of GW2Radial, /u/TSP-FriendlyFire is and I am immensely grateful for their work on it. My collection of custom menus would not be possible without this add-on. All kudos to them.

    tl;dr at the bottom.


    A few friends and guildmates in this game mentioned that they struggle with fine motor skills due to arthritis or injuries to their hand(s). While they enjoy the game they've had trouble getting their keybinds ironed out in a comfortable set-up, and due to the lack of per-class keybinds they feel like they have to stick to one class, and/or rebind their keys whenever they switch classes, which isn't very effective in such an alt-friendly game.
    In an effort to help them get more enjoyment out of the game and its myriad of classes/elite specs I wondered if I could create a radial menu set-up to help them navigate their Profession Mechanic Skills (F-Skills) better, meaning that they don't have to re-bind these keys as often, but can rely on a single key to view all their F-skills and and organize their positioning to be consistent (e.g. so Druid's Celestial Avatar can sit in the same on-screen location as Necro/Reaper/Harbinger Shroud, and the same for Specter Shroud)

    This seemed even more important to release into the wild before End of Dragons comes out, since Mechanist and Untamed are adding a few new skills to keybind (Pet/Mech Attack / Return on F6 & F7) and Specter adding a use to previously rarely used keybinds for allied targeted skills (and possibly other classes in subsequent patches).

    shown: Chronomancer | Soulbeast | Elementalist | Dragonhunter

    The stuff:

    • Each class in the game has a custom menu with all* their profession skills listed as unique keybinds, including all available elite specs and End of Dragons Elite Specializations as they appeared in the last Beta.
    • Each class has a hexagonal class icon which does not need a matching in-game keybind. It is there to help orient your radial menu, as well as provide a "nothing" option if you accidentally press the key and don't want to use any of the skills in it.
    • Skill icons come from the wiki whenever possible, matching each bind-able skill, I've added ground targeting markers for skills that need them for easy identification (e.g. Grenade Barrage and Wings of Resolve).
    • Created combined icons for skills that change states (e.g. Soulbeast F1-F3) where relevant.
    • Used unused/rarely used icons for skills that don't have existing icons (e.g. legend-swap).
    • Used generic icons for profession skills that change depending on your build (e.g. pet/beast skills, stolen skills, burst toolbelt skills)
    • *: Apologies in advance for the Engineer set, it was a difficult one to figure out, and choices had to be made to keep the number of keybinds to set up and modify reasonable.
      • There's a generic set of icons for Core toolbelt skills, I tried to make them easy to identify, but am not sure how well I've succeeded.
      • If you are not using the generic icons, you will have to manually make sure the icons match your utility location with the keybind of the toolbelt skill (7-F2, 8-F3, 9-F4) or the visual icon won't align, and thus won't mean anything.
      • Kits each have icons that match their toolbelt skills. (remember to align)
      • Scrapper has a set of icons for each Gyro/Toolbelt combination and one for the Function Gyro. (remember to align)
      • Holosmith has an icon for entering/leaving Photon Forge, nothing else.

    The menus as they appear in GW2Radial

    The Set-up:

    1. Download the latest release of GW2Radial (V2.1.0 or later) from GitHub and install it.
    2. Create a folder called custom in your GW2Radial folder (the path should look like this: Guild Wars 2/addons/gw2radial/custom)
    3. Download the zipped package from my google drive and place the class-specific zip files in the custom folder you've created in the previous step. (no need to unzip the individual class packages unless you want to modify their icons)

    Launch GW2
    It may be worth adjusting your Ground Targeting settings in your general options, but that's personal preference.

    1. press Shift+Alt+M to open the options menu.
    2. Match the In-game keybinds with the ones you've set in your GW2 options (F11), Repeat the bindings for each Elite spec.
    3. Scroll down to Keybinds and check the Enable conditional keybinds box, then set the conditional status to the class you're setting up.
      Example Necromancer Menu
    4. Set up Display Options, Interaction Options and Queueing Options to your liking (or skip them for now)
    5. Scroll down to Visibility & Ordering and hide any of the keybinds you're not using, and order them in a way that makes sense to you.
      e.g. Core, Firebrand and Willbender are unchecked if you're running a Dragonhunter
    6. Repeat this for each class you want to use the menus on.

    Caveats / Disclaimers:

    • GW2Radial is currently not compatible with the DX11 beta, so neither is this package.
    • Any compatibility issues that exist with GW2Radial exist within this package; as this is merely a bunch of pictures and some config.ini files.
    • Multi-boxing with this add-on active is not recommended, things get weird and can visually miss-align.
    • Crashes can (and do) happen sometimes, that's just the nature of addons. Sometimes the game gets confused and throws a tantrum. Nothing I can do about it.
    • Use at your own risk, these files are provided as is, if something breaks, it breaks.

    Other Notes

    • I wanted to release this package before the holiday break so that I can gather some feedback and work out any kinks / before End of Dragons comes out; as well as maybe provide an opportunity for folks to share this with family/friends who may have stopped playing for similar medical reasons as described in the introduction, and it may get them interested in trying the game again.
    • I'm sure I've missed, or messed up some of the icons; please let me know if you find anything off; or if you have suggestions for improved clarity.
    • I plan to move my zip files and instructions to a GitHub repository so they are easier to maintain / update, and make it possible to download only the parts people are interested in, instead of the full package.
    • I've put in a feature request for GW2Radial to expand the options for conditional keybinds to check for which elite spec you have equipped, this would mean automatic icon swaps when you swap build templates. If that's possible and gets added, I'll update this package to include those settings / options.


    I made a collection of custom menus for GW2Radial mapping Profession Mechanic Skills (F-Skills) to the radial overlay, making them accessible for folks with limited hand dexterity and making them visually arrangable on a per-class basis.

    1. Get GW2Radial here.
    2. Get the the custom menu files here.
    3. Install them using the instructions found here.
    4. Set em up using the above instructions ;)
    submitted by /u/whiteaden
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    I just discovered a whole new type of content I never knew before and I overlooked for years

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Map. Meta.

    How is it possible I play this game since launch and I completely missed this type of content???

    I just walked through Verdant Brink and discovered some beautiful village, where frogs and toads live in the treetops. Suddenly, the village gets attacked by some dragon like if we're in a game from 2011. Chaos. I have to extinguish the fire. Then some mofos coming up wanting to convert the frogs to their religion. Then some big toad suggests we troll these mofos by laying some dragon eggs inside their camp so the dragon attacks them.

    This is what made me love Guild Wars 2. Honestly, it felt like in the old times where I leveled my first character. I played so much group content over the years, that I totally forgot how nice it is to "play maps".

    All I ever cared for was the Worldboss Timer. Look how much Meta Events are happening all the time!

    Insane how I overlooked the rest all the time. Crazy!

    submitted by /u/Melbourne_Australia
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    GW2 Dashboards

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 04:02 PM PST

    GW2 Dashboards

    Do you like trading?


    What about event timers? Birbs?


    Fear not Quaggans Amongst Mere Mortals, I have made a site where you can create and customize dashboards. Or things. Sometimes stuff. Synatlas is a dashboard/home page/whatever builder that basically lets you create a page and throw a bunch of widgets on it.

    Available widgets and plugins

    This app is a passion project of mine. No ads, no monetization, pages are free, I just wanted to share it with you all. Feel free to make neat things. If you've gotten this far (roughly 32.33% chance, repeating of course), then I'll go ahead and tell ya what's possible:

    1. Widgets in the first screenshot can be configured to refresh automatically. You also can enable notifications to get notified when you buy and sell stuff.
    2. Currently unlimited pages, tabs, and widgets
    3. Pages and widgets are highly customizable. Size, position on the screen, borders, colors, font styles, background image/color, rounded edges, etc. Also mobile friendly.
    4. Pages can be configured to be public and shared with your amigos. They are private by default.
    5. If you like developing, you can build a plugin using the site's built in plugin builder.

    Example of plugin I created using the Plugin Builder

    Synatlas - https://www.synatlas.com

    Demo page from above - https://www.synatlas.com/chad/gw2+dashboard+demo

    submitted by /u/chad_404
    [link] [comments]

    Which Masteries Are Worth It? A Review

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 12:11 PM PST

    As of today, two months before the launch of End of Dragons, there are a total of 23 mastery lines, costing a total of 366 mastery points from 4 different playable regions and unlocking or enhancing 105 "abilities" for lack of better term. The mastery system has been heavily debated since it was introduced in Heart of Thorns and there has been a lot of talk about how most masteries are not useful. So today I wanted to sit down and see which masteries are actually necessary or even useful, and which ones you'll forget ever unlocking.

    But first, let's clarify what counts as "useful". Most masteries are designed around open world PvE gameplay. If you are a PvP player, you don't need any of this. Likewise you don't need any of this as a WvW player. If you don't raid, you won't even see the Raid mastery line. If you don't play Fractals, you don't need the Fractal line. So this list is largely going to be written from the perspective of someone playing mostly open world, where Masteries will get the most use, but I'll touch on Raids when we get there.

    CENTRAL TYRIA (3 tracks, 13 unlocks)

    • Pact Commander – This track is, in my opinion, a must-have solely for the capstone unlock. Spending 19 mastery points in this line will get you Auto-Loot. Other benefits include more speed in cities, more experience from crafting, the Mentor tag, and the Pact Supply Network agents being available to you. I completely forgot that one of the benefits buffs your revive speed of fallen allies. Full dead please waypoint.
    • Legendary Crafting – This track is only useful if you are crafting legendary weapons. It doesn't have any connection with any other legendary acquisition, and can be completely circumvented if you are making a Gen 1 legendary weapon since the track only affects precursor crafting for those. Not at all necessary to spend 19 points on if you don't want to.
    • Fractal Attunement- This may be a surprise, but not everyone plays Fractals every day. These 11 mastery points only benefit people playing in Fractals (similar to the Dragonslayer masteries for DRMs). Granted, if Fractals are a part of your regular playtime then you definitely want all of these for the extra dailies, extra vendors, extra rewards, extra infusions slots, Mistlock Singularities, and so on.

    HEART OF THORNS AND SEASON 3 (6 tracks, 33 unlocks)

    I'm lumping these together because they all use the same mastery points

    • Gliding – When people talk about HoT masteries the only one that anyone seems to highlight is gliding. It's certainly very useful, but that usefulness has diminished somewhat with how mounts were implemented in Path of Fire. The first 5 unlocks for Gliding can be quite good as you no longer need to worry about Gliding endurance, but the final unlock is Ley Line Gliding. Unless you are a Raider, you can probably skip this one as mounts can be useful to get through almost every area blocked off by a ley line or a friendly Mesmer can bypass them for you. I will note that Stealth Gliding became more useful in places like Drizzlewood Coast where Snipers seem hellbent on shooting you as often as possible. Let's say that 19 points are worthwhile here (or the full 31 if you raid)
    • Itzel Lore – First of all, you need to put 1 point into this line if you want to complete Heart of Thorns. The story will not progress until you have Bouncing Mushrooms. Outside of that, the Itzel vendors are useful for completing collections and legendaries, and poison lore allows you to complete certain events or get to certain other areas of the Jungle. Anyone who has done North Lane of Dragons Stand knows how frequently new players will dye in the mushroom cave because they didn't get Poison Lore. However, it's use barely comes up outside of these scenarios. The Speed and Adrenal Mushrooms are also niche, though Adrenal Mushrooms do take a huge chunk of time off of the cooldown for the White Mantle Portal Device if you have one. Not exactly convenient, but a neat trick. Itzel Leadership isn't really even worth mentioning unless you want an ascended backpack. I'm going to say 3 points are useful here, and the rest can be safely skipped.
    • Exalted Lore- Same as with Itzel, you need to put 1 point into this to complete Heart of Thorns. The vendor unlock is also useful, and in general I'd say getting new vendors is a cheap convenience that will benefit players overall. But the rest of the unlocks in this line are hardly worth getting. I know people kill the Tarnished Traitor every time they do Tarir, but it's just one chest. There's 26 more in the city that you can get. And you can buy Auric slivers for cheap on the trading post. Just spend 3 points here.
    • Nuhock Lore- This one's a bit tricky. Again, spend 1 point here to complete Hearth of Thorns, and unlocking the vendor is useful. But this time they bury the vendor mastery 6 points in instead of 3, and after that comes Stealth Detection. There's plenty of enemies (and a few treasure mushrooms) that go invisible frequently in the jungle and nothing hurts more than dying to an enemy you can't see. I am not certain how to rate Nuhoch Alchemy because the Chak aren't as much of nuisance as they used to be thanks to mounts, but the Chak goop is still pretty dangerous if it stacks up on you. I'd say that 11 points are useful from this line, but if you spend a lot of time in Tangled Depths then all 31 will benefit you.
    • Raids- You won't even see this one until you kill a raid boss in the first four raid wings (my first raid kill was on Soulless Horror and it didn't count, which made me a little annoyed). I don't like these masteries at all because they essentially remove obstacles from the raid encounters, like how explosive launch negates bomb damage when you use them in the Sabetha and Bandit Trio fight. If you are a raider you will get these all eventually anyways, but statistics show that most people aren't raiders and thus most people already skip these. I will note that Wing 3 is when Ley Line Gliding is mandatory. Your raid group will not like it if you join them at Xera and don't have Ley Line Gliding.
    • Ancient Magics – This line's a weird one. Each of the 6 episodes of Season 3 added a new mastery, but only the first one is required to complete the Season 3 story. Thermal Propulsion is useful in a few maps, including the eventual Dragonfall in Season 4, and Spectral Aid adds a new down state skill. However, Oakheart's Reach was always niche even in its own map, and Siren of Orr was the most useless mastery ability up until the Icebrood Saga. Put 10 points into this just for Spectral Aid and pretend that you care about Koda's Flame.

    PATH OF FIRE AND SEASON 4 (8 tracks, 30 unlocks)

    I'm lumping these together because they all use the same mastery points

    • Raptor – There's going to be a running theme with this. I personally believe that the mount masteries are the most consistently useful masteries across the whole game simply because you can take mounts almost anywhere. They also tie unlocks for other mounts to progressing through earlier mounts. For example, you can't get a springer or a skimmer until you unlock Canyon Jumping. You can't get a Jackal until you unlock the Springer or the Skimmer's third mastery ability. You can't unlock the Griffon until beating Path of Fire, which requires getting the raptor, the springer, and the skimmer. And each of the 4 core mounts has an ability that passively affects all other mounts, so maxing out each of those mounts is a boon to every mount. What I'm trying to say is that you should spend all 10 points on the raptor.
    • Springer – Ok, so maybe I was a bit premature in praising mount masteries. The poor springer has been left behind as the game has progressed and new mounts have been added. It is still very valuable to anyone without a Skyscale, and it's got the best CC skill of all mounts, but there's a reason you don't see the bunny very often. High Vault is still very useful up until you get a Skyscale, but if I'm being honest the Masterful Descent unlock is not a priority. The Jackal, Skimmer, Griffon, and Skyscale all have ways of mitigating fall damage anyways so you don't really need it. 9 points here should be fine.
    • Skimmer – Ok, I know that people don't like underwater combat, and that means that you absolutely should finish path of fire and max out the skimmer just so you have the ability to mount up under water. It's a huge time saver and allows you to bypass a lot of enemies when doing map completion, especially in Orr. The full 22 points here are worth it. Also did anyone else forget that skimmers can roll over downed allies and heal them? It's a part of the skimmer ranch heart and I still forget about it.
    • Jackal – The Jackal is not a necessary mount for most people, I think, though it is one of my favorites. I will say that it is useful solely for its capstone ability that adds evasion to all mounts while they are using their movement ability (this is how people can hover on a skimmer and evade everything). I recommend getting the jackal and maxing it out with all 14 points just because that is a huge quality of life improvement for all mounts. Also somewhat useful in Wing 6 if you Raid. You don't technically need it, but it means that your party doesn't leave you behind before getting to Twin Largos
    • Griffon – The griffon will set you back 250 gold and a lot of time running around the desert, and is honestly nowadays more of a vanity mount than anything. Yes, it has its uses in maps like Dragonfall and Drizzlewood Coast, but it's not strictly necessary and it doesn't buff any other mounts. If you don't want it you can skip it. If you do get the griffon though it really only becomes fun to use one you max out all of its masteries, which will cost 12 points.
    • Roller Beetle – I've never felt like the beetle's masteries were that inspired. Hell, I forgot that rolling over enemies could launch them. The beetle isn't even necessary unless you like going fast or doing races. It's super fun, but you can use the beetle just fine without spending anything on it.
    • Skyscale – This is the legendary equivalent for mounts. This is what made the springer near-obsolete. Hell, if you want to craft Vision you need this mount anyways. The skyscale doesn't have the best landspeed but there's very very few places that a skyscale cannot go. Spend 12 points on it and taunt everyone else who doesn't have one. And seriously guys, after they nerfed the time gating the process of getting a skyscale is really not that bad. Do the Seasons of the Dragons achievements to get the currencies, or convert using Eternal Ice. It's that easy.
    • Crystal Champion – This was an interesting mastery line as it applies new abilities to all of your mounts. You can heal your mount, regenerate your mounts endurance rapidly, catapult yourself off of your mount. All of these abilities have wide use in the open world. Spend 14 points and get them all.

    ICEBROOD SAGA (6 tracks, 29 unlocks)

    • Raven Attunement – I don't like this path, but the first unlock isn't even optional. Doing the first story instance in Bjora Marches straight up gives you Raven Bond for doing nothing. After that the only reason you'd need to spend any additional points is to get full map completion, so you still need to spend 4 points in total to get the points of interest behind Raven Gates unless some kind Mesmer portals you through. Raven Bright takes the title of Most Useless Mastery in the game.
    • Resilience – I am not typing out the full name of these three. I think a lot of players don't like the Laser Beam masteries or see much use from them. How many people even know what the different essences even do? I'd say unlocking Tier 2 is the furthest I'd recommend going solely so you can actually get all of the rewards from Strike Missions, because it feels awful to beat a boss and not be able to open the boss chest. 2 points.
    • Valor – Same as Resilience.
    • Vigilance – Same as Valor. Boy, these three are super basic in design.
    • United Legions Waystation – As much as I know people complain about the EMP being CC on a special action, you cannot deny that waystations have seen a lot of use in maps outside of DWC. The Remote Charges don't see a lot of use, and the Medizooka no longer lets you cheese Chalice of Tears so I rarely see it used as well. Mount Stealth is very useful though, especially when you just want to get from Point A to B without getting attacked. The upgraded way station skill is nice but not necessary as you'll likely only use the EMPs anyways. I recommend 12 points here.
    • Dragon Slayer – If you do not like Dragon Response Missions then there is very little value to be found in this track. Judging from community feedback, most players won't need to bother with these. However, apparently you cannot get the Eye infusions from Dragonstorm if you have not maxed out the Dragon Slayer line, so that may be something someone cares about. My wife made 3K gold off of getting one of those infusions to drop, but the odds are very small. Skip this one if you don't care about playing the lottery.


    So where does that leave us? In reviewing all masteries I'm left noticing how often I would highlight one specific benefit in a track and ignore a lot of the lead up to it. That is just something we have to deal with when unlocking masteries. For a player just wanting to run around in the open world, who is not worried about legendary crafting or doing fractals or any organized group content, the total amount of mastery points that I recommend spending to get everything that could be useful is 19 points in Central Tyria, 46 in Heart of Thorns and Season 3, 81 in Path of Fire and Season 4, and 22 in the Icebrood Saga. This comes out to a total 168 Mastery Points out of 366. This will adjust depending on if you want to add Fractals or Raids or unlock the Griffon and Roller Beetle masteries.

    You may now tell me how wrong I am in the comments. Here's to the beginning of the Era of Skiffs and Fishing.

    EDIT: Since I've had this mentioned a few times, you will eventually end up with plenty of excess mastery points. As of now I have 24 spare central tyria mastery points, 39 HoT, 15 PoF, and 11 IBS. So you can (and likely will) eventually just get everything. This is just a rating of what are the most useful masteries to focus on before picking up the extra stuff.

    submitted by /u/TannenFalconwing
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    Tried out some new techniques: Rata Novus

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 04:29 AM PST

    POV:It's not a visual bug, just Dr. Strange stopped time and something bad is about to happen...

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 01:08 AM PST

    Raid League 2021 wrap up

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:28 PM PST

    Hi everyone!

    This has been a really amazing Raid League year. We have seen a huge meta shift which came with new and exciting compositions.

    Some fun statistics

    • Since October 2020 we have had 765 participants.
    • About 6000 viewers tuning into to watch this year.
    • 36 different guilds participating.

    We would like to take a quick moment to thank the community.
    Competitors for being a part of the league and investing their time to practice, theory craft and compete to show what they go for.
    Broadcasters not only the hosts who but also the analysts who come in to give different point of views, explains strategies and compositions.
    Viewers for tuning in to the shows and share the experience as we watch how each boss was conquered by each of the teams.
    Admins for constantly taking in feedback and using it to do it's best to always be there for those who need it and improve to future of the Raid League.
    If you like what you see (here and on stream), consider getting involved!

    To participate in the Raid League itself, please come join us on our Discord at https://discord.gg/YkxCMWV where a greater in depth explanation of rules and FAQs are available to read in the #rules-2021 channel.

    Our prize pool is community based with some sponsorship from ArenaNet

    If you would like to donate, please send mail to

    League Prize Pool 

    or account name


    (Items [specifically mystic coins and ectoplasm] are preferred to avoid gold cap). Don't forget to mention how you would like to be credited (or anonymously if you'd prefer).

    submitted by /u/gw2raidleague
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    Asymmetrical dwayna statue Anet pls

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 11:15 AM PST

    Nyx Merifian | Scourge

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 07:19 AM PST

    The new Foefire set gave me the inspiration for my Wintersday theme this year

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 04:43 PM PST

    Is level 9 too early to join a guild?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 03:28 AM PST

    So I've only just started playing the game and I'm level 9. I'm enjoying it so far and it is my first mmo I've ever played but can't help feel it would be more fun with other people to enjoy the experience with. I'm trying to get my friend on with me but he seems hesitant amd after completing 2 starter quests today and then going out, I'm not sure if he'll be returning to the game. Which leads me to my next question, is it too early to join a guild at level 9? I don't mind if I have to gain more experience before joining a guild or playing by myself some more but just thought I'd ask. I am a bit unsure whether any guilds will have players playing at my time due to time zones as I'm in Australia on NA servers but I'm sure I'll work something out. My main question is whether it's a good time to join a guild soon or wait. One more question I have is do PvE guilds just participate in end game content like dungeons and raids or would there be people who are still leveling like me? Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/Deanosaures2010
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    I'm a noob and I just got a Prismatic Dye

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 01:04 PM PST

    Greetings everyone! I started playing very recently and I just pulled a Prismatic Dye. Checked the preview expecting a cool iridescent color shifting dye but it looked like a bright pastel pink. Then I checked the price... Can someone explain to me why is it so expensive?

    submitted by /u/myPitchBlackSoul
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    Fairly new MMO player, having a hard time telling what is "going on" in group content

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:25 PM PST

    So, I have previously played other MMOs like FFXIV and WoW, and a problem that I consistently have had is in group content, I just can hardly ever tell what is happening, especially bosses where everyone is all huddled up on each other. I'm not sure if this is just a "me" problem or what, but I am starting to get to the higher level content and I want to be and feel competent to be able to handle myself in group content (e.g. dungeons, raids, world bosses, etc.). I checked through several of the new player guides and didn't see anything on this. Wondering if maybe a graphics setting might help?

    EDIT: Thank you so so so much to all the helpful suggestions! Good to know I'm not totally crazy about the effects being chaotic, looking forward to the newer content described! Still in core Tyria so it makes sense.

    submitted by /u/Technical_Aardvark64
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    Legendary Weapon QoL

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 09:39 PM PST

    People that are familiar with this topic, what would your opinion be if each equipment template had 2~4 extra slots called "Standby Legendary Weapon Sets" that you could essentially store a legendary weapon set (1 2h or 2 1h like current equipped swap sets) in with runes/infusions. These slots you could drag-and-drop from your armory to add a legendary weapon to the empty slot or replace the current weapon already there (spitting out upgrades into your inventory in the process just like the current system) and you could similarly "swap" with your weapons in your equiped weapon slots, with previously equipped weapons "moving" to the extra slots (think of how you can swap weapons between your current swap sets) and any other weapons (non-legendaries) simply getting kicked to your inventory. The only mechanically different thing would have to be if you try to swap a 1h from a 1h/1h set to a equipped 2h set the second 1h would need be automatically moved with the first one.

    Toggling the slots on and off via settings is probably not technologically viable and throwing ascended weapons into these extra slots is probably also not viable for the same reason. So, this would probably be an all or nothing feature for all players including ones that have no legendary weapons. This will probably be an issue unless all players have at least one legendary weapon because it does not feel good to have to look at a bunch of empty equipment slots you can't put anything in.

    submitted by /u/Consistent-Profile-4
    [link] [comments]

    Here! have a present : ?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 03:54 AM PST

    Anyone knows no port strategy on Xera?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 03:45 AM PST

    Hello:) Last time I was on Xera some guy asked us if we are doing no port strategy. Apparently if you tank Xera on the very edge of the platform you can skip both ports at 40% and 20% Does anyone know how exactly it works?

    submitted by /u/cichamowa
    [link] [comments]

    Tips/Tricks to remember the Twisted Castle?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Hey, so I've been raiding for a few years now, but something I just can't seem to remember is the route through the Twisted Castle. No matter how often I play W3, I just can't remember the path lol.

    Is there something like a taco marker or like that to show me the way?

    submitted by /u/ghoulsnest
    [link] [comments]

    Fire & Ice Themed Fashion Contest - Tonight on NA!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 06:02 AM PST

    Hi guys! I'm Taja, a partnered gw2 twitch streamer.

    Tonight, in celebration of the solstice, I'm streaming a Fire and Ice themed fashion contest on NA! During the preliminary round, looks will be voted on by a panel of judges. Upon passing this round, the winners will be decided via popular vote on discord!

    Bring a look adorned with frost or flames (or both!) to have a chance at winning-
    -Liquid Aurillium Infusion
    -Ember Infusion
    -Winters Hearts Infusion

    This all begins at 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific time. Come to Lion's Arch and copy paste "/sqjoin on taja" (without quotes) to join the map and party!

    The discord server: https://discord.gg/Ta3qvwA6
    My twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/taja

    Hope to see you all there!

    submitted by /u/TalonJane
    [link] [comments]

    You can taxi people into non instanced Premium areas with the Tea Time Table.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:48 AM PST

    If you have a Lotus invite, Royal Terrace invite, Airship pass, or whatever the dinky ember bay one is, you can taxi your friends in by having them sit at the tea time table with you, then using your pass.

    Enjoy your free trial of the premium areas because this is gonna get patched!

    submitted by /u/lvl99link
    [link] [comments]

    Hey everyone; lore question for an RP character

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:25 PM PST

    I'm rolling an Asura ranger Xenologist who's profession is using existing research and facts in order to theoretically predict the nature and behaviour of undiscovered species, sentient or not, extinct or not. Judging by the nature of statics, I think theres a good case to be made that he is using conservative science to discover new races which fits them and the ability to see the past with your snaff invention would have significant advantages in such a field but his study is also largely theoretical so synergistics makes sense too. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Levilixis
    [link] [comments]

    Rate the Wielders 5 - Axe

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 09:43 AM PST

    For each weapon type, rate the class movesets currently available for it based on the following criteria:

    • Most effective

    • Least effective

    • Most fun

    • Least fun

    • Most disappointing

    • Most wanted

    You pledged your swords and your bows. Now you'll have my Axe.

    submitted by /u/EtheusRook
    [link] [comments]

    Overwhelmed after not playing since 2013

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 01:42 AM PST

    After being done with WoW due recent events I though I try GW2 again. Last time I played was in 2013 and I got a level 43 Nord Hunter. After logging I got dozens of emails, brown chest popping up in my screen full with dyes, transmog(that I can't use for some reason), level boost scrolls and anniversary items.

    I have no idea where I am or what I should do haha. Any guides/tips that can point me in the right direction or would it be smarter to restart on a new character? In WoW I played Survival Hunter so in this game Hunter, Engineer or Rogue looks neat. But not sure what would be smart for a beginner.

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Kardinalus
    [link] [comments]

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