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    Wednesday, December 29, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 My Doctor Strange cosplay!

    Guild Wars 2 My Doctor Strange cosplay!

    My Doctor Strange cosplay!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 04:08 PM PST

    This game is pure respect, for gamers

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 11:24 AM PST

    I've been playing a lot in GW2. I have over 2k hours (of course it is "a lot" for me). Then, I felt like I need to taste something new in MMORPGs in past few years. I went for WoW, then, for FFXIV, BDO, then New World and Lost Ark. They are all iconic MMORPGs, but any of these, treats player actually as a human and gamer. Most of these games force on a player, to push forward as fast as possible, to achieve better stats, beter encounters, better gear but actually, in all of these games, I forgot, what is the point of playing the game.

    After these years, when I played over 400 hours in New World, I've decided to go back to GW2 and my dear god - it was something special. I realized that this game supports every aspect, of actual gaming and MMORPG - SOCIAL, like these countless chats in Divinity's Reach, Lion's Arch or just map chat, TIME - new player, after few weeks, can join veterans in T4's, Raids, Metas, WBs, Strikes. FUN - you do not have to do only raids, to get ascended (as a BIS gear), you can do whatever the fuck you want - pvp, wvw, fracs, farm mats and just craft it!. You are not forced to anything here, you just enter the game and you do whatever you want.

    After all these years of break from GW2, I forgot about actual sense of gaming and tasting the MMORPG world. Now I'm back here and I feel better that anytime before, because now I appreciate this unique game more than ever for these past 10 years.

    By all of these, I just wanted to say big HI, to everyone on this sub, as you are the part of community with the same expectations from gaming in terms of relax and pure fun!

    submitted by /u/Reiiizu
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    Statistical analysis from a bored grad student on the most statistically significant factor that influences win / loss rate in PvP.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 09:47 AM PST

    TL;DR of the results at the end, if you want to be lame and skip all the SUPER COOL MATH and make me sad :(

    I am currently studying Biostatistics as a graduate student and am on my winter break. With a lot of free time on my hands and a desire to utilize what I have learned, I applied my new statistical analysis tools towards PvP, as I had a few hunches on what is most important in winning a game in Guild Wars 2 structured PvP.

    I played exclusively as a support guardian, using the Core Shout Support spec that Metabattle says is a meta build in PvP at the moment (save your complaints about Metabattle for another thread, please). Part of what I wanted to know was whether it really mattered if a team had a healer on its side. My mean heals per game was 304,000, and my mean percentage of heals in the game was 28%, so I would argue that my healing contributions were substantial enough to be able to test whether it really matters to have a healer on one's team.

    I played 40 matches total and collected full data on my damage and heals, as well as the raw numbers on kills, deaths, offense, and defense, and only considered percentage vs. other team for those latter four categories. I checked my data for normality and found a suitably normal distribution, so in my informed opinion, I have enough data in order to get to work on statistical analysis and make conclusions at a 95% confidence level (if you care, lol). FWIW, all of these matches were at the Silver 3 level. Yes haha bad player silver league hahahaha u so bad lululul please get it out of your system before you type any words so we can stay focused on the important stuff. I think actually the majority of players are at this same level, as gold players are generally considered to be pretty good players and silver are quite average, so these results should represent average results.

    Also, yes, there's the whole "correlation does not equal causation" thing to consider, but this is simply reddit, and this is simply in regards to a video game, and while causation is not PROVEN with these results, it certainly suggests that causation is LIKELY, so let's settle on that.

    First, I ran a series of t-tests, which, if you are unfamiliar, basically just tests for a statistically significant difference between two groups. In each analysis here, I compared the statistic across the win / loss category, IE I would compare how much damage I did on average when I won to how much damage I did on average when I lost.

    I'll give you a snippet of the results from the statistical software R. I can talk to you later more about the details if you'd like, but if you are unfamiliar with statistical testing, just know that the important number in these tests is the p-value. If the p-value is less than 0.05, the difference is statistically significant, and arguably, the lower the number, the more significant the difference. A p-value above 0.05 says that the difference between the two groups is negligible. So, for example, if I compared heals when I won to heals when I lost, and the p-value was 0.78, then that is very decisively saying that heals do NOT influence win / loss.

    First things first, heals! Did the raw amount of heals I did make a difference?

    t = -1.326, df = 37.33, p-value = 0.1929 95 percent confidence interval: -104274.08 21764.66 mean in group L mean in group W 285501.7 326756.4 

    Nope! The p-value is too high to say that there's any correlation between how much healing I did and whether we won or lost the game. On average, I did 285k heals when I lost and 327k heals when I won, but the confidence interval says that this mean difference of (286k - 327k = -42k) could actually be as wide as -104k or as narrow as +22k, and since it could be either positive OR negative, that means we can't confidently say that the raw amount of heals I do really makes a difference at all.

    How about damage, then? If I do more damage, does that help?

    t = -0.58623, df = 35.754, p-value = 0.5614 95 percent confidence interval: -15593.318 8601.429 mean in group L mean in group W 70010.00 73505.94 

    Nope, my own personal damage contribution is even more pointless, although it is obviously quite low, only 70-73k on average.

    Next, let's consider how much healing MY ENTIRE TEAM did. The way we measure how much healing my team did compared to the enemy is by looking at the "% vs enemy" statistic, which is an expression of the total amount of that category your team did divided by the total amount of that category in the game as a whole, which effectively gives you a way to compare your team's performance to the enemy's performance. Does ENTIRE TEAM HEALING make a difference?

    t = -3.1916, df = 36.146, p-value = 0.002926 95 percent confidence interval: -11.047814 -2.463297 mean in group L mean in group W 54.55000 61.30556 

    Yes, very much so. Interesting to note that, with a healer on the team, even when my team was losing, we were still doing a majority of the heals in the game (I saw an average of 54.5% heals vs enemy when I was losing). But it was clearly even higher when we won, at 61.3%, and the gap between the two is statistically significant. So, my own heals aren't enough to swing the outcome of the game, but if everyone on the team is collectively doing more heals, then that makes a significant impact on the outcome.

    Alright, how about DAMAGE? Does ENTIRE TEAM DAMAGE make a difference?

    t = -2.868, df = 37.983, p-value = 0.006707 95 percent confidence interval: -7.614350 -1.312923 mean in group L mean in group W 42.68636 47.15000 

    Yes. And it is roughly just as important as healing. The p-values for these two analyses are in the same ballpark (0.003 vs 0.007), which would indicate that each is roughly as important as the other.

    EDIT: The adept statistical folks out there pointed out that this conclusion of mine is not sound. It is okay to say they are equally likely to be SIGNIFICANT, but this does not tell me HOW significant the results are. My bad.

    Now, let's get to what I found to be the most significant result. Kills! Do team kills make a difference? We are looking here at percentage of kills vs enemy. The results:

    t = -8.7185, df = 29.662, p-value = 1.11e-09 95 percent confidence interval: -56.61026 -35.11398 mean in group L mean in group W 24.70455 70.56667 

    So uh, holy fuck, kills make an ENORMOUS difference, with a p-value that hardly even registers. When I lost, my team was getting only 24.7% of the game's kills on average, whereas when I won, my team was earning 70.6% of the game's kills. That's a HUGE gap.

    I will skip looking at deaths since I found the results, unsurprisingly, align with the kills results. Just know that dying a lot is bad. Like, really bad.

    Finally, let's talk about OFFENSE and DEFENSE. How much does it help to play offense? Again I will focus on percentage vs the enemy here. OFFENSE:

    t = 0.96114, df = 34.48, p-value = 0.3432 95 percent confidence interval: -2.715852 7.594640 mean in group L mean in group W 46.62273 44.18333 

    Perhaps surprisingly, no, offense does not seem to make much difference. As you'll notice, my team not only had a below-average percentage of offense even when we were winning games, we actually had LESS offense when we won games compared to when we lost. The below-average percentage is almost certainly due to me playing a support role where I make no effort at all to go decap anything, as that's not really what I should be doing (sure I will if the opportunity arises, but I need to primarily stick with my team and let them do their thing).

    How about DEFENSE?

    t = -4.2373, df = 31.553, p-value = 0.000183 95 percent confidence interval: -58.46676 -20.48981 mean in group L mean in group W 29.47727 68.95556 

    Yes, once again, a very, very significant result. Perhaps it is surprising that offense matters so little and defense matters a lot. I will add also, I think perhaps that this category of DEFENSE, more than any of the others, is caused BY winning games and is not itself a cause OF winning a game. More than likely, a team fights on a node the other team is trying to take, and if your team is winning the game, you wipe them, and then you stand there and re-up your node in the aftermath and collect these defense points. I'm not sure that's a real good measure of anything.

    To wrap this up, there's one more statistical superpower I have, which is that I can use these results and tell you the actual odds of increasing your win percentage. I can tell you how much your win probability goes up for every kill you get! Want to see? No? You're really bored and you're not sure why you're even still reading this? Well too bad! We're doing it anyway. :)

    For those of you who don't care to know how I did this, skip this paragraph. If you DO want to know, I used what is referred to as Logistic Regression. In Logistic Regression, the outcome is a binary event, which in this case is win / loss. I can input any number of variables that may influence the outcome, test them all to see if they are significant, and if they are, Logistic Regression allows me to calculate how much the odds of winning will increase if that variable increases by 1. So this model would tell me how much more likely it is to win with 1 more kill, 1 more point of damage (the coefficient in that case is so small that it would be more meaningful to consider odds with 10,000 more damage, etc, just FYI). However, to even be able to take that step and do the math on how much your odds increase, you have to statistically test each of these variables, especially when we pit them against each other. Above, I considered all of these variables in a vacuum, but this time, I'm going to consider all of them at the same time, and if one variable in particular is a SUPER, DUPER strong influencer of the results, it could say that other factors don't even matter anymore because they still aren't nearly as significant as this one thing.

    So without further ado, the results of the Logistic Regression which considers all the variables I considered above... [EDIT - my model was incorrect, so skip to Edit 2 to see these results!]

    EDIT 1: Some of you expressed interest in looking at rezzes and seeing how much that influenced the match. I went back and updated my models with rezzes included, but the end result was not any different. Rezzes were not deemed significant. The t-test for rezzes (wins vs losses) was as follows:

    t = -1.1512, df = 38, p-value = 0.2568 95 percent confidence interval: -31.230493 8.587059 mean in group L mean in group W 53.47273 64.79444 

    Since I have a very powerful rez as a guardian, which I used often, you can see that the means reflect this, that, win or lose, my team had above-average rezzing going on. Nevertheless, the p-value here is too high to be able to say that rezzes are a significant predictor of win / loss.

    EDIT 2: As u/Careless_Attempt5417 correctly pointed out, I fitted a normal (gaussian) model on my logistic regression, which is incorrect, I should have used a binomial model as I am dealing with a binary outcome, not a normal one. I rectified this, and I also did a bit more robust analysis where I used an AIC stepwise analysis that basically fits the most important predictors to my model and discards the rest. These are the results:

    Call: glm(formula = wl_binary ~ dmg_vs_enemy + heals_vs_enemy + kills_vs_enemy, family = "binomial", data = x) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.10322 -0.01996 -0.00079 0.02579 2.33616 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -70.2284 41.9523 -1.674 0.0941 . dmg_vs_enemy 0.6573 0.4140 1.588 0.1124 heals_vs_enemy 0.5195 0.3543 1.466 0.1426 kills_vs_enemy 0.2301 0.1201 1.916 0.0554 . --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 55.051 on 39 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 10.682 on 36 degrees of freedom AIC: 18.682 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 9 

    So...this model would indicate that no variable is significant. However, what you are seeing is a consequence of what is referred to as multicollinearity, which in layman's terms means that what is captured in "kills" is at least partially captured by heals and damage. Doing damage and healing people absolutely do have an impact on whether kills happen, and this dependence skews our results, making each factor appear less influential because it was controlled by the others. (for those of you statistically inclined folks wondering about effect size, the R2 between kills and damage is 0.34, between kills and heals is 0.17, and between heals and damage is 0.08. Stronger correlation between kills / damage than kills / heals, perhaps unsurprisingly) So, to get more robust models, we need better measures than simply "kills" and "damage", measures which are more independent of other variables.

    That being said, we can still look at the size of the p-values and the t-test results in particular and say that, if any of these metrics is the "best" predictor of victory, it is definitely kills more than anything else.

    Finally, let's talk about odds of victory. Using the coefficients, for every 1% your "kills vs enemy" goes up, I calculate their odds of victory goes up 1.258. That means that the team that normally gets 40% of the kills vs an enemy has a win probability that is 12.58 times lower than the team that normally gets 50% of kills vs enemy. Does that seem crazy? It's actually not too crazy to think that a team that normally gets below average kills is MUCH less likely to win.

    Post-edit 2 TL;DR: kills are almost certainly the largest predictor of victory in guild wars 2 pvp. Every 1% your kills vs enemy goes up, your odds of winning go up by a factor of 1.258. Everything else, damage, heals, offense, defense, they are far less likely to predict win / loss than kills do.

    submitted by /u/malachai926
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    DirectX bug leads to festive wintersday wagon!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 08:50 PM PST

    Can the Orr temples please be added to a fixed event schedule?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 11:44 AM PST

    So recently I've been working on some collections which required me to do some Orr content. Great, I thought. I really used to enjoy Orr back in the days when it was THE endgame zone. So I went there, thinking to myself, that it can't be as bad as many claim it to be.

    When I arrived none of the events was currently running. So I decided to wait a little. And I waited. And waited some more. After waiting for a bit longer, I decided to wait even more. Then it happened. The defense event for the Cathedral of the Zephyrs spawned. Me and the other 20+ people waiting for it quickly finish it and we celebrate our great achievement... Only to remind ourselves that there are even more temples that need to be defended or reclaimed. Which means, we have to wait again. And then again... and again.

    I fail to see why Anet decided not to add those events to a fixed rotation or maybe make them progress in a similar way as the Silverwastes does. Is there any reason for that but I can't see it because I'm stupid?

    I really do enjoy those events, though they are quite simple compared to newer metas but the waiting part really kills all the enjoyment.

    Thanks for reading my drunk rambling and have a good day!

    submitted by /u/Nek0maniac
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    Raid Build Adaptations - Why and how to adapt properly

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 02:22 PM PST

    What's the quote?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 07:38 PM PST

    mazdak the accursed

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 10:01 PM PST

    hi, so I'm doing the sylvari story instance in the quest "dead of winter"

    I got to the end, right before you enter the room with the lad

    he is standing still in the next room, waiting for me to enter

    so he can begin his villainous monologue

    I'm just looking at him from afar

    and he, at me

    while my jacaranda, named rutabaga, vine slaps him

    mazdak has the "determined" buff, so he's invulnerable for the next 9hr 34m 54s

    if I were more even more determined than he, could I theoretically wait 10 hours for it to expire and kill him without the cutscene playing?

    I guess this question applies more generally to any boss/entity with the determined buff, he's just the example at hand


    submitted by /u/literallyapotato69
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    USA server be like:

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 09:09 AM PST

    A work done for IscaSalad as a gift for Lucinellia - My art

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 02:39 AM PST

    I got a tiny happy snowball! My minions don't seem to like it much first...

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 01:13 PM PST

    [Art] | Please someone rescue that gingerbread kid

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 08:46 PM PST

    The Peacemaker Calendar of 1335AE is now available!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 09:29 AM PST

    -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1f3YZ7ivjEi-sbSxtxLd3cPb7ioqk7O9J <-

    I am extremely happy to be able to share this project featuring the work of 17 artists of the community! We played with the idea of a calendar made by peacemakers in the style of those firefighters calendars, and we can now share the results to you!

    You can get the pdf files of this calendar through the link above. Don't hesitate to support the artists who participated!

    I hope you'll appreciate this calendar as much as we did making it!

    submitted by /u/theSkrool
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    [PSA] Superior Sigil of Renewal recipe is available on the PSNA today 12/28

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 04:34 PM PST

    For those of us that have been waiting for this recipe to come around, it's finally available today from Specialist Yana @ [&BKgCAAA=]



    submitted by /u/lighti3ulb
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    Musings of a Curious Sylvari: Humanity From Its Lowest

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 07:55 PM PST

    Musings of a Curious Sylvari: Humanity From Its Lowest

    I saw something odd at Overlake Haven. Well, odd would be putting it too lightly, terrifying is closer to the truth. Trahearne told me it was Mazdak, an ancient Krytan ruler immortalized in lichdom. Mother told me to recover Caladbolg, a sword forged from one of her thorns for my late brother Riannoc to fight the lich with. Caithe suggested having me join one of the Orders, as having one or more of them at our backs will help in the fight against Zhaitan. They were arguing again unsurprisingly, and turned to me to make a decision. The pressure of the decisions I am making do not sit well with me, but if I must do it, then I will.

    I thought it would be best to take a balanced approach and see what each order has to offer, and I see the value in the Order of Whispers's plan, so I agreed with Cai's approach, so we're heading out to find Riannoc's squire Waine.

    It's a shame that one of my first experiences with humans would be with a group of bandits. Cai told me what they were like, a group of drunken, backstabbing criminals who would do anything for a bit of extra coin. Yet from my experience, while there are still some who fit that picture, they are a rather proud people. Fascinating that some would be proud of a position of banditry, the only sylvari I know of who ever turned to banditry were desperate and afraid. They still are hesitant to welcome outsiders as their own, but that I understand, at least.

    When I entered the camp, they refused to talk about Waine until I proved they could trust me. I helped and they directed me to Jat, a very twitchy man who was close with Waine. He certainly did not want to talk about us, and seemed very afraid of… something. He ran from us when we approached him (do humans normally do that?), but he was willing to talk when we saved him from a group of rather vicious wind riders.

    I admit I was too busy thinking about those creatures when we got him away that Cai started interrogating him without me, though interrogate is probably too strong a word. He told us how Waine stole Caladbolg from Riannoc and abandoned him to fight Mazdak alone, without the sword. Now that's the kind of bandit Cai told me about. Selfish, cowardly, backstabbing. I'm almost looking forward to get Caladbolg away from him.

    Taj said Waine currently pit-fights at Guardian's Pass, east of Divinity's Reach, so we're headed there next. We're meeting the other order members at a Seraph camp to discuss our next move, undoubtedly with more arguing ensuing.

    Branthyn and Cai are at odds about this one. Cai wants to steal the sword while Branthyn wants me to win it at the fighting ring. Unsurprisingly, they delegated the decision to me, the Herald of the Pale Tree. I am honestly tired of trickery and deception so I went with Branthyn's plan. Besides, leaving a few scorch marks behind on Waine may feel good. I am not confident in my sheer fighting ability, but I am growing more confident in my connection to the elements. I am beginning to grow fond of my attunement to air (I spoke to an experienced elementalist in the grove who told me to call it an "attunement"), both the wandering nature of the wind and the hyper-focused nature of lightning.A few well-placed fireballs or bolts of lightning should get me through this.

    I killed him.

    I didn't want to. I didn't need to. I shouldn't have, I could have avoided it.

    But I did.

    He was a bad person, but did he deserve to die? Maybe. Yes? No, no he didn't.

    I don't know.

    In the first three fights I was able to avoid killing my opponents, but Waine, when he was down, I claimed Caladbolg. When I grasped its hilt I felt such immense power, more than I've felt before. After it was away from him, he grew desperate, or angry, or something, and he lunged at me. I didn't hesitate. All that power coursing through me smothered my inhibitions, and before I could think, Caladbolg's blade pierced through his chest. And I didn't stop to think. I just took the blade and ran.

    I need to take this to mother.


    submitted by /u/themightylemur
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    I am genuinely lost on how to make money, and its getting frustrating

    Posted: 27 Dec 2021 08:28 PM PST

    Title says it all.

    I've watched dozens of videos over the last week. I've signed up on gw2 efficiency. I've used the guides on fast farming community.

    The most I've ever had at one time was for my griffon. That took me a month of grinding.

    I know I'm doing something wrong, but every resource at my disposal is COMPLETELY useless because I don't know how to read it, and it's really disheartening. I'm trying to make sense of any of the information I'm being given and nothing makes sense.

    For example, I look at this: https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/dailies

    Under "Daily Solo Farming" Southsun Cove Passiflora farming is listed as a 26G/hr profit. HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DOES THAT WORK? I can't make any sense of it. What am I supposed to be doing with the results of the farm?

    This is really frustrating for me, because I need gear that feels completely, impossibly out of reach without being able to buy crafting materials in bulk. I'm trying to get ascended gear right now and I'm looking at 20G bills per item, and I barely get 20G in a week if ALL I do is farm and sell literally everything I farmed.

    Is there ANY resource that is an actually useful gold making guide? Something that explains the small things that are clearly required knowledge that I just don't have? I'm at a point where I feel like I've run into a wall progression wise, where the only way to improve my character is to already be mega rich in game and have tons of gold. It's extremely disheartening.

    submitted by /u/ThatDudeWithTheCat
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    Does HOPE have the same sound issues for mesmers that Quip does?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 04:05 PM PST

    I got Quip recently and was disappointed that ability 4, phantasmal duelist, gets replaced with a generic mesmer sound effect. Even if you turn off unique item sound effects, you still don't get the original mesmer pistol sounds back if you are using Quip. Is this the same case with HOPE? I was going to work on building it next, but that sorta took the wind out of my sails.

    submitted by /u/penguinzombies
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    Yolomouse with Actioncam?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2021 01:03 AM PST

    Anyone here using Yolomouse with Action cam? Seems like I can't change the white dot in the middle when you're in action cam with Yolomouse? or am I doing it wrong.

    submitted by /u/ArctikF
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    Thank you DX11 for improving my Skyscale's colors... ��

    Posted: 29 Dec 2021 12:47 AM PST

    Looking for people to play with

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 08:37 AM PST

    Hiya I'm Holly,Basically I am looking for people to play the game with I am new to MMORPGs and GW2. I am looking for someone friendly or a few friendly people who are also new or are more experienced and willing to teach me how everything works. Feel free to message me on discord.

    Discord: Hollyy#9075
    (I am on the EU Server)

    submitted by /u/Throwawayaccountadc
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    Research: Wintersday Bell Choir Farm (Karma Farm)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 06:23 AM PST

    I finally had some time this christmas to analyze and calculate the Bell Choir Farm. In terms of Gold per hour it is quite similar to the Wintersday JP Farm on Hard Path and almost twice as good for Karma per hour (base values, no karma modifiers, tried with a new alt account).

    Keep in mind to make use of all available karma modifiers (up to 130%). The Bell Choir Farm can reach over 100k Karma per hour on high AP accounts (% Karma gain per event).


    I'm not 100% entirely sure if there are diminishing returns, but i did like 5 full rounds which gained me about 40000 Karma (had only a few boosters). If there is a DR after extensive farming, please PM me so i can add it to the website =)

    I hope some of you might tell the people next year that the Wintersday Bell Choir Activity is a really good and low-demanding alternative for karma farming in comparison to the JP Farm or farming mobs on LS4 maps with karmic retribution.

    Cheers cornix

    submitted by /u/c0rn1x1
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    How to get gold and ascended for new players

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 02:48 AM PST

    1st of all, this is my opinion on the game, and its the exact way i played for my 1st year :) I started this as a comment on a post, but i want every1 that's struggling in the game to know this. Here it goes :) this is for lvl 80 players that tried to farm gold with guides, but dont really know if it's working.

    Stop farming gold.

    U want ascended gear? Take the long fun run... Start with a playable build with full exotics. Have u got living world seasons 3 or 4? Go fill your ascended trinkets there. How? Just play the maps :) then go to the map vendor. If u dont have those seasons, skip. Got icebrood saga chapter 2 and 3? Go farm bjora marches 🤩 its the only map i actualy like farming. U can complele 2 collections and then buy free ascended trinkets with map currency. If u dont have the map, skip.

    Next: enjoy the game! Do your dailies, play some pvp ranked for extra gold. Maybe do wvw dailies too? This content is FINE with exotics!! Next: do u enjoy open world? Go play your favorite metas :) the gold will come as a by product without u knowing. The materials too.

    Next: open unindentified gear and salvage. Blues and greens with simple kit. Yellow: sell if worth more than 20 silver, salvage with master/mystic kit if below. Exotics: use on yourself if good stats. Salvage with BL kit if u need the upgrade inside. Sell if above 20 silver. Salvage with mystic/master kit if below.

    Next: craft the 4 daily ascended materials, aslong as u have the mats to do so.

    Next: sell your ectos :) unless u need them? Infact, sell all mats u dont need.

    Next: like endgame pve? Go do daily fractals from lvl 1 to 19. They fun and ez :) might even drop some ascended stuff, if Melandru shines on u ;) just go to lions arch, open the lfg for t1 fracs.

    Next: LOVE endgame pve? Really?!? u can RAID!! learn your build, get exotic gear and go to a training squad after watching youtube raid guides or join a training guilds. Ooof the amount of ascended i get in there :)

    I hope this helps. If ppl have comments and tips to help, go for it ;) also u can ask questions in the comments. And remember, HF 🤟

    Edit: strike missions in eye of the north also yield currency for ascended gear ;) and also ez and fun!

    submitted by /u/erezfb
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    Can I move or remove the Talk/Interact button on the screen?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 11:39 PM PST

    Can I move or remove the Talk/Interact button on the screen?

    This one here.

    The button shows up even when all interfaces are set to hidden. It has an abormally wide hitbox due to the tail/smear, and I keep clicking it when I want to click other things instead.

    Is there a way to remove this, or at least move it somewhere else so I click it less?

    submitted by /u/rydianmorrison
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    Holiday BL Sales Schedule?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 11:32 PM PST

    Is there a schedule/datamine of the current holiday sales someone could share/point me to? I just came back from Christmas and want to know what I may have missed/whats coming up. TY!

    submitted by /u/TheBlindOrca
    [link] [comments]

    Classic Screenshot Time: Wintersday Edition! Pt.2/3

    Posted: 28 Dec 2021 04:22 AM PST

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