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    Friday, November 19, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Rubi Bayer Appreciation Post

    Guild Wars 2 Rubi Bayer Appreciation Post

    Rubi Bayer Appreciation Post

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 04:24 AM PST

    Let me just say—I would buy any video game this woman is promoting. It's really nice how visibly excited her and other devs in the Guild Chats are to tell us about the new expansion to the point they're giggling about all the things they wish they could tell us but can't yet.

    When devs are excited about their own game you know there's good stuff coming and alotta love is being put into the game. I'll take genuinity over a corporation hiding behind an overly carefully planned PR video, like other games do, any day. (Yes Anet had one too, but as a supplement to the Guild Chats) Their excitement is contagious and makes me more excited, too!

    That's all! Thanks Rubi and other Devs for your enthusiasm :)

    submitted by /u/svaoten21
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    Microwave spotted in EoD. Part of the new cooking system?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 08:50 AM PST

    I finally got my green screen to work — this is what happened

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 12:26 PM PST

    Sugar, spice, and everything nice..

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 07:16 AM PST

    Canthan Jade's brand new lore and similarities with the Bloodstone

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 05:57 AM PST

    Either you like it, loathe it, or are already bored by it, the new-found appearance of the canthan Jade is justified—well... lore-wise at least. The little information we have (highlighted in bolded text) is enough to back this up:

    1. The events that took place over the last nine years in the lands of Tyria and Elona had repercussions in Cantha. Arguably, even though speculatively, this would mainly refer to the demise of five out of six of the original Elder Dragons, and the birth of a new one: Aurene.
    2. The Jade Sea has been absorbing magic for centuries; it is imbued with the magic of dragons. Assuming the canthan empire didn't slaughter the majority of the saltspray dragons, the fact that canthan Jade is now so vibrant and quivering with magical energies might be as a result of the extreme amounts of magic suddenly released following the death of five Elder Dragons. "Old" Jade, the one we're more accustomed to since Factions, would hold the same magical properties as the "new" Jade, also known as Dragonjade, but the Jade Sea was so immensely vast and massive that the magic within it was so diluted and sparce that it was virtually undetectable/unusable for centuries—until recently (1).
    3. The Bloodstone was used by the Seers to hold magic, magic which only they knew how to properly harvest. There appears to be similarities with the ancient magitech of the Seers: the shadowstones, and that of modern canthans: the Jadetech. To add on this, much like we've seen happen with bloodstone crystals, canthan Jade can most definitely be either inert (well-known look) or charged (new-found look).
      Since we've already seen how a bloodstone can absorb the magic released by an Elder Dragon, either while being dormant or as a consequence of its death, would this make the entirety of the Jade Sea akin to a gargantuan green bloodstone? Kind of, but not really; one of the many differences is that, as opposed to the Jade Sea, a Bloodstone is said to slowly release magic over the centuries.

    There's still a whole lot of things that we don't know, like who are Aurene and June speaking with in the trailer, or what roles will the last of the original Elder Dragons and Kuunavang play, but the reason behind the brand new appearance of Jade/Dragonjade does not seem to be one of them.

    submitted by /u/UtterlyRobb
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    Man playing guild wars 2 on 4k ultra is another experience

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 09:54 AM PST

    I have always played gold wars 2 on potato computer, i just tossed my computer +monitor and its another experience very nice textures I wish i purchased a better computer beforehand

    submitted by /u/successful_conduct
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    [Art] Commissioned Art done by me! ♥

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 11:49 AM PST

    PSA: Volatile Magic Tools @ 25% off

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 10:17 AM PST

    Best discount up to date for Volatile Magic Gathering Tools, get them if you haven't yet. Volatile Magic have good gold conversion rate via the Trophy Supplies, if you haven't got a set of infinite gathering tools yet, I highly recommend this.

    submitted by /u/SumYumGhai
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    EoD is coming. Remember how excited you were for HoT?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 07:23 AM PST

    GW2 Mushroom Edition

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 12:09 AM PST

    GW2 Mushroom Edition

    So DX11 runs fine for me now, no more crashes, but textures occasionally do get replaced. Mostly by single-color patches, but this one time, in Verdant Brink, I've seen terrain texturing like this. It's the perfect place for Mushroom Edition! :)

    Eyes everywhere!

    Shouldn't have eaten those weird-smelling mushrooms the Hyleks gave to me.

    submitted by /u/Endrosz
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    A possible spoiler and scary thought on the Last Elder Dragon's minions.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 04:42 PM PST

    With Bubbles being the last Elder Dragon and called the Deep Sea Dragon, one of it domains must be obviously water, like Fire for Primordus, Ice for Jormag, Death for Zhaitan, Crystal for Krakaltorik, and Plant for Modremoth. So Bubbles minions must be water / underwater creature based too, i.e he controlled the water.

    I believe Bubbles can exert his will on the Jade Sea itself. Remember, the sea was ordinary sea water and got transformed into Jade by magic. Maybe not Dragon Magic, but still magic that a Dragon can manipulate and corrupt. With Jormag and Primordus biting the bullet , maybe Bubbles got that extra boost of magic power to do this.

    If it just the Jade Sea, we can handle it. Maybe Bubbles can turn them into elementals minions or such to attack us. But Cantha has been mining and integrating the Jade into their technology and culture for the past hundreds of years. Maybe Bubbles can take control of all the tech and mech in an instant, much like when Modremoth turn the Sylvari against the Pact during the initial push into Maguuma. Imagine the chaos and panic through out Cantha if that happen.

    submitted by /u/kekubuk
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    Wow refugee need an advice: Exp.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 10:54 AM PST

    Greetings all, as a new player around I would like to ask u guys about experience rate. Is there any way to stop gaining exp or smth? Im kinda afraid that I will outlevel zones very quickly as long as I am doing pretty every kind of activity on map + random events. Im in Queensdale atm and already lvl 14 and like half things on map done and it says its to lvl 15 but dont want to miss anything cuz I am fascinated with the game so far. Thx in advances for any help

    submitted by /u/trusicek909
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    What the Siege Turtles hear inside their heads while they are walking underwater

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 02:33 PM PST

    “Return to” and IBS appreciation

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 02:50 PM PST

    As many others I've been playing the living world patches again because of the Return to Bonus Events. I'm very glad they did these. I know not everyone is happy but I personally have loved playing these patches again. Especially because there weren't months in between and it felt very rewarding because of the mystic coins/skins you get AND a legendary amulet at the end, too.

    But the main reason I'm writing this is the ice brood saga and how promising/good it was. The champions patches really tilted my views of the whole season. Up until then, the episodes were probably the best quality they ever delivered.

    A darker story with characters that I like and care about. Both on our side and the enemies. Bangar and Ryland are actual characters that we can interact with and not these huge entities. Crecia was a great change of pace because she is not the typical "I'll throw some insults around" badass but a real multifaceted character that has her allegiance AND common sense. In general the story felt much more character driven and less reacting to things.

    Another thing are the cutscenes. They were already very good in Season 4 don't get me wrong. But the animations for the charr are simply amazing. How much care they put into synchronizing mouth and speech, the amazing blocking of camera to characters and also great sounddesign which was something that often felt a bit lacking to me in older cutscenes.

    Especially replaying Bound by Blood and No Quarter I truly felt invested in what was happening. And having played Steel and Fire shortly before No Quarter I suddenly cared that these characters I've played with and enjoyed in the vision of the past were being killed in Drizzlewood. Obviously, I got that story beat even when they first released. But I didn't feel as emotionally connected back then.

    So all in all I'm actually enjoying these bonus events a lot. I'm dreading Champions a little bit. It's probably not that bad when you don't have to wait months for these short instances but to me it also didn't transport the story as good as a normal episode. But I understand that at that time this was the best they could deliver. We all know it's not the skill that the team was missing.

    My biggest problem with the story (pre champions) is that pretty much all enemy characters have a weird overblown ego when speaking to us. Like, at that point we have killed 3 elder dragons and a god (the god pretty much alone), we have a freaking elder dragon on our side and already killed hundreds of your army, yes Vishen/Ranoah/Cinder/Svanir Shaman I can take you. But this is of course a problem that is difficult to mitigate when telling these grand stories. But maybe not every single antagonist has to taunt us that they will surely win.

    As you can see I'm mostly talking about story aspects. In this post I'm ignoring the whole "expansion features" and what else they promised before ditching the saga concept.

    TLDR: I'm happy they made the Return to Bonus events.

    Am I the only one or are others feeling more invested on that second play through, too?

    Edit: As many have pointed out. I/we do not experience the grind for the mastery points like we did on the first play through. So that's definitely a point of why the story seems to flow better.

    submitted by /u/MrVelocities
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    Lost Lore: The Wizard's Tower

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 11:46 AM PST

    More lore exploration has yielded more results, and I'm just going to start this one out by saying I'm sorry. So, so sorry...please forgive me.

    Anyway, let's begin.

    Guild Wars 2 is full of mysteries; many answered, many not. One of the greatest mysteries of the game, however, lies in the town of Garenhoff. It is known as the Wizard's Tower.

    Garenhoff is a unique town for a variety of reasons, but the town's defining attribute is its grandiose view of a spectacular floating tower. This tower is called the Wizard's Tower, and if you explore the town you'll learn a little more about it. The residents will tell you that the tower is home to a benevolent wizard named Isgarren, and he has provided Garenhoff with everything and more.

    The town is operated by a legion of elementals that seem to be doing the townspeople's bidding and are under Isgarren's control. The diverse cohort of elementals perform tasks in the town, guard its entrance, and appear to acquiesce to any of the townspeople's requests. Our character seems shocked and a little on edge about their presence here, but when we ask around, most everyone agrees they are perfectly harmless and that there is nothing to fear from them.

    The culture of Garenhoff is somewhat peculiar. Many of its people will tell you that it isn't safe to leave, and residents will warn visitors and the children not to stray west beyond the canyon. Ironically though, it's a town centered around tourism. You'll find several visitors roaming the area: interacting with elementals, looking for tours, and asking more about the Wizard's Tower.

    A fun fact some will tell you: while people tend not to leave the town, some are given special invitations to go live in the tower by Isgarren himself. When you ask if these people are ever seen again, they say no, but that it's likely because they want for nothing living in the castle and would never desire to return anyway. But there's little evidence any of the townspeople have ever seen Isgarren come down from the tower before. The mayor and the town's sole security guard have several instances of ambient dialogue, and one of these suggests even the mayor himself has never interacted with him. Odd, to say the least.

    Okay, so where's this going? Well, people following these posts should know by now that I'm crazy, and so while exploring Kessex Hills I came back to Garenhoff an embarrassing number of times for no good reason...but that's when I found the strangest thing I'd ever seen in the game so far.

    There is an NPC named Felna, and if you talk to her, she'll tell you how back in her day people used to work for themselves with their own two hands. We ask, "you don't like it here?", but she insists she didn't say that, and that the castle is nice. She then says she'd like to go there someday, and that she keeps hoping for her very own invitation. If you stick around to hear her ambient dialogue, you'll learn that she's the grandmother of a nearby girl named Gabriette, and that when she was younger the elementals used to ravage the town.

    When you question Gabriette about it, she says that Felna is afraid of the elementals, yet isn't sure why. But then their stories start to conflict. Gabriette tells us that Felna just moved to the town to live with their family. This seems to conflict heavily with what Felna has already told us, since she seems to have grown up in the city around the elementals and in the presence of the Wizard's Tower for some time. This conflict will be important later, but it's not why Felna caught my eye.

    As I previously noted, I came back to the town several times on a whim, and that's how I noticed this absolutely ludicrous thing: Felna's ethnicity had changed!

    For a long while I thought I was just either stupid or had actually lost my mind...maybe both. But I just knew she was an old white lady when I talked to her the first time, and now she was this completely different, younger woman of color. So, I looked her up on the wiki, and there she was, depicted as an old white lady. Yet, in front of me in game she was now this young woman of an entirely different race, and the only clue as to why was a small note at the bottom of her wiki page that said her appearance had changed since the game's launch.

    I took this as perhaps some indication of a bug with her appearance and moved on, but needless to say I was still quite suspicious...so later I came back again, and get this: she was now an entirely different white lady!!!

    I was shocked.

    But once I screwed my brain back on, I realized this was enough of an indication that I had found something, so I started doing some more comprehensive lore research. It turns out, the devs send us to Garenhoff a lot; specifically in the human and asuran personal stories, and together, these story paths unveil the secret of the Wizard's Tower.

    Some characters we should first familiarize ourselves with: Uzolan and Teyo.

    Uzolan is a human inventor under the patronage of Legate Minister Caudecus Beetlestone, who's claims to fame are his frivolous and fun inventions. He eventually is found to have been working with the enemies of the throne to attempt to kidnap Queen Jennah. He used stolen asuran technology to enact his plan at Caudecus' Manor, but was thwarted by the player character, Zojja, and Logan. It is highly suggested that Uzolan is incompetent and that Caudecus was likely behind the whole scheme, but Uzolan takes the fall for lack of solid evidence connecting the minister to the plot. Queen Jennah manages to use these events as justification for keeping Caudecus under close observation in Divinity's Reach, but it isn't until much later that the true breadth of Caudecus' treasons was revealed. Keep in mind that he likes to take credit for others' inventions and that he is largely inept.

    Teyo is an Asuran inventor and member of the Inquest. A previous member of Ceara's (Scarlet Briar's) krewe before she (Ceara) was ejected from Rata Sum, Teyo appears at various points across all starting paths of the Asuran personal story. In all level 10 story paths, she is eventually killed by the Savant (the Asuran player character). Keep in mind that she is a leader within the Inquest and that, unlike Uzolan, she is quite competent.

    Let's start with Teyo and the Statics Path of the Asuran personal story. This path opens with the Snaff Prize Competition. In this instance, we present our krewe's device called the VOED (very old energy detector). We go on to win the Snaff Prize for this invention, but Teyo isn't having it. She makes several attempts to steal our device and the artifacts it uncovered, and after several encounters with her she ends up dead by our hands.

    What's important here though is her invention presented at the Snaff Prize Competition: the floating grizwhirl. The judge is rather unimpressed with it at the competition, thinking it more a toy than an invention worthy of genuine consideration, but Teyo stands by it, saying that it is a portable version of a device that can control the minds of subjects and make them pliant to suggestion. She goes on to note that while not always effective on Asura, it is 100% effective on humans and other "lesser races".

    While Teyo is dead and gone, her floating grizwhirl lives on and plays a prominent role in another personal story path: the human's "Missed Opportunity" level 20 personal story ( the circus one).

    This path begins with a meeting between the player character, Logan, and Minister Caudecus outside the Seraph Headquarters. They tell you that a boy from the orphanage has gone missing after a day at the carnival and that they need your help to find him. We agree a lost child would look bad for the city and Queen Jennah, so we head to the carnival to start investigating.

    We meet our upbringing-based companion there, and then the show begins. We are treated to acts by 3 performers, but the third act does not go as planned. We must defeat a snake that gets out of control, and after it is vanquished, the ringmaster quickly wraps up the show. He also briefly mentions a new gift shop item, the floating grizwhirl, calling it their latest toy souvenir (RIP Teyo's ego). We then initiate questioning of the performers, and eventually are led to the stables to search for clues ourselves. Additionally, the fortuneteller warns us that we will find secrets and to beware of the floating grizwhirl.

    In the stables we find no clues to the boy's whereabouts, but instead open up a crate filled with floating grizwhirls. When we do, we are attacked by a bunch of deranged carnies, and once defeated, we leave and reconvene with Logan. He says that carnies are distrustful of outsiders and suggests we should go undercover at the carnival training camp in Beetletun.

    Since it was always our dream to run away to the circus, we are ecstatic to hear this from Logan, and rush upon our merry way to Beetletun.

    At the training camp, we are put through several trials to test whether or not we are circus material, and once we pass muster, they tell us we have to wait to meet the ringmaster, as he is returning that evening with new grizwhirls from Uzolan's workshop. They also inform us that we now have free run of the place, but to steer clear of the warehouse.

    Of course, we head there straight away.

    Inside we find children and more deranged carnies, but this time after we defeat them something is different. They seem disoriented (and the kids do as well), and when they eventually come to they explain how they couldn't remember how they got here and that the last thing they remember is seeing the ringmaster at the carnival.

    Logan interrogates one of them and learns that they were testing the grizwhirls on the children. The carnie also spills to us that there is a meeting for new recruits tonight, and that the ringmaster will be there.

    We then have to decide whether to crash the meeting or to investigate Uzolan's workshop, and both branches are important to understanding the whole story.

    If you choose to investigate Uzolan's workshop, you will break into his base and free him from his own security systems. Also, you will have to fight off some clowns who are apparently attempting to kill him. When freed, he'll tell you that the ringmaster was inquiring about how to increase the grizwhirl's potency and range, and that he is likely planning to build a larger version of the grizwhirl and employ it at the carnival in Divinity's Reach.

    If you choose to crash the Ringmaster's meeting, you'll instead meet up just outside Black Haven at the secret gathering with the carnies. There you'll find the ringmaster, but realize too late that this was a test for his new grizwhirl. We complain that our head is hurting, but then everyone seems to disappear and monsters come to attack us! However, this was not the case. The ringmaster had managed to hypnotize us, and all the monsters we were fighting were the other people at the meeting.

    We tell one of the "monsters" to get away from us, but it turns out to be Logan, who snaps us out of it. He says we were attacking civilians and seraph, but also that we seemed to be holding back. We note here that, on some level, we knew it wasn't real, but only because our mind is stronger than the minds of his usual victims. Quickly, we realize that the Ringmaster is planning to use the device at the carnival in Divinity's Reach, so we decide to confront him there.

    Both branches then converge at the carnival, where the Ringmaster seems to have invited everyone and their mother to his show. We find our upbringing-based friend and yell at them to not look at the grizwhirl, then the show begins!

    The Ringmaster unveils the Floating Grizwhirl and says, "watch it go round and round. That which goes up must eventually come down. Queen Jennah's Kryta has had it all. Now it - and she - must tumble and fall." The event then breaks into mass hysteria, and we must defeat the Ringmaster. Once the chaos settles, we determine that this plot was unlikely to be the political statement of one deranged ringmaster and that, more likely, it was orchestrated by a member of the ministry that would take over Kryta after the Queen's fall.

    Much later in living world season 3, we learn that all of these plots were the work of Minister Caudecus, and that even the attack on Uzolan's workshop was feigned to bury the inventor's culpability, but now you're probably wondering, what does any of this has to do with Garenhoff and the Wizard's Tower?

    Well, as I mentioned, the devs bring us near and around Garenhoff a lot in the personal story, and there's one pair of branches in particular that put us directly in it: the level 30 Asuran Orders missions (specifically "Protest Too Much" and "Pry the Eye Open").

    At this point in the story, our asuran character is looking into the "death" of an asuran professor named Gorr, who was researching and disseminating his theories on the finite nature of dragon magic and magic in Tyria. This caught the attention of a secret organization within the Asura known as the Arcane Eye.

    A shadow division serving the whims of the Arcane Council, the Arcane Eye had faked Gorr's death to stop him from telling the world about his elder dragon research. Through investigating, we discover he is not dead and meet with Zojja and the order representatives to decide our next move.

    Zojja informs us of a remote facility of theirs in the human village of Garenhoff, and we then decide whether to get ourselves arrested by the Arcane Eye to infiltrate the facility with the Order of Whispers agent or to just storm the place with the Vigil.

    Either way, you end up inside a hidden Asuran compound and are able to save Gorr; but he's not important. What matters is the hidden Asura base.

    Hidden in a house in the village, it leads into a secret lair within the cliffs of Garenhoff. Now, hidden bases only accessible in story instances aren't anything new, but this base in particular raises a lot of red flags.

    First off, why are the Asura even here? It's sooo out of place and far away from any of their other facilities. Additionally, it doesn't even seem like they're even trying to hide! In the "Pry the Eye Open" instance we can ask around the village about any Asura in the area, and one of the residents, Lasha, tells us they get a lot of asuran visitors, but only have a few residents. But, guess what, she knows exactly where they live!!! She leads us to the exact house where their base it with ease. Incredibly ridiculous for an undercover operation.

    And that's not all. The base doesn't seem to fit the terrain. The house they use as a front is the same in the open world as in the instance, but the base itself has one huge difference. There's a giant window looking out onto the town from the mountainside!

    Yet outside, there is no window. It's not there. You can see out of it perfectly from the inside, but in the town it just seems to not exist. What a terrible mistake. I can't believe the devs messed up this hard...or did they???

    Let's go back to Teyo. The invention she showcased at the Snaff Prize Competition was just a portable version. The Floating Grizwhirl, therefore, is in actuality a much larger device. Now also recall what she says it does: controls the minds of subjects and make them pliant to suggestion. She also mentions it's 100% effective on humans and other lesser races.

    We never got to see her invention in action as Asura, but in the human circus arc we got to experience it first hand, and it certainly worked. Random audience members had been hypnotized into working as carnies for a WHILE and even we ourselves fell under its spell briefly, seeing some of our closest allies as monsters trying to attack us.

    The Floating Grizwhirl is a spectacular invention; I would argue phenomenally more groundbreaking than our silly VOED. And the Ringmaster proved that is could be used large scale and its range and strength improved.

    Many of you have likely guessed it by now, but what I'm alleging is that the town of Garenhoff is under the effects of a giant Floating Girzwhirl.

    Do you recall Felna, and how she seems to magically shapeshift? Well, I was trying to figure out why, and I realized that if you left the town for a long enough amount of time and came back, her model would change. It's hard to say what the parameters are exactly, but if I got far enough away in Kessex Hills and just waited a while, I'd come back to a new model.

    I'm positing that this is not a bug, but in fact, a clue. The Floating Grizwhirl was improved upon by the Arcane Eye, but it wasn't perfect yet. Felna wasn't bugging out, instead the Floating Grizwhirl just wasn't perfectly executing its program. I was seeing a different version of Felna because she isn't real; well, her character "Felna" isn't real.

    It also explains the out of place window. If the town of Garenhoff is under the effects of the Grizwhirl, they won't see the window unless you want them too anyway. Additionally, it doesn't matter that they know where you live because they're under your hypnotic suggestion.

    The Arcane Council are running an ABOMINABLE experiment on this town, and all the people unlucky enough to visit it become the subjects.

    It just all adds up. The citizens seem not to know exactly why or how they ended up here or what their roles really are. Many of the citizens even seem to want to leave, but for some reason just can't. And why are they telling everyone not to go past the Canyon, you might ask? It's because the Floating Grizwhirl can't control them that far out. After a time, the effects will wear off and the villagers will be free.

    And guess what they came up with as the story for why villagers end us disappearing: YEP, they just tell them they were invited up to the Wizard's Tower to live with Isgarren. If you managed to somehow fight your way past the influence of the device past the canyons, you had escaped and would realize the whole charade.

    But if you remember from the human story, you had to look at the Grizwhirl for its suggestions to take root. So where is the Floating Grizwhirl?

    You already know the answer: it's the Wizard's Tower.

    What better way to make sure you have a bounty of live subjects to perfect your device with than to lure them in with the promise of one of Tyria's grandest vistas...and you see it from every angle as you approach the town. You can't miss it. By the time you arrive, you're already under its hypnotic spell and only see what the Arcane Eye want you to see. Then you become one of their characters and stay as long as they like, playing your role WandaVision style.

    Now the town seems a lot darker to me. Many of the residents are confused and long for something better because they're being forced to be there. Additionally, Felna's role is especially tragic. It seems to me she's lived in the town for a really long time and remember its past, when elementals weren't subjugated and people actually did things. She is forced to play the role of grandmother and live in fear of the elementals she grew not to trust, longing to some day be given her invitation; her invitation to finally be free.

    And one really nice touch they added to make the connection to the human story: There is a character named Luesy who seems quite annoyed with the tourists coming to gawk at her and the town. Her friend says to ignore her and that she makes a plan every week to run away and finally leave, but never does. Well, if you talk to Leusy about it, she'll fuss at you at first for bothering her, but if you wait around long enough, her ambient dialogue tells you she wants to escape to the circus, bringing the connection full circle. A nice subtle hint.

    I know, this is depressing. a LOT of us wanted the Wizard's Tower to be something more, but here's the good news: we don't actually know what's up with this town and how much of it is fake. Yeah, the people seem to be living fake lives and you can't be certain what the exact terrain is, but it seems like the elementals and their subjugation is quite real.

    My guess is, this town is still connected to the Wizard's Tower and some mysterious mage, they're just also under the duress of the Floating Grizwhirl. Controlling the elementals from the top of the Cliff's, enjoying their spectacular view of the device at all times so as not to escape. Perhaps at at POI with their name on it. IDK.

    So don't be discouraged. Your Wizard's Tower dreams aren't dashed just yet. But remember the next you visit Garenhoff: beware the Grizwhirl.

    submitted by /u/mandala30
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    I like the new jade.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 01:00 PM PST

    I'm not afraid to admit it either. I think it looks good. I like the deep green. I think it's cool.

    submitted by /u/Mr_greenbone
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    Teapot's reaction to Jade Sea Color

    Posted: 18 Nov 2021 10:53 AM PST

    5 Acts in EoD?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 12:18 PM PST

    During the livestream - Connor, while talking about the news projectors, mentioned that they were turned off so that they wouldn't spoil "something that happens in like act 5". So this confirms there is at least 5 acts. HoT had 4 acts and PoF had 3. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/JoeyDsInc
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    So we finally see what's exactly on the table

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 12:15 PM PST

    Jade Sea Map Tour Livestream going live

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 11:53 AM PST

    I want to understand guild wars 2 story better, what do you recommend me?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 07:50 AM PST

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