• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 17, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Finished my Sylvari drawing today!

    Guild Wars 2 Finished my Sylvari drawing today!

    Finished my Sylvari drawing today!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    Bobby from Anet led the charge tonight

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    The day WvW fell.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    I stand before you reddit on this a dark day indeed. A day when the gamemode I adore has ended. I will tell the horrific tale about how WvW fell.

    My time has come, the realm I have defended for the past 9 years called to me again and like every day I answered the call. As I passed the Legendary Mist Warriors I stepped into the ever turbulent portal to the mists. Upon stepping through the great equalizer mere moments later I was met with a familiar scene - but something was wrong. An absense of laughter, cheer and conversation. An absence of life. Silence had engulfed WvW. No chat was to be heard, both team and map had fallen silent.

    Alas, the realm goes on. I set out, Legendary Defenders at my back I saw the tower in my sights. A sacred spawn tower captured by Sacrx himself stood unchanged before me flying enemy colours. Curse the French-Canadian night cappers! My realm stands strong, our heads high, and we will not let this disgrace continue.

    As I approached the resistance was strong. Veteran warriors met me to defend the gates while archers rained fire from above. However they underestimate me and my commitment to my realm. They quickly fell before my blade and as their still warm bodies hit the floor I began constructing a devlish siege weapon, an almighty Flame Ram. It was then I glanced to my side, a call for supplies was made and realised nobody stood with me. The king stands alone.

    Alas, this realm has stood proud for 9 years and it will stand for 9 more.

    I began my trek back to haul supplies. My allies in the mists had not forsaken me as the air drops had continued. Eventually, after what seemed like 6 minutes the ram was built. As a master ram user the gate quickly fell before me, my Iron Will proving stronger than the Veteran's resolve.

    The siege had begun.

    It was at this moment I realised something was off. No scouts graced the walls, the crenelations stood unmanned. Nobody was here to meet my siege. At the time I assumed our valiant commanders were besiegeing elsewhere and with this distraction I would be able to take the enemy stronghold without pressure, but in hindsight it was the beginning of the end.

    I took up my sword regardless, and charged into the breach, for no king rules forever and this Lord shall fall before my sword.

    For 13 minutes the battle raged. The clash of splintered shields and cold steel echoed throughout the mists. Great markers appeared on the map to signify my challenge by not aid came for either of us. Eventually, due to sheer determination and a broken build I bested the Lord and the circle was up. The tower was mine.


    It was then I realised my fate. My pockets were bare. No comrades stood by my side, no reward filled my purse - no pips filled the tracks. WvW was bare.


    I stand before you reddit on this a dark day indeed.

    Rewards have forsaken EU WvW and with it the incentive for players to play.

    If this was Fractals, Word Bosses or PvE in general there would have been outrage and compensation offered. If WvW is really a pillar of this game do not shaft the EU community in this a monumental cock up. WvW is rewardless on a weekend, a time when most players can play. I am missing out on Legendary armor tokens this week because of this.

    Mistakes happen, it's what you do after that defines if you care. Please remember how this impacts the community.

    All the best,

    EU Defenders of the realm

    submitted by /u/Lootballs
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    Solo Lupi Scourge [1:52]

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    someone was bothered about engi colors

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Shake N Bake Engi spec

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Guys, I’m trying to figure out the new specialization from the silhouette, do you think I’m close ? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    WvW reward track and pips problem

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Not getting pips or reward track progression on wvw.

    Anyone else has this issue?

    submitted by /u/EisenWagen
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    Evil spellbreakers be like

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    When NPCs get their hands on Permafrost dye

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    Looking for tips on getting legendary armor (WvW)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    I've been wanting to get legendary gear for a while, and after focusing on other goals that i recently finished ( like omni fractal potion and skyscale) i wanted to get started on my next goal, but i want to experience raids with my friends on a casual pace, so that would take too long to get the armor, and like hell i'll touch ranked pvp( league PTSD), so that leaves me with WvW. From what i was told you need aprox 22-24 weeks, 20ish hours a week to get the full set, but i was wondering what do i exactly do during those 20 hours? I have no WvW experience, so i was curious if someone could give me some pointers on where to go/what to do.

    Much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BkillerS3E
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    I'm having lots of fun fully completing maps while I level a character

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    So, I'm a player that's waiting for End of Dragons and is currently pretty bored of playing on my current main. I decided I'd take Revenant for a Spin because the shortbow Renegade skins are absolutely gorgeous and super cool thematically. Right at level 2 I decided it'd be interesting to fully complete some maps along the way, and then I remembered TacO and that there was a full map completion tracker. Honestly, it's been a blast. To a certain degree , it helps me "turn off" my brain during boring tasks, which are "finding" the things to pursue on the map and how to get to them, and enjoy the good stuff, which is the new maps I've never been to (one of GW2's most interesting aspects is how it can tell stories through visual, without having to hear people talking or reading something).

    About Revenant, it's so bad before it unlocks it's first traits. After I opened, he's damn good. Slap someone and keep walking, they're already dead. I decided to build condi because short bow is going to be Condi and also because I've never played a condi character before. Honestly, the only bad part now is that when I fall, I'm basically dead, because his throwing mist skill deals no damage at all and I can't kill anything to rally back up. Also, as someone that used to play Scrapper that has a huge heal, both demon and Shiro heal are sooooo tiny. They're underwhelming as hell. I think the second trait line solves that, with healing talents, but wounds add up quick.

    Anyway, I'd advise anyone to try this out on your next character leveling adventure. It feels pretty good and you also get some Lion Keys here and there.

    submitted by /u/Paganyan
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    No more goblins in Tyria, you're welcome.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    Which demon at anet made guide the ooze in twilight arbor?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    I hate you

    submitted by /u/JJ_07
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    Servers Down

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    Can't login (EU).
    Not alone apparently https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/103356-unable-to-gain-login-access-to-server/

    EDIT: seems fixed now.

    submitted by /u/Jambulll
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    We NEED a way to stack our infusions and glowing skins even further. It is beyond a joke

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Hello my fellow infusion enthusiasts. I think we are all faces with the same problem. We can't stack our infusions enough. Only 21 infusions per character? It's disrespectful to our entire reason to play.

    We can all agree that the only reason we use our infusions and skins is because we are terrified of not standing out. If the centre of attention is not on us at all times then we are barely even playing. The idea that we like to express ourselves and have colourful characters to play as instead of more simplified looks is laughable. Our sole goal is to ruin the legacy of GW1 by looking vibrant in a separate game and an MMO no less. An MMO is designed around restricting player freedom and discouraging customization and expression to play how you want.

    As we all know Anet is infallible because they give us shiny stuff. We must never let anyone talk badly of them because of this. Icebrood saga was a masterpiece because we got infusions. DRM's were the most fun we have ever had because we got infusions. No news on raids for how long now? But we can look over that because now we can dress our Charr in a fairy costume in a game about CUSTOMIZATION. Anet has NEVR made a bad decision in our eyes.

    Also the idea to lower character model limits should be removed too. If players do this then they won't be able to see my glorious radiance as it bursts forth from the screen, incinerates their eyeballs, detonates their PC and set's their city on fire. If I am not surrounded by hordes of people admiring my 5 ghostly's, a polyluminescent and the red fractal infusion then I don't even want to play. I might quit GW2 over that sheer fact and then where would the community be? I know they'd all be distraught!

    Looking at these peasants wearing their not colourful-lore friendly outfits disgusts me. GW2 is looking like some cheap poorly made MMO. There are so many of us infusion spammers out there, often I see 30-40 others on meta maps, working together to crash the poor role-player's PCs.

    I don't know, some people would say things like: 'This is how the game is, it's not guild wars 1, this is the game Anet wants it to be and are not obligated to design it how you want. In a game about cooperation and customization why can't we just enjoy playing how we want and accept that other people want to play it differently, and making the same post every week thinking you are the messiah for think of this idea is no-' *Ahem*

    Anyway. I'm going to the mistlock sanctuary now to high five all my other infusion spamming chads and continue to ruin other player's immersion and fun. Downvote if you want, it'll get removed soon anyway.

    submitted by /u/AIVandal
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    In just under an hour, the Invitational Bracket of the HCL 2 Kicks off!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    Greetings Gamers, and happy Saturday!

    Today will be the EU Invitational Bracket for the 2nd Hardstuck Conquest League. Two weeks ago, we watched as 9 teams clawed their way out of the Open bracket to compete with the Invitational teams, and today is the day we watch as they clash. Once again, only 2 teams from today's matches will make it through to tomorrow's Global Cross Region Matches, and we have some very competitive teams for sure. But no matter who comes out on top today, they will have their work cut out for them facing off against NA's strongest - Skillcapped, as well as the winners of the previous HCL, The USA Dragons.

    You can watch all the action over at MightyTeapot, and read all about the tournament rules/brackets/etc here

    For more information on Hardstuck Tournaments, join our competitive discord here or our main Hs Discord here

    We hope to see you all there cheering on your favorite teams from EU today, and of course the always great EU vs NA tomorrow! Good luck to all teams, and we'll see you in the arena!


    submitted by /u/Roile
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    My rank is 65 so i am still learning. Plz feel free to comment. Hope you enjoy.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Mute Revenant Legends Voices?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 10:51 PM PDT

    Tried searching around already, but didn't find anything particularly helpful. Does anyone know if there is a way to mute just the legend voices while playing as revenant? I've heard the dialog about a million times and it is just annoying at this point.

    submitted by /u/_turtleburger_
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    Second ascended accessory

    Posted: 16 Oct 2021 07:02 PM PDT


    It's pretty easy to farm winterberry for ascended trinkets. But I found I have huge problems to find same quick way to farm second accessory, because it says I cant wear both accessories from Bitterfrost frontier.

    What is the most easy and profitable way to farm another accessory in 2021?

    submitted by /u/ruikarikun
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