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    Sunday, October 31, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons [Beta] | Week 3 feedback

    Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons [Beta] | Week 3 feedback

    End of Dragons [Beta] | Week 3 feedback

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    The third End of Dragons beta week is now over, share here how it went for you

    • What do you think about the new specs?

    • Did you find your new main?

    • What surprised you about the new specs?

    • Are you more hyped about the remaining specs?

    • Did you get screwed over by RNG luck while on your beta alts?


    submitted by /u/RandommUser
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    [Personal story spoilers] Would be nice if this was an actual title and not just a story one.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    I am a servant of Grenth.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    Today I had 4 bots on my team and 5 bots on enemy team. This is the difference of a human.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    Made Dimitri from Fire Emblem.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Mad King Thorn by me and Jack Skellington by my mother �� entirely improvised so not the neatest but I like it

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    PSA - for some of us Daylight Saving Time has now ended! That means timed events and reset will take place 1 hour earlier/later until March.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    The server clocks do not change. Just showed up to an Octovine and wondered where everyone was... happens every year, big sad. Hopefully people show up!

    submitted by /u/MrModius
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    Solo Citadel of Flame Path 1 - Guardian [6:33]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    They should allow you the option to have your 2 handed weapon swap weapon display on your back while your 1 handers are out, this looks amazing!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    The OBEY Art!!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Happy Halloween! Drew my Scrapper with her Function Gyro

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    I tried reimagining the LFG to create a queue system while still maintaining GW2 class elasticity.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Idk, thought it was funny

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    Daily reminder for Anet to add cutscene skips and instance resets to ALL Living World Stories to make them more enjoyable.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Mechanist Thoughts from Long Time Engineer Main

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Hello, I have played Engineer for more than 80% of my time in this game since launch. This is the reveal I was looking forward to the most and the only one I feel like I can provide a detailed level of feedback. Trying to keep the main design decisions and offer suggestions for numbers/trait tweaks in line with what Anet generally has done in the past. Thank you in advance for reading, interested in thoughts from others.

    I think the Mechanist was done quite well for a beta preview. Both Support builds and Condi dps builds look like they have potential for the live game. Power DPS is lacking and to me this is okay our other two elite specs fill different types of power damage roles. It's also possible a high CC power/cele build is pretty viable in PvP. If Mechanist provides legitimate support and condi dps builds at the very least then I think that would be a success and really fill out the roles that an Engineer can provide overall.

    Regarding support: target caps need cleanup globally. Make everything 5 or 10, not a mix where some builds are taken purely due to the number of targets they can hit. Also Mechanists need Fortifying Bond.

    Condi dps tuning is currently disappointing because you end up playing essentially a core build with Mechanist instead of Tools. I would really like to see a Mace build with the condi signet be more competitive. To be clear I do not think mace/signet needs to be strictly better than the "core Mech" build and some feedback I've seen goes wrong here. Ideally we could find a place in balance that they are similar enough that mace and condi signet + a kit or two or other utility options is competitive with 4-kit dual pistols. For those who don't want to play piano on their keyboard anymore they are still viable for top DPS roles. For example, if "core build" Mechanists can bench 40k I think it would be ideal if Mace + Signet was 38-40k. Similar to rifle Holo build vs sword Holo build.


    The mech looks great, animations are cool. The spec lives and dies by the Mech more than any other pet profession, so it really needs AI cleanup and responsiveness. Too often it is running in weird directions, not standing near enough to me for the skills to work, and not doing the skills I am commanding. It's not endearing when the Mech uses an AOE skill 1200 units away from any enemies, it's frustrating. In terms of surviving the Mech is decently beefy but the breakbar in PvE is awful. Breaks too fast due to liberal application of Slow, Immob, chill, knockback, etc and 5s seems like a lifetime. Double breakbar strength and make the stun 3s, split modes if needed. Also 100s CD is insane, 30s max. There's been lots said about this already, moving on...

    Oh, right one thing. Crash Down/Recall has got to be F5 for consistency. Let F4 be attack, return, or some other AI function.


    I think the Mace is fun you get a lot out of 3 skills. Aside from some numbers tweaking this came out of the gate strong. Auto chain feels good. Condi numbers are a little low to be competitive with 4-kit builds, depending on how other changes come together some more condis and damage could be added.


    • Rectifier is boring but it works, however I don't see a justification for a 30s cooldown. Should be 20 or 25 max.

    • Barrier is nice, would really like to see a combo field (Ethereal for synergy with all the confusion in this spec).

    • Force is really weird to me, stun break on an AOE knockback feels bad. I've been using it for stun break and scattering mobs annoys players around you. I would remove stun break from this skill, alternatively make the knockback an AOE pull same range same breakbar amount so it doesn't hurt our party if we use it.

    • Shift gets the stun break if removed from force. Aside from feeling really slow (weird on a skill making you faster) it's a neat skill serves a couple different functions. I'd make it instant like other shadow steps especially with stun break. 1/4 max without.

    • Superconducting should be larger on the Mech (like barrier signet), Mech is right on the edge of range currently. Also needs more condis on it or make the field drop on both Mechanist and Mech, rewarding good positioning with overlapping fields. Right now it's weaker than one concussion bomb at 50% longer CD (and lack of the rest of the bomb kit). Lastly with Superconducting, I'd like an ethereal field instead of lightning for the confusion synergy.

    • Jade Buster Cannon... oof this hits like a wet noodle. Two different uses is cool but I don't see why this shouldn't rival Prime Light Beam for damage they are very similar skills. Heck give it a trail on the ground too (confusion of course). 60s CD. Additionally I'm not sure how many builds using other signets would not use this signet as well, maybe give another passive effect and just reduce cooldowns as baseline. Not an exciting passive currently, maybe some interaction with the Mechanist or the Mech landing hits, some stacking effect would be neat. Or give the increased effectiveness to all passive signets here on the elite signet.

    Minor Traits

    I think traits need the most work on Mechanist so I will go through them all. Not trying to look at huge changes but some tweaks that would help what I see as the main issues. The minors feel cheap, the last one overrides the previous two (stats) and there's just not a lot of substance. Nothing for the Mechanist if the Mech dies, nothing to synergize with other trait lines. All stats should inherit 100% on the very first minor, should simplify things and allow some choice in skills you want the Mech to have rather than being driven by stats. If there is a balance concern here then the Mech should be tuned directly to match the full stat inheritance but I suspect this wouldn't be a problem, not like the Mech is getting a ton of healing power in a full dps build.

    I would like to see the minor traits do something for the Mechanist directly, possibly some kind of synergy with the rest of Engineer. Barrier application does something special, CC applies some amount of barrier, some effect when confusion is applied, something when boons are applied, etc. Some interesting interaction that gives the Mechanist a unique way to interact with the rest of the Engineer. Fortifying Bond as the last minor would be great. Maybe bring elements of the signet GM to a minor trait (gain a lesser passive effect when on cooldown).

    Major Traits 1 (Mech Arms)

    • It's cool that Mech Arms changes the look of the Mech. Would really like to see that extend to the Frame and Core traits. Would help a little with some customization that people want (not super important to me but I get it) and allow a little better counterplay in PvP being able to recognize the physical appearance

    • Single Edge Cutters: Rolling Smash is great, I'm generally using this on the Mech regardless of the rest of build it's just a solid skill if I don't need to cap Might. Is it a technical possibility to give Mech finishers? I think that would really enhance the feeling of the Mech being the main focus of the Mechanist if it could also proc its own combo finishers, get leap auras, etc. This should be a leap. Maybe ground target to let us have a little better control of the Mech.

    • High Impact Drivers: Explosive Knuckle is a good skill obviously for support but in any build that wants might. I like that it's geared toward one type of build but still useful enough generally to apply to other builds. That is a good trait design it's not too locked in to one thing.

    • Jade Cannons: Spark Revolver is okay I generally prefer melee so I use Cutters. One issue I noticed is the other Mech major trait skills remain melee so the Mech still runs in if you use a condi or support trait later in the build. That should be fixed to make them all ranged, also the other skills become 900 range and this is 1200 so the Mech uses this skill then has to walk forward to continue fighting, just seems a bit clunky. Continuing with finishers all Mech ranged attacks get 20% projectile finisher (including this skill) would be cool. I prefer the other two Mech Arms but if this makes all other skills ranged it rounds out a generally solid set of Mech Arm options.

    Major Traits 2 (Mech Frames)

    • Conductive Alloys: Discharge Array is a decent idea but not enough damage. I'd love to see a lightning field it's right there in the name. I'd add more confusion here or add burning, possibly poison since that's an Engineer condi lacking in Mechanist. I hate to ask for more visual effects but I think this is hard to see in PvP nothing really on the ground indicating damage/CC is happening. I'd really like to see a unique confusion bonus somewhere on Mechanist to help bridge the gap between mace/signet and 4-kit as mentioned above. This might be the right spot for it. +X% damage for confusion is one option, something more unique would be cool like additional effects when skills are activated or some way to refresh durations, etc.

    • Channeling Conduits: Crisis Zone is very cool. Usually this works instantly, which is important for Aegis. Sometimes the Mech just ignores our command and that is really bad for Aegis needs. Feels a little long CD 30s would be great. This is also a great trait because it gives a new ability! Why are those so few and far between? Barrier grants Alacrity is awesome two new boons for Engineer really making support viable. Good work on this one.

    • Variable Mass Distributor: Core Reactor Shot is a not bad but feels outclassed because the trait gives nothing else to the Mechanist. 100% projectile finisher here if possible. Maybe some cool stacking ability whenever CC is used would fit well in this trait line.

    Major Traits 3 (Mech Core)

    • Jade Dynamo: Jade Mortar is really slow and easy to avoid/miss, but doesn't feel like it has the payoff to justify. More damage and burning is needed (blast finisher?). Ground target that would help a lot in better Mech control. Lingering field should be on the table as well. As for the trait abliity inheriting explosives on hit is a really neat idea but it doesn't really pan out at 33%. Should be 100% explosion chance, Shrapnel is still only 33% chance for 1 bleed.

    • Barrier Engine: Barrier Burst another great skill for support. Mechanist loses Toss Elixir B, can't use Defense Field, lost all AOE stabilty access so I want to suggest replacing Vigor with Stab, but in fairness this is still a really solid trait. The barrier pulse is really strong when combined with other skills and mace, numbers might need tuning down. But 3s pulse should remain for Alacrity. This could be a whirl finisher.

    • J-Drive: Sky Circus is a little disappointing it just doesn't hit as much as it sounds like it should. For being the grandmaster in the power/CC line I think more than just the landing should CC (which doesn't appear to target anything, this would be another great ground target candidate). Each missle should Daze, the landing should also be a blast finisher. The evade is a nice way to avoid damage. The trait ability signet buff is good but I really feel that should be baseline in some form because signets don't feel great without it. Due to lack of weapon swap, and a signet taking the spot of a kit, there just aren't many skills to use. I get the tradeoff of signets is to hold passive or use for stronger effect but it's not the same as Warrior, Guardian, Ele, Ranger, Necro, etc. On Engineer you need some skills to use it doesn't feel great to hold a skill for passive effect when you also have no weapon swap, no kit, no toolbelt, no other skills to use. Maybe a minor trait allows lesser passive effects to remain when using signets and this trait instead buffs signets in a different way.

    submitted by /u/Adamantium711
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    Strike rewards question?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    I've returned to the game after a year and a half long break with EoD coming up and I'm looking at ways to spend my time. Strike missions are calling to me but I can't find any concrete info about the amount of rewards they offer on the wiki, only that it gives out profit shards.

    Could anyone who's spent time striking tell me roughly how many you'd make from say a full fun of each strike in one day?

    Bonus question, does anyone know roughly how long it would take to make a full set of ascended armour from strikes? EoD demands new builds from me.

    submitted by /u/Alestwyth
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    Remember Tequalt's Tidal Wave? Now that players have huge power creep, it's very hard to see this mechanic occur anymore but it was certainly epic!!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    The Untamed - One can Dream

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I am purposefully not delving down each of my thoughts regarding this eSpec to hopefully keep this post from being just a MASSIVE wall of text. Lets discuss in the comments.

    I have mained Ranger since launch and plan to main Ranger through EoD, regardless if Anet does anything to "fix" this new eSpec. My personal take, as with many others, is that the Untamed needs a complete overhaul. Rangers have been wanting/hoping for a pet centered eSpec for a long time and if this is the one we are getting lets do our utmost to make sure our voices are heard that its current design choice is not what we want.

    With that being said, here are the things I would love to see implemented/changed in no order of importance.

    1. The unleashed mechanic and cantrips need an fx overhaul. The animations are fine, however, color palette is so gross and monochromatic. I also would love a size change for the pet when it is unleashed.

      2. The Untamed has to stop trying to be Bunny Thumper 2.0. This means some trait redesign is in order. Bunny Thumper is great, but I do not think any of us who were asking for it expected an eSpec that was ONLY Bunny Thumper. The traits need an overhaul to focus more on pet synergies. Not exactly like Mechanist, but that's a step in the right direction. Hammer can still be bunny thumper without the whole eSpec being bunny thumper.

      3. We need our pet buttons back and the ability to keybind them if we choose. Taking away the ability to command our pets to attack, return, and our button to quickly stow pets is bad design. Its okay if these buttons are not keybind by default (like swapping pet stance in core ranger), but at least give us the option to keybind them.

      4. The "core" Untamed trait as proclaimed by Anet (Vow of the Untamed) needs to affect pet damage and damage reduction. Imo, the pets gotta feel like a major component of the damage dealt for it to feel like a pet spec (looking at you mechanist...). Additionally, unleashed pets should have varied abilities based on its pet type (deadly, versatile, etc.) or species (dog, moa, bear, etc.). If not all the skills, I would settle for just the f3 skill to be different (similar to SB). Unleashed pets should also continue to use their core abilities on cooldown while unleashed. OR, if its simpler, just remove unleashed skills and buff all the base pet skills while unleashed with cd reduction, and some variation of boons, damage, and added conditions.

      5. Unleashed Ranger skills should not be tied to hammer, rather a set of skills that promotes fighting alongside your pet. No matter what weapon you use, its the same 5 skills and its all about fighting WITH your pet. We already have weapon skills that affect pets next attack and such, all 5 skills should be in this vein. White Lion from Warhammer Online is the pinnacle of MMO classes that got this trope/idea right (imo of course). The unleashed weapon can still be a hammer, but it can have its own static skin like ele conjured weapons. This skill set also will need a gap closer of sorts for players using a ranged weapon prior to unleashing.


    Again...one can dream...

    submitted by /u/SpaceTaiyaki
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    Everyone, meet my Firebrand!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Condensing the LFG tool?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    AFAIK, nobody even uses the mentoring, roleplaying, guild recruitment, achievements, and story journal LFG folders. Yet, these categories all have their own folder on the LFG tool. As we add more LFG folders with each living season, it starts to look pretty bloated. It bothers me that there's a scroll bar for the folder list even before we open any folders.

    Do you all think it would be better to either remove them, or condense them into other folders?

    Or should we just keep it as it is, and make the list longer?

    I'd like to open this up for discussion because maybe some people do actually use these categories, and I'm wrong.

    submitted by /u/tensing99
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    Appreciation post.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    I'm amazed by this community! I know I've read alot about how helpful you guys can be but… Holy moly! Seconds after I asked for help on a bounty, I had like 6-7 players on me! Always been a solo type of player, but this one seriously amazed me!

    submitted by /u/Nucksfan2233
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    Playing with my pal

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    I wanted to play with my girlfriend, unfortunately the world I play on is full, is there any way she can play with me? I do not want to start the whole game over and get everything from scratch.


    submitted by /u/badov_pl
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    How to burst with Mirage?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    I've recently been trying out Mirage in PvP and I love its amazing sustain. I am running a typical build with Inspiration / Chaos and Staff Sw/T Signets and I was told that my damage should mostly come from F2 shatter and spamming Chaos Vortex. So thats what I tried in PvP, but despite F2 doing an ok burst (usually downs them to around 50% if at full), Staff Ambush Attack just does close to no damage (or it doesn't feel like it), and more often than not I just couldn't keep my pressure on the enemy and they just recover back, leading to a stalemate. Is there any tips / suggestions from you Mirage mains to help me improve pressuing / bursting down enemies?

    submitted by /u/DreamingPillow
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