• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 23, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Going downstate is a part of Ele rotation again. Hammer 3 is bugged so if you get downed/die, all balls refresh duration and continue dealing damage long after the skill should have ended. ANet giving Ele's what they always wanted

    Guild Wars 2 Going downstate is a part of Ele rotation again. Hammer 3 is bugged so if you get downed/die, all balls refresh duration and continue dealing damage long after the skill should have ended. ANet giving Ele's what they always wanted

    Going downstate is a part of Ele rotation again. Hammer 3 is bugged so if you get downed/die, all balls refresh duration and continue dealing damage long after the skill should have ended. ANet giving Ele's what they always wanted

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    ArcDPS updated for latest patch, supports DX9 + 11

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    I'm having a blast with this game, testimony of a WoW veteran.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    More of repost of another post someone made but this is my side of the story with mmo's in general and now with GW2, my neglect for so long and just sheer ignorance is more to make an apology on my end how good this game is.

    As a WoW veteran my self for 17 years, i bought the game and every expansion every since but didn't touch it that much.

    Like i made a class went into the game got to level 2 and just stopped, idk why i did that but my mind was still on a WoW tunnel vision for so long.

    After what we see now happening at blizzard itself and the game for me it was enough i wanted to try other mmo's for once and stopped my sub with all the shit we saw at blizzard the game isn't fun anymore.

    I do play FFXIV it's a great game with some unique things as well, combat becomes better but at much later levels.

    So i went back to Guild Wars 2 and just now it clicks with me, the whole world, the atmosphere, the music just going on and about exploring (that's what i missed in general in mmo's) but most of all like ffxiv no pressure no more things that hackle my progression I'm having lots of fun.

    Even today after 9 years the art direction in tyria is still amazing to this day, unlocking those views and making screenshots is a new hobby, not to forget the deep custimization and dye system.

    I did asked a level 80 to get my raptor just so i can level up my way and without walking and glad the community is welcoming.

    I'm going to stream the game as well since this game deserves much more attention as it should the whole marketing is just not good while the game itself is incredible.

    Since i played WoW i also did heroic raids and m+ but now i can't do it anymore so i'm happy to be playing this game.

    And with DX11 beta now out the game runs smoother and better sure there are some technical issues but that happens, i will get the new expansion as well.

    Also the mounts that's need to be said the most unique I ever encountered in the game even the raptor is so damn cool, the little idle animations but also the feel to is simply amazing.

    So yeah i'm currently in a much happier state than i was before!

    Also the community is very welcoming in game as well!

    submitted by /u/Nokterian
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    With so many betas running at the moment, a reminder how to create an effective bug report

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    I will preface this by saying I don't now, nor have I in the past, work for ArenaNet. I don't know how their internal structure looks beyond what they've told us and I don't know how much data they have access to. What I'm about to say is entirely based on my knowledge and experience from working in IT.

    The reason for this post is that I see a lot of people complaining how there are many bugs that never get fixed, yet when I look at the forums for the reports, they all just say "there's a bug here, please fix it". That doesn't help finding, nor fixing the bug. To find what causes the bug, they need to be able to reproduce it. So how do you help them do that?

    1. If the game didn't crash, use the in-game bug reporting tool, not just the forums! It's found in the menu (click the cog in the menu bar or ESC by default) under "Support", and it can send them more background data than any forum post. You should still follow the other steps, but this definitely helps.
    2. If you are recording for whatever reason, upload that recording to YouTube unedited as an unlisted video and include a link to it in your forum post. That may help reproducing the bug.
    3. Describe, in as much detail as you can remember, everything you did leading up to the bug! If something you did caused the bug, this helps them reproduce it. This includes mundane things like which skills you activated and if you dodged. Also includes attacks/phases of the enemy. As much as you can remember.
    4. Describe what the bug did and how it was different from what you expected, in detail. For example, if you get stuck in a wall, include which wall. If the bug caused your attack to go in the opposite direction, say that.
    5. Remain calm and friendly. The person that handles your bug report is almost definitely not the same that caused the bug, yelling at them is unnecessary and rude. Don't be someone else's "horrible customer" story.
    6. Be patient. I know we as players want any bug to be fixed as soon as possible, but especially now, with DX11 and Alliances betas and EoD probably entering the final stages of development, the QA team has their hands full finding and making people fix bugs that may not even be in the game yet, they'll also have several high impact bugs that they need to get to before something that caused a slight visual bug can get attention. They WILL get to your bug, it may just take some time, especially if the bug is not directly caused by any player input but rather background stuff, which makes it way harder to reproduce. It may also be hard to find a fix without breaking something else, programs at this scale are incredibly complex, so remember that.

    Following these steps will make it more likely that your bug can be found and therefore fixed. It will also keep the mood of the person reading the report up because you are being nice and that can directly impact productivity.

    TL;DR: Remain calm and friendly, use the in-game tool when possible, if you have video, link it on your forum post, give them as many details as you can, be patient.

    Now go and write some good bug reports!

    submitted by /u/MrZerodayz
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    PvP & WvW elementalists after having played with hammer

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Am I the only one really enjoying core ele so far? It's been years since I've been able to put some cd and then autoattack everything to dust!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 11:57 PM PDT

    When you're the only one in your friend group without a skyscale

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    After "All or Nothing" stories - Requiem

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    Since "All or Nothing" was the re-released free chapter of Living World Story 4 this week, I thought I'd point out these three little stories that came out between this episode and the next one, War Eternal.

    There was a 4 month gap between these two episodes and we were left with so many feelings and thoughts to mull over. So if you're new (or if you just forgot) check out these three stories while you hug your emotional support quaggan waiting for the next episode :)


    submitted by /u/khorren
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    "We can't buff ele, they have access to 20 skills and do too much dmg on golem"... Meanwhile, on Bladesworn

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    I think I might be missing couple of texture inside the mistlock (dx11)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    Vindicator's Alliance Elite seems underwhelming

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    Please make it so Vindicator's Alliance Elite skill (the spear) has a charge like Warrior's f2 skill ( the one that never hits in pvp)

    It'd be really nice to be able to charge the spear and potentially deal enough damage with it as a long range snipe shot, it would fit the entire feel of the spec aswell

    Currently it has no redeeming quality, it just ... does 1k damage and that's it

    And considering how Vindicator f2 is honestly just a side skill of Alliance anyway (since its useless on any other legend due to not resetting anything there and only giving 50 endurance) might aswell make the Elite good

    Elite skill to have significant range (atleast ranger longbow range) + charge mode that costs energy to increase damage

    submitted by /u/Xlhnzi
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    Catalyst f5 should function more like Sand Shades for Scourge

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    One of the easiest fixes I can see for Catalyst is that the effects of f5/Jade Sphere should function just like the current shade implementation. One AOE exists on your totem, one AOE exists on your person, and both share target caps for buffs/damage. As it stands, this would really help address mobility, finishers, and several other issues with the current f5/Jade Sphere.

    submitted by /u/J4jem
    [link] [comments]

    [Vindicator][PvE] My feedback, perceived issues and some proposals.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:10 AM PDT


    I hereby present my feedback on the Vindicator elite spec for the Revenant class. I will divide my feedback into several sections and will try to look at things from mainly a PvE perspective. Vindicator was the spec that hyped me the most out of the three newest beta elite specs. I really loved the idea of getting two legends to toy with, and that dramatic dodge looked awesome! But after playing it for quite a bit (as far one can say this in a Beta event), I am afraid the spec has a lot of issues that completely kill both its DPS and support potential.

    The PvE DPS numbers:

    Unfortunately the thing is that the Vindicator as a whole is dramatically undertuned for damage. Greatsword is only a part of this issue. Both it and traits need help to get the damage to a good level. Even the best of the best players among us are having trouble getting above 30k on the golem. If under perfect circumstances and perfect boons, it is almost impossible to break the 30k damage barrier, something is wrong. More damage is needed, either through greatsword buffs, or through traits with more/additional damage modifiers. The fact that the damage on the legend skills (even the spear elite) is quite low doesnt help either.

    Possible issue with the theme:

    None to be honest, none. It feels fitting to get the legends of two of Cantha's greatest heroes in our new spec, I don't think there would be a better suited choice for me personally. I know that Archemorus and Saint Victor aren't everyone's first choice ( I have seen suggestions for a Naga legend, a Tengu legend, Master Togo, an ancient evil mage legend, Vizu or Nika, even Razah at one point), but at least they are influential figures in Canthan lore.

    Possible issue with the mechanic:

    The Flip over nature of the legend skills feel clunky, you don't have access to what you want when you need it, and the shared cooldowns don't help either. The current F2 skill could also use some additional/other functionality or a split into different skills. It really hurts that I come to this conclusion, because on paper this flip-over system is a highly creative one that was guaranteed to add a new flavour to the revenant playstyle. But after trying it extensively, the only conclusion I am able to reach is that it is a mechanic that does not work as well as I hoped it would.

    Some proposals:

    1. I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to just separate the two legends and switch between Archemorus/Victor with F2, while switching to a non legendary-alliance legend with F1. I understand that would hurt the uniqueness, but at least it would work and not frustrate the player.

    2. In addition the current F2 skill feels harsh when it comes to flipping skills, essentially adding a big energy cost to the first skill you want to use from the other half of your alliance (you are pretty much forced into the trait for this if you want to be able to somewhat reliably access your skills).

    3. If the suggestion to split the two into seperate legends doesnt work, I feel this F2 needs to be split into an F2 and an F3, with F2 trading energy for endurance, and F3 flipping/resetting the legend skills, with adjusted costs and recharges (meaning you roll the Leviathan Strength trait into an F3 skill). Because currently you will often find yourself stuck with skills from a legend you don't want, or use something to get to the legend you need only to have the thing you want on cooldown. I appreciate the flavor/idea, but I currently feel it is holding the spec back.

    4. Another suggestion: Combine the two legends in one skillbar. Make the heal skill Saint Victor, proceed to give Victor and Archemorus 2 Utility skills each on your bar, Move Urn and Spear to F2 and F3 and create a new elite skill that is an attack performed by both legendary heroes together, like how they struck down Shiro together. So your elite truly show their 'alliance'.

    5. Or how about this: Make Vindicator the first spec that allows the Revenant to pick its skills for that legend, so you can pick if you want an Archemorus or a Saint Victor skill in a slot.

    6. Something else: you only get endurance from F2 when used in a non-legendary alliance legend. Is that enough to make it appealing to use outside of Archemorus/Victor? Perhaps it could do something else based on the non legendary-alliance legend that you swap to? Just so you may also be tempted into using the skill when NOT channeling the legendary-alliance stance.

    Possible issue with the Greatsword skills:

    Not much, I feel like the greatsword is solid as an idea. An auto-attack chain that rewards finishing it (because the last hit does more damage if the tooltip is to be believed), two hard hitting skills in greatsword 2 and 5, a gap closer and snare on 3 ( but I do not believe the tooltip that claims its 900 range, it's not even half in reality), and a block on 4 with a follow-up/flip-over. So looking at what the skills do, it seems like a well-rounded kit.

    Possible issue with the roles this legend may fill in PvE:

    Role 1: DPS Vindicator:

    Vindicator appears to get the option for mainly two roles, being a selfish DPS spec and a healer/supportive spec. With only Forerunner of Death being a 15% damage modifier and the conditional power from Empire Divided, the spec pretty much has to rely on the greatsword (which currently cannot be traited) to do the damage. I feel this is not going to be enough, especially with the damage on the legend skills being abysmal, even on the Archemorus elite. Even the best of the best players among us are having trouble getting above 30k on the golem. If under perfect circumstances and perfect boons, it is almost impossible to break the 30k barrier, something is wrong. More damage is needed, either through greatsword buffs, or through traits with more/additional damage modifiers.

    Another problem is the lack of CC the spec comes with for higher end PvE (I will probably mention this multiple times, because it is THAT important imo). The spec has 0 hard CC, 0, ZERO. Now a spec can get away with doing no cc at all if its busted in other aspects, like busted damage or busted utility/support. But if it has no CC but also no damage, it becomes a problem in a DPS position. And staff is not the answer, considering the big DPS loss that staff is, causing your damage to drop even further. 16 new legend skills. Zero with hard CC. Zero.

    For the goal of DPS Vindicator to be achieved, the DPS numbers will need to find their way upwards through either raw damage on greatsword and Archemorus legend skills, or through trait modifications giving it additional damage modifiers or way to increase damage in other ways, currently this part of the spec is undertuned. And find a way to weave some hard CC into the spec so it does not need to rely on the staff. Staff can work on support renegade and perhaps support Saint Victor Vindicator, where DPS is not the main role or goal, but it will not work on a DPS Archemorus Vindicator. To me this problem is really glaring. I am sure there is a way to incorporate some pulls and/or stuns into the utility skills of these legends.

    Role 2: Support/Heal Vindicator:

    The heal/support part is in a better state numberswise, but has a major oversight: a healing spec in PvE does not merely get chosen for their raw healing power, but for the offensive buffs they can bring in either quickness+boons (FB), alacrity+boons+some heals(Renegade), quickness+heals (Scrapper, and this is fringe already), or heals+fury+massive might(druid). Rarely if ever is a healing spec brought for raw healing, even heal scourge offers some additional utility in for example teleport resurrection, another epidemic and some might. Vindicator right now pretty much only brings a bit of healing, some barrier and a bit of regeneration. This is not enough to compete where it matters, those places will still bring Firebrands/Renegades/Druids.

    Vindicator needs its own healer niche, which means it either needs to bring some more offensive boons (something extremely good or it will never compete with alacrity renegades or quickness+boonspamming firebrands, hell it loses out to boonsupport Herald as it currently is), or it needs to go down the healscourge path and become a very powerful carry spec through heals, blocks, ressing and omega-barriers. Without massive buffs, this playstyle might be dead on arrival in PvE, and personally I do not want that to happen!

    Possible issue with the artwork of skills and traits:

    Like most of the EoD icons so far, I feel they are missing details and polish. There is a very clear difference between EoD skill/trait icons, and the basegame/HoT/PoF ones.

    Do another pass over the icons so they won't look as out of place as they currently do when compared to their basegame/HoT/PoF counterparts.

    Possible issues with Utility skills:


    Most of Archemorus his skills are supposed to feel aggressive, but in reality aren't very damaging and very situational. It's obvious they felt a bit afraid to make the abilities OP because you get 2 new legends instead of 1.

    Example: Spear of Archemorus is a 2000 range intercontinental ballistic missile...that hits like a wet noodle. For something that looks so amazing, the damage is pitiful. Please up the damage on it, by a lot. I feel like this half of the legend could also use some harder crowd control options, right now Vindicator lacks that a lot. Archemorus was a Luxon, and a big part of Luxon Culture was the Convocation and the hunt on Zhu Hanaku the Kraken. Perhaps we could see some of this Kraken power in this legend, perhaps a tendril pull or other type of CC ( icing on the cake would be if it has better or different effects/buffs based on certain conditions)?

    Overall this stance could use some more unique stuff, some things feel like it's copy-pasted from the Shiro legend with minimal changes. As it stands, there is very little reason to use the skills this legend comes with. Even worse, the best damage right now seems to come from ignoring this legend entirely and just play with Jalis and Shiro. Please, make me want to use the legend skills! Make them menacing, make them cool, make them do cool things!

    Saint Victor:

    Healing feels like stepping hard on the toes of both Renegade and Ventari. Either it can do better heals than Renegade/Ventari, only to still get sidelined because you bring no alacrity to the group, or it cannot do better heals and will never be seriously played because Ren/Ventari does it better. I Feel Saint Victor should get a niche of its own (preferably in a way so that it is not hard-chained to Ventari), perhaps with less emphasis on raw heals, and some more on short duration aegis and notably barrier applications, with how Shield of Saint Victor in GW1 was basically a massive barrier drop. The grandmaster giving heals+barrier on dodge already toys with this idea (and I think that is a great trait), I feel the entire Victor line could make use of that philosophy. You could then maybe make it give some of the buffs/boons high end PvE likes so much through traits enhancing barrier or aegis application.

    I honestly have trouble wrapping my head around the complete lack of aegis here. The entire Saint Victor line is lacking any form of the boon, and that for a guy who was pretty much the Canthan version of the Shield Hero. This legend could really use it. Tree song is mostly fine, but won't do much unless you party drowns in conditions (but I suppose the evade on it is nice). Perhaps it could actually spawn a tree that for a period of time gives out some boons on an interval? Or some barrier build-up? Or perhaps this could could spawn a shielding Juggernaut/image of the Zu Heltzer Cathedral with relevant buffing? Awakening would be nice if it shared some stability with allies as well I think.

    Urn of Saint Victor functions mechanically, but it might just be the worst elite in the entire game in its current form. I cannot heal myself, I damage myself, drain all my energy, for hardly worthwile effects. I also feel it's a missed opportunity to bring back the functionality of one of Cantha's most iconic skills. In the original GW1 the 'Shield of Saint Victor' spawned a massive damage absorbing shield, so I am surprised this skill pulses healing while damaging yourself. Why not give out a massive barrier (like a fat 15k barrier with high healing power) with initial aegis/projectile block/attack block? This is a healing legend that is in dire need of a niche.

    Issues with Vindicator traits:

    Amnesty of Shing Jea:

    Both of the effects feel underwhelming to me, simply because both a small jolt of regeneration or a single might stack won't achieve much, especially on a playing field where some specs can put out 15-25 might on their own in addition to other boons and heals. I do think that a form of boonshare is the right way however.


    Why not give Kurzick skills self-quickness or fury and allow it to share any boons it applies to itself with Kurzick skills to allies? If you then rebalance some of the boons on the Archemorus kit it might become worthwile to at least use them in groups. Luxon ones can maybe either apply a short duration aegis or some barrier or maybe resolution for synergy with invocation, with perhaps later traits capitalising on this?

    Leviathan's Strength:

    I feel this is a mandatory trait in order to get around the clunkyness of the flip-over mechanic. This should honestly be an F3 skill as described in the mechanic section, and not a trait. Rework this into an F3 skill and use this space for something else, the current mechanic of legend-flipping makes this trait 100% mandatory if you wish to enjoy the spec and not get frustrated.

    Redemptor's Sermon:

    I see little reason to take this in PvE on the DPS side of things, meaning this is mostly a support Vindicator trait. But...there is no reliable way of triggering this outside of camping Saint Victor's Urn and praying something lightly taps you. You could argue that this is meant as an "OSHT" type of skill to go off and save your ass when you get caught with your pants down, but I personally never found these type of traits very engaging, and there is a reason we rarely if ever see them around anymore.


    Rework so the effect can be reliably triggered in a way that does not involve camping Victor's urn and praying for a foe to hit you with a light attack. Being reliant on randomly getting hit promotes bad plays and is not what I would consider a very attractive design.

    Balance in Discord:

    When you use Alliance Tactics (20-40 CD) or swap legends (10 CD) get a base 1.1k heal + 6 secs of regen worth a base of 780, meaning its a ~1.8k heal on roughly a 10 second cooldown ( the cooldown on legend swap). I suppose it will help a bit with staying power in combat, considering revenants will typically cycle through their legends on cooldown, but it's not really that strong. Perhaps keep this functionality for when Saint Victor is active/swapped to, and think of a 2nd type of effect for when Archemorus is active/swapped to? Perhaps Archemorus could do an offensive action or get some offensive boons?

    Angsiyan's Trust, Reaver's Curse and Song of Arboreum::

    Song of Arboreum is without a doubt the best endurance trait out of the three, it's so superior there is almost zero reason to run the others as far as I can see in PvE. These three traits are essentially trying to solve a problem the devs created by giving the Vindicator only a single dodge, but only one of these options really feels as if it makes a difference. Both Reaver's Curse and Angsiyan's Trust are hilariously underpowered in comparison and it might be better to scrap them in favour of something else.

    Some Proposals:

    Perhaps this would be a good place for a greatsword trait? The spec could really use an additional damage modifier, so perhaps something like how on a greatsword-attack crit you summon the heads of the Luxon clans who try to copy that critical attack on your target after a delay? Tie a cooldown to it and you have a proc to dance and plan around while increasing the damage when used on the right skills. Or maybe a trait that procs on crowd control you inflict for damage and/or a damage buff? That could go in tandem with perhaps adding some cc to the Archemorus side of things, to solve the lack of CC it currently has.

    This way you might solve the issue of Arboreum completely making the other two traits in its line look like thrash, and it might give people incentive to actually use some of the legend skills that give endurance based on foes hit (because they might be swayed into picking another DPS trait, meaning endurance has to come from somewhere else).

    Empire Divided:

    This truly is a punch in the gut of the Willbender. Willbender having to pick either power or healing power as an adept and needing to give up something substantial as well, and Vindicator getting both for almost free?


    Maybe tie the stats to something else but health thresholds, because it would mean a support Saint Victor has to be permanently below 50% health to get any benefit from this, while having obviously a lot less use for the bonus power when above that threshold. The only way you are going to reliably get there is by channeling Saint Victor's Urn for a prolonged period of time, meaning this part of this trait pretty much has the same problem as Redemptor's Sermon: It completely hinges on camping the urn skill or praying you get pinged with a mild hit, which is a pretty passive way of doing things.

    Should Anet decide to go with the idea of seperating Archemorus/Saint Victor into seperate legends that F2 switches between the solution is as simple as tying the stats to the channeling of the relevant legend, with possibly reduced bonuses of both stats when channeling a non legendary-alliance legend.

    Forerunner of Death:

    And there is our damageboost. Pretty much our only damageboost. 15% for 15 seconds, while doing damage on impact. I am mostly fine with this as an idea, but I do wonder how gamebreaking it would be to add a small daze component to it in addition to the damage and vulnerability when landing. Just to give it that 'superman feeling' and your opponents standing their shocked as you make the dramatic entrance. Would once again also solve some of the CC problem. I would also keep an eye on the PvE damage so it's not to low, because it would be a shame if the dodge, even with the 15% modifier, happens to not be enough, which is how it is currently looking.

    The damage buff is not enough and the animation simply takes longer than needed. Perhaps the Vindicator could land/end the animation earlier, but keep some evade frames after landing? The idea for this trait isn't bad, but the execution of that idea is currently either lacking or not strong enough.

    Saint of Zu Heltzer:

    I really like this trait. It changes things, it has healing but more importantly barrier, while also reducing endurance costs required for its use. Combined with vigor and endurance management from the rest of the spec this could make for a very dodge-heavy healer and I really like that idea, it dares to be different, and the 20% healing bonus is the cherry on top. Only thing I would consider is making this 10 targets in PvE, just so it is on par with the target-cap of other supports. Very good trait imo, just not good enough to carry a support/heal Vindicator spec all on its own.

    Vassals of the Empire:

    Yeah...I have a bit of a problem with this one. Damage is going to pick Forerunner of Death, support and healers are probably going with Saint of zu Heltzer (or at least try to), so why would you pick Vassals of the Empire? For 10 might and protection? Both boons you can get from a support Renegade that isn't sacrificing much? For the 2 second boon extension? Remember when Tempest got that boon extension with Sand Squall and how we all used it? Neither do I.

    In my opinion this trait could use an additional pass by the devs, because it seems like the other two completely overshadow it in most situations I could think off. Perhaps make it give out fury as well so you can maintain protection, fury and decent might stacks with the dodge. If Vindicator then gets a modifier aside from Forerunner of Death for damage this trait might become barely viable as a might/fury provider with some more side boons, but only very very bottom of the barrel barely ( It would feel a bit like maybe the old Phalanx Strength Warrior, which has been mostly absolete for a long time). The lack of a distinct boon/buff exclusively for Vindicator to give out hurts. It's not like this trait is total trash, don't get me wrong. But the other two options have way more distinct roles/purposes and give way stronger/better effects. I just can't think off a situation where this would be better than either Forerunner of Death or Saint of zu Heltzer.

    Closing statement

    Vindicator is a daring spec that really tries to shake things up for the revenant. And despite some things like the flip-over and F mechanic feeling clunky to me, the undertuned damage and support options and some traits needing work, I feel like this has potential to be a cool spec with interesting gameplay options. I think Vindicator's most pressing issues are fixable by Anet, but it depends on how much they are willing to invest.

    DPS is fixeable by just adjusting a few numbers, but fixing some of the bigger issues traits and legend skills however would take a lot of work...I am unsure if Anet is willing to do that and if they are, how much time they would need to come up with alternatives.

    If inspiration is an issue I hope Anet feels free to perhaps grab a bit of mild inspiration from my own interpretation of a Saint Victor/Archemorus dual spec: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/izlkld/presenting_my_concept_for_a_canthan_revenant_spec/

    There are already some similarities, so I wouldn't mind if something I did there inspires Anet to think off some fixes for Vindicator its current issues. I know how hard it is sometimes to come up with a fix for an issue when you are closely involved in a project, a new outlook often helps with getting inspiration (that's what works for me at least, perhaps it can work for Anet as well!). Not saying it's better, but it's different, and sometimes seeing a different take helps.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Geralt_Romalion
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    Undocumented change: Ashes of the Just, Venoms and Soulbeast Stances get cleared when entering combat in Raids and 100CM

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    [PvE only] The currently 2 biggest problems with Catalyst and ways to fix them.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    Hey! Considering this topic caused as much controversy as it did, I felt like giving my opinion on the class as well.


    So, I'm the guy that made the first benchmark for Catalyst, which I have already pushed to 43k dps by now, showcasing its pretty huge damage potential. Lots of people, especially here on reddit, were quick to call out the conjures used here to "carry the damage", however that isn't actually true, as conjures are only 3k dps of the build. The real thing that carries the damage of Catalyst is the hammer #3 skill. I didn't notice this until earlier today, but on a big hitbox while inside the golem, this skill hits the boss up to 11/12 times, whereas when standing outside the golem, it hits only 3-8 times. Here is a video showcasing this phenomenon. We are talking about 9k vs 33k damage per usage here. The issue becomes even bigger on small hitboxes, where, if positioned badly, the orb doesn't even hit to begin with. The dps difference of the #3 skills on big vs small hitbox is more than 11k dps, which is a huge problem. A logical way to fix this would be to have the orbs rotate closer to your character, or keep the visuals while making the skill a pulsing field. Catalyst will only be viable on big hitboxes and nothing else for as long as this doesn't get fixed. And when talking about hammer #3 anyway, the skill could use a duration increase from 5 to 7 or 8 seconds until it depletes. This would make the rotation feel less timegated, and people with ping problems would have an easier time connecting the orbs aswell.


    The second obvious problem is the sphere. The biggest issue with it is that energy depletes while out of combat. This renders a quickness catalyst build impossible, as you first have to build up your energy for ages in order to supply quickness. The fix is to simply allow us start with 100 energy. Similarly to this, the sphere should also follow the player wherever it goes in order to properly supply boons in any encounter that isn't stationary.

    Furthermore there should most definitely be more ways to upkeep energy, allowing us to permanently maintain the sphere. My suggestion would be that comboing gives us energy.

    Lastly the sphere field, since it is not a weapon skill fire field, does not give any stacks of Persisting Flames, rendering the fire grandmaster trait completely useless – just weird design imo.


    Other than that I think the spec is quite well done and very enjoyable – on big hitboxes, that is. I really hope these problems can be fixed, as I see huge potential here! Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/---Roul---
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    All this madness over catalyst and I'm sat here with a nice cup of tea praying they don't fk up medium classes

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    For real though, no medium class previews? I'm terrified they are the worst of the bunch, or the best, but why save all of them for last?!

    Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SecretOnionz
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    I don’t have many friends or any friends that play Guild Wars. So I thought I’d share with y’all! :)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    I theorycrafted the highest possible Breakbar Damage combo (chrono)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Now with Bladesworn i can finally roleplay as Charr bandit. Thanks Anet!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    For a profession revolving around "flow" bladesworn seems to not flow very well.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    So the bladesworn revolves around this new "flow" mechanic, and while I can see what they are trying to do with it the class seems to not flow very well.

    The only way that seems to generate a somewhat okay amount of flow is to run shouts to proc flow on healing, otherwise it's a bit of a battle to try "generate" this new resource that by design doesn't get generated by attacks.

    All of this to then interupt any possible "flow" you may have going in combat by trying to get a dragon trigger off, while you could instantly use it the damage is dismal so you obviously want to try make the most of your dragon trigger. While it is super satisfying to land that nice big dragon trigger the rest of the spec feels lacking, the damage of the gunsaber itself is pretty average at best but also leads you to not swapping to another weapon, because you're better off just sitting in gunsaber and playing wackamole with your cool downs to try keep flow going.

    The design of the class just seems to be a bit counter-intuitive in how it works, trying to generate a good flow of combat to keep your flow generation at a good level, but then it just stagnates when using dragon trigger.

    submitted by /u/synveil
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    I know we are a small part of the larger community but over here in 'Exclusively WvW' land the new specs just aren't hitting the mark to freshen up our stale boon-ball meta. Hoping Ranger, Thief, and Engineer bring the wow factor.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    *This is not a rant that the new elites are bad, just that they are less impactful than I (and many other guilds / WvW'ers I know) had hoped*

    The WvW Meta (excluding roamers from this conversation) is stale, I personally didn't expect them to build out new specs that destroy the meta specs we currently use but was hoping for some that pushed the envelope and allowed a bit more flexibility. Similar to Football where teams run the same positions but have different style offenses.

    Virtuoso brought some nice range boon strip and a great immob, but being almost fully projectile its just out-shined by Spellbreaker and Scourge strip/converst

    Bladesworn has some great potential with immob/support play but it feels clunky and not as quick-to-use as standard Minstrel Shout-breaker.

    Vindicator is a unique take on support but is again just outshined by the pure stab giant Firebrand and cleansing heal giant Scrapper

    I have high hopes we see a Ranger WvW and Thief WvW spec to the level of Engi Scrapper, Scourge, etc. Something key that is a 'must-have' in the comp. The pessimist in me is starting to worry that the 'profession balance' team mentioned in the restructuring post is going to be focused on tuning the results of a big EoD launch day profession skill rebalance instead of bringing new / unused classes into the meta.

    Fellow WvW-Main players, am I alone here and living in a bubble? Have you had any build yet wow you to warrant a potential meta shake up?

    submitted by /u/Brozine
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    Bladesworn Feedback: Please make Dragon Slash's attack less easy to accidentally cancel via movement/skills

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Edit: To clarify, this is specifically about cancelling the ATTACK itself, not the stance/charge-up. The actual swing and damage should not be so easily cancelled.

    There's a lot of feedback for this class, but something super frustrating that I haven't seen mentioned yet is how easy it is to cancel Dragon Slash even after you've cast it

    1) If you try and move after pressing 1 to trigger the slash, it cancels the damage.

    2) If you try and use a gunsaber skill after pressing 1, when you can already see your gunsaber skills again, it cancels the damage. It should 100% queue the skill up and not so easily cancel slash.

    I am hopeful on release that when you cast the slash, it'll ensure the attack finishes before you move or use another skill as it is extremely lame to lose a 5 second charge worth of damage. And before anyone says, "well just learn to wait" - of course you can do that, but it doesn't feel fluid.

    Example of both happening: https://gfycat.com/sombergregariousclingfish

    submitted by /u/Arels
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    Rytlock and Logan got some competition...better start changing my fashion wars to rainbow for this expansion.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    What if instead of having access to the default elemental auras, All auras on catalyst were replaced by the corresponding hammer skill 3 effect

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    I've seen many Catalyst redesign posts but none of which have raised the following idea, trading default elemental auras for the hammer 3 projectile auras instead.

    The rationale behind this proposition is that typically elite specs have been designed with a tradeoff that differentiates them from each other (and their core classes). As it currently stands Catalyst has no tradeoff and amongst it's many other issues lacks it's own identity.

    This change would replace all corresponding aura skills in the Elementalists weapon skills to instead provide the corresponding hammer 3 affect (leaving hammer as the most synergetic weapon for Catalyst but opening up options for other weapons as well). The corresponding Transmute aura skill for all weapons would then be replaced with Grand Finale instead (the hammer 3 skill which launches all projectiles).

    There would also need to be a rework to the current functionality of the Jade Sphere to provide more accessible combo field uptime (which many people have already made appropriate suggestions about how to fix) and possibly remove the damage pulses as you'll be gaining access to damaging auras much easier. This would then support a combo centric playstyle.

    Augments would likely need to be changed as well to provide access to more appropriate combo finishers (or other synergetic effects that benefit the new auras).

    There could also be some really interesting interactions between aura share builds as these new passives shake up things quite a bit.

    The tradeoffs:

    Attunement Default aura effects Catalyst aura effects
    Fire Fire Aura: Enveloped in a fiery shield that burns foes, grants might each time you are struck (1-second cooldown per attacker). Flame Wheel (5s): 5% Damage, 5% Condition Damage. Burning (2½s): 328 Damage
    Water Ice Aura: Chill foes that strike you (only once per second for each attacker); incoming damage is reduced by 10%. Icy Coil (5s): -5% Incoming Condition Damage. Vulnerability (10s): 1% Incoming Damage, 1% Incoming Condition Damage
    Air Shocking Aura: Stun nearby attacking foes with an electric shock (only once per 2 seconds for each attacker). Crescent Wind (5s): 7% Critical Chance. Weakness (2s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble (Unrestricted)
    Earth Magnetic Aura: Reflect projectiles with magnetic energy. Rocky Loop (5s): Reduced incoming strike damage. Bleeding (8s): 176 Damage

    Happy to hear what you guys all think, is this too radical, should it be baseline or a trait instead, are the unique buffs too potent that they'll create a stricter meta, open to feedback.

    submitted by /u/Shadow-987
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