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    Sunday, September 26, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons [Beta] | Week 2 feedback

    Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons [Beta] | Week 2 feedback

    End of Dragons [Beta] | Week 2 feedback

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    The second End of Dragons beta week is now over, share here how it went for you

    • What do you think about the new specs?

    • Did you find your new main?

    • What surprised you about the new specs?

    • Are you more hyped about the remaining specs?

    • Did you get screwed over by RNG luck while on your beta alts?


    submitted by /u/RandommUser
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    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    I would really like to give ANet my money, but their gem store rotation is frustrating as hell

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    Been eyeing the "Stylish Shoes" ever since I got back into the game two weeks ago, but didn't know wether I would have the motivation to continue playing for longer again. Thankfully, after playing through LW S4 now, I definitely have the ingame goals to throw too much of time at this game again.

    Thing is, in the time it took me to really appreciate the game again, said armor skin was gone from the gem store again. And I'm not that active to check in every single day to see what new flashy-ass crap they're pushing now. So now they're gone and, knowing full well how long it could take for certain pieces to return, my new planned transmog will have to wait god knows how long.

    It's frustrating and disappointing, and honestly rather silly on my part, but I've been looking forward to it.

    Just knowing when something might rotate back in wouldn't feel so bad. Hell, I would be more inclined to buy stuff if it was always available, but then they couldn't rush people to make poor, spontaneous decisions.

    submitted by /u/JedWasTaken
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    Rangers in WvW

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    Ty, today I got my 1000 kills on long bow. Which is funny because i haven't played anything with a long bow for a while. Apparently I have been killing without knowing by reflect all this time. Ty, I got a good laugh.

    submitted by /u/qualityarmour
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    I can't wait to see the last three elite specs

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    The anxiety is killing me. I've been a main scrapper for more than a year and I still don't know how cool next engi's spec is going to be.

    Bladesworn got my attention and honestly when I played Warrior for 20 minutes once to get a Black Lion Key doing the story from level 10 on a throwaway character, bow was pretty fun and it has lots of Explosion-related skills. I think a bow-gunblade bladesworn will be pretty fun.

    Do I make a Warrior for a Bladesworn? Should I stick to Engi? Will thief be cool? Uuuggh, I feel so conflicted. If I reroll to Warrior I have to get all my Ascended gear again, because I only have it on medium armor. I'm so anxious about what's going to be shown because honestly... About 3 to 4 of the classes that have been shown look pretty underwhelming compared to what we already have, so I'm hoping for something really fun on at least two of the three.

    At least I'm sure I'm not going back to my Elementalist, poor thing. I feel bad for Ele mains.

    submitted by /u/Paganyan
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    A small Quality of Life improvement

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    A few days ago I played the Path of Fire Storyline, and on the First mission of the last act " The Departing"

    after you fought Balthazar and went through all the Flashbacks and getting your name back (which takes a little over half an hour if you listen to all of them) you get to fight the Souleater.

    Now one little click later after dying to the Souleater i found myself outside the instance because a small missclick on the "Take me back" button.

    Please for the love of god add a little "Are you sure you want to Quit" warning, atleast on the Story instances, it's such a frustrating feeling that could be easily prevented

    submitted by /u/Cyphco
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    Literally Unplayable

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Well that's frustrating

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    Disconnects after completed quest, losing all progress and forced to start from beginning.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    The last few days I have been trying to make some progress on the level 80 story quests. Estate of Decay and Ossuary of Unquiet Dead - Yesterday I had to complete estate of decay 3 times before I could finally progress. The first two times after I completed the quest and the final conversation ended, I am unable to move and my character has a camera roll above his head. Eventually I lose connection to the server and get an error message. The exact same thing has happened today. I've essentially wasted a lot of time. I've had this happen a couple of times throughout the storyline up until this point. But it hasn't been as bad as this. I am frustrated and confused. Is this a recent issue? Or have these quests been shaky for a long time now? I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/the_real_kino
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    Suggestion: Instead of weekly Black Lion Goods rewards, give us Episode Tokens.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Since ANet seems to be open with giving away free episodes on a weekly basis, maybe substitute the weekly Black Lion Goods rewards to Episode Tokens. When these Episode Tokens are used, it will unlock the oldest episode. That way, the tokens are limited to older episodes and not be used for newer ones. With that, ANet can still retain the "Return to ..." weekly Bonus Achievements like we have right now with LW4. And if players don't want to wait a week for a token, they can still purchase some episodes.

    For those who have unlocked all the episodes already, you can convert an Episode Token for Black Lion Goods. Or trade the tokens for a specific item that's part of the Black Lion Goods' loot table.

    This suggestion came up as I was playing with my partner, who I finally convinced to try GW2 and eventually get the expansions thanks to Amazon Prime. Now as he is nearing level 80, I am worried that he might get turned off by LW2 and the other in-between seasons since he needs to pay for them on top of the already bought expansion.

    And if we're thinking ahead, I think this problem of buying the bundled expansion and then being told to pay for LW could leave people a bad taste in their mouth. The last thing we need is people bad-mouthing GW2 since it's finally getting more attention nowadays.

    So, how about it? Instead of the Black Lion Goods, give us Episode Tokens, ANet!

    EDIT: This post was also inspired by this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/puh4g9/am_i_missing_a_lot_by_skipping_living_world

    EDIT 2:

    Episode Tokens could be added to the BLTC in stacks of 1, 5 and 10.

    And these tokens could be gifted as well. Right now, I wanted to give away LWS2 to my partner, but there is no way for me to gift that season to him.

    EDIT 3:

    u/Spartan05089234 made a great suggestion as well. Instead of Weekly Episode Tokens, maybe an unlock of a whole season inside a Chest of Loyalty.

    submitted by /u/nastyjman
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    Is heal tempest so much worse than healbrand?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    I made a magi set to try out healtempest. I've been trying to get into T4 fractals but everyone kicks me out or just says HB only. Is healtempest that abysmal compared to HB?

    submitted by /u/Tirfing88
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    As someone going through all the stories for the Return quests...

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    Before the criticism, yea, it was a reminder that there was a good bit of content to this game that I otherwise played for almost 10 years.

    But, man, ANet really does not go back to fix stuff or optimize its MMO for being multiplayer. For starters, if you go through the missions with another player, after you know, finding people to play with over the course of the game, you may find some frustrations. The biggest is that if one person dies, the other cannot rez until all people in the party die -- out of combat for 5 mins, doesnt matter, cant rez. That could be fine most of the time, the other player can just use the /gg option, right? Wrong, the other person needs to die. Again, not always an issue, except that many missions dont have a ton of DPS outside specific fights, and if a person goes down during the actual combat, well, that sucks for the other people, because you now have to find a way to die in a poison tick of 80 damage a pop. And why would you need to actually die, why not just have the other people complete the mission? Because oftentimes, the story is only actually completable by the person who started the issue. It ends up being a frustration more often than one might think.

    Next, glitches and issues that were present literally years ago are still there, and new ones from new interactions pop up too. When I say issues, I mean more along the lines of ambiguities as to what to actually do or really poor AoE targetting (either old, pre-orange circle, AoE you have zero warning about or AoE spamfest that maybe you can soak one type of orange but want to really avoid the other, there being no difference in warning between the two). When I say glitches, I mean stuff like random invis walls, fail/unresetable states. These things were "nostalgic" because many times going through I was either curious to see if they fixed them and found that they did not or initially forgot about them, experienced them again, and was surprised that after years nothing was done. Going through was a big reminder that once ANet does something, it rarely goes back to actually clean it up.

    Anyway, two cents. Some fights were definitely worth it and should be strike missioned/raid. Some stuff was dated. Good idea overall, despite the frustrations.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Esquire
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    I wanna start playing this game

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    So hi everyone,

    I like MMORPGs since i was a kid and i want to give this game a shot, again.
    A year ago i bought the game with expansions and tried to play but i was so confused after hitting level 80 i gave up. I wanna start again with someone (EU, im a chill person) or i really need some help. I don't know if this type of posts are allowed but that was the only thing that made sense, i am sorry if it wasn't accurate.

    submitted by /u/i_love_pickle
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    Brainstorming Elite Profession Mechanics

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    We're still not done with EoD Elite reveals, but we've got 6 out of 9 out of the way. Some of the new professional mechanics have been positively received, while others panned. It got me thinking: what kind of professional mechanics would you give the professions in future elite specs? What would be their defining mechanic and their unique trade off? Here are some of my ideas, but feel free to share your own:


    • Non-clone summons. Replace clones with different, iconic creatures or enemies. Shatters would be replaced by stances that would act like Virtues or Attunements. Depending on the current stance, your clones would take on the form of whatever summon your stance presides over. Changing stances before reaching clone cap would allow you to mix and match. You lose access to shatters.


    • Elemental transformation. Allows elementalists to become an elemental incarnate for a brief duration. Different forms have different roles or strengths: fire would make you an immobile artillery caster, earth a brawler, water a control mage, and air a mobile duelist. Activating an elemental form locks you out of your other other attunements until the form runs out or you end it early.

    • Knight enchanter. Attunements no longer change all your weapon skills and you can swap weapons during combat. Your 1-4 weapon skills each have a single element and your 5 is your currently attuned element. Pressing F5 will cycle your 1-4 weapon skills (fire>water>air>earth>fire). The F5 will also proc skills that rely on changing attunements.


    • Adaptive plating. Replace the F5 skill with a transformation that has you don an advanced suit of armor. Your weapon skills in this form (except your autoattack skill) are determined by the types of utility skills you have slotted.

    • Portal tech. Replaces your dodge with a short range blink, and your toolbelt skills are replaced with different Portal skills (one that acts like the Mesmer portal utility, one AoE damage that drops weapons or golems on enemies, etc.).


    • Witch. You've made a deal with a demon, feeding it the life force you collect to secure its services. Death Shroud is replaced by the ability to summon this demon from the Mists, draining your Life Force. The demon attacks in tandem with you, using different attacks depending on which weapon skills you use.


    • Wild Huntsman. One of your pets is replaced by a mutable nature spirit whose form changes depending on its environment. In a desert climate it may become a dust devil or gain fire abilities, in a winter climate it may become a little snow flurry with ice and wind abilities.

    And that's all I've got! I don't really play Thief or the heavy armor professions.

    submitted by /u/CheshireMadness
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    why does the jungle dragon have to throw mind rocks at us

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    seriously that whole chapter was nightmare fuel.

    Done Dragons Stand event quite a bit and decided to wrap up the HoT story. WOW that last chapter was brutal.

    I dunno if it's just my build but the first fight against eir and her dog was awful for me trying to play through as a deadeye. THE DOG IS ALWAYS CHASING YOU and eir throws fire literally everywhere. Spent most of my time literally just running away. My only CC skill is shadow gust and you literally need to be right beside her to stun her when she's trying to heal the dog. I must have taken 3 or 4 attempts to finish this fight.

    Pale tree was pretty easy.

    Moredremoth fight was exhausting. Took me the first couple of attempts to even realize the glider mechanic, I kept trying to jump off the edge like the Patriarch fight and wondering why it wasn't letting me. The fight is really long and the rocks get progressively harder to dodge. I must have gotten 3/4 of the way through 4 or 5 times only to die by getting a rock thrown at me in the last round. Absolutely infuriating.

    WHY IS THE JUNGLE DRAGON EVEN THROWING ROCKS AT US? It's literally an all-powerful all-encompassing being.

    It occurred to me after the third attempt that Stealth gliding may help, but I had already invested a ton of time into the fight and beating Eir and her dog at this point and didn't ever want to go through that again. Finally got lucky dropping the glide and dodging the rocks.

    went through all that and got some ghetto broken sword.

    idk where this is going but I spent hours on this and I'm rattled and glad this is over. The PoF story was nowhere near as frustrating.

    when I close my eyes I still see rocks flying at me send help

    submitted by /u/AllRadioisDead
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    Me and Bubba preparing for EoD fishing like

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    GW2 October & September event calendars. Feel free to share in your GW2 communities!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Addon Manager help

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    During beta i disabled and uninstalled all addons through the manager since otherwise you'd get constant CTD'd.
    Now that the beta has ended though i was trying to get everything back to how it was, but i can't seem to get the addons to work anymore when installed through the manager, both with the pre-lastbeta version and the alpha dx11 compatible release.

    Did it happen to anybody else?

    submitted by /u/MinakoPeregrinus
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    bloodtide fountain

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    The mists are trying to tell me something (Dx11 bug)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    Drew my sylvari today, first time drawing in over a year.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 07:44 AM PDT

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