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    Guild Wars The Family

    The Family

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    GW1 Trial?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    Is there a way of obtaining a trial version, merely for a couple of hours, to check if my computer can handle GW1? I don't want to spend 40 EUR+ just to see if it works. I browsed ebay but they only sell useless CD boxes with the game and no real accounts.


    (I know it is 2021 but I only have access to a computer which has no GPU and I wonder if I even will be able to play the game)

    submitted by /u/realfeeder
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    Summon Stone Tier List

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    It's me, the guy who keeps posting stats/breakdowns/tier lists for obscure topics in Guild Wars.

    I've been working on this post when bored for a week or two now, but this post inspired me to rush it out:


    I am today going to post a tier list. I am not going to rank actual summon stones, but rather individual summons. Why? More fun, that's why. I'm trying to preserve this basic info about efficacy of various summons/henchmen/etc. both for new players and for the "history books". Wiki has kind of died, and isn't a place for opinions/discourse, so Reddit stands out as the best place to fulfil the goal of making sure something comes up on Google when someone starts looking for info about these kinds of topics, whether it be for a player now or for someone nostalgic in 2057 when GW leaves us.

    The majority of summons come from random stones, so realistically this is not instructive of what summon stones you should use but rather just a fun exploration of which are good or bad. To get the spoiler out of the way: Tengu Flare is the best summon stone and it's not even close for general PvE. They have multiple individual summons in the top tiers, and you get three. Only a couple are kind of bad, most are player caliber builds.

    Random stone results will indicate in brackets which stone they come from for easier viewing(i.e. you can see a cluster of which random stones tend to be high or low)

    So here's my tier list!:

    ~~~~~~~Special Tier ~~~~~~~

    Speed Clear-viable stones or otherwise weird stones that get used very often. This is not necessarily "above" S, but is a special category and these stones have the most meta impact despite not being all that powerful on their own.

    Siege Turtle (Mysterious) - SC usage, bad for general PvE. Would be C or F.

    Gaki (Mysterious) - An OK Rit healer, but he's here because of SC useage. People still SC urgoz basically just to get this stone. (for general PvE, he's like C tier, but he's popular because he's the only guaranteed healer from a stone)

    Merchant - Farming, SCs, even Zkey sessions... this guy gets popped often. His build is probably the single worst summon in the game. His is quality as a merchant deserves special mention and this is a special mention tier. Would be F.

    ~~~~~~~S tier - The ones you want when you click summon.~~~~~~~~~~

    Legionnaire - Warrior. Two elite skills and infinite summons meaning you can plan around him(i.e., it's worth bringing Splinter Weapon even if he's your only melee) make this guy a low key star. He's one of very few melee summons to have an IAS skill, he has a pretty meta 100b build, and gets Coward on top of that to make him pretty darn unique. I have used this guy 100s of times at this point and he's always good and reliable. Easily the best summon that is guaranteed when you click a stone.

    Dream Rider - Nearly a meta Esurge Mesmer build(just missing Mistrust really), but his attributes are really wonky. He seems to have no Fast Cast and thus does less damage than a Mesmer hero using the same bar by a large margin. I copied his build onto my 16 Dom/14 FC Gwen with a 40/40 set, and she did nearly twice the damage vs Master of Damage on average over 30 seconds across 10 tests. Still, easily one of the best summons.

    Smoke Phantom (Mysterious) - Awesome air ele. Has a few quirks(like attacking melee instead of ranged, leaving him vulnerable and wasting time) but he has Invoke/Shell Shock/Blinding Flash/Enervating Charge for damage. You wouldn't hate having this build on your hero.

    Angchu Mesmer Panic bar (Tengu Flare) - The king of summons, only crippled because when you press a Tengu Flare he only comes out 1/5 times meaning you can never rely on him being there and team build around it like with Legionnaire. This is indistinguishable from a Panic bar you would put on a hero. If Tengu Flares weren't so random and you could guarantee this guy, you would literally change your hero builds to drop Panic because he does that job totally sufficiently. You would almost prefer a single Angchu Mesmer summon stone to a Tengu flare with the chance for one. Amazing summon.

    Angchu Ritualist Xinrae bar (Tengu Flare)- Channeling damage, just enough resto, this guy is cool to get. Lots of utility in very practical form.

    ~~~~~~~~A Tier - You smile when these pop up.~~~~~~~

    Angchu Mesmer Fevered Dreams bar (Tengu Flare) - Cool build. The necro stuff is kind of a waste of time, and if your team has no conditions he isn't that great, but situationally he has a lot of power.

    Angchu Necromancer Spiteful Spirit bar (Tengu Flare) SS is outdated. You wouldn't run this on a hero. But getting it from a summon you are not disappointed.

    Angchu Ritualist Preservation bar (Tengu Flare) - A sufficient resto Rit bar. Better than Gaki, Gaki is just used because it has a dedicated summon stone. If you get this guy, you have permission to play more recklessly because you will have another self-sufficient healer. But he just heals, and you probably already have enough heals to do fine when you start, so it's hard to justify putting him in S tier.

    Angchu Monk Life Sheath bar (Tengu Flare) - Basically a hero caliber prot monk. Anet must not have play tested him much though, because Aegis does not work. It only protects his Tengu buddies, and takes a lot of energy from him. Other than that, it's really cool to have Spirit Bond, Guardian, and Life Sheath on a summon and it's made even better by the fact that he also brings two damage buddies with him. Without Aegis he would maybe be S tier.

    Celestial Dragon (Celestial) - Pretty good Air ele. Lacks Cracked Armor, which IMO puts it below Smoke Phantom, but does have more damage spells. He has Teinai's Wind without burning activation, so if you happen to have a lot of burning on your team and get him he jumps up a tier. Similar to his Saltspray Dragon ancestor from the Mysterious Stone, he tends to fill up on exhaustion and basically stop casting if he's out for a while.

    Saltspray Dragon (Mysterious) - Ele. Blind, cracked armor, OK damage from fire. 13 air/14 fire which is pretty cool. Spams overcast and ends up not doing very much in long sessions, but he's a star when not overcast to hell.

    White Rabbit (Mysterious) - I'm skeptical of melee henchmen/summons/etc., but every time I have ever gotten this guy his damage has been genuinely pretty good. He's a Deadly Arts/Dagger Assassin. DW, degen, surprisingly high damage auto attacks with a not awful dagger chain. This little guy even has stance removal packed into his dagger chain, and he spams the shit out of it. I think he's in the upper echelon of melee AI in the game as silly as that seems. His attributes are REALLY high (as per wiki he seems to have all 4 assassin attributes at 10+, including 16 crit). I think they tried to make this guy really strong as a kind of joke, as most of the mysterious stone guys are a joke, and he only has a 1-2% summon rate meaning he can't be abused. Also a great target for weapon spells because of daggers.

    Celestial Rabbit (Celestial) - I was only able to get him once in testing(I am now out of Celestial Stones), and from what I can tell he does indeed seem to be identical to White Rabbit. They do nearly identical damage to Master of Damage. He, like White Rabbit, has majorly inflated attributes and an identical skill bar. Comments above apply here.

    ~~~~~~~~ B Tier - Just OK. ~~~~~~~~

    Angchu Ranger BHA bar (Tengu Flare) - Provides his own Favorable Wind, has Read The Wind which is basically an optimal setup for Broadhead, and has intelligent enough supporting skills. This guy has a nearly player-caliber bar(at least back in the day when Broadhead Arrow was used for boss hate), bow rangers just aren't that good in 2021. Great vs bosses still. If he was a henchman, he would be the best Ranger henchman I think.

    Angchu Ranger Glass Arrows bar (Tengu Flare) - Good damage, provides cracked armor. You're fine seeing this guy.

    Angchu Necromancer Aura of the Lich bar (Tengu Flare) - In a bubble this guy is fine. Being a minion bomber he clashes with meta team builds(ST rit), so you don't actually want him a lot of the time, but if you're not using an ST rit he is pretty good. Clearly more put together than C/F tier stuff.

    Angchu Elementalist Sandstorm bar (Tengu Flare) - Wastes space on self-heals, but has Sandstorm and the Ebon Hawk/Stoning combo. I wish he had Churning Earth or Eruption or something, because as it stands he doesn't do very much Earth ele stuff.

    Angchu Elementalist air bar (Tengu Flare) So you don't hate to see this guy, but he's not great. If you have burning for Teinai's Wind he probably jumps up a tier, but he's the only Angchu with no elite and his damage output is pretty mediocre. Way better than C tier summons but ultimately just OK.

    Angchu Assassin Palm Strike bar (Tengu Flare) - This guy is actually not bad. He has a lot of ways to get to his dual attacks, so he actually uses them. He's basically a condition spammer and he has a lot of them. You aren't disappointed when he comes from your Tengu Flare.

    Imperial Ranger Glass Arrows bar (Imperial Order) - Good single target damage. Wishes he had an interrupt, but for a physical summon he's not bad.

    Imperial Guard Triple Chop bar (Imperial Order) - Lightning Touch is a cool...well...touch. He has high enough attribute in it that it's pretty darn good. Then he spams Cyclone/Triple Chop, making him a great weapon target and OK on his own. Spams Deep Wound. You like to see this guy from your Imperial Order.

    Crystal Spider (Mysterious) - A mesmer with 16 Dom and a few useful skills. Power Spike, Shatter Ench, Shatter Hex, Chaos Storm are basically all this guy provides, but at 16 Dom that is good enough to be in the upper half of summons. There is a lot of garbage below this.

    ~~~~~~C Tier - Getting questionable~~~~~~~~

    Champion of Balthazar(Zaishen) - Generic warrior. Coward isn't bad, but it isn't good either. Barely good enough to be saved from F, because he's one of the better generic warrior summons.

    Imperial Guard Shove bar (Imperial Order) - IAS, DW, Knockdown. Clearly not F, clearly not great.

    Imperial Guard Crip Slash bar (Imperial Order) - To The Limit and a Shadow Step means this guy is putting down snare, bleed, and DW basically as soon as enemies are engaged. Borderline F but he does way more than a summon like Footman

    Imperial Ranger Barrage bar (Imperial Order) - Classic splinter Barrage build, but basically all of his "extra" skills suck. He wastes time using bad skills.

    Juggernaut (Mysterious) - super cool build. 5 second knockdown and permanent +1 energy regen for allies. Sadly, not actually all that good. This ranking may be generous because I like the big guy.

    Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh (Mysterious) - I so want this guy to be good, but he's really not. Fingers of Chaos is good (look at this! https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Fingers_of_Chaos ), Enraged is also a great Monster skill, but his normal build is just garbage after the derv update. It wasn't good before that, but he's such a missed opportunity now. As a 1-2% chance summon like the Rabbit, he could have been pushed more, but I guess their theory with him was that they would make him really resilient via his Derv skills and give him his damage/utility through monster skills. It fell flat. He would be F tier without Fingers of Chaos being so unique.

    Celestial Sheep (Celestial) - Durable, has an IAS, spams decent attacks....wishes he was updated with the Derv update. Not good but not F tier.

    Avatar of Balthazar (Zaishen) - Like all derv summon stones, he wishes he was updated with the derv update. Avatar of Balthazar is a really good avatar and Balth's Rage+Pious Assault almost makes a workable build with it, but he has no IAS and basically all of his other skills suck. He has Banishing Strike, so theoretically he could be better in areas with a lot of summons, but he just doesn't do enough. Good target for Splinter thanks to scythes.

    Ooze (Mysterious) - The dwarf reputation's exclusive summon stone, the Ooze is kind of OK. Earthquake+Aftershock+Whirlwind+Ward Against Foes is basically his contribution to a team. Two knockdowns and OK damage clearly keeps him out of F and above a lot of the generic, mediocre melee summons but he's pretty low on the totem pole for caster summons.

    Ghostly Hero (Zaishen) - He's OK. If you pop a Zaishen you don't feel awful getting him. He provides Deep Wound, an interrupt(dshot), blind(throw dirt), is an OK target for weapon spells...he's not good, but he does more stuff than the warriors in F tier.

    Priest of Balthazar (Zaishen) - A healy, smitey monk thing. Not good at all, but better than anything in F tier because smite condition/hex are better than F tier bars on their own.

    **Oni (**Mysterious) - Not awful. An assassin with two shadow steps so he's always in the fray. I used one last night on my Rit and he was a good target for Splinter. Demonic Agility(100% chance to double strike) is REALLY cool to have on an ally. Jagged+Fox Fangs is meta dagger chain stuff. But Horns of the Ox is a mediocre double atk. He is also self-contradictory, because he uses Jagged Strike on recharge meaning he rarely uses Horns or auto attacks to make much use of Demonic Agility. This guy could have been better, but he's not.

    Crystal Guardian (Mysterious) - Another bad, but a few spells carry it case. Point blank ele. Shock is pretty good. Crystal Wave and Aftershock are good, but he can be counter-intuitive because he removes conditions from enemies. Ward against Melee is not even bad. His bar just comes together as "meh".

    Snowman (Mysterious) - He was probably not supposed to be any good, but daze and AoE snare with some armor ignoring damage works better than some of the melee garbage. Maybe he belongs in F, but I don't mind when I get him.

    Fire Imp (Mysterious) - He's just Fireball and Flare on a body. Fireball is good enough to keep him out of F. He's not good, but he's not as bad as he could be.

    Angchu Monk Peace and Harmony bar (Tengu Flare) - Uhhh...I get where they were going, but no. Suffers from the "not part of party" issue some have because Watch Yourself! and Heal Party don't work. Still clearly better than awful Monk summons like Cele Horse and the War Horn monk. You shrug instead of gag when you get this guy as part of your Tengu ensemble.

    Angchu Assassin WoTA bar (Tengu Flare) - I guess the Tengu are good assassins, because this guy works ok. Has an IAS, gets constant crits. He's better than most warrior and derv summons, but I don't see how he crawls out of this tier.

    Angchu Warrior Primal Rage bar (Tengu Flare) - Another Lightning Touch warrior. If you have an ST Rit to make double damage taken from Primal Rage negligible, he's a sufficient single target damage summon.

    Shining Blade Elementalist (War Horn) - If you click a War Horn, you hope you'll get two of these guys. Immolate+Fire Ball is just enough to be a useable bar. The War Horn is really bad and he is the best in it.

    Golem (Mysterious) - Only 4 skills as a Dervish, but his build makes sense and does decent AoE. He's resilient. He's bad, but I can't put him in F with the likes of Archer and Footman.

    Celestial Pig (Celestial) - Meh. Useable blood necro bar, though it spends way too much time on self-heal. You don't want this guy but if he comes up you shrug and say "at least it wasn't Celestial Wolf"

    ~~~~~~F Tier - garbage fire~~~~~~

    Archer (Zaishen) Ranger. Nothing is useable on this build except for dshot and savage shot. Does no damage. Dust Trap is an awesome skill if it actually hits, but it never will.

    Footman (Zaishen) - Warrior. He's just not good enough. He does the bleed/deep wound thing, but basically nothing else.

    Angchu Warrior 100b bar (Tengu Flare) - meh. This guy's theme is comboing I Will Avenge You with 100b for big damage, but no one dies for him so he's bad. Better than Footman but bad.

    Imperial Guard Quivering bar (Imperial Order) - Ok, in the context of getting 3 maybe you don't hate this guy because he spams Go For The Eyes! and you automatically have at least 3 physicals by using his summon stone. But individually his bar is clearly absolutely garbage. To make it worse, his other two Para shouts only effect other summons because summons are not in your "party".

    Imperial Guard Dragon Slash bar (Imperial Order) - Bad. Dragon Slash is a great skill, but with no IAS or adrenaline assisting skills he will never use it even once.

    Imperial Ranger Trapper's Focus bar (Imperial Order) - It's cool that the Trapper's Focus PBAoE damage theme is represented by a summon, but it's just not good enough. I was excited about this guy when I started testing, but in normal PvE vs Raisu Palace, he ended up getting off like 3-4 traps per fight that usually hit one enemy.

    Grentch (Mysterious) - trading Snowman's snare for disease is getting a little too far from viable for me. This guy is probably F despite his unique self-preservation and armor ignoring dmg.

    Kveldulf (Mysterious) - So bad! I bought a few of these from the Norn crafter for easier testing, and I can not believe this guy made the cut to be one of the craftable summons representing Norn. He runs out of energy and literally just stops doing anything. In the running for worst summonable -- he's only clearly above Merchant and the Bees because he at least has an interrupt.

    Devourer (Mysterious) - The Vanguard summonable isn't much better than Kveldulf. He at least has a few conditions and Volley, but it's not good.

    Celestial Monkey (Celestial) - Has some cool ideas, falls flat. He has Disrupting Throw and Wild Throw, which are both good spear attacks, but he hardly ever uses them because he spends almost all of his time spamming the two 3s cast time spear attacks(Unblockable/Mighty Throw). Hilariously low dmg output.

    Celestial Dog (Celestial) - He's a war tank summon stone. This just doesn't work for so many reasons, because he follows the player, meaning the player will take most of the aggro trying to get him in place. It's just a non-functional idea. I understand why they made a tank warrior summon stone, because that's a classic play style, but this just doesn't work even a little bit. He also runs out of energy and stops using his attack skills, which makes him even dumber.

    Celestial Ox (Celestial) - 4 knockdowns doesn't save this war/assassin guy from mediocrity. He's better than a lot of the stuff in F, but clearly worse than anything in C.

    Celestial Tiger (Celestial) - What a trash W/R bar. He has permanent IAS, which could be cool for weapon spamming on him, but his auto attack damage is bizarrely low and the rest of his bar is dedicated to self heals and support crap that doesn't matter. Really bad summon.

    Celestial Snake (Celestial) - One of the Celestials who are very thematic to their animal, but garbage in practice. Temple Strike and Twisting Fangs is a cool combo to bomb a target with mass conditions, but it doesn't add up to much and this guy has a bad combination of energy issues and a lot of junk skills. If he just did the Temple Strike+Serpent's Quickness in a more streamlined fashion he might be better. Instead, his build is so energy heavy and nonsensical that he never does the same thing for two fights in a row, making him unreliable and useless.

    Restless Corpse (Mysterious) - Another generic, mediocre warrior who only offers bleed/DW. Why do none of these filler warriors have different weapons?

    Raptor (Mysterious) - The Asuran signature summon stone. Wild Strike+Death's Blossom is promising, but then you realize his lead attack is Disrupting Stab with a 10s recharge, so he uses Death's Blossom like once per fight. I crafted some of these and his damage output is only a little better than the worst summons in F.

    Celestial Horse (Celestial) - One of the few casters in this tier, Celestial Horse is a monk that only provides a couple of mediocre heals and Peace and Harmony. In a condition-heavy area where PnH could be useful maybe you don't absolutely hate to see him pop up, but the number of zones he would be useful is very small and he's a 1/12 chance from an already kind of obscure stone so I imagine the number of people in the last decade who have gotten Celestial Horse and noticed him being helpful can be counted on my fingers.

    Celestial Rat (Celestial) - Necro thematic for rats with a "plague" build. Funny. But awful. Even under the perfect circumstance, where it successfully diseases the whole enemy group and transfers its bleed/poison/etc...it still didn't do jack. Footman's auto attacks are probably more useful than this necro's whole bar.

    Guild Lord (Zaishen) - Bad. The bow and melee gimmick does nothing to save him. His weapon attributes seem to be exceptionally high, because he does more dmg than other generic physical guys, but his skills are so awful and strong auto attacks do not make a viable ally.

    Celestial Rooster (Celestial) - Dumb, ineffective Illusionary Weaponry bar. This is one of those awful bars you tried to make work in 2005, pinged to your friends and talked up, then quietly retired after actually using it.

    Swarm of Bees (Mysterious) - This one is just a joke. It's a ranger. They apply poison(bee stings) and evade a lot. You laugh and smile when you get them (they're like a 1% chance from Mysterious so it's a rare visit), but in an objective sense they are maybe even worse than the Merchant.

    Shining Blade Warrior (War Horn) - Not much better than the Bees. These guys were really under-tuned because it was anet's first experiment with getting 3-for-1 summons.

    Shining Blade Ranger (War Horn) - same story, garbage like the warrior. No condition, no interrupt, just does nothing.

    Shining Blade Monk (War Horn) Spams 5 energy Healing Breeze and free Orisons. However, he suffers from the dumb "not in party" issue so Heal Party doesn't actually work.

    Let me know where you agree and disagree. I am only human. I tried do my due diligence, and I think I have had every summon here in my party at least once in the last couple of weeks I have been thinking about this post. I think the biggest room for error comes in the ocean of similar bars -- there are like 5 air eles, SO MANY melee garbage summons, etc. and realistically I probably misplaced at least a few of these. But I have revised several times and feel good enough about my rankings to publish the post.

    submitted by /u/jsm2008
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    Green Drops

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Been farming for Jeahr's Daggers. Have:

    ~31 25-runs solo (Rit & Ranger toons) NM

    ~25-runs w/3-hero support NM

    ~10-runs with full 8-crew. HM

    Zero dagger drops. It took me months (I'd say around ~200 runs) to farm for Balthazar's Fury scythe for my Derv. I started to think it didn't exist. I've ran Frostmaw's (full-8 team) ~200x over the years for Axe of the Kinslayer...no drop. Lian's Lantern on the other hand, drops seems like 1 out of ~20 times even with full hero compliment.

    I've played on/off since 2006. GW1 used to have green double-drop weekends which was super helpful. It was common to get 1-2 greens per week w/o farming. Now, it seems like ANY green drops from bosses are beyond rare. Anyone else experiencing this or am I just at the wrong end of the RNG bell curve?

    submitted by /u/xanax37
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    I just got access to the account I used as a child (13 years ago), what do I do with all of these unopened presents?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I just got access to the account I had as a kid and I've got a load of unopened presents. I can see that on my main character I have presents up to 7 years and then 6 present vouchers, and that's not the only character I played.

    What do I do with them? Is it better for me to open them and sell, or sell them unopened?

    I have another account now that I use as a main so I'll be transfering the gifts there first.

    submitted by /u/VegetableWest6913
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    Derv Main Vow of Revolution Therapy

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Has anyone found good VoR builds besides the prot and resto ones on GWPvX?

    submitted by /u/petea_copine
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    Wayfarer’s Reverie quests

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Can I get the WR quests now and then finish them throughout the year and hand them in next year? Running late for this year's event and wanted to see whether I can take my time...

    submitted by /u/Sepp511
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    massive giveaway at Alliance Battles right now

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Jmogjex is doing a giveaway at AB some sort of revival, I got a bunch of free stuff

    submitted by /u/Jaded-Membership3848
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    Returning after 15 years

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    I've never completed guild wars but have a level 20 monk 20 warrior both with about 300k exp on them.

    I can't remember much about the story so just started another warrior to go through the game chowing monk as my secondary profession. I'm u familiar with what to look for get armour etc, I also have 9 birthday surprise boxes on each character (27 in total) so don't know if they're worth anything as I only have about 5 platinum split across the characters.

    If anyone can help a returning player find his feet again I'd appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/mondahs
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