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    Monday, July 19, 2021

    Guild Wars Thank you, /r/GuildWars. Thank you again, Guild Wars. I kept writing.

    Guild Wars Thank you, /r/GuildWars. Thank you again, Guild Wars. I kept writing.

    Thank you, /r/GuildWars. Thank you again, Guild Wars. I kept writing.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    I wrote this post a few hours after writing up my last one about EP vs. EvIL. I decided to save it as a draft and post it later so as not to spam the sub so much with my stuff. I've already got two up right now, but what can I say? I'm excited.

    I hope this doesn't come across as sappy, but hey, you only live once - so might as well. But the fact that you all have been so receptive to my Guild Wars nostalgia posts (which are specifically about PvP in the Prophecies era) has really meant the world to me. I just read a book called The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafón, and it's a book that I recommend to absolutely everyone who reads or enjoys reading. Without giving any spoilers, there comes a point where the main character has to flee, and his best friend tells him "Write." The main character says, "I'll write to you as soon as I can." And his friend says, "No, I don't mean to write to me. I mean keep writing your novels." (The main character was a young author.)

    That exchange kind of meant the world to me. It reminded me the importance of creativity. It reminded me the importance of taking the ugliness (or sometimes just the monotony) of this world and making something beautiful with it. You see, I'm something of a writer myself. I write songs. I have a band. We've recorded some stuff. It hasn't really gone anywhere, but it was an accomplishment just to make them and perform them a few times. It meant something to me, you know? I have kept writing, just like the friend in the novel encouraged the main character to do.

    And I write prose, too. I tried to start writing a fantasy novel but it felt forced and unnatural. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll give it another go. But I've also written some books about life. "Spirituality", I guess you could call it. Not really the hippy-dippy kumbaya stuff, but the stuff about there being something greater than us that wants the best for everybody. You know, I had a rough time growing up, and Guild Wars was actually something of my first glimmer of joy in a world that was very difficult and ugly for me. More on that later. But innocent escape with Guild Wars eventually led to dangerous escape with drugs and alcohol. I had a lot of serious consequences - I could have easily ended up dead or in jail. But you know, in a moment of grace I realized there was another way. I realized I loved myself. I got help. I got sober. I've been sober ever since that day, nearly 8 years ago.

    So that kind of grace that came down and saved me has been what I've been writing about. Sometimes I don't know how to express it. Some things have worked well, despite all the ups and downs: music has worked well. I do tutoring, and sharing and bonding with some of my students has worked well. But other things not so much: my books about spirituality didn't do so well. A lot of the stuff I post about spirituality and life on Reddit don't do to well (with a few exceptions). But you know what has done well, surprisingly? My nostalgic musings about Guild Wars here on this sub.

    It came as a sort of surprise, I guess. Maybe it shouldn't - that era was awesome, I know a lot of people loved it, and I also know deep down that I have something of a knack for writing. But still. I guess I just didn't expect such a broadly positive reception when I haven't gotten quite the same thing anywhere else.

    Maybe I'm full of myself. I know deep down, too, that it's the game itself, and people's nostalgia for it, that's the main driver behind the positive reception. But hey. It took a person to sit down and say, hey, this era was cool, let's talk about it, let's analyze it, let's express what it meant to us. And that person just so happened to be me. I'm grateful for it. If things had gone a different way I may not even be here today. One of my best Guild Wars friends, same age as me, died at age 25, 5 years ago. Opiates. That could have been me. So yeah, I'm grateful to be the one who gets to share this stuff. I'm glad to be the one bringing all these positive memories and feelings back to people. No matter how hard I am on myself, I've got to admit that it's a cool spot to be in. Again, I'm grateful for it. It's bringing me a lot of joy. And I'm grateful for y'all.

    Guild Wars, as I touched on before, meant something to me. I used to be even harder on myself than I am now, and back in the day I had this idea that Guild Wars was my escape. Like, you know, the drug I used before I used drugs. In some ways it might have been. But it was more than that, too. Middle school sucked. High school sucked. I absolutely hated it. I came home in the afternoon and I could connect to a world where I could be myself, I could have friends, and I could be someone. I got to lead Eternum Pariah for a couple of weeks. To a 15 year old "loser", that meant something, man.

    So it wasn't just an escape. It was a glimmer of hope for me, in a world that was very ugly, hard, and dark. Sure I was fortunate materially, but emotionally, I was a total fucking mess. And principally because I didn't know how to be myself. Guild Wars let me be myself. It was my first foray into an unknown world where my heart was the only guide.

    Maybe in some ways writing now is like Guild Wars was to me then. I mean, both exist in a sort of fantasy realm: Guild Wars within the game, and these words within my head and heart. It's not exactly the physical plane, but then again, neither is any book or work of art. So what's the point, then? And why get excited about a game that we all love but is, for all intents and purposes, dead? (I know it's not dead, I know some of you still play and that's rad! Please don't misunderstand me. All I mean is that the era of Guild Wars being seen as a serious eSport is, sadly, long since passed.)

    And the answer I've come to is this: it's because these fantasy worlds, and these nostalgic longings for the past, well, they stir something in the real world, right here in the present moment. They allow us to remember, right here, right now, that life can be filled with joy. That sometimes cool things come together and happen despite all of the bullshit, and oftentimes for no reason other than because we were at the right place at the right time. You know, sometimes the good things don't happen because we went out of our way and forced them to be that way. Sometimes they just happened because, hey, life is full of surprises and little miracles. I mean, I know we're not gonna get every little thing we hoped and dreamed for in this life. But at the same time, if we can keep our hearts open, well... life's always waiting to surprise us with blessings - sometimes great, sometimes small.

    For me, Guild Wars was one of the great ones. The positive reception I have been receiving from all of you in this subreddit over the last few weeks has been another.

    A special thank you to the last one who wrote me words of thanks and encouragement, who was /u/MrMango786. As I responded with something like "really appreciate your words", I felt there was really no way I could fully express what his words meant to me. I hope that by tagging him in this post he will see that I really meant it. Thanks again, friend.

    And that's not to sell anyone else short, either. Thanks to absolutely everyone who has left words of thanks and praise. I've felt like giving up on life many times, but to this day, I haven't. I've kept writing. And as they taught me back when I got sober: may I continue to do so, one day at a time.

    Thank you guys, truly.

    submitted by /u/shortyafter
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    Returning player looking for an active guild

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    Hey, I started playing Guild Wars for the for the first time in 2006 and continued playing it until 2011/2012. I haven't really played since then, the last time I logged in was in 2017 just to check my account and open all the birthday gifts I had piled up on my characters.

    A few days ago I created a Dervish and I've been really hooked since then, I'm planning on progressing through all the campaigns since I was a kid back in the days and didn't finish anything apart from Factions. It would be nice if I can find an active guild that's friendly towards inexperienced players.

    submitted by /u/primusgw
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    Nostalgic Traveler's Diary: I just found if I added Sly Ranger into the party instead of Whispering Necromancer, I could've saved Kormir... now I have to save the world first. I've been set to Time-out by Lonai...

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    Reverse engineering project of the server architecture

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    TLDL: Who wants to join a collective effort to re-create GW1 Servers so the community can take a shot at breathing new life into the game?

    I am so deeply in love with this game. Playing it is just so incredibly much fun. The game mechanics, the style of the graphics, the kind of progression it offers, the competitive PvP. And so much more.

    And dont get me wrong. I dont mean to be ungrateful or anything. I recently read the article about two people from ArenaNet keeping the GW1 servers up and running kind of in their spare time. I really appreciate this.

    But at some point (and let's be honest, the game felt way more lively, when more people were around), it just feels a bit... dull, desolate, repetitive, to stroll through the same areas over and over again, without really encountering people that strive for something, without a community that sets trends, that establishes topics, without fierce competition and without the prospect of upcoming challenges.

    Many things could be done to gradually change this, I'd assume at least. Like creating "Start from scratch" seasonal servers that allow to gain some achievements which transfer after half a year to legacy servers.

    New Dungeons, new Quests, even VN-like-Quest lines which are somewhat easy to implement would kind of breath new life into the game.

    We all know, that this most probably wont happen. Not because ArenaNet hates us. And not because anyone is lazy or something. But because it's a whole lot of work, may consume a whole lot of money, needs to be observed for bug fixes, quality inspection etc. And in general, if I was ArenaNet, I'd put my resources into more promising projects.

    So kind of a way out would be to finally establish private servers for GW1. Not because we want to oppose ArenaNet, but because we see that they can not keep the game as vivid as it should. But the community might at least take a shot at doing so. Even though we might finally fail.

    I'm kind of able to program, generally speaking, even though I'm not an expert in any of the things required for large scale servers. I've been observing the CMANGOS and Trinity Core stuff of the WoW Community, and while it seems to be a whole lot of work, those projects achieve a reasonable degree of play-ability. And the people involved seem to have a lot of fun in developing them further.

    So what I actually want to ask: Are you guys willing to participate in at least a basic reconstruction of the underlying communication protocol and world server framework that GW1-Servers use? And step by step try to recreate small parts of the server side game engine? We still can double-check behaviour with what we see on the ArenaNet-Servers.

    submitted by /u/Notion1337
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    (Experimental) More 7 hero builds

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    (Experimental) More 7 hero builds

    So Spirit Strength offers a HUGE damage bonus with some serious offsets such as being an enchantment that can be easily removed or using a non-martial profession primary attribute.

    Busted angry ripped man isn't willing to take your shit

    +45 damage at lvl 20? Shut up and take my 3000 Balthazar Faction!

    I had to repurpose Zei Ri to try to make it work. I was surpirsed the hero kept SS, Weapon of Aggresion and Sight Beyond Sight (cover enchantment + anti-blind) and ended with this:


    You might have noticed Golden Lotus Strike and Lotus Strike. These two are needed for energy management, they also act as precursors for death blossom with the downside of the making the attack chain slower. Heroes mix them correctly with Jagged strike and Fox Fangs. I tested the build above and got me the highest constant DPS without running into energy problems.

    Also Zealous Dagger mod is a must for energy management.

    So here is the deal. With 20 Spawning Power and 16 Dagger Mastery, the hero deals 45*2 + 47*2=184 single-target damage and 94 damage to adacent enemies.

    Here is some proposal for the build:



    I haven't tested this due to lack or Mercenary Heroes and I am not sure how it works in practice

    Lack of BiP is compensated by Necro Soul Reaping and all the energy-management skills heroes have, but in practice I dont know how it would behave.

    The SoS should only use splinter weapon on you, but maybe it can conflict with heroes Weapon of Aggression. Needs to be tested.

    Anthem of flame on the ST is here to maintain Heroic Refrain automatically.

    Signet of aggression is quite underrated. It can be used while you are blinded or hexed and you can combine it between attacks or even to prepare for combat full of adrenaline beforehand.

    For Great Justice could be considered your panic button and it also combines with Signet of Aggresison.

    This build lacks one Fall Back to achieve permanent movement Speed, you could solve this adding Incoming to the SoS:


    Or by sacrificing one of your slots and add one Fall Back Yourself.

    Other thing worth trying to add is a shadowstep to the heroes to get to melee range faster.


    1. Some of you said the 4 melee heroes damage is unreliable. While you can't fix melee dumb AI, you can bypass most forms of melee hate:

    a) Blindness with Sight Beyond Sight

    b) Blocking stances with Wild Strike in one hero

    c) Blocking enchantments changing SoS with a Pain of Disenchantment curses Necro:


    d) Physical hexes MIGHT be avoided due to the following:

    I need to find out wether ritualist primaries "trick" enemy AI into thinking theyre casters even when they are wearing daggers thus avoiding physical hexes.

    This needs further testing, but If all the above works could be really interesting.

    1. For those of you who want mesmers (with Zei Ri you don't need mercenaries for this one):


    submitted by /u/NewAgeWorld
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    Can we get these people banned already?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Pre Searing Questions

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    hi guys, I've just started my journey to LDoA title, and been reading a few guides (not sure if they're in date or not).

    A lot of them mention to farm the vanguard Hamnet quest when it is available as they change daily. Does this mean that I shouldn't do the vanguard quests on the other days? Or shall I do them also, but hamnet is just the easiest to abandon/redo out of them?

    Also, if anyone has any other tips they would be greatly appreciated, as never really done much in pre searing before this!

    submitted by /u/adammo97
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