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    Guild Wars duwuum

    Guild Wars duwuum


    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Playing solo for story - should I create new characters for each campaign ?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm new to this game.

    I''ve noticed that by default, your character is bound to a campaign it's created for, but you can migrate one character throughout all the campaings. Unfortunately, by doing this, the game will omitted some story for your migrated character.

    However, I also notice that some Heroes can only be recruited if you do their quest in one campaign, keep their quest item, and then use it in another quest in another campaign (Like Gwen)

    So should I create new character for each campains to collect the story, but then missing out on Heroes's origin story ? Or is there ways to recruit the heroes without doing it in other campaign ?

    submitted by /u/MariusThePaladin
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    Gambling in Guild Wars

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    I made a post about Gifts of the Traveler and how awful they are for return on investment. The odds are so low that they're barely even gambling: they're just an insane investment at 3e/each. https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/comments/osn1y7/gift_of_the_traveler_return_on_investment/

    This got me wondering...what about all of the other boxes/bags/etc. that were introduced later in GW's life time?

    First of all, gambling items will always be more expensive than their expected return. Otherwise the owners would just open them. The question is how close do they come, and are there lottery drops that can get you far more than you paid on a lucky day?

    Note: \*I am excluding stuff like ToT bags because there is essentially no variance in them. I am also excluding Lunar Fortunes because they are significantly inflated by their use as a personal consumable first and a loot bag second***

    The realistic "gambling" sources I have identified:

    1. Imperial Guard Lockbox (rating: 1/10)
    2. Royal Gift (rating: 4/10)
    3. Wintersday Grab Bags (rating: 8/10 HIGH RISK)
    4. PvP strongboxes (spoiler - these need more drop research)
    5. Coffer of Whispers (rating: 2/10)
    6. 7th bday gifts (rating: 2/10)
    7. *Zchest, but I will not address it today*

    This post will be FAR more abridged than my GoTT post because I will cover a lot of different boxes and I assume no one wants to read 20,000 words. I will try to capture the good, bad, and ugly as briefly as possible.

    Lets dig in.

    Royal Gift:

    Cost: Varies a lot! I took the average of every WTS on the Kamadan site for the last 6 months and came to a value of 54e/stk. So we're going with 54e/stk even though you will never actually pay that because stacks are usually 50, 60, or 75e.

    Return: I am giving no value to certain items here. No one buys Powerstones, Stars of Transference, etc. so you will end up just using those. I am considering Medal of Honor to be 1/25 of an Oppressor wep for the sake of valuation. Minis are valued at 2e/ea.

    Where does that leave us? These are....kind of OK. No huge hits, but every one has a 12.6% chance to give you an essence, armor, or grail. For a cost of entry of 4.6=1e these are really not awful. Even stuff like 5 lockpicks is a profit. Warhorns(~2e for the 3 you get) are the best frequency to cost ratio item these offer. Low lows, low highs defines Royal Gifts.

    Extrapolating based on Wiki's drop research, each individual Royal Gift has about a 30.4% chance to be profitable. The problem is, when they are profitable it's not by that much. Overall, Royal Gifts give about a 50% return on investment. With no major "hits" to seek out IDK why anyone would open these, but if you want Shining Blade War horns and are struggling to find them for sale in the volume you want to buy these are almost not that bad if you keep your price at or under 60e/stk. If you merch all of the kits and stuff, sell minis, etc. to recoup money you can expect 22.5 warhorns and 6 or 7 consets from ~40e invested(assuming 60e/stk buy price). That's..like..OK, if you're rich and no one is selling Warhorns.

    Gambling rating: 4/10 (One of the better return on investment gambling items, held down because there is no big, lottery-like hit so your good feelings will come from good averages over a large volume vs one big hit. These are super consistent though if you have disposable ecto and want 3x summon stones and struggle to find them in Kama).

    Imperial Guard Lockbox:

    Cost: Very rarely sold. Usually you will be buying Commendations, which vary in value but seem to have settled around 1e/ea. That means a Lockbox costs 9 ectos. Dang! Am I missing something here?

    Return: These boxes are such a bad return I'm not even going to give it meaningful analysis. Even at 3 ectos per box these would be a money pit. With them being near impossible to buy and costing 9e/box, these are a joke.

    Gambling rating: 1/10 (vomit emoji)

    Wintersday Grab Bags:

    Cost: These have been selling for about 1a/each. I have seen prices as low as 50e, so there are some steals to be had out there.

    Return: Here's the deal. You can lose your butt on these. For anyone with a gambling issue, reminder, you WILL lose your butt on these. One poor soul on Wiki opened over 170 of them with no bear. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Talk:Wintersday_Grab_Bag Unded polar bears are worth around 70a.

    A dev confirmed on wiki that using an account's grab bags has "about the drop rate of 10 runs of the quest". This means it's either 5x or 10x the quest drop rate -- he was not clear if he meant for both bags available per acct per year or if he meant per bag. (Source: " I can confirm that there is a very small chance of receiving one from opening these bags. Considering that acquisition of the bag is year/account limited, the chance of the miniature dropping in this manner is roughly on par with running the relevant festival quest ten times.")

    So this is a crossroads. We have confirmed that the Wintersday quest has a 1/500 drop rate. So, these bags are EITHER 1/50 or 1/100 Polar Bear. The wiki just does not have enough data: we have data on 250 openings, which produced 2 Polar Bears.

    Based on Matthew(dev)'s wording, I think he means that each bag has a 1/100 chance to drop PB. I think he meant if you use both of your yearly bags it's about the chance of 10 quest runs.

    With this kind of money running around, the ~10k valuation of the consumable drops is pretty laughable. However, if you want to do some real high-roller GW gambling, I actually think these bags are probably among the best gambling items in the game. If you pay 1a/each, these things have a 73% return on value across an infinite sample size. Below 56e/each, these things are profitable across an infinite sample size. However, keep in mind, you get basically ZERO return if you do not hit the PB. For all of the chance you will buy 100 and literally throw away 100 armbraces, there is also the chance for glory where you get multiple PB. I think, as far as gambling in GW goes, this is the pinnacle. But gambling is risky and this is VERY HIGH STAKES GAMBLING.

    Gambling rating: 8/10 (8/10 because there is essentially only one, 1/100 chance drop you want. A 10/10 gambling item would return SOMETHING to you if you didn't hit big. Please do not spend all of your money on these because of this thread, just buy a polar bear if you want a polar bear)

    PvP strongboxes:

    Cost: Really hard to buy, other than Hero's(thanks bots). Hero's Strongbox goes for about 80e/stk. Gladiator around 250-300e/stk. Strategist's boxes really don't get sold. IDK what to do with them.

    Return: Unfortunately, there is VERY little data on these. I'm tempted to buy several thousand Hero's boxes and see if I can estimate a drop rate for the minis and the tonics. Mini Guild Lord is quite expensive -- 15-25a based on WTS/WTB offers. However, not knowing if his drop rate is 1/500 or 1/5000, it's really not possible to guess.

    I will strongly consider doing hands-on research into the mini drop rates here as that determines whether these make any sense whatsoever to gamble on. If it's 1/2500 like Gwen Doll from GoTT that kills these, but anecdotally it seems like I have heard of/seen a lot of people getting Rift Wardens from HA boxes so it really may be more like 1/250-1/500.

    My gut says these are bad. Using Hero's boxes for an example, valuing the weapons at 10e/each(generous) and the mini and tonics at 100e/each(generous) they would need to have much higher drop rates than GoTT minis/weapons. However, if they're closer to the Beyond boxes in terms of drop rate that becomes interesting.

    Hero's boxes have 3 items that resell for the cost of a stack. If the rates aren't just awful, these boxes could be OK. I'm really really curious what the mini+tonic drop rate is on PvP boxes.

    These are clearly better than the Beyond consumable boxes, but the common ones(Hero's) really are not that exciting as their drops are easily available in-game and conveniently you can just buy the drop you want for about the cost of a stack. There is no enormous hit like a Gwen Doll or a Polar Bear. Guild Lord from GvG boxes is exciting, but good luck finding those boxes.

    Gambling Rating: Needs more data to be sure, but my gut says 5/10 for Hero's at 80e/stk, glad/strategist at around 250e/stk, and gvg maybe as high as 500-750e/stk.

    Coffer of Whispers:

    Cost: These seem to go for around 5e/ea(which makes sense as that's about the cost of a gem set).

    Return: .9% chance for an armbrace. .8% chance for a mini Mallyx. 27% chance to get 5 gems(but you spent 4 to get the box). These boxes have an inherent flaw in that they use the same currency as armbraces to purchase. It's just insanity to ever craft a Coffer. Buying them, I would never consider them unless they're like 1e-e/each. This isn't even gambling, it's just low potential for return money burning.

    Gambling Rating: 2/10

    7th Bday Gifts:

    Cost: 5e/ea seems to be standard.

    Return: The Asian/limited minis have a 1% rate. Within that 1% rate, there is not enough research to actually conclude whether there are deeper rarities. The -average- of the Asian/limited minis is roughly ~120e. So at a 5e/box valuation, assuming you dumpster or give away all of your non-limited minis, you lose 1000e on a stack of these. Vizu is worth ~250e and is by far the most expensive of these minis, so your luck has to be obscene to really get anywhere meaningful. These are down in the dregs of, like, 15-20% expected return. I would not pay more than 2e/present.

    Gambling rating: 2/10 Minis are flashy. It would be fun to open a stack of these even if you delete most. However, even with insane luck you'll still be lucky to break even. Bleh. Save gambling on these for when Xii Burn God Xii( insert your shameful 2005 MMO name) turns 16.

    submitted by /u/jsm2008
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    Look what I’ve found ��

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    German GuildWiki down, again?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    Ich kann das deutsche Wiki (https://www.guildwiki.de/) seit gestern nicht erreichen. Gibt es hier wieder die gleichen Serverprobleme, wie bereits vor ein paar Monaten?

    submitted by /u/Excellent-Koala-3804
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    Guild Wars 1 - New YouTube Series

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Heya friends o/

    I've recently begun the journey into content creation and wanting to get into Guild Wars 1 I've decided to get started making some YouTube videos, here is the first of many, I've got several to follow up and complete the series ready. I'm still new to videos, recording and editing and would greatly appreciate any and all feedback ^.^


    I also have a Twitter which can be found here: https://twitter.com/EarlTheGray2

    Come say hi, I'd love to talk about the game!

    submitted by /u/EarlGrayGaming
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    Lore-focused playthrough of GuildWars

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    Hello, beautiful people.

    GuildWars was my first MMO experience many years ago and to this day, despite not touching the game for a long time, I feel connected my two main characters and fascinated by the game's story. I didn't manage to stick through with GuildWars 2 and played it on and off for years, but never quite completed the whole storyline. But each time I pick it up again and visit the Godslost Swamp in Queensdale, broken Wall of Ascalon or ruins of Arah, I feel that tingling sensation of mystery and awe, like an archeologist unearthing some ancient ruins. One day I hope to persevere and reach the content of Path of Fire and bask in the remnants of Elonian/Sunspear lore.With a new expansion on the far horizon, I've long been thinking of replaying GuildWars to remind myself how it all started and experience this story once again, however I doubt I can make that journey by myself. It'd be glorious to share that experience with another soul and maybe continue that track into the modern game, but that's reaching too far.If someone has a similar passion in them, please let me know. I live in EU, but work night shifts so my timing is flexible. I won't be able to play each and every day, but I want to stay focused and consistent, so having 3-4 play sessions in a week would be awesome.

    Discord: dhaenur#9170

    Best of luck to you all!

    submitted by /u/dhaenur
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    Gift of the Traveler return on investment

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    Gifts of the Traveler.

    (return on investment follow-up is in the comments. This post is discussing drop rates & expected value of each item)

    It seems like quite a few people are very eager to buy them at their current going rate of 3e/ea -- is that a profitable endeavor over a large sample(I will answer this by the end of the post), or are people crazy? Are people just so desperate for Rock Candy that they will indirectly massively over-pay for a chance to get it? Are the odds decent enough that these can even be used as gambling?

    I'm going to attempt a vague value assessment of GoTT, starting with the expensive items and going down:


    Wiki's drop research(sample of 22,000ish GoTT) shows about a 1/2500 chance to get Gwen Doll. This is probably correct, because the other two minis have similar estimated drops rates. There is a lot of room for error with this assumed drop rate vs sample size, but all 3 minis falling into roughly 1/2500 over the sample makes it quite likely. The EL tonic and crate of fireworks also share this drop rate.

    Gwen is worth 15a at best(1200e), but would "cost" 7500e worth of GoTT on average. Of course, you get 2499 other drops on average between Gwen Dolls, so we will see if those have any potential to add up to 6300e. Mini Yak and Mini Rabbit are fun hits but are about as rare as Gwen Doll, and Yak is at best 1/3 the value of Gwen while Rabbits are difficult to sell for much of anything.


    Weapons seem to have approximately a 1/500 drop rate. These go for 2-3e. They're break even drops with the disadvantage of having to resell hard to sell items. If you want these, it's hilariously more effective to simply buy one. Moss Spider Egg also seems to have this drop rate and is worth about the same.

    EL Tonics

    EL Cottontail goes for 20-30e and is probably around the mini drop rate of 1/2500. Hard to sell too. Rare but a dud.

    EL Firework is also 1/2500 and is hard to sell for 30e in my experience. People advertise Kamadan chat for upwards of 50e but I've never found an EL firework buyer that wanted it unless I was selling it for giveaway prices.

    Rock Candy

    This is what people actually get excited about with Nick, I would imagine. Rock Candy is one of the best consumables in the game and has an irreplaceable effect. Everyone wants these, and they're relatively hard to get.

    Ok, their drop rate is 1/25. Red, blue, and green have identical drop rates. Red Rock Candy is the best hit, returning roughly 10e worth of cons for your 3e gift. Blue Rock earns you about 5e worth of cons. Green rock candy seems to go for about .5e, so you're slightly below break-even.

    Merchant stones are also a surprising star here: I sell mine for 1e/ea (people buy for stuff like zaishen chest runs, but generally buyers at this price buy in small volume because during normal gameplay you do not have 10k worth of stuff to merch and therefore this price is bad logically). Technically Merchant Stone is a quite good hit because there are buyers at high prices, though realistically they are far harder to sell in meaningful quantities than something like rock candies. Even if you find someone buying stack(s), they will expect a discount IMO.

    And misc. consumables are worth approximately ~40g/pt which is pretty negligible realistically. You're losing massive amounts of money on any title consumable gift. Maybe a 1/10 value return at best.

    By my rough math GoTT are worth less than half of the value we ascribe to them. Of course, there is a gambling element to it and if they were sold for their exact assumed value no one would sell them and would instead gamble for the lucky drops. But I'm shocked people with significant disposable GW income are begging to buy these things for 3e/ea.

    I have been opening my own GoTT for a decade at this point, but seeing these rates I think I will start selling mine.

    submitted by /u/jsm2008
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    Does anyone have the OP ranger pet RA build?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    the one where ur pet does 100 damage in auto attacks. thanks

    submitted by /u/allaboutthatbasis
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    Comic: "Somewhere in Bellevue"

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:00 AM PDT

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