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    Wednesday, July 28, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 I’m actually impressed with how negative this community is being.

    Guild Wars 2 I’m actually impressed with how negative this community is being.

    I’m actually impressed with how negative this community is being.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    It's genuinely worrying how quick people on this sub are to hyper fixate on the things that 'could have been better'.

    I understand the trailer was dry. But they've always released dry trailers.

    This was a first look at an expansion that still has a 7 month press cycle. We got some REALLY good features shown to us. People are complaining that there's no "expansion selling features". What exactly were you hoping for? People keep citing gliding but gliding WASN'T the selling feature for HoT… IT WAS THE ELITE SPECS. This expansion is already shipping with so much more than HoT.

    We've seen 3 of the 5 masteries and they are… all really strong features that represent a lot of longevity for the game.

    Fishing is an entirely new gathering method that will more than likely add: - a collection - a strong social activity - an important part of the games economy if it ties in with competitively viable food/cooking - the opportunity for more than just fish as cooking ingredients but skins, other collections, events, etc.

    Skiffs: - a new way to traverse through the world. It's filling a similar niche to skimmer, but I don't remember my skimmer being able to carry all my friends on it and I don't remember being able to walk around on my skimmer and engage in other aspects of the game, SUCH as fishing. - new skins.

    Siege Turtle: - this is a COMBAT MOUNT. This is such a good logical next step forward for the mount system PoF introduced. - again, skins. - environmental design - two player mount… so cool

    Outside of masteries we've seen snippets of a BEAUTIFUL new map, a lot of amazing art about other areas of the game, an AMAZING improvement of character movements, the hints of new elite specs, and some really promising talking points from Colin about map design and the future of the game.

    NEW LEGENDARIES. A lot of people are unhappy about them all being one aesthetic but what if this means they can release more sets more consistently? And for now, what if I want the aurene aesthetic but I don't want a GS? I have the choice. This represents a significant amount of player choice in legendary weapon crafting.

    Just…relax. Go step outside for a bit and just chill. This expansion is going to be really good and they've gone above and beyond with what we've seen SO FAR. I know I'm going to get yelled at, and downvoted into oblivion for not joining on the negative hate-train.

    ~EDIT~ I'm really happy that this post has turned into a thread for people to express their excitement for the features announced today. Looking forward to hopping on a boat and fishing alongside all of you!

    submitted by /u/sonofShisui
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    [Opinion] Watching people here overreact about everything be like

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: EoD first look seems much better than both prior expansions.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    I'd like to address some complaints, and perhaps change peoples minds by providing a more optimistic outlook.

    I suppose some people have rose tinted glasses regarding the last 2 expansions, but so much of the outrage surrounding EoD is very hypocritical.

    So far the big take away from the first look for me, is that EoD will be launching with more replayable content on day 1, by a LONG SHOT, compared to both HoT & PoF. Yet no one seems to be focusing on it.

    1. "Boats don't have the "oomph factor" that gliding and mounts had"

    Firstly, i'd like to remind everyone that both gliding and mounts (mounts in particular) were negatively received at the time of their announcement.

    Secondly, since people here are in a bubble, i'd also like to mention that neither gliding nor mounts have an "oomph factor" in of themselves... Seriously, if you were to mention to other MMO players that our big expansion feature was mounts, they'd laugh at you, because mounts are not generally seen as a "huge expansion feature".

    The reason gliding/mounts are so beloved now, is because Anet took a boring feature from other MMOs, and made it fucking phenomenal.

    Anet has absolutely knocked it out of the park, 2/2 times so far, so i have no idea why people are being so skeptical and critical of them this time around... If you liked their vision and implementation with the last two traversal features, then give them the benefit of the doubt, and trust their implementation for this one too.

    Anet have not given you any reason to doubt them when it comes to this specific aspect of game development. On the contrary, you should be very confident that Anet is going to do a good job with this.

    2. "Yeah but boats and fishing are just boring"

    Once again, gliding and mounts are boring on paper too... But i'd like to discuss the potential that both these things can have, for those that haven't taken the time to be a bit more imaginative.

    In the livestream, the devs mentioned needing to "anchor" your boat. This leads me to believe we might actually have a water current, and the water might move independently of the player and push the boat in certain directions.

    This is a HUGE feature if true, and can lead to SO much creativity with the masteries. It can make traversal, control, and navigation of the boat actually interesting, and has the potential to be much more interesting than gliding.

    The main reason gliding in particular is so loved right now, is because of all the content that was built around it. There's a reason gliding is so much more satisfying and rewarding in newer maps compared to in core maps.

    Things like bouncing mushrooms, leylines, updrafts... The entire maps being designed around it, even map metas and boss encounters requiring it... All that additional content surrounding gliding, IS what makes gliding exciting, and i'm quite confident we could see a similar situation with the new masteries too.

    Imagine having a seafaring bounty to hunt down a Kraken out in the waters, waters which have a heavy current so you can't just swim there or go with your skimmer, so you have an armada of boats (each ferrying 5 players) sailing to the location... I dunno man, so much of this sounds mind blowingly exciting to me.

    They also mentioned fishing can be a "co-op mini game" and we have no idea what that entails yet, but i'm optimistic it'll be fun and not just an "afk simulator" like the skeptics on this subreddit keep saying.

    Could the devs have shown more in the live-stream to build up more hype? Sure, but this is a first look, not a content/gameplay demonstration.

    3. "HoT built so many new systems, EoD hasn't done anything in comparison"

    This complaint in particular, is a weird one to me.

    If you've been on this sub the past 24 hours, you've no doubt seen people saying "HoT was a much better/bigger expansion because it CREATED masteries/Especs, whereas EoD is just copying that system and adding new ones, it isn't creating anything new"... Which is, sorry for being blunt, such a stupid take.

    Yeah, HoT was when the devs had the idea for implementing the foundation for future expansions, and created the new UI for the new systems... But... You guys realize the UI itself doesn't matter that much right? It's entirely a matter of what's within those UI systems?

    HoT doesn't get credit for the PoF masteries/Especs, just because it started those systems... PoF gets credit for them, because it actually created/added the new things within them.

    Do you guys really expect every expansion to create an entirely new system, while also building up on previous ones? Do you know what a cluster fuck that would be?

    If anything, the game already has too many systems.

    On that note, maybe a hot take, most of the HoT masteries fucking sucked. Aside from gliding, i didn't even bother finishing most of the HoT masteries for years after their release, cause i had literally no reason to do so.

    So far, it seems as though ALL the EoD masteries affect the entirety of the game, including older maps, and are much more useful. Even the 4th mastery they only hinted at (the dragonjade mastery), they specified it would be used in older maps too.

    4. Strikes, Raids, and Fractals

    I haven't seen enough people praising EoD for releasing with a bunch of strikes, all of which will be available DAY ONE of the expansion, and all of which will have CMs. This is a huge step in the right direction guys, and you should be encouraging it, rather than complaining.

    Do you want a reminder of how much replayable instanced content HoT launched with? Zero.

    How about PoF? Also zero.

    GW2 expansions have NEVER launched with challenging instanced content. Literally never. This is the first time we're getting it.

    On the note of Raids and Fractals however, i understand the disappointment, i wish we had gotten news on them too... But Raids/Fractals (Fractals specifically) isn't something i was expecting in this first look anyways? Even if they are in the works, they wouldn't be released with the expansion, they'd be released later... Which i think might be the case, at least for Fractals.

    I see this as Anet not wanting to overpromise something, and then disappoint players by not being able to deliver on time.

    I think Anet will be taking the approach of dropping things like Fractals without talking about them too far ahead of time. It'll essentially be "bonus content" that people can be pleasantly surprised with, rather than something players should be actively waiting for year round.

    Raiding and Fractals are essentially a niche part of the game now. When a new one comes out, great, but if you're only playing GW2 in hopes of wanting the new one... You should honestly just quit.

    Even if a new Raid & Fractal were coming out, they wouldn't continue development at the rate you people want. This simply isn't the game for you.

    I'm sad about it too, but i can appreciate the other aspects of the game, without keeping my hopes up for Raids. I will be very excited if one does get released though, but i'm not waiting for it, nor should you.

    5. Aurene Legendries

    Yeah, i get kinda sucks that they're all a part of one set... BUT we're also getting them all on day one of the expansion, which i guess is the trade-off they needed to make.

    This again seems like one of those rose-tinted-glasses situation, since i haven't seen enough people mentioning that Gen 2 legendries took about THREE YEARS to release in their entirety, it took two expansions AND two living world seasons since their announcement.

    I bet if we could take a poll for the whole playerbase, asking would you prefer a matching legendary set on day 1, or unique gen 3 sprinkled over the next 3 years... Majority of players would opt for the prior.

    Content delivered now, even if it's not perfect, is far better than content promised over the course of three fucking years... Seriously, that's a long bloody time, so many of you would have quit the game before then... And what's even worse is, what if you actually wait 3 years, and then the legendary you end up getting is a shitty birthday cake or a joke legendary? Wow, congrats, you played yourself.

    I don't think this is a bad decision. I actually think it's smart. Giving players more content on day one of the launch is very important, and EoD seems to be prioritizing it... However, i think Anet strongly misjudged the marketing for Gen 3 legendaries, by setting up false expectations and failing to deliver.

    Ironically, i'm pretty sure this is the same reason they're afraid to mention anything about a new Fractal.

    6. Unrealistic Expectation

    Land Spears? Tengu playable race??

    Anyone that seriously expected either of those two things, basically set themselves up for disappointment, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

    Anet literally NEVER implied, suggested, or even joked about, Tengu being a playable race... It was entirely created in your own heads, you further egged each other, on and built up unprecedented hype over it in this echo chamber.

    This is the same studio that said it takes them a year to make a single armor set for the game, and you really expected an entirely new playable race?

    The sheer amount of development time that would be spent on Tengu would mean losing out on years of actual playable content. I'm glad Anet decided not to humor this.


    Having a little bit of faith isn't going to kill you, and i'm sure the developers will greatly appreciate it after all their hard work.

    There's certainly things to criticize, but please do so in a productive manner, rather than doomsaying over every little nitpick.

    What bothers me most is people infantilizing past expansions in an attempt to put down EoD, when most of the comparisons they're making is either completely false, or largely hypocritical.

    submitted by /u/ragnorke
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    new engineer spec confirmed

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    Pistol necro could look like this

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    Vet+ mobs that actually cast different skills based on their rank is an amazing idea

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    That is all

    submitted by /u/AkhiH
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    Everyone memeing about the new necro spec and I'm here with Virtuoso like

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    The first thing I did this morning ...

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 12:52 AM PDT

    Cantha’s Haunted

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    the indianoso specialization

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Necros from here til release

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    OPINION: the eod announcement was not underwhelming, people’s hype just got too unrealistic

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    I feel like people had way too high hopes for the expansion because a lot of us were expecting this to be the last chance for gw2. After the announcement i'm honestly more excited to know that the game has way more life in it. I personally feel like guild wars has always had an extremely strong core and that it should focus on iterating and perfecting existing content rather than adding more. More maps, raids, fractals, etc would be nice but the content I really want is more mundane and quality of life, things like fashion templates with shareable codes or an in game photo mode or more replayable content like new guild missions or more interesting dailies. I feel like guild wars as a game doesn't need to keep one upping itself on crazy hype features to be a better game, i personally would be totally content if these are the last maps added to the game and from here on they just go back to old maps and iterate on them so players keep coming back rather than only going back for achievements. I don't need crazy hype features or more raids or fractals to keep me coming back, what will keep me coming back is adding more reason and rewards to these existing modes and i hope anet doesn't feel pressured to keep feature creeping the game.

    submitted by /u/remiyi
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    We should be focusing on Anet's improvements instead on what they've failed to work on for the moment.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    Yall remember the content droughts between LS and Expacs? You should.

    Yall remember HoT's legendary weapons taking months to come out after the original release? You should.

    Yall remember the last announcement before today's that promised "Expac level content"? You should.

    Yall remember Anet never reacting to feedback? You should.

    Yall wanna compare the Build Template release to the Legendary Armory one? You should.

    Yall remember the absolute lack of communication from barely just a year ago? You fuckin' should.

    I know we all love this game and want what's best for it. I know the new legendary set is a let down. But how about we take half a step back, put this FIRST LOOK into perspective with the last 6 months of the game's life and realize how much better things are looking? Of course things could be better, but seeing how much things have improved should make us hopeful for future improvements instead of acting like everything's going to shit.

    And if you want Anet to go back to their zero communication policy, keep doing what we've been doing man. Constructive criticism has actually been taken into account lately, but if we can't separate our emotions from it and just flood the subreddit with pure salt then the blame's on us, not Anet.

    submitted by /u/jojo_iso
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    Elite Spec Guess With Color

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    It's pretty disappointing that all the legendary are the same and aren't unique

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    The unique looks are what made them cool and exciting to get.

    submitted by /u/Angeels
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    Awesome animated Wallpapers from the EoD Website

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    I think the background videos on the new EoD Website make great animated wallpapers for your home screen.

    Cantha Skiff Port:

    Fishing Boat:

    Sea Dragon:

    Marjory and Kasmeer:

    You can probably use them on Windows using tools like PUSH Video Wallpaper or Desktop Live Wallpaper from the store.I'm using SmartER Video Wallpaper on my Plasma Desktop. It just looks awesome!

    Source are the <video>-Tags in the HTML-Sourcecode from this website:

    submitted by /u/Anaeijon
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    Necromancers new elite spec looks fun

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Leaked concept art of upcoming EoD Elite Specialization

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    I think they're angry. Not sure.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:14 AM PDT

    Aurene-themed legendaries are pretty much a glorified Blc skin set

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    They literally took away the personality of legendary weapons and delivered the most lazy way, tying it to Aurene.

    submitted by /u/irasha12
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    gw2 reddit: boats are disappointing. Also gw2 reddit:

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    I got excited

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    I think the new Necro spec will be really good for open world... :>

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Tease for the new (Necromancer) elite spec

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    Leaked Gen 3 legendary weapon recipe

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:47 PM PDT

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