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    Guild Wars Grawl meme

    Grawl meme

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    Thought experiment: Fastest way to get "account GWAMM"

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Or, "should I get account-wide titles if I enjoy the GW title grind?" (note: I tried to make the TL;DR at the bottom pretty good and comprehensive)

    First of all: by account GWAMM, I mean GWAMM on every class on a single account. This will be a long post exploring what account-wide titles are worth getting and which are not if you intend to get all(or just multiple) classes GWAMM. I will discuss the breakpoint(s) wherein each account-wide title is worth it. I will also address how many GWAMM you need to do for it to become a time save. I will be ascribing time measurements to each title, based on averages/my opinions as someone who has done every title in the game at least 6 times.

    I know this is a very old game and hardly anyone will be starting a goal of multiple GWAMMs now, but:

    This is a post I wish someone would have written when I started my GW title grind in 2014-ish. I made a lot of mistakes along the way. I maxed Lucky and Unlucky via rings, then just a year later did 5000 chests to finish my Treasure title. I have come and gone from the game since 2005, but I took a hiatus from 2010-2013 and came back with inspiration to start maxing more titles. It just felt simpler and more enjoyable than it did in the game's heyday where there were distractions everywhere dragging me away from my personal goals. I have had so much fun over the last 6 or 7 years getting on GW a few times a week and working on titles.

    My credentials? I have some GWAMMs, lets just say that. The inspiration for this post might have been the last few I need for this accomplishment...:)

    Some notes:

    I am not considering time chronologically. i.e. I do not care if a title takes 3 months waiting for an event to come around as long as it is optimal in terms of time you have to sit at a computer. This is a thousands of hours, likely multi-year goal, so waiting a few months to utilize a couple of double weeks is negligible. This is not a "speedrun" guide, it is a "sit at the computer for the least amount of time to achieve GWAMM 10x" guide.

    This is a discussion of human hours necessary to max these titles. For EoTN and NF, I assume you are always doing everything under double weeks as this is optimal and with a set schedule for bonus weeks it is not unreasonable, especially with a long-term goal like 10 GWAMM. If it isn't bonus week you have plenty of other titles to be working on.

    I am not considering time to beat campaigns/level up/"set the character up". Realistically, if you don't already have all of the classes ready most veteran players will be paying for runs in prophecies(100e-150e w/o tip gets you a prophecies tour these days) and factions and NF take barely longer than just getting Protector because they are so directed in a quest-mission-quest-mission format. I admit, ignoring the amount of time it takes to get everywhere in Prophecies is a slight flaw in my formula. However, I may not even think entering Prophecies is optimal...more on that later.

    I am not considering currency for cheap titles like Drunkard, Sweet Tooth, and Party. You can max these with Nicholas gifts in the time it takes to finish the other necessary titles. In other words, I am assuming that every GW player does Nick anyway and it is not part of consideration for GWAMM. This is food for thought for veterans, not a guide to exactly how long it will take you to start an account and fill it with GWAMMs. I assume you have basic resources.

    So, lets assess the "classic GWAMM". How much time does this title actually take for a fresh account(no acct wide titles)?

    - I am assuming you do Nick gifts every week. This is a basic assumption that is outside of my calculation but ensures you have steady basic money. I also assume that you are doing Zaishen Missions/Vanquishes as the primary means of acquiring titles as that is far more efficient and creates additional income/access to resources.

    The Classic GWAMM Path:

    - Legendary Defender of Ascalon does not save any time w/o an account-wide title, so it doesn't matter. If you plan to try Account GWAMM, you should consider LDoA on all core profs because a single acct wide title+LDoA means you can skip a "legendary" title(i.e. 1 continent+legendary X). Initially it is not a time save as all of the other "one-off" titles are faster as long as you assume doing Legendary Master of the North on double weeks to knock those 5 titles out with little extra effort. I will address this title again at the end, with perspective of all of our other acct-wide titles.

    - Sweet, drunk, party - free other than time spent to buy in Kamadan and click. Most can be done during other tasks. I am just going to consider these zeros, because you can look for people selling sweet alch and party while you sell your Nick gifts. (3x titles, no additional time invested beyond the normal weekly Nick gift routine)

    - Survivor - No brainer. AFK farm takes 10 mins to set up and yields a max title in under 5 hours totally afk. (1x title w/ 10 mins invested)

    - Legendary Guardian - 58 missions. 116 between NM and HM. In my experience, about 20 minutes is a good estimate for how long a mission takes. I think this estimate is actually a little high because Abaddon, Shiro, the Doppleganger, Chabek, etc. severely bring the average down by taking a minute or two each, but some missions have weird areas you have to map so that helps balance it all out. (7x title w/ 39 hours invested)

    - Legendary Vanquisher 121 zones. I am going to say 45 minutes per zone. I think this is a conservative but realistic estimate, as most zones can be done in 20 minutes but between finding the last patrol, making sure you map everything, the hand-full of long zones, travel time to obscure zones, etc. I think this is overall fair estimate for a strong team. I am doing a Paragon GWAMM right now and 27 minutes is my average between Cantha and Elona. 45 minutes leaves a lot of room for error, travel to zones, etc. (4x titles, 91 hours)

    - Cartographer This one is tricky. In theory you should be getting 98%+++ through Guardian and Vanquisher. I considered mapping time in my time figures for Vanquisher. I think a blanket 5 hours per campaign should cover any mistakes, extra zones(JQ/FA/the weird place behind Shiro, challenge missions in NF). You should finish Prophecies with 100% just from missions. NF and Factions are the campaigns you run into weird areas like challenge missions that you have to map. (4x titles, ~15 additional hours assuming you make sure you map during other titles)

    - Skill Hunter Another potentially controversial opinion, but I have decided to go with 3 minutes per skill. Some are a pain in the ass to get, but the majority of skill caps will be done during VQs and missions. On my GWAMM candidates I perpetually have 1-2 cap sigs with me and do 10 seconds of research in advance to see if a skill I don't have is available in whatever I'm doing so I can equip the correct secondary prof. I finished this title on my Paragon without ever leaving a town just to cap a skill, though I did use about 10 elite tomes to finish her off because I had missed some of the obscure Prophecies skills that only one boss has or whatever. Assuming you do Zaishen Missions/etc. you can easily buy your missing elite tomes with gold zcoins. (4x titles in 13 hours..arguably zero)

    Sunspear/Lightbringer: Focusing on double weeks and saving up the big name Zaishen VQs for double week, I maxed these on my Paragon with only a few additional vanquishes. In my recent, anecdotal opinion these titles take less than 5 hours of additional work each if all of NF is done on double weeks. (2x titles, 10 hours)

    And finally, EoTN. I am grouping all 5 together. If you do Legendary Master of the North on double weeks and turn all of your books in for Asura and Vanguard, my experience is that you end up about 15 Norn rep runs(Varajar with Path of Revelations active) from max. I am going to be conservative with these estimates as I imagine people will struggle with the completion element of this title more than any other(even if the time isn't as long as some others). I am going to call dungeons 1 hour to account for error and time spent solving puzzles, being lost, etc. - vanquishes will also be an hour because EoTN has some of the longest VQs in the game and some of the weirdest mapping places. I think 30 minutes is appropriate for the missions because many of them involve running, there is a lot of waiting for stuff to happen...(5x titles in 67 hours)

    With these estimates, each GWAMM should take approximately 225 hours. This does not include getting the character started, your "weekly" tasks of Nick gifts, time to buy sweet/party/drunk, or the time spent planning to maximize the number of times you complete a mission with Zaishen Quests active.

    That means our bar for 10 GWAMMs is 2,250 hours if you already have all 10 classes set up reasonably well. I bet most people reading this have played that long! haha.

    So, can you save time using account-wide titles(and LDoA)?

    - Luxon is kind of a freebie. In 100 days you can outright max Luxon if you sleep 8 hours and work 8 hours and do the Zos Shivros afk farm those 16 hours then donate to your guild. It takes 2 minutes to set up and 2 minutes to donate per day. You will also get 2+ million from vanquishes x10 characters, so actually it's more like 75 days of setting up the afk farm before bed. That's pretty awesome! Free account title! But as we discussed with LDoA, one additional title can't save you much.

    - Kurzick is a lot harder because active playing is the best option here. Assuming you do all 8 Kurzick vanquishes on all 10 characters under Zaishen Vanquish on double week(optimal scenario, but again, we are considering long-term planning) you reach about 2.25m. Still barely over 1/5 of the way. Token amounts of Kurzick from missions, etc. round us out to about 2.5m or 1/4 of the way. Then, Anet added the beautiful beautiful books. Each character will max Young Heroes of Tyria, and a NM and HM Shiro's Return. These books are not doubled by double week and can not be donated to your guiold as they go directly to the title. Young Heroes can be turned in for all kinds of stuff, but none of it saves much time on other GWAMM titles so you can just turn them all in to Kurzick. That's another 1.9m. Rounding numbers, we should be around 4.5 million or nearly half way "passively" with a little bit of planning. This strategy requires you giving up your Zaishen Vanquish slots on all characters for about 6 months. The Zaishen Vanquishes only account for 300,000 faction so in a realistic scenario it may be preferable just to spend an additional 2.5 hours vanquishing Morstav Trail on double week.

    From there repeated vanquishes(MTSC/DTSC are an option if you join the couple of allies who do it or hang out in the outposts and ride along). PvP like Jade Quarry is an option, as well as Zaishen Bounties that award Kurzick or repeating missions with ZM that award Kurzick. Vanquish is probably the fastest way regardless of whether you SC or do it with heroes. Vanquishing Morstav Trail yields 22-25k reputation, and normal clears take about 25 mins while speed clears are about 15.

    I am going to make this super simple and say 1k/minute(without double week) because I think that would bear out over time working on the title as you will spend additional time organizing the SC and so on, meaning the time save may not even be that much for an average player just trying to max the title with the least number of hours in front of a computer. At 1k/minute, assuming donation to guild, the remaining 5.5m Kurzick will take 45 hours. On double week, only 22.9 hours. So Kurzick, assuming you get the nice head start of planning ahead and knowing you will do 10 GWAMMs for books, actually takes less time than a single Tyrian Vanquisher with the caveat that you add a lot of time to your Tyrian Cartography.

    Now that we are to a point where we could hypothetically save a lot of time on titles, we have to bring up another problem with account-wide titles...the "normal" GWAMM titles are so synergistic that it's hard to actually save time by skipping just one. If you're entering missions to map them(i.e. if you skipped Tyrian Guardian), you'd might as well just do the mission. If you're skipping Tyrian Vanquisher, you're dealing with the NIGHTMARE of mapping prophecies without vanquishing it. If you're farming EoTN rep, well, you could have gotten that on the path to Legendary Master. You don't skip EoTN reps because they all synergize anyway. You can skip Norn, but it's only about 10 hours additional. Skill hunter is so cheap and easy that it's hard to justify skipping. So what do you skip? The last 5% of Tyrian Cartographer? Just do NM Prophecies missions and save that ~12.5 hours? These are certainly time saves, but how big really are they? Well..it becomes a lot more interesting once you have more account-wide titles.

    Summary so far: Kurzick and Luxon together take 30 or less hours of dedicated effort IF you assume you are doing all of the vanquishes on all 10 characters under double week. At that rate, you can skip Tyrian Guardian x10 for a total save of 95 hours, or Norn for a similar total save but IMO Tyrian Guardian is a lot more work. You can also skip Tyrian Carto if you hate Carto. Kurzick+Luxon alone is a time waster with 5 or less GWAMM -- it becomes positive at 6 GWAMMs(5x books & VQs leave you needing 7.75m faction meaning you need to spend 64 hours vanquishing MT on double week).

    2,250 hours has been reduced to 2,155.

    Now, the big chunk of account wide titles that are all wonderfully synergistic: Treasure hunter, Wisdom, Lucky, and Unlucky!

    The math on these is pretty simple. There are multiple chest runs that yield 1chest/1min(Pongmei, the Wurms run, and so on). That will be my baseline. Mathematically, even without double week, most people will max unlucky and usually max lucky(though it's possible to not quite get there and need to do more/do 9 rings but it won't take long). Wisdom I think is a given -- if you're doing multiple GWAMMs and opening 10k chests, getting 10k IDs should be no big deal. Even if you came up short and managed to have 10 characters sitting at 29 maxed titles, Wisdom isn't expensive to buy.

    9 Rings is really not worth it. 2 titles is cool, but it takes YEARS to max Lucky/Unlucky this way, and if you're going for long-term title goals you will eventually probably want to max Treasure and Wisdom anyway based on the data I am about to lay out.

    Some very helpful person on GW Wiki calculated that Treasure Hunter should only cost about 1000 platinum if you sell your drops. I am not interested in critiquing his math so we will go with that. That's less than 5 weeks of Nick gifts, so I think it safely falls within the "negligible" category for cost.

    Now, time? -- Treasure Hunter should take about 167 hours of dedicated chest running. Rounding up to account for time buying picks/buying ID kits/IDing and salvaging items/etc. lets say these 4 titles take 175 hours of focused effort. For four titles!

    What can we skip with this? I love doing EoTN, but the elephant in the room is Legendary Master of the North. With Luxon+these 4, you can skip that entire title block including reputations. You can get GWAMM without ever entering EoTN! This is a time save by only your third GWAMM!!!

    Assuming Luxon and the Treasure Hunter block of titles our 10 GWAMMs are down to 1621 hours skipping EoTN.

    Using these account-wide titles, we skip all of EoTN. Kurzick is an overall time loss because we don't have a title to pair it with to skip a Legendary title in addition to EoTN.

    The alternative is to get Kurzick then skip Tyrian Guardian+Legendary Master+3x reputations and quickbook/farm/whatever for one of the EoTN titles, but all of my calculations say this loses a lot of time. I can't find a configuration of titles where Kurzick is a time saver.

    However, there is another option that may be preferable from a "fun" perspective. You can skip Tyrian Vanquisher(Lucky, Unlucky), Tyrian Cartographer(Wisdom, Treasure), and Tyrian Guardian(Kurzick, Luxon). The obvious downside here is that you have to figure out Tyrian Skill Hunter. Prophecies only has 50 non-core elite skills. That's only 2 weeks of Nick gifts buying the tomes. Even better, gold Zcoins trade 1=1 with tomes and you should get far more than will be needed with even just a few GWAMM. It is a really serious consideration to just entirely skip Tyria on many characters and just use Tomes.

    Ironically, Prophecies-born characters even have the option to do LDoA in lieu of Protector(foreign characters are stuck with needing to max Zaishen or a PvP title). In this case you could have a GWAMM that only has Ascalon and LA mapped for Prophecies. Both should take similar amounts of time, but not having to run all around prophecies saves time and money. I think LDoA on core classes then skipping the entirety of Prophecies becomes a really serious consideration if you're willing to max all 6 of the "easy" account-wide titles. This route becomes a time save on your 4th GWAMM, but considering the burden of mapping the huge map of Tyria on a character that hasn't done much of it yet...I would say this is a serious consideration from the start, because it will arguably make your second GWAMM easier.

    The remaining options for account-wide titles are pretty rough. Zaishen is a buy title that "only" costs 7000-8000 ectos, so some veterans will have no problem getting it, and it could save some time as it technically only takes ~25 hours of clicking. For that 25 hours, you can do the "no prophecies" route on all characters, not just core classes. You could have a GWAMM that has never entered Prophecies. Max PvP titles are basically off of the table. If you already have them they make some really cool skipping options, especially on core classes that can skip yet another legendary X title via Kurzick+PvP, but the time required to max PvP titles with the intent of getting GWAMM is hilariously bad. R15 Hero probably takes longer than 10x GWAMM.

    So, what about LDoA if you don't have all 6 acct-wide titles?

    The first title we talked about. Everyone always recommends it when new players make "I want a GWAMM!" threads. In reality, there is no configuration of title earning wherein LDoA saves any time whether you want 1 GWAMM or 10. The "skip EoTN" route is technically faster than the "skip prophecies" route, and the "skip EoTN" route leaves you with 30 titles without LDoA. You can combine it with Kurzick to skip Tyrian Guardian, but that's a time loss. You can skip Tyrian Vanquisher and save time, but again you face the awful issue of trying to map Tyria without vanquishing which is not a hurdle I am willing to recommend. I am using 20 hours as my benchmark for LDoA(as that seems to be the generally agreed upon "fast" time range). The longest single titles in the game are all shorter than that except for Vanquisher, and Vanquisher really goes hand in hand with Skill Hunter and Carto. Unless you're all-in on "skip prophecies" GWAMM, LDoA has little to no potential to save you time. I think LDoA is only worth it if it's keeping you from even having to map Prophecies at all, because with it being such a big and less directed campaign than NF/Factions you can end up spending a lot of time running around. If the buy titles were more expensive it would be more lucrative, but they're really quite negligible in a Nick Gift economy.

    Well...that's my post.

    TL;DR maxing Luxon, Wisdom, Treasure Hunter, Lucky, Unlucky starts to save you time at only your 3rd GWAMM. Kurzick and LDoA have niche applications but never really save you any time unless you have maxed Zaishen as well. Kurzick and LDoA just give you fun alternatives by opening up skipping Tyria entirely or skipping any other "legendary" title you might not like(i.e. I hate carto).

    A breakdown by GWAMM:

    Initial investment of 175 hours to max the 5 account-wide titles. (you also "invest" 100 days of leaving your PC on to max Luxon via Zos Shivros. What difficulty/value you ascribe to that is up to you but for my format I consider Luxon a free title).

    Because you skip EoTN with acct-wide titles, subsequent GWAMMs take 162 hours instead of 225 hours. Thus, you save 14 hours on your third GWAMM and begin saving 63 hours per GWAMM past that totaling in 10 GWAMMs at 1621 hours.

    If you had maxed Zaishen(which costs 8,000 ecto without reselling any drops) you could do Zaishen+Kurzick to save a little time overall by skipping Tyrian Guardian, but when I say a little I mean a little. Even over 10 GWAMMs it's only saving you 7 hours per character. At a cost of 8000 ectos...yeah.

    I think Kurzick+Zaishen is really only cool when you're using it to not even enter prophecies on a foreign GWAMM. A "never enter Prophecies" GWAMM with maxed Zaishen and Kurzick will take about 135 hours of non-acct wide title gameplay. However, by the time you add back the time to max Kurzick and Zaishen this is only a time save vs the "skip EoTN" route after about 5 GWAMMs, with the HUGE caveat that you also have to spend 8,000 ectos which arguably could have been used to pay someone to do missions you don't like or whatever else. The 8,000 ecto part of this really diminishes the 15 hours per GWAMM you save in the end if you max out 10 GWAMMs.

    submitted by /u/jsm2008
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    Dear Developers - Make Warriors Great Again

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    I was so happy when I saw the new Elites back in 2020. Especially as a Warrior main. However I miss using Hundred Blades and hate relying on a scythe because it's Meta but I cannot bring myself to use the old builds since the only Increased Attack Speed skills available to warrior are pretty bad or PvE only skills that limit my build options. Flail being the only half decent one, but still pretty bad.

    Lo and Behold a Solution: When playing through the Bonus Mission Pack I fell in love with the shout 'For Elona' you get to use in the Battle of Jahai. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/%22For_Elona!%22

    The Shout is adrenaline activated and essentially combines two good Warrior Skills. Namely 'Watch Yourself' and Flail without the nasty 33% speed reduction. It provides +25 armor and 33% IAS to you and surrounding allies.

    This is the perfect skill to bring (what was once the poster child profession) back into a decent spot for group play. Considering how Warrior is basically shunned nowadays in end game content and almost none of the meta Team builds use 'Save Yourselves!' anymore.

    Make it a strength requirement so that it cannot be abused by other professions. Literally every martial class has a solid IAS skill (or several) and yet warrior, the original melee class, does not? Feels a little unfair. Especially considering warriors were the original Tank class and are currently out tanked by... almost every other profession.

    It is not imbalanced enough to break the game. But will essentially make warrior more effective and allow build versatility to what is otherwise a neglected profession. If the current warrior role is frontline DPS - would this not assist that role without making it OP?

    I don't know where to type this or who to direct message regarding this. I truly feel that this should have been included in the base game years ago.

    Edit - Link to Poll: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/comments/o7njin/should_for_elona_be_added_as_strength_based_skill/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    submitted by /u/Vhakd
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    I submit this as evidence that a Steam sale will fit the criteria of "Low Hanging Fruit" and that Anet should discount the game.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Looking for Pre-Searing Guild to join.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    Looking for Pre-Searing Guild to join.

    Hello everyone, I am starting a Guild Wars journey and i plan to stay into Pre-searing until i get my LDOA title.

    If any Active & Friendly Pre-Searing Guild is recruiting i would love to join please!

    My IGN is: Dol Guldur Ogoldis (Necromancer).


    submitted by /u/3p0nym0us
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    Huge frame drop in certain spots

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Huge frame drop in certain spots

    Anyone know why looking in this direction drops frame rates to sub 30s. Location north of Sanctum Cay towards Fisherman's Haven. Tried several different systems including AMD 280X, GT740M, GTX 1660 Ti and RTX 3080. All systems struggle.

    ~30 fps

    Same spot, but different direction ~395 fps

    ~395 fps

    submitted by /u/ZeusCM
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