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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 I see your charrs and raise your to my Grandma charr

    Guild Wars 2 I see your charrs and raise your to my Grandma charr

    I see your charrs and raise your to my Grandma charr

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:01 AM PDT

    I see your destroyer charr and raise you my spectral charr.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Necro figure

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    Necro figure

    Hi! This is my first post, I have the pleasure of presenting you the figurine that I have made of my necromancer, I hope you like it ^^


    submitted by /u/elyDarko
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    PSA: On July 23, any unlisted YouTube videos from 2016 or before will be changed to private unless you manually opt-out of this change. Make sure you opt out if you have videos that you still want to be unlisted!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    Life on Tyria 12: The Karka

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    I see your Soot-covered Charr and raise you my lore friendly Charr.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    What the hell do I do with all the ascended rings? I receive like 1 salvage kit for every 3 rings.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    Did this sylvari eat a bunger?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    I don't see your Charrs, I have retinoblastoma

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    The Long Wait for Guild Wars 2: Development, Demo, Beta! (Retrospective)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    PSA the Achievements panel has a filter

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    I discovered it only yesterday after years of playing: in the achievements panel at the top there is a filter that allows you to see only what you are looking for.


    • Do you want to see only APs that give unique skins? Activate the filter.
    • Do you want to see only the APs that give mastery points? activate the filter
    • Do you want to see only the APs that give a title? activate the filter

    It can be useful to understand what you are missing in game ;)

    submitted by /u/nikegipple
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    I see your spectral charr and raise you my soot-covered charr.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Dragon Bash the Song (Sung to the Tune of the Pina Colada Song

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I was tired of living story

    I'd been playing too long

    Just like a worn out recording

    Of you're favorite song

    So as waited for vinewrath

    I read the reddit instead

    In the HoT topic section

    There was this post that I read

    If you like Dragon Pinatas

    And coming last in the race

    If you're tired of stampede

    If you're drunk off your face

    If you like waiting for the moa race

    If you have half a brain

    You'll be welcome in Hoelbrak

    Where the holos are slain

    So I waited with high hopes

    Something different to do

    And I knew when I started

    I'd be grinding this too

    Then I waited in Dredgehaunt

    For the start of stampede

    But they didn't tell me

    I'd need a beetle for speed

    If you like Dragon Pinatas

    And coming last in the race

    If you're tired of stampede

    If you're drunk off your face

    If you like waiting for the moa race

    If you have half a brain

    You'll be welcome in Hoelbrak

    Where the holos are slain

    Well it's finally over

    I got the meta at last

    And I farmed for jorbreakers

    And I had quite a blast

    But it will be over soon

    Season 3 will begin

    Blood Stone Fen will be calling

    And it'll all start again

    Edit: This would have been a lot better if I could figure out how to get it in stanzas. lol

    submitted by /u/nagennif
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    GW2 Balance- A New Hope

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Recently, we have received the largest PvE balance patch we have had for a while, and many people believe that it is in preparation for when End of Dragons launches. But what if I told you that this may not be the case? What if, similar to how ArenaNet might make smaller PvP changes on a more frequent basis, they started doing the same with PvE and WvW? Could we be seeing ArenaNet turning over a new leaf? Let me tell you why it's okay to have hope!

    The Roadmap

    We have recently received a roadmap with the finale of The Icebrood Saga, and this may have just been the greatest thing since sliced bread (the roadmap that is; please put your pitchforks away). I believe that the highlight weeks are a way to get new players invested and veteran players satisfied until EoD releases in what would otherwise be a content drought, but that is perfectly fine! Please put all of your effort into EoD. That's not why I'm here.

    With this roadmap, we have an increase in communication that the player base is salivating over, lasting for approximately 2.5 months leading up to the EoD livestream announcement, bringing even more communication! This communication brings joy, as do the contents of their communication…

    Week-long Events

    No, I'm not talking about the Living Story Highlights here. Those are important, but not nearly as important as the other events such as WvW's No Downstate week, PvP's Call of the Mists, and the Fractal Rush event. These events are the bee's knees! Not only do they reward veteran players, but they incentivize new players to try new content! And they are something that can be recycled continuously! But could there be an even sneakier reason for having all of these events back to back, immediately after a balance patch?

    ArenaNet is very likely keeping tabs on several analytics relating to these events. For example, with Fractal Rush they are probably able to see what compositions were able to clear T4s the fastest and if Elementalists really do spend the most time in the downstate. They are able to see what classes are powerful in PvP, but also what classes new players are using while they get stomped in game and in rating.

    Essentially, by creating these events, ArenaNet is also creating a week-long opportunity to check on the balance of the game at the very top and bottom of the skill totem pole, immediately after a patch! Additionally, they also create content; could you imagine if they had a toggle for no downstate in raids? Doing events like this would allow for even more balance information. So why would they implement this now?

    Legendary Armory

    "What does legendary armory have to do with balance," you might ask? EVERYTHING. Veteran players often forget this, but it is hard for new players to get their first set of ascended gear. Imagine finally earning the hundreds of gold necessary to finally craft your Berserker's gear, only to find that the class' meta build swaps from power to condition damage (looking at you, Daredevil). If you're a meta-slave, then suddenly you have to spend another hundred gold to stat-swap and get new runes and sigils! Now, you don't ever have to swap. However, many want to.

    Now, imagine if ArenaNet patched PvE/WvW every month, changing the meta? It would be impossible for players to keep up… unless you have Legendary Armor! With Legendary Armory coming soontm , people will want to get legendaries even more now! But on the sneakier side of things, the more often ArenaNet changes the meta, the more they incentivize people to go full legen- wait for it- dary! Legendary Armor is a long term goal win all three major game modes, and now players have even more reason to stick around and to swipe their credit cards for gold. No wonder the armory itself will be free!

    Why Does This Matter?

    Forget about EoD for a moment. The only reason balance matters is two factors. First, people don't like their class being considered bottom tier for half a year. I'm sure Necro mains are rejoicing that they are finally loved for the Chad carries they really are. Second, it helps to keep the meta fresh in competitive game modes. People at the top won't change their builds unless balance causes them to (or they might just be be that good), so changing things up is good because variety breeds longevity.

    TL;DR/ Summary

    First, how dare you skip; I might just cry.

    Second, tin foil hats and memes aside, I really do think ArenaNet is creating an opportunity for themselves here. Additionally, ArenaNet pushing more balance patches creates further incentive for Legendary gear. Finally, the roadmap gives me hope that the company has the potential to change.

    Thank you for coming to my TEDxTalk. Do you have any feedback, comments or memes you want to add? Am I a genius for cracking the code, or crackpot on copium? I'm curious to know! Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/SconeOfDoom
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    Question to pvp players.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    Firstly I want to say, I'm not trashing on players who have a hard time playing ranked pvp.

    PvP players of reddit, how do you climb rank, it feels like Im getting good and bad teammates in a 50:50 manner. Even if I play well, I cannot seem to win as if its destined. Class matchup is ok, teammates seems to be ok, rotation is ok, but at the end of the match, we still lose, highest I got was to g3, and now my game goes like this, win win win till mid g2, then lose lose lose till s3 or win lose win win lose lose. Ill elaborate why I layed out my win:lose ratio.

    I'm doing fairly ok in my matches, not many solo deaths, I win my duels 75% of the time, 3-5 revives, top stats atleast in one category. Its not mainly I want to get higher rank, but why is the game throwing me into a band of misfits more often than I can count, sometimes people go afk, someone doesnt connect to the game, there is a huge gap of experience between us and the enemy team, 3 times i asked our oppenents and their ranks were mid g3 and mid plat2, someone is bound to be toxic from our team and throws the game, theres a bot, someone following a sidenoder etc.

    How and what do I do, can I get some guidance, console me or can someone please shed some light on my Issue. Im currently playing using a Spellbreaker standard gs dagger/shield. and sometimes reaper or scourge and a rev, all meta builds. Got Lucky and calibrated at mid g2 with 5L and 5W so please no git gud comments x), I was hoping that my rating would fluctuate at the least to g1 too. But in all seriousness I think it is fair to assume that I should be atleast in a team of my own rank or people of that rank, which im guessing should have fair knowledge of the game, but most of the time, its far from it.

    submitted by /u/Duke_Dogestorm
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    Behold! My blue Charr (no fancy infusions needed)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    While replaying Point Of No Return, I was reminded of this masterpiece - Destiny by Yuwen T

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

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