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    Monday, June 14, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Made during the daily fractal grind

    Guild Wars 2 Made during the daily fractal grind

    Made during the daily fractal grind

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    Top Reasons that every Revenent should get Kamohoali'i Kotaki: 1. 4/5 Rev Spear skills are projectile attacks and the projectiles are FREAKING SHARKS. 2. Critical Attacks cause FREAKING JAWS to appear and attack, WHAT!?!? 3. Lastly, play Renegade because Citadel Bombardment launches a SHARKNADO!!!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    It's course and rough and irritating. Just like me

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    Guardian vs Ele Balance

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    I had written off GW2 as a dead game and quit 'for good'. On a whim, I recently picked it back up again out of boredom. My new perspective has breathed life back into the game for me!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Right off the bat I'll say, of course it still isn't perfect. The game has many flaws and I won't even go into them because I am not the first nor will I be the last to address them. However, after leaving GW2 a few years ago I started playing other games again (I previously only played GW2) I gained a lot of perspective. The most important being, there are no perfect games out there. Sure there are great games, but they always have something they could do better. I also realized there are really really shitty games out there. Live service games that are so P2W it feels as if GW2 in comparison doesn't have a cash shop at all (was previously a pain point of mine).

    One thing that my perspective didn't change, yet the developers did, was the story telling. I just played through LS4 and wow! The story itself is okay, but it was so much fun experiencing how they told the story. Epic fights and unique mechanics. Remember the "Press F to defeat Zhaitan" meme? That's what I've always thought of GW2 storytelling.

    Anyways I could go on but I just wanted to share in case anyone is debating getting back into it. I honestly thought I would never touch the game again and now I'm more hooked than ever. :D

    submitted by /u/nullable_ninja
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    Deroir: Finding Your Purpose & Meeting Your Heroes via Guild Wars 2 | Deeg Chat

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    Necromancer shrouds are super janky with regard to weapon strength

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    I'm leveling a necro right now and noticed some weird anomalies in how the necro profession skills are implemented. Specifically:

    1) All death shroud (core necro) skills scale with weapon power. This means that if you swap to a higher weapon power set before going into death shroud, your skills will deal more damage. For example, holding a staff before you go into shroud will cause all your skills to deal about 10% more damage than if you go in with a scepter. Janky. No transforms work like this, and this definitely shouldn't.

    2) Reaper shroud skills do not use weapon strength at all (i.e. they scale like utility skills, which is in line with all other transform skills).

    3) For scourge, Garish Pillar specifically scales with weapon strength, but nothing else does. It seems like they realized the mistake when they implemented Reaper, but they never backported the change to core necro, and they replicated it for only part of scourge.

    So... if you're playing core necro, take advantage of the oversight by swapping to a higher weapon strength set before you go into shroud I guess. 10% is a pretty hefty damage difference.

    Note that this also applies to traits or anything else that affects a specific weapon. So for instance, Lingering Curse gives 200 condition damage while holding a scepter. Going into core necro shroud while holding a scepter will give your shroud skills +200 condition damage. But your reaper shroud will always lose the bonus, because it's not based on your weapon.

    Again, no other transforms work like that. They all effectively replace your weapon strength and don't count as any specific weapon class. Lich Form, norn transforms, tornado, rampager, photon forge, etc. all use standard weapon strength. Depending on what "standard weapon strength" is, death shroud might be either overtuned or undertuned by accident, because it's implemented inconsistently with everything else.

    submitted by /u/Tulki
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    The Commander And The Boiling Point

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Competitive Scene?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    I played back when GW2 came out and I've had a massive break since then. Picking it up again now and wondering what's happening with competitive play.

    Are there still regular tournaments?
    Are there tournaments with money prizes?
    Is competitive GW2 declining or more likely to pick up with the next expansion?

    submitted by /u/2Radon
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    Maguuma got a little bored during WVW.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    Rune Rework Concept

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    Rune Rework Concept

    Why do runes need a rework?

    Put simply, I just think runes are pretty boring in their current implementation. I believe they should be the center-piece of buildcraft, where the benefits they provide are unique and special. They should be impactful and easily identifiable as their effects should not cross over with other runes or at the very least have limited cross over. Disclaimer: Please ignore number balance on runes, I'm not a balance dev. The main reason for this post is the rework concept and the idea behind it.

    Decoupling runes and armour

    Runes being equipped on armour isn't the problem here, but rather that runes being equipped this way requires there to be exactly six runes. That means, at least in the current implementation, that rune bonuses are filled out with bloated, meaningless stats for the purpose of filling those six slots. For this rework concept, we'll be lowering the rune cap from six to three and adding rune sockets directly to the loadout.

    Example loadout with rune sockets

    Removing stats from runes

    One of the reasons runes are so boring to me is that they are simply just another piece of stat gear like your armour or trinkets. I'll agree that removing stats from runes will be a loss in power but I don't think this will have a huge impact on the game at large. This also opens runes up to having more powerful, unique bonuses.

    Example Durability rune

    Three bonuses and cost/reward

    The idea would be that the new three-cap runes would have a bonus for each rune equipped. These would provide stronger bonuses compared to the second, fourth and sixth bonuses on old runes as the stats have been removed. The concept would try to push balance in the direction where there are difficult, meaningful choices to make between taking three of one rune versus taking two of one and one of another or even three different runes entirely.

    The key here would be making interesting runes by design - for example, rune A could have a good first bonus, a weaker second bonus and then a powerful third bonus. Meanwhile rune B might have a weaker first bonus but a strong second bonus and a synergistically impactful third bonus. This would provide build opportunities to combine 1x rune A with 2x rune B for example, whilst maintaining the potential to always fully commit to a rune to gain those juicy third bonuses.

    The key part here would be the balance, and I don't suggest here for a second that it would be easy to pull off. The third bonus on any given rune cannot be so extremely powerful that players will always want to commit to three of those runes, even if the first and second bonuses are very weak, since that rune would no longer provide the above opportunities to combine runes, and wouldn't give you those impactful choices either. The bonuses must be divided in a way that makes them viable in different scenarios, rewarding to take all three if necessary, but diverse enough to provide the potential for combinations.

    Example Stars rune

    Culling away rune bloat

    Another reason for runes being boring is because only 5-10% of them are even used by most builds. That is simply because most of them overlap effects, and then one is king because it is simply better than the others. This has happened over time with the addition of new runes, and it is easy to see why with the current system, it is hard to implement new runes with meaningfully different bonuses. So, I believe some runes should be removed or 'retired'. Lets say 50-75% of runes are retired, and the remaining ones move to the new system and are reworked. I'll talk about the economy and impact of this below.

    Economy and PvP

    Firstly I'll just say straight up that PvP should be included in the rework, and you should be able to select all three runes freely in PvP as well. PvP rune balance is already a thing so this shouldn't be much of an issue and will allow more diverse buildcraft opportunities in PvP as well.

    The economy obviously will be affected by runes being 'retired' and reworked. I don't really know exactly how this would work, but lets say as an example, for the runes that are staying 'active', you'll simply be able to trade two of the old runes for one new rune at a new vendor, as they'll be going from a six cap to three cap. For 'retired' runes, I think being able to trade them for tokens to buy new runes might be a good idea.

    Normalize rune acquisition

    Rune acquisition in Guild Wars 2, put simply, has become a bit ridiculous. There have been so many additions of new runes over time, each with their own acquisition method, some craftable with tradeable recipes, some only purchasable from meta-locked vendors, some account bound, the list goes on. I'd like to see rune acquisition normalized with a rework where all runes have recipes which are freely obtainable from a new vendor. They can then be crafted by any player with the required crafting discipline level and sold freely on the trading post. No more account bound recipes, just make runes more accessible to provide more accessible buildcraft. To be clear, this won't mean runes will all be of equal value, because the free market will still determine the value of crafting components, and therefore the value of runes as well.

    The concept of this rework idea is the main principal. The idea would take runes back to more like how they were in the original game design, where combining runes such as two of one and four of another was a thing because those bonuses were good. Nowadays every build uses six of the same rune because the sixth bonuses are strong and the other five bonuses are boring and largely passive or uninspired.

    submitted by /u/Dreamcore10
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    Character Model Limit Distinction

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    So why does the character model limit not prioritize enemy models? I always have to turn models back up when I do raids or bosses. Can't there be a separate character model limit for players vs enemies?

    submitted by /u/evenaardez
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    Looking for help/advices

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    Hello everyone... Idk where to start but some friends and I just started Guild Wars 2. We come from WoW have a heavy raiding background.. I'm looking for some general advices for us..

    I'm also looking for a decent website with guides or smth similar..

    I know those questions has probably been answered a billions times.. Sorry for that and thanks everyone

    submitted by /u/Riko_5
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    Help chose my next character

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Hey guys so one of the most fun for me in gw2 is refreshing and playing with different classes

    So far I've played nerco rev ele guardian thief and ranger The most fun I had is with ele and rev I really enjoy the complex mechanics and the rotations I play Alac in fractales, ele in open world and thief in pvp

    Now I only have left engineer warrior and mesmer to try. I know warrior is strong but I feel like I would get bored quickly Mesmer is very appealing to me and engineer a little less

    What are your opinions? Maybe you can point some things I've been missing Also please take into consideration that I want potentially to pick a good class for the upcoming EOD expansion

    Sorry for my English, I'm french 😂

    submitted by /u/Axolot26
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