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    Tuesday, May 18, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Superspeed replaces existing superspeed, even if it's less

    Guild Wars 2 Superspeed replaces existing superspeed, even if it's less

    Superspeed replaces existing superspeed, even if it's less

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    If you give yourself 12 seconds of superspeed, and then use an ability that gives 2 seconds of superspeed, the previous one will be removed and replaced by the 2 seconds. This applies to SS from allies too, so they can nullify yours.

    I showed this to several players in-game who were all surprised it behaved this way and thought it was... various words for "not ideal"

    I understand if you don't want it to stack duration since it's a powerful movement boon for mid-combat, but it should only replace existing stacks if it's greater in duration. Traits that proc off of SS should still do so even if it doesn't replace an existing instance of it, though.

    submitted by /u/Weylin6
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    Time to return to the Pre-HoT !

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    My experience of doing dungeons or "low tier" fractals with long-time players

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Top 10 List: Large Meta Events

    Posted: 17 May 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I have always been a huge fan of the metas in this game and all that they do for us PvE players. Now that the content in the game is at a nice steady state until EoD comes out, I wanted to do a look back and share with you my top 10 favorite meta events this game has to offer. Let me know your thoughts on this list!

    10 - Battle in the Vault (Plains of Ashford)

    What is this?! A level 6 starting area meta in the top 10 list?! Indeed. For a new player, this meta is perfect. You delve into the vaults of an Ascalonian catacomb and kill some champs before facing the final boss. This meta manages to encapsulate the essence of meta events and makes it available to the starting player through its straightforward nature. Plus, the dungeon-y atmosphere is very fitting and wets your appetite for the Ascalonian Catacombs, the first available dungeon. As can be expected, however, this meta does not have much in terms of replay value, especially at a higher level. This can, in some ways, be a good thing for the new player as it is not as overwhelming as the crowds on the Fire Elemental and Svanir Chief world bosses.

    9 - Junundu Rising (The Desolation)

    In an attempt to assault a pair of Forged forts, you lure Junundu wurms to aid in the destruction of the forts' seige engines. This meta makes the list as it is, in my opinion, the best one from the PoF expansion. It has some interesting elements with the Junundu wurms and the split attack onto the two forts, but that is about where it ends. The meta, like other PoF metas, tends to be short, local, and not very "epic".

    8 - Gates of Arah (Cursed Shore)

    Wow does this one take me back. This whole-map meta follows an event chain of claiming and holding Pact camps throughout the Cursed Shore that culminates in a battle pushing towards the Gates of Arah, unlocking the dungeon. Not only is this meta a classic in terms of the storyline, but it is fairly well done. It manages to span almost the whole map and feels very cool to play. The final push up the stairs to the gates, with risen seige engines on both sides, is hard to forget. Unfortunately, it suffers from the same fate as the dungeon it unlocks: it is obsolete. Dungeons, and thus their unlocking metas, have fallen out of style as they do not provide comparable loot to the expansions.

    7 - Palawadan, Jewel of Istan (Domain of Istan)

    (See number 4). Similar to the Silverwastes, this is a money maker. The meta follows an assault onto the pristine Jewel of Istan, which as the name suggests, is full of chests and champion loot bags. This meta has some interesting features, such as the three boats, and the map is very well made. However, it seems to come down to the same mechanic: kill champs -> open chests. The enemies aren't very varied and no new mechanics are used. It's also not as popular as RIBA since it is constricted by a timer (which might be a good thing?). Anyway, its popularity and map still put it on the list.

    6 - Triple Trouble (Bloodtide Coast)

    Considered to be the hardest world boss meta, this one makes the list because I also think it's the best. When a troublesome three headed wurm attacks Bloodtide coast, you need to split into three groups to track down, lure out, and kill each head at the same time. This seemingly simple premise actually makes for a fun and challenging meta. Each path has a long escort, some unique mechanics and related achievements, and a challenging final fight. Additionally, the three-at-once factor makes it require some good communication and teamwork.

    5 - The Battle of Dragonfall (Dragonfall)

    Who knew popping an Elder Dragon's pimples would be so fun? This meta follows Gorrik and krewe's plan to subdue Kralkatorrik for the one millionth time after he has fallen from the sky. I think most players would agree this belongs somewhere on this list. It follows after a good amount of build up spanning the camps spread out around the map. The final assault then converges onto Kralkatorrik in the center of the map in an epic, time crunched, set of battles. Additionally, it is the only meta where we actually get to fight a real Elder Dragon. Honestly, I think this meta fits 5th place pretty well, since it's good, but it's not THAT good.

    4 - RIBA / Mordrem Vinewrath (Silverwastes)

    $$$, what more can I say? This meta rotates around the map, defending forts and transporting supplies until killing the Mordrem champions in the Breach and challenging the Vinewrath. Honestly, this meta is alright in terms of actual gameplay, but its reputation as a money machine makes it the most popular central Tyrian meta by far. So even though running it on repeat can get boring, it still gets number 4 on my list. It also has some other things going for it, like rare achievements and a fun maze at the end.

    3 - Battle in Tarir a.k.a. Octovine (Auric Basin)

    Can you taste the PANIC? This meta requires you to expose and kill the four sides of the Octovine invading Tarir simultaneously. The communication and teamwork required to complete this meta often times leads to some fun panic and might I say saltiness in the map chat. However, this is also the aspect that makes it interesting. Each side has its own special challenge to face, but at the end they must come together to destroy the Octovine. Due to its large amount of loot, this is also still a very popular meta , which gives it this spot on the list. Its one drawback (which actually makes it easier to farm) is how short it is. If you only do the Octovine portion, it could take you less than 5 minutes on a good map.

    2 - Assault on the Frost Citadel (Drizzlewood Coast)

    Let's pretend this was the real climax of the Icebrood Saga, because it is way better than the final fight. This meta follows the final push through the north of Drizzlewood Coast, culminating with an intense fight through the frost citadel and battle with the Claw of Jormag II. What I love about this meta is how its events quickly follow one another to create an intense story. This one certainly gets a lot of points for its "epicness". Constantly busting down dominion forces, running from room to room escaping Jormag's destruction, and finally shooting him down keeps you engaged all the way till the end. Every event also brings with it some new mechanic, some requiring the use of waystations and masteries. The rewards are good as well, which, along with the fact that its still fairly new, make it very popular.

    1 - Against the Mouth of Mordremoth (Dragon's Stand)

    Finally, the meta event that defines the term "meta event". After making your way through the thick jungle, you arrive in Dragon's Stand and march with the Pact to finally confront the Mouth of Mordremoth in an epic culmination of the HoT expansion. Not only is this 1-2 hour long meta a great end to the storyline, it is also extremely well done. This whole map was designed specifically for this meta, with its three lanes, camps, and boss arena. I mean, you can't even explore the whole map without doing the meta itself. Each event (and there is many of them) has its own purpose and gets you one step closer to your goal. Each boss fight and battle feels so good to complete. But yet, you need to trust your friends in the other lanes to do the same. Finally, you join up with all the other lanes for the grand boss battle, which perfectly utilizes the new gliding mastery. My one and only complaint with this meta is the NASCAR portion, which can at times feel a bit tedious and exhausting, especially if other lanes are struggling.

    Honorable Mentions

    • Invasion of Orr / Temple of Balthazar (Straits of Devastation): Another very cool whole-map Orr meta with an epic ending similar to the Gates of Arah. Cursed Shore simply has it beat since it is the end of the Orr campaign. However, this meta is still useful if you want to spend some of that 10 million karma on obsidian shards.
    • Against the Chak Gerent (Tangled Depths): Honestly, all of the HoT metas are good. This one is similar to the Octovine with its 4 paths, each with a slightly different challenge. Plus who doesn't like Chak infusions?
    • Seraph Assault on Centaur Camps (Harathi Hinterlands): Another central Tyria meta with little replay value. It gets a mention here since it is probably the first introduction new players get to whole-map metas, and I think it does a good job.
    • A Concert for the Ages (Grothmar Valley): Just a fun meta headbangin to some Charr metal, what more can I say.

    I hope you guys enjoyed reading or perusing my list! It was actually a lot of fun to make and it was hard to narrow it down to just 10, hence the honorable mentions. Lots of blasts from the past making this! Let me know what your thoughts are and if I missed any of your favorite metas. Let's hope for 10 more list worthy metas and maps in EoD! :D

    Edit 1: Some common mentions in the comments: * Hit-the-dragon-feet metas (Tequatl, Drakkar, Branded Shatterer): Honestly, I didn't include these because they felt more like singular fights rather than large metas even though they have pre-events. They are very fun though and include some cool mechanics! * Verdant Brink: People actually really like this one! Since I already included two of the HoT metas in the top, I pushed the rest of them out, but this meta at least deserves an honorable mention. A very cool whole-map meta with good mechanics, diversity, and story! * Also, seems like Battle in the Vault is not in the same state as it used to be. Guess I just felt nostalgic.

    submitted by /u/deadcow4
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    Resistance changes had immediate impact

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    No one asked for it, but you'd at least be curious on how it plays.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    Saved gold for a license 4 days before it's out. RNG gave me the one mount I wanted!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Legendary Weapon concept: Litha's Court

    Posted: 17 May 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    It’s my wife’s birthday today and she always uses the yellow catmander tag - naturally I had to decorate it this way!

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    Four Lore Things I Enjoyed in Icebrood Saga: Champions Part 1

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    These are some of my favourite lore aspects of Champions.

    Prophecy Effect on Braham

    I liked how the weight of the propechy affected Braham. How this young norn, reckless and brash, having to tend with the full responsibility of his actions back in 1329 AE. I liked how anxious he was when confronting Jormag through Bangar; now without the grief of Eir's death pushing him through, trying to convince himself he can do it.

    Braham Eirsson: Just another Elder Dragon, right? We've faced those before. I mean, this one oughta be scared of me...

    Rytlock Brimstone: Uh-huh, sure—oh, good, the commander.

    <Character name>: Rytlock. Braham—

    Braham Eirsson: Fine. I'm fine.

    Jormag's view of collective mortals being a flaw

    One character flaw of Jormag is their view of the mortal races (with a few exceptions). The way Jormag speaks to Aurene and the way they speak to Braham is noticably different. When Braham calls for an audience, Jormag talks past him towards Aurene as a subject not an interlocutor.

    Braham Eirsson: Jormag! I am Braham Eirsson. I've come to speak with you.

    Jormag through Bangar: Aurene. Ah, you're amassing your warriors! They won't be any use.

    When they finally converse, Jormag talks down to Braham and dismisses his points. Even cutting him off to speak over him.

    Braham Eirsson: You are not invincible—

    Jormag through Bangar: And so emotional. Aurene, you will never reach your potential if you surround yourself with beings like these.

    This is a crucial flaw that Aurene points out to the Ice Dragon during earlier talks through Bangar.

    Voice of Jormag: Mortals are curious creatures. Changed since the last time I was fully awake. Yet their lives are still so ephemeral. Pitiable.

    Aurene: You look down on them. That's a flaw.

    This 'pitiable' view they had for mortals would allow Braham's actions when he descends to Primordus.

    Braham Eirsson: Nah. The plan is perfect. Jormag's not expecting us—bastard's too cocky.


    Raven: In the prophecy and the mysteries. As he said, Jormag has ever overestimated their own intellect.

    The Norn of Prophecy

    I like how the prophecy to kill Jormag and Jormag's weakness to Primordus was tied together. Since 1329 AE, the knowledge of Jormag and Primordus' weakness being each other added a conflict to the norn propechy of Jormag's fate. How can a norn kill Jormag when Primordus is the only thing that do it? Having Braham walk into the fire of Primordus and use the Spirits against Jormag was a nice poetic knot.

    On a side note; I'd like to think that the Jotun's imbued those scrolls with Primordus' magic, and thats why it was able to crack the Fang. They have history with the Elder Dragons and where very magically adept in their past.

    Primordus using Kralkatorrik's Ability

    I like the use of other dragon's magic and abilities more when they are done in creative ways. Primordus adopting Kralkatorrik's resonance and using that to create a feedback loop through the destroyers burning was great to see. I liked it more than the vine-touched and death-touched.

    Gorrik: Destroyers burn more, Primordus gets stronger, destroyers get more rabid. The effect is exponential.

    This ability created an exponential power curve and forced Jormag to act by creating Frozen. At first, when Aurene refused to go against Primordus, Jormag would be content letting the destruction and casualties of mortal lives hang on Aurene's shoulders; using her bond with mortals against her. But, with this exponential power Primordus would soon out-pace Jormag and was forced to act.

    Jormag: You refuse to help me stop the existential threat my brother poses.

    Jormag: What choice, then, do I have but to shift the balance of power by whatever means I can?

    submitted by /u/notPlagiarised
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    Literally unplayable - the tip of the glyphic greatsword spins when you move the camera

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    And the surprises keep coming....

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:15 AM PDT

    So I have now completed all of the personal story, including HoT, PoF, LW 2-4 and IBS. I have been playing around a year now. Yesterday, I discovered Dierdre's Steps and Southsun Cove. Had no clue they existed at all. I'm wondering now, what else there is to discover...

    submitted by /u/Michaelwordenbr
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    What's the point of doing bounties?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:32 AM PDT

    I feel like bounties should be the best way to get Trade Contracts but they don't seem to give you anything of value.

    I get they are tied to some achievements but other than that what's actually the point of doing bounties if they dont really give you anything?

    submitted by /u/sortacute
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    How busted would a new support Elite Spec need to be to compete for a slot?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Icebrood Saga enables me to get a waypoint and play in Thunderhead Peaks.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    As title says, and although I don't think I'm making a mistake, I might be. I can't access Lake Doric, and I have none of the Living World seasons at all.

    I've already completed a heart, but I don't have the mastery to collect volatile magic.

    The wiki says you must "Complete the Story mission Scion & Champion from Living World Season 4, episode 5: All or Nothing." to unlock this zone, and I have not even unlocked it.

    The main question I'm wondering is: am I allowed to play this map anyway? Is this just another legitimate way to unlock this map that Arena Net hasn't mentioned? Did they mention it?

    Owned* and Completed: PoF HoT Icebrood: Steel and Fire, Jormag Rising, Champions

    submitted by /u/Stvev1337
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    How do you unlock guild vendor Bartholemew Kangas?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:49 AM PDT


    Wiki just says sufficient guild level, which doesn't help.

    submitted by /u/macrotransactions
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    Question About Purchasing the Game

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:33 AM PDT


    I tried the search bar but couldn't find anything on this subject.

    I recently started playing the game, and have decided I'm willing to purchase. I'd like to support the team (especially making PvP immediately available, and not after a 1,000 hour grind). But, I'd also like to get the mounts.

    I watched some YouTube videos, and they mentioned that if you buy the game you don't get all of the story. So, how do you buy the story? Is it in the deluxe edition, or some other package?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Zecharian23
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    Apparently, pocket raptors take revenge on us for mass slaughtering the Stonehead

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    how do i get bond of faith during kralkatorrik fight in dragon fall?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    after popping one of its weak point there would be a leyline that will spawn then use you can go up, others automatically blue wings(not a glider skin but seems to look like bond of faith) when they jump but when i do it am just raised a little and it wants me to glide as seen in this picture while others get up with blue wings as seen here. do i need to unlock something? I already have leyline gliding and bond of faith mastery? some say gift of aurene but im not sure. I already tried backing a little then going in then jump near the leyline but still it does not activate the bond of faith thing, Its been like this ever since idk why.

    submitted by /u/ohimaperson
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    Why is there a Kalla variation for Condition Renegade?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    I am currently in the process of learning the Condition Renegade spec/class/rotation and have been trying everything on the Golem first.

    My results on the Golem so far are:

    • Invocation Kalla-Mallyx: 29k
    • Invocation Shiro-Mallyx: 32k
    • Devastation Kalla-Mallyx: 31k

    I can see that the energy management for Shiro is waaay easier than Kalla and offers better dps.

    I am trying to understand the class and everything and I feel like I'm missing something.

    I can consistently get 32k on Golem with Invocation Shiro but when I went and did a few tries in Cairn I had 28k and another Renegade had 38k. I was fully buffed and everything.

    I feel like I am missing some part of the class to be better.

    I will have to gather some logs for myself (haven't set up logging yet) to be able to review them.

    Any tips on the Condi Renegade spec?

    submitted by /u/ZhaitanK
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    Post patch firebrand build

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Hi all :)

    I'm newby casual player, and finally I'm about to hit level 80 (I play a little every day and focused on completing maps for some reason, so it took me a while).

    Usually, I enjoy playing support at MMOs (but so far, usually playing solo in GW2) so I've decided to build into firebrand.

    What is the best build for me (condi \ heal \ power) and what items do I need for it? I mainly play PVE, but maybe I'll get into some PVP later.

    Is it suitable for low budget?

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/ChaoTikTak
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