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    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 [Suggestion] A Randomize Miniature fonctionnality

    Guild Wars 2 [Suggestion] A Randomize Miniature fonctionnality

    [Suggestion] A Randomize Miniature fonctionnality

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:51 AM PDT

    Arkk | 1:12 Speedkill by Dispossession [dP] (Farewell, Soulcleave)

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    Log: https://dps.report/N75h-20210510-011812_arkk


    Ryan (Dragonhunter): https://youtu.be/tarWiGaxwYM

    Prud (Dragonhunter): https://youtu.be/-3w-6NM3e1A

    Vysil (Dragonhunter): https://youtu.be/3esdJAjeaak

    Cody (Soulbeast): https://youtu.be/TlwDIt4P06I

    Contam (Renegade): https://youtu.be/C2GwFKRTbNc


    • Our doom timings in split2 made pushing for the selected player nearly impossible without losing time if the bubble was far, so we opted for that player to switch sides with the player opposite them.

    • Doom timings in p3 had similar issues, so we opted to grind rng for the ren to have doom. We initially experimented with guard reverse rotations and focus 4 pushing 2 orbs, but this proved to be slower by a significant amount.


    • Pre-trapping both sides of each orb made our kill a lot faster, since each player only had to push once for split1 and split3 they could get back to middle earlier and start precasting damage and buffs before Arkk became vulnerable.

    • Our soulbeast used axe4 to pull in the ad on his side before his push, since otherwise the ad would block him from pushing. This was because the ads focus the player with the highest toughness, and since our soulbeast has extra toughness from traits as well as from having the highest AR, they would aggro on him and block his autos.


    • We opted for each guard to run Justice Sigil for 7% more damage on sword set to make our archdiviner significantly faster. We found this to be a time save since most of our damage on arkk occurs once swapped to GS.


    • At first we experimented with our soulbeast only taking frenzy sigil on one weaponset, but as we got faster this proved to be too tight and we ended up losing too much OWP in p6. To fix this, we opted for our soulbeast to take frenzy on both weaponsets. We found this to be a negligible damage loss per phase and sometimes even a gain as they had more damage skills overall.

    • The previous record used frenzy on the guards, but we found when going fast enough you don't get extra traps or other skills regardless, so we opted to use damage sigils instead.


    • Each breakbar was handled by our renegade and soulbeast. Our renegade was able to angle their camera to see 3 out of 4 pyres so they could start their precasted staff 5 into SAK and break each bar instantly.


    • We found that 3 guards using fmw off cd ended up leaving a gap in last phase where we had no quickness and all guards had the skill on cd. We instead opted for 1 guard to use fmw at the end of p1, end of p3 and beginning of p6. This allowed us to have instant quickness which was essential for a fast p6.

    Other Strategies & Notes

    • During precasts we would have our soulbeast use healing spring with full bd and herald boon extension, which allows the regen to be applied with 120% boon duration, over the 100% cap. This allowed our frost spirit to have ~40s of regen upon starting the fight to stay alive without the need for much healing.

    • Also during precasts, our guards were required to wait to start their symbols until after the bane aftercasts were completely finished before swapping templates. This was because they not only needed the Writ of Persistence trait to extend their symbols, but also the Zealous Blade trait to reduce the cooldown of their precasted gs4 so that it would be up for p2.

    • During our kill we were so fast on the Archidiviner and Charr that both lasers which normally occur were completely skipped and not cast by arkk, which has not been done before in a record.

    • We ended up beating the record in the first 2 days of our grind on a Flux Bomb day, but wanted to get a better time in the time limit we had before the patch. We grinded for 2 days with Flux Bomb and 2 days with We Bleed Fire, which are very unideal instabilities to have. We had 1 day with tolerable instabilities, so we grinded then and got a 1:13, but knew we could do better. We saved a few instances but only managed to keep one and got the 1:12 with the only saved instance we had.

    Arenanet decided to delete Lieutenant Soulcleave from the game so this is our proper sendoff and last hoorah of the meta.

    Special thanks to Deeez Nutz [dN], Deeez Muttz [dM], Jani and Tob for their help with strategies and testing.

    submitted by /u/GW2Vysil
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    Guild Wars 1 had one feature I really liked that no one really talks about

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Here you can hide your face armor or you can show it. In Guild Wars 1 there was a box to check where you make it invisible automatically in towns and outposts and it would automatically appear when you were out in the explorable world.

    Silly as it is, I take a lot of time to make my characters look the way I want them too, but they wouldn't go into battle without their helms. Just something I've missed and would love to see in Guild Wars 2.


    Edited for clarity

    submitted by /u/nagennif
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    After the 3-day ban, some BLKs Botter are back at Dragon Stand.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Hi am interested in this game but am from SEA

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    Hi I am from Singapore, I read that people from here usually play in NA server. Can I ask how is the lag here? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/MoaMetalDesu
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    Hello! Just downloaded GW2 and have a question!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    Hello! So, this is my first MMORPG and I was curious if the payed content is worth it? I'm actually really enjoying it so far (only have had it for a day), but I'm really enjoying the way it doesn't feel floaty or stiff ( I did try RuneScape 3 for about 30 mins to an hour). I had to do a good amount of research before deciding to go with GW2 and so far, it has paid off.

    submitted by /u/HD20033G
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    Another one of my (many) Sylvari— Commander Morhaganna :)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    NCSoft Earnings Q1 21

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    OOPS All Cronchberries (fixed)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Deimos record by The Hybridosaurus [Aves] | 2:09

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Hello redditors,

    [Aves] would like to present you our new Deimos record with a time of 2:09.

    Sub 1 Sub 2 Sub 3 Sub 4 Sub 5
    Core Guard (Scrolls) Berserker (Costa)** Chrono HK (Cineq) Soulbeast (Eren) Heal Herald (Leder)
    Core Guard (Edaquila)
    Soulbeast (Mitch)
    Soulbeast (Misterred*, 2:11 kill)**
    Holosmith (Baseraver*, 2:11 kill)
    Holosmith (Mikko)

    Thanks to Resetzz (click for 2:11 Soulbeast PoV*) for helping a lot in the final days.

    *Some POVs are not from the actual kill but similar ones. This is because either the person forgot to record or was unsatisfied with their performance during the record kill.

    ** Including a meme intro. MUST WATCH.

    *** For builds please check the hyperlinks in the composition section below or the description of each YouTube video.

    Log (Herald): https://dps.report/zeFq-20210509-231248_dei

    Log (Chrono): https://dps.report/XoHY-20210509-231248_dei


    Seeing as there hasn't been a Deimos record for more than half a year (back when we started the project), we wanted to see if we could push a new record. Previous records by Snow Crows (02:24, 02:25) relied on finishing the boss while he was under the effect of the 3rd Unnatural Signet (300% damage done to Deimos during this window) cast by Saul. We wanted to come up with a similar concept while also giving Saul 100% Alacrity uptime which makes it possible for him to cast the Unnatural Signet in 48 second intervals instead of the regular 60 seconds. The main goal was to line up the 3rd Unnatural Signet (with Alacrity) perfectly for the 10% phase.

    The biggest problem in this case is the fact that Saul is an NPC meaning Spirits, Sword of Justice and even banners are all prioritised over him when it comes to boon application. This makes it so that giving Saul Alacrity with an Alacrity Renegade who would be together with the squad using Orders from Above is practically not possible. Other Alacrity providing skills in the game are much better suited for this application. Tides of Time (ToT) has no target cap meaning it can give Alacrity to Saul regardless of how many entities are around him. Well of Recall and Natural Harmony (with the trait Serene Rejuvenation) are more local applications of Alacrity meaning with careful positioning it is possible to use these skills to provide Alacrity to Saul.

    Looking at these facts we decided to build our composition around a Support Chrono and a Heal Herald. Working together this support duo could provide 100% Alacrity uptime to Saul with some careful positioning of the squad members while also providing every other relevant boon to the squad. In this setup Support Chrono was responsible for providing Alacrity to 4 quad members + Saul while also providing squadwide Alacrity with ToT and Signet of Inspiration (SoI). Heal Herald was responsible for providing Alacrity to himself + 4 squad members while also providing Might/Fury/Regen/Prot/Swiftness/Vigor to the entire squad. Since both Chrono and Heal Herald are in their own subgroups, we had to rely on proper positioning by splitting the squad members into two parties where one party would always stay on top of Saul and the other party would stay on the other side of the boss to receive Alacrity.


    The HK Chrono went with a 100% BD build and was responsible for handkiting while also providing Quickness/Alacrity. In addition to this he was also responsible to give Aegis to the same squad members he is giving Alacrity to on certain points of the fight using the trait Inspiring Distortion. We used Superior Rune of the Defender to make it easier for Chrono to survive the fight since we could not provide any direct healing to the Chrono while he is handkiting.

    The Heal Herald also went with a 100% BD build to cover the boons he was responsible for. We tried to fit in as much extra damage as possible into the build while not sacrificing its boon/heal potential too much. This is possible since with the strategies we used Deimos is not really a high pressure fight until the 10% phase arrives. This is especially true when we could have 100% uptime on Heal Banner from Saul due to 100% Alacrity uptime on him - the Heal Banner heals everyone in range for 5% of their HP every second while it is up. We used Sigil of Vision to increase the damage of the build since it has some insane synergies with it. It can be procced every 10-11 seconds which makes the uptime really high on Rev while the timing of the proc is perfect for Herald since the damage is mostly coming from 5 second bursts that happen under Burst of Strength every 10-11 seconds. We used Sword/Sword as the first weaponset to use for Unnatural Signet bursts and Mace/Shield as the second weaponset to provide unique condis for Holosmiths, fire field from Searing Fissure (which we had planned to use at some point but ended up not needing it) and a blast finisher from Echoing Eruption for the start of the fight.

    We used Power Soulbeasts as our main damage dealers for the fight. Power Slb is hands down the best DPS choice for this fight since sharing One Wolf Pack (OWP) to allies during the signet burst is enormous value alongside its strong personal burst damage numbers. Therefore 2 Power Soulbeasts were a necessity to share at least 8 seconds of OWP to 4 squad members. We used a 3rd Soulbeast because of the fact that it could still provide enough value with OWP/Spotter for the 1st Unnatural Signet and it also ment we had some redundancy in the comp since otherwise a single Power Slb getting the Green mechanic at 50% would make it impossible for us to get a good 2nd Unnatural Signet burst without double OWP share. 2 Slbs played with Dagger main-hand as it is best DPS option while 1 Slb played with Axe main-hand providing Weakness uptime for the Holosmiths.

    We used Core Guardians primarily because we needed a second Aegis source for the Slams while also realizing bringing only 1 Core Guard would make it impossible for that Guard to maintain Aegis uptime to fully utilise Virtues traitline. Bringing a 2nd Core Guard also ment we could bring Stand Your Ground for 10-man Stability during the 10% phase. The 2nd Core Guard also increased the Retaliation uptime to the point where we could take Right-Hand Strength and play with Sword main-hand instead of the usual Scepter main-hand seen in Deimos records which increased Core Guard damage by around 5-7%. We used Feel My Wrath on one of the Guards to increase Quickness uptime especially for the statues phase at the start and Signet of Courage on one of the Guards to share during the 10% phase for extra healing. Both Core Guardians played with the trait Perfect Inscriptions (PI) to share Bane Signet.

    We used Power Holosmiths as our 3rd DPS class. Holosmith doesn't provide any unique buffs to the squad but it has the best 10 second raw burst damage (excluding DPS increase from buffs to other members like OWP, PI Signet) in the game for the signet bursts and synergizes really well with OWP and PI Bane Signet. On some tries we managed to reach some really disgusting DPS numbers during the 1st Unnatural Signet (here is an example of a Holosmith doing 230K DPS during the window: Log). There are many variants of Holosmith that can be played here (Rifle PBM, Sword ECSU with Mines). We opted to go for the Sword PBM variant with mines since we believed it is the best option for DPS during the signet bursts. It is also important to mention Holosmiths brought an extreme amount of Blast finishers with Infusion Bomb, Magnetic Inversion, Throw Mine and Holographic Shockwave. This was crucial for our might blasting at the start of the fight.

    The Power BS Berserker used the Tactics traitline to provide high EA uptime for the squad and also generate a bit of Might by using the trait Phalanx Strength. We used a different version of this build utilising Longbow in the second weaponset. This allows Power BS damage profile to be a bit more bursty in comparison to the regular variant (here is a link to the benchmark made by Costa: Link). This ends up being advantegeous for this fight we can use this stronger burst to deal more damage during the signets. Longbow also brings a 3-sec Immobilise with Pin Down which is another unique condition for the Holosmiths and also a blast finisher with Arcing Arrow and Fire Fields with Scorched Earth.


    We spent considerable time thinking about the positioning of the squad members during the whole fight. Here is a link to a graph illustrating what we had in mind: Link

    For the statues phase at the start we had to face the biggest disadvantage of using a Heal Herald: the long ramp-up time until reaching 25 Might. Fortunately we could overcome this problem by precasting Bonfire and Moa Stance on 2 Slbs before the fight started and blasting the fire field with the high amount of blast finishers we had from Holosmiths/Herald/Berserker/Chrono. This made sure all squad members had 25 Might for around 35-37 seconds. Another thing we precasted was a Well of Action from the Chrono to increase Quickness uptime. In the end we could optimise the statues phase to last around 6-7 seconds before the main fight started.

    At the start of the main fight we had to position ourselves very carefully in order for players to not steal Alacrity from Saul by standing in the wrong spot and being inside a Well of Recall when they are not supposed to. As our DPS got better in the 1st signet we had to make a choice between the two following situations to build the rest of our strategy around:

    • If the DPS was very good we would spawn the first black in the middle under us when reaching 60% before going up with the first Green circle.
    • If the DPS was a touch worse this would create a 1 second window where we would become invulnerable while going up with the 1st Green circle and the boss hitting 60% during this window would make the black not spawn under us but on the handkiter.

    As the balance patch was coming closer we had to make a choice and we went with the 2nd option which would minimise boss movement overall and allow a cleaner execution of the strats later on. However it also ment that we had to GG a lot since it is not always possible to be this consistent with the DPS during the 1st signet.

    We tried different strategies involving sending different people to different greens but in the end ended using the same strategy as Snow Crows: Going up all together on 1st Green and sacrificing 2 squad members on 50% and 25%. There were many different strategies available but in the end we went for this option since it was the easiest option to maintain our boons (especially Alacrity).

    After coming from 1st Green we bait the 2nd Black Oil at Heart marker to spawn it as far as possible from the middle. Our Bannerslave had the job of entering Berserk and luring Thief version of Saul to the Circle marker where we would move after the bait. After moving the boss a tiny bit we bait the 3rd Black Oil at Spiral marker which involves both seperated parties moving away from the boss. The main goal with these baits was to setup everything in a way that Deimos' hitbox would be partly inside the Saul Protective Bubble and fully available to hit/enter during the 2nd Unnatural Signet. It was also crucial to get the first Black Oil to spawn at 60% while we are going up at Green 1 because this timing makes it so that there are no Black Oil spawns during the 2nd Unnatural Signet.

    After the 2nd Unnatural Signet we simply move the boss to a safe spot and try to bring him down to 10% as soon as possible. After phasing the boss down to 10% both Herald and Chrono can give Saul Alacrity during the intermission phase so that Saul would cast the 3rd Unnatural Signet immediately when Deimos is vulnerable at 10%.

    10% phase was relatively simple for us. We had the 2 squad members who ported up at 50% and 25% green circle mechanics get rid of one of the fake Gambler version of Saul that is closer to the boss. With the amount of healing and boons we had sustaining this part of the fight was no problem. We had access to 1 Signet of Courage share and also Stability through SYG so we simply had our Herald bait the first Black close to the Triangle marker while the rest of the squad downed the boss in under 5 seconds. The Chrono was responsible for watching for CC on Drunkard version of Saul if he ever tried to use it.

    We wanted to reach the point where we would phase Deimos to 10% after the 2nd Unnatural Signet within 9-10 seconds which would make the 3rd Unnatural Signet line up perfectly at the 10% phase which would allow a kill time of 2:01. In our kill this part took longer than what is theoretically possible - around 17-18 seconds. Unfortunately the balance patch is just around the corner and we simply ran out of time but we are happy to submit a clean kill with proper execution of the strats explained above.


    Thanks to Zive [qT]; Aries, Yuna, Resetzz, Skafloc [cA]; Tipcat, Amidar [CnD]; Tobi [SC]; Marty [Aves] for their participation during our runs.

    Many thanks to Skafloc [cA], Csupidor [IvT] and The Legendary Lyn [Hs] (check out his PoV!) for helping us with shotcalling during various raid nights.

    Thanks to the guilds Crits N Dips [CnD] and Calamity [cA] for their overall contribution to the kill.

    Thanks to Eliphas from Elite-Insight-Parsing for allowing Saul to be tracked as an NPC on logs allowing us to track his skill usage and Alacrity uptime.

    submitted by /u/near-critical
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    First timer here, some questions :)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    Never played guild wars before, but I am downloading it right now to try for the first time. I have some very important questions that I would love to know though. If you could help that would be awesome!

    1. Does people who pay real money have a legit advantage over others in terms of power?
    2. Are certain dungeons or areas not accessible to non-paying people?
    3. Is it like ESO where they bloat you with 20,0000,0000 crafting mats and then offer unlimited mat storage if you pay a fee?

    Thank you so much <3

    submitted by /u/DnD-NerdAlert
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    EoD could be a while

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Let me first say these are speculations on release dates and I hope I am wrong here, but the way I see it it could take a while for EoD to release based on the Guild Wars Live: Summer 2021 post we received April 27.

    Starting May 25, Living World episodes will be in the spotlight chronologically. Episodes are free to unlock during their spotlight week

    If all Living World episodes receive their spotlight week and IBS is included (I think this is the case), that is 23-25 weeks of spotlighting (8 for LS2, 6 for LS3, 6 for LS4, and 5-7 for IBS depending on whether they only take numbered episodes or all entries).

    From here we can go three separate routes:

    1. These spotlight weeks have nothing to do with the EoD release schedule, meaning the release date will not be affected.

    Complete all the new Living World Season 2 and 3 achievements to earn a voucher for a Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons precursor weapon. When the expansion launches, you can redeem it and begin crafting your very own third-generation legendary weapon.

    1. Based on this statement, we could assume at least the LS2 and 3 achievements will be earnable before EoD, since it implies you can earn the voucher before it is redeemable in the expansion. This would mean there will be at least 14 weeks (8 for LS2 and 6 for LS3) between May 25th and launch, which could then take place around August 31st, or a bit later if spotlight weeks will not interfere with other events such as festivals. This release date would line up fairly well with the roadmap in the post (if we include the Festival of the Four Winds) to give us steady content until that time.

    However it seems strange to me that going into EoD there will ALSO be weekly spotlights for older content for another half year, which would conflict with the hype you want to build around EoD and could distract/confuse new players about where to go and what to do. It could also mean Anet will not have "event" space for newer content (LS6?) until 2021. Therefore a dreaded option 3:

    1. The option which I hope will not be the case: Anet will not release EoD before all spotlight weeks have happened. This makes sense from a narrative/storyline perspective, as it will allow all players (meaning new/returning) to catch up with the GW2 story before EoD launches so everyone is up to speed. This would mean EoD will launch at least 23 weeks from May 25th, which is November 2nd, but could even launch just before the end of 2021 (worst case, taking into account the prologue and visions of the past, and leaving space for one festival week per festival).

    So what do you guys think? As a player who is all up to speed I hope option 2 is what is happening (I think option 1 is unlikely), but part of me fears that it will be option 3 and I am bracing myself for that message on July 27th.

    submitted by /u/MasterLolage
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    Solo Arah P2 - Warrior [14:39]

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't Elementalists absolutely messed up?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    I am a week old in this game, so I am still very new. As time goes on and I read/find out more about this class, I am assured that this class is just messed up in execution. Please correct me, because I hope I am wrong.

    • Pretty much the most complex class to play, not even in the game but across every MMO I have ever tried.
    • The lowest health and squishiest.
    • Stars have to align in terms of stats, build and everything else to get the most out of its damage; while sacrificing every bit of survivability as a price.
    • I read that they are quite immobile as well.

    What exactly is the reward then? These are called "trade offs" for a reason. Classes in other MMOs are getting something back and equal in value. I don't see any in this case. Almost every post I read that mentions someone rerolling from Ele says that he is just having a lot more fun playing a more sensible class that does everything an Ele can do at 25% of the effort. Heck, I watched an entire video about it. That's disheartening to see as it's only class that interest me.

    Core is beyond underpowered and tempest is usually used for support, I think? So, I am mainly talking about weaver. So, what are your thoughts?

    Edit: To the downvoters: Instead of doing that, correct and educate a new player trying to get in and enjoy the game. I have already spent over 10 hours in total reading and watching videos, but I will obviously be mistaken more than correct. Oh well...

    submitted by /u/IFap_to_Linux
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    The Quickest and Slowest Solo 2CM DRMs - Data from 35 Runs

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    Hello all! A couple weeks ago I posted my personal tips and tricks after months of running DRMs, primarily 2CM Solo Clears. It was received very well (thanks again to everyone who left awards!) and many players also joined in by adding their own great tips to the comments. I had a few people ask something that, in hindsight, would have been a very obvious tip to include - which DRMs are fastest to run? I had never paid enough attention at the end to record times, so I started doing it that week so that I could share my personal data with others.

    Hopefully this will clarify the amount of time these runs take, help people make their prismaticite/seal farming more efficient, and maybe we'll get a little speed clearing community going too! I do wonder what the fastest times are like on these...

    A few notes to preface the data:

    • All my runs are done on Snowcrows Power DH build. I use build templates to swap to Healbrand to apply swiftness to escorts when I can. This is probably not the absolute most optimal build for times - I think it's very good, but it's just my main and I played it because I'm most familiar with it. I think there are many classes and builds that can outpace it if you want to push for faster times!
    • I am not a speedrunner, and these weren't done as max optimization speedruns. I sometimes had ascended food from running Dragonstorm prior, sometimes I had no food so I used a Dragonfly Cupcake because I wanted more Lodestones to drop! A number of runs, I paid seals to set the factions not for speed, but to finish the faction achievements over the last weeks, and I did things like played with Kodan Hammer and recruited Skritt to give the factions a "fair shake" and see what it did to the times. So, long story short, these are not competitive speedrun times. These are "average player" times with flaws and all, and obviously not significantly powered to be definitive either!
    • I simply ran the daily 3 every day with 2/3 CMs (for the gold rank chest). I haven't gone out of my way to do additional runs to even out the data, I forgot to record one run, and I had a boss reset on another (see the note at the end!).
    • I used the CMs I'm most comfortable with, as explained in the tips and tricks post. That means I did Timer on all of them, and the second CM was Final Boss except for Thunderhead Peaks, Caledon Forest, and Snowden Drifts (which, obviously, I used Powerful Foes on instead). I think this adds fairly significant time to Thunderhead (1-2 minutes), but not so much to the other two. If you are more comfortable with doing those Final Bosses without the risk of them resetting, you can probably get faster times at least on THP by swapping to Final Boss there.
    • In case you were curious, the timer provided when the DRM is completed also takes into account the pre-event times. I wasn't sure myself but confirmed with a stopwatch! All times below, then, also include the time for pre-events (which is the reason some faster "main event" DRMs like Bloodtide Coast actually have slower times than I would have expected).

    Now, on to the data:

    Metrica Province - Lowest Time: 12:00 - Average Time: 12:46:30

    • Run 1 (Sylvari): 12:56
    • Run 2 (Skritt): 13:26
    • Run 3 (Sylvari): 12:00
    • Run 4 (Skritt): 12:44

    Brisban Wildlands - Lowest Time: 12:36 - Average Time: 12:59:40

    • Run 1 (Exalted): 12:49
    • Run 2 (Skritt): 13:34
    • Run 3 (Skritt): 12:36

    Gendarran Fields - Lowest Time: 11:43 - Average Time: 12:16:15

    • Run 1 (Deldrimor Dwarves): 11:43
    • Run 2 (Kodan): 12:47
    • Run 3 (Flame Legion): 11:45
    • Run 4 (Norn): 12:50

    Fields of Ruin - Lowest Time: 11:01 - Average Time: 11:45:20

    • Run 1 (Skritt): 12:42
    • Run 2 (Olmakhan): 11:33
    • Run 3 (Ebon Vanguard): 11:01

    Thunderhead Peaks - Lowest Time: 14:51 - Average Time: 15:08:30

    • Run 1 (Exalted): 14:51
    • Run 2 (Olmkhan): 15:26

    Lake Doric - Lowest Time: 11:14 - Average Time: 12:06:45

    • Run 1 (Ebon Vanguard): 11:58
    • Run 2 (Kodan): 12:00
    • Run 3 (Ebon Vanguard): 11:14
    • Run 4 (Skritt): 13:15

    Snowden Drifts - Lowest Time: 13:33 - Average Time: 13:48:40

    • Run 1 (Norn): 13:33
    • Run 2 (Kodan): 13:59
    • Run 3 (Flame Legion): 13:54

    Bloodtide Coast - Lowest Time: 12:58 - Average Time: 13:28:45

    • Run 1 (Tengu): 12:58
    • Run 2 (Skritt): 14:05
    • Run 3 (Olmakhan): 13:22
    • Run 4 (Flame Legion): 13:30

    Caledon Forest - Lowest Time: 10:57 - Average Time: 11:00:20

    • Run 1 (Exalted): 10:58
    • Run 2 (Olmakhan): 10:57
    • Run 3 (Sylvari): 11:06

    Fireheart Rise - Lowest Time: 12:06 - Average Time*****: 13:15:45

    • Run 1 (Norn): 14:00
    • Run 2 (Kodan): 13:23
    • Run 3 (Norn): 13:34
    • Run 4 (Deldrimor Dwarves): 16:11*****
    • Run 5 (Charr United Legions): 12:06

    *This is the run in which the Boss Reset from around 10% to 100% from pathing. This run was not included in the average and is discussed below.

    Notes and Analysis

    • Using strictly these numbers, the 3 unique DRMs that I had the fastest times on were Caledon Forest (10:57), Fields of Ruin (11:01), and Lake Doric (11:14). For anyone looking for the fastest runs, I would recommend those three, with Gendarran Fields close behind.
    • The slowest runs on average from this data are Thunderhead Peaks (avg. 15:08), Snowden Drifts (avg. 13:48), and Bloodtide Coast (avg. 13:28). The first two were not terribly surprising to me (more discussion on those below), but Bloodtide Coast, which is relatively quick otherwise, is held back greatly by its down-to-the-wire pre-events. Some posters in the last thread mentioned using Mesmer Portal and/or White Mantle Portal Device to speed up the supply run, which is a fantastic idea. I think a good DPS mesmer in general would probably be a great choice for speedrunning any of these, and that's another place where they'd have a significant advantage.
    • Do not ever go out of your way to recruit Skritt for their event. They are the only faction that requires time and effort to "turn on" during the instance and they die to a stiff breeze. Their mine replaces your skills and takes as long to throw and activate as it takes to simply cleave down the enemies. Many of these average times are increased because of a Skritt run where I tried to recruit them.
    • Let's talk about Fireheart Rise: Killing the waves of enemies isn't the most enthralling gameplay, but surprisingly, it's can be a faster run than nearly every other DRM. My lowest time on it, the 12:06, was actually despite the Charr not dropping any Charzookas, which would have greatly sped up the boss fight as well.
    • Continuing Fireheart Rise: There were several comments on the last thread to lure Tribune Splitgold to the bridge entrance to avoid having so many AoEs. This can be done to some degree, and does make the ending fight a little more survivable. However, notes regarding this:
      • Braham's AI was updated shortly after the DRM's release and he's more likely to engage with the Tribune than he was in the first few days. But, still, you can largely keep them apart.
      • The issue is that Splitgold's "charge" attack (arrow on the ground) can cause him to charge over the entrance. When he crosses that rock threshold, he is likely to reset and run back to the center. This is what happened on the 16:11 run. My advice is to try to bring him closer to the entrance, but watch your positioning and avoid having him charge directly at the entrance to minimize the risk of reset. If it does reset, you can still make the timer! But that run was on pace to be my record, so it will add significant time - 3-4 minutes - if he resets from very low health.
    • Just to reiterate, Caledon, Snowden, and Thunderhead are all done with Powerful Foes CM rather than Final Boss. I think it's possible that this is the right call regardless of your skill/profession on Caledon, due to how few enemies spawn on the escort, and how much less health the boss has without Final Boss. However, a skilled player will probably save time by switching to Final Boss on Thunderhead, and probably on Snowden as well. But keep in mind that the Thunderhead boss will reset if you wipe with Final Boss on, and the Snowden boss keeps protection on constantly in addition to added DPS, faster skills, and added health. But it will make the split phases on Ryland faster to not have Stronger Foes, so there's a give and take there.

    Hope some more folks find this useful! I continue to run DRMs daily (and now Dragonstorm) and will continue to do so for another roughly month and a half or so (until I've collected all the prismaticite needed for all weapons using the cheaper Ingot recipe). I don't know that I'll continue to record times, but I have found a new sense of competitiveness with myself in trying to beat my current records!

    Feel free to leave your thoughts and any more tips you all have down below, and I'm happy to provide any further clarification or advice/research. Finally, good luck to anyone who starts pushing for faster times - make sure to post with your results!

    submitted by /u/Day2Dan
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    Will the living world episodes unlock if your account does not have the expansion content?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    I have a friend who has the base game but never reached 80. He is considering playing again since he found out I play. He doesn't have expansion yet but given the living world will be available for free again soon I told him it is a good time to jump in, except it dawned on me that you need the expansions to access some of that content.

    So the question is, will the episodes still unlock on his account when he logs in during the free period if he only has the base game, but simply be inaccessible until he buys the expansion, or will he need to buy the expansion first for the episodes to unlock?

    submitted by /u/Majigor
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    Dagger Skin to Match the Warpblade?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Just finished the Warpblade collection today and I was wondering if anyone knew of a dagger skin that looks good with it?

    submitted by /u/Jo3ThePro
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    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    how much money you get for silverwastes RIBA in 2021? is it worth it?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    Are all Gen.2 Legendary just craft-o-thons?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    From what I see, every Gen.2 legendary is just a giant craft fest. No real questing or adventuring for the most part.

    I know you can just buy all the materials for the most part but what's really the point in that? Other than to just get the item sooner.

    I think it's weird that you cant buy the legendary on its own on the TP even though that's where you get practically all its materials from.

    Crafting is so boring, I'd rather go on huge quests to obtain my legendary epic thing but I'm not a fan of any Gen.1 Legends for the most part.

    So are all Gen.2 legends just throwing resources into big pot?

    submitted by /u/sortacute
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    Are the HoT Elite Specs artworks available somewhere in HD?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Are the HoT Elite Specs artworks available somewhere in HD?

    It's not in the Asset kit (PoF one has them) and the wiki has medium resolution art.

    I'd ideally use them for phone wallpapers.

    Edit: The questions stands for core classes aswell as they are even lower res

    I'm talking like this one

    For comparisson, PoF has this one

    submitted by /u/DemethValknut
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