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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 I just can't unsee it

    Guild Wars 2 I just can't unsee it

    I just can't unsee it

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    The Commander And Explanations

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    I kinda wish they didn't forget the whole "dragons absorb other dragons' magic" on their minions shtick

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    Remember in Ember Bay where you got tentacled destroyers which are apparently "death touched" too? Or how certain branded are actually raised corpses (dunno why kralky didn't give them tentacles)?

    I kinda wish we got them in the recent icebrood/destroyers. All we got were "they got stronger/bigger" in DRMs. Imagine icy vines or undead icebrood or destroyers made from corpses (burning zombies!) or flaming tentacles. I forgot if Aurene sucked up all the kralky magic or if the others got them too.

    submitted by /u/PantherCaroso
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    Finally finished world exploration, I know its not a big deal to most but didn't have anyone to share it with! Now to start fractals I guess, but I don't know where to start!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    omw to top another meter by pressing shroud 4

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    Looking for a Sword/Pistol class/build for solo PvE

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    Looking to make a themed character, particularly a swashbuckler type, so I'm fairly set on Sword/Pistol.

    According to the research I've done, it looks like Engineer and Thief are the classes that are able to pull this off (please correct me if I'm wrong, a lot of the info I've found is very old). As stated in the title, I'm a solo player and have no interest in PvP.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/NemeanLion85
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    This is fine

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    Immortal Revenant Builds Overview

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Strike Mission Abbreviations

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:19 AM PDT


    wanted to start doing Strike Missions, but in LFG there are all these Abbreviations I don't understand. Tried to find a guide, or a website, that lists these Abbreviations and explains them, but there is none. Some help, would really be appreciated.

    For example, what does LI (250LI) FC FS KP BS HSC or HFB mean, and what are some more important Abbreviations I need to know..

    I guess HFB, would be Heal Firebrand, and HSC Heal Scrapper? I dunno. would be nice, to have them all listed somewhere

    submitted by /u/Antaiji
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    [Humor] Diary of a WvW Fiend: Day one in the Mists

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Hello my friends. This is the start of a journal series detailing the experiences of WvW as a brand new player. It's a culmination of my own experiences over the years, combined with things from the forums, memes and RP. Recently I've started over on a brand new account and what I wrote below certainly sums up what I would guess new folks encounter on stepping foot into WvW for the first time. I enjoyed writing this and it will be an ongoing series. Enjoy!

    Day 1

    Having finally reached the pinnacle of leveling and hitting the massive achievement of level 80, our hero searches out portals into The Mists to see what all the fuss is about. After listening to some chatter in the public square of Lion's Arch, Dr Fibbin Notchee has determined that there are multiple ways into this strange new land.

    "Hmmm. I'm slightly concerned that my mismatched gear isn't quite up to par for this excursion. Yet we shall prevail!"

    The Doctor examines his pack closely. Today it resembled a large sloth on his back. It seemed to have a mind of its own and often was found changing forms in the night. After visiting the local haberdashery he had found some random symbols laying in the street that seemed to harm enemies more in the evening hours. But he wasn't entirely sure. It could have been a play of the shadows instead. Regardless, this is as prepared as he could get.

    Somewhere on his calendar of events he had found an ad stating that the end of the work week was a time of celebration (and also collective moaning) called "Reset Night." He wasn't really sure precisely what that entailed. It sounded like an excellent place to start his sojourn into the unknown. All it said was to gather in Lion's Arch about an hour before a prescribed time and look for a person in charge. They could either be designated as a cat or by a large symbol that looked like a tasty potato chip. Upside down.

    "What a bunch of strange people. Maybe they should have their local water supply tested for hallucinogens." The Dr headed to the portals in the southern section of the city. The populace all seemed to be prepared for a mighty battle. There were large charr sitting in thrones. Some were masquerading as quaggan for some bizarre reason. There was a palpable sense of danger and heightened tension in the air. Naturally some individuals appeared to be severely inebriated. That was to be expected! Town drunks had a long standing history of being incredibly important in preparing for battle! Everyone knew that.

    Walking up to one portal that had the most people gathered, the Dr examined his surroundings closely. Doubt began to creep into his mind. The people around him were clearly veterans of many wars. Their weapons had a spectacular sheen to them. One person appeared to be cloaked in glitter, glowing balls of light weaving between those motes and also snow flakes were present. Their footfalls left mysteries prints on the ground that were pools of darkness. He had never found anything like this in his explorations of the history of this region. There also seemed to be a rather large amount of mustaches in this crowd. Some where large. Some small. Some curled up at the corners and were so voluminous the tips tickled the person standing next to them.

    After a brief period of time watching the locals the Dr noticed that everyone seemed to be chanting something. It sounded suspicious like "Efffff. Hit efffff now. Oooooooh its happening. Effffffff! EF!" What could that possibly mean? He was confused but started yelling it just to make sure he fit in properly.

    Suddenly, the entire crowd vanished through the portal. The Dr immediately noted that something seemed very strange about this entire event. Where did everyone go? Running forward into the portal resulted in absolutely nothing happening. A message flashed across the portal implying that it was full. Then a very commanding tone sounded across the area: "WOULD YOU LIKE TO WAIT IN THIS SUPER LONG LINE THAT MOVES AT A PACE APPROACHING STANDING STILL WHILE WE HAVE THESE LOVELY PARTING GIFTS FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOOR?"

    Not knowing what else to do he said yes. The proceeded to wait. There were a few other people milling about grumbling about capacities, something called LAG which sounded dreadful and discussing how balance didn't really exist. Clearly this would require more study in the future. After waiting for two hours, visiting the crafting stations in town and being thoroughly confused by some very boisterous people nearby a mystical toilet (why on Tyria would anyone purposely seek that out he wondered) a tone sounded and he entered the portal. Very convenient since he had long since wandered away.

    Finally! The Dr was ready for action. Entering the mists there was a large crowd gathered just inside the portal talking about strategy. It did appear that they have already been in battle for some time now. Many were sorting through endless sacks of materials, scattering them on the ground to evaluate. There seemed to be a plethora of spoons available. Interesting. Listening in he found someone with a floating cat over their head, This person was an Asuran (not to be confused with an Acura which is a fancy charrmobile used only in special circumstances). Clearly this person was in charge due to their excessively large backpack, shining boots and an amulet that always pointed towards disaster.

    "Troops! Once again we have been, well, not exactly victorious. But we had a good time. Join us tomorrow night!" The commander then disappeared.

    Strange. The Dr had no idea what to make of this. So he endeavored to head out on his own. Right by the area he entered there was a glowing board that stated something called "Dailies" were an option to do for two gold coins and a smattering of other random items that sounded like thrift store leftovers. Still, the gold would be nice. No one pays for education out here in the field. He had briefly toyed with becoming a bard for some extra coin. This certainly was a more lucrative venture.

    Leaving the entrance to this area on foot, he noted a number of people had creatures to ride upon! He wondered how they had tamed such magnificent creatures. He called after a few people who leaped on by but they were otherwise occupied by looking at a map while riding. That made sense. One didn't casually ride into battle without knowing the proper cardinal directions.

    There was a drop off point that led down to a grassy area...which was full of wolves. Dr Fibbin couldn't conceive of any reason why so many people leapt by on their gigantic beasts only to leave these clear and present dangers laying about. Up ahead he saw a target for one of the events. A gigantic warg. Frightful beast. The Dr approached cautiously taking out his rifle. He aimed, squeezed the trigger and was instantly rooted in place. Howling out from the waterfront five brigands immobilized him. Clearly using some sort of sorcery. One sneered, shooting him in the torso while another circled the other direction. Then he felt a deep stab wound in his back while simultaneously a warrior spun into view offering a pirouette before slamming into him. He could hear giggling as poison dumped all around him. Laying there, gasping for breath, he could only watch as they gutted the warg and left him to slowly fall into slumber. What an odd group...they didn't even take his possessions.

    Much to his surprise, he woke back by the portal area. Was this the afterlife? No, no it wouldn't be populated by so many people standing about doing - whatever it was they were doing. It looked like some sort of strange dance around a table. They clearly were enjoying themselves. The Dr admitted to himself that this was clearly enough excitement for one day. Packing up his belongings he realized he had no real clue how to get back to where he came into this place. Upon inquiring, someone suggested that he "Alt-F4." Whatever that meant. Ah well he would go back through the portal and do more research regarding this land. His gyros obediently followed along buzzing around seeking solace in his gravitational field.

    submitted by /u/Fatherbliss
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    Do I need to kill mobs before or during bloodstone crazed beast timers to spawn them?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    Doing some achievement hunting and I just need the bloodstone crazed moa for bloodstone harvest. I got the others by pure luck of just being near them when they spawned but am now actively trying to work on finding this last one. I haven't been able to find info which better outlines how to spawn it besides "kill moa's" and I've tried doing it before and after the timer hit. So when do I need to do it and can I also just camp the same spawn point or two on a map or do I need to visit all of the moa locations?

    submitted by /u/Fridelgard
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    What is the lore behind the two large rib cage skeletons on the South Island in Sandswept Isles?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    Any news on when the Icebrood Saga soundtrack will be on Spotify?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    Title pretty much says it all... I'm eager to add/listen to some of these tracks, as this soundtrack is really good imo. I noticed Anet's SoundCloud is updated on a relatively regular basis, and that most of the Living World soundtracks (except season 1, which I still don't know where to find) are on Spotify as well. I don't know how long after release the previous OST's have been added to Spotify, but when do you guys think IBS will be on there?

    submitted by /u/themightylemur
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    What happened to the price of Black Diamonds?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    I wanted to craft a viper set today and I realized the price of black diamonds increased greatly over the past weekend, by about 50% from 20s77c to 35s09c.

    Is that some patch notes that I missed recently about drop rates?? Or is it just because of the condi buffs next patch

    submitted by /u/lesspylons
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    Upcoming Mirage changes.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    Do you guys think that the upcoming Mirage changes will make them actually viable in PvE or is Chrono still going to be king?

    submitted by /u/Aebel22
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    Caught this great Guild Wars 2 podcast on Twitch! Check it out!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    With legendary armory coming i have a question.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    So like an idiot i made 2 legendary light armor sets for my mesmer and ele. Do you think anet would compensate or let us change the weight since that would make one of my sets completely useless. I know we dont know the details of how the armory will work but this is just bothering me since i had to go through PvP hell for the PvP set and i dont want all that time invested to go to waste. I just want to know your opinions on this and see if other people are in the same boat as me.

    submitted by /u/breakout1414
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    Small nerfs that would (imo) help reducing the efficience of CFB stacking

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    I'm already considering that post patch we won't need to prepare mantras anymore, also my PoV is mainly affected by the PvE scene, so feel free to point out if it's destroying some good pvp/wvw gameplay.

    • Change Mantra of Solace (FB healing mantra) from this:
      Mantra. Prepare to heal yourself and grant allies aegis.The final charge of this ability is more powerful.
    • To this:
      Mantra. Gain aegis on your first two charges and heal allies on each charge.
      (still 3 total, don't go nuts keep reading)
      Radius: 180 | Range: 450
      (make these heals scale well with healing power!)


    • And rework Weighty Terms from this:
      The Final Charge of your Mantra skills inflict immobilize.
      Mantras gain reduced charge-recovery time.
      Immobilize (1½s): Unable to move.Recharge Reduced: 20%
    • To this:Weighty Terms Defender's Resolve
      Mantra of Solace now shares aegis with allies around you.
      Mantras gain reduced charge-recovery time.
      Aegis application:Radius: 180 | Range: 450
      Recharge Reduced: 20%

    Reasoning behind these changes:What's really problematic with firebrand, in my opinion, is not its ability to dish good dps, but the fact that we can do so while retaining the ability to use a really strong boon: aegis.

    What would happen to cFB after this change?
    cFB would be forced to choose between Defender's Resolve and Legendary Lore.
    Sacrificing Legendary Lore would mean lowering cFB burst a bit more.
    Sacrificing Defender's Resolve would mean losing TWO aegis applications for allies.
    (right now we can get THREE per FB without sacrificing anything).

    What would happen to HFB?
    Its Healing Skill would lose aegis applications baseline, while gaining some aoe heals.
    Choosing Defender's Resolve tho (Wrighty Terms right now), which is already in the meta, would bring back the aegis share on MoS.
    So compared to the current situation HFB would get a bit more aoe heals and lose one aegis share.

    I'm not too worried about the loss of immobilize PvE-wise since we were already used to not utilize the last charge of mantras, plus we got some (probably undeserved) buff on Sanctuary's CD for CC.

    Edit: removed the last charge thing which was used only in one point here and not even that important to this change, since it looks it's distracting from the topic.

    submitted by /u/Erick-Alastor
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