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    Friday, April 9, 2021

    Guild Wars How do you feel about some enemies in EOTN flashing red on taking damage?

    Guild Wars How do you feel about some enemies in EOTN flashing red on taking damage?

    How do you feel about some enemies in EOTN flashing red on taking damage?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    Personally I find it a bit distracting.

    EDIT: looks like it's only on crits, but after the rest of the game not doing it flashing bison is surprising.

    submitted by /u/Aethaira
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    This will be my first anniversary event coming up and there's multiple weapons I want with the proof of legends, but I'm not sure how it all works

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    So I know the anniversary/decade weapons are available during the anniversary event and require 5 proof of legends to purchase, but I have some questions...

    • if I'm reading the wiki right, you have to purchase them for the character you want them on correct? I do not have a necro but love the idea of the soul reaping scythe, so I would have to make a necro, get him leveled up enough and earn 5 proof of legends on him and purchase it with him, correct? Like I want the dual fire sword daggers, but would like them on both my dagger spam ranger and warrior, do I really need two of them?

    • I know you only earn proof of legends above level 5. I'm relatively new (played at launch, started again a few months ago, took a short break, back again) so on my account, I have a level 20 ranger in nightfall, a 20 warrior in factions, a level 8 dervish in nightfall, and I believe that's it right now. How do you earn the proofs and how many can you realistically acquire per character?

    • Are there any weapons that are better than others and should be prioritized? Almost all of them seem to have interesting/different build ideas behind them, like the holy damage hammer, energy storage/frost damage axe, etc, but I'm not sure how great some are in practice. Any recommendations?

    • If I want to kill it during the event, what should I be doing now to prepare??

    Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/JBSuperTroop
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    Are these worth anything?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    Are these worth anything?

    2 Guardian of the Hunt shields

    One with Armor +9 vs demons req9 strength

    another with Physical Dam -2 (While Enchanted) + Armor +9 vs Blunt Damage req9 Tactics



    submitted by /u/DungeonRunnerTank
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    Glob of Ectospasm [GoE]

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    Is anyone on reddit from this guild back in the day? I was a member around 2008-2011. Or does anyone remember playing with the guild? All my good friends back in the day were in this guild with me. We did all sorts of stupid PvE stuff like 12 man warrior Urgoz, and just generally had a great time. Would love to rejoin or even lead the guild if it's still around and inactive.

    submitted by /u/Twisted_Evocation
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    Guild Wars Store down?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Was just getting back into the game for a DoA-run to complement my GWAMM and wanted to add the "Game of the Year Upgrade" for the fire imp. But when checking out none of the payment options worked. Has someone else experienced that recently? Or could it be there is an error on my side?

    submitted by /u/Hixxes
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    Must-Have Skills

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Hi all! I'm very new to GW1. I have a friend that basically ran me through EOTN, but I'm still working through the other three campaigns on my own. I've been looking up builds for myself and heroes, but it seems I'm always playing catch up when it comes to skills.

    Are there any go-to skills (regular or elite) that will see a lot of use? My main is a Dervish, but I'm open to all the professions for setting up heroes. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/autocorrect_cat
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    Can't take screenshots anymore

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    My game client stopped allowing me to take screenshots. Is there a setting for this in-game? Or a way to repair the client?

    submitted by /u/whitemapleleaf
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    Theorycrafting: "Fixing" Divine Favor

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    I love Guild Wars. And as much as I love playing this game, I might enjoy thinking about it even more. Coming up with new team comps, skill bars, thinking about which title I'll max next or which weapon I want to pair with my new armor.

    But nothing feels more rewarding to me, than finding solutions to existing issues I see within the game itself. Now, there are the obvious problems, some of which people agree on, others where we will disagree as a community. Like, the power level of a specific class (*wink* Mesmer *wink*), the power level of a specific skill (Shadow Form), functionality of armor types and many more. And that's ok, people don't have to agree about everything. In fact it's impossible to agree about everything with everyone . So, I'd like to propose a discussion (or as the title says) theorycrafting about a certain primary attribute that has bothered me for a really long time: Divine Favor.

    Before I get into my take on the subject matter, note one thing: I am fully aware that this game is in maintanace mode. I am fully conscious that this post or anything else discussed here will not lead to the redesign of anything within this game. I am making this post out of pure love for the game and my desire to share my thoughts about how it could be improved. Don't @ me, as the youth would say.

    Now, to the matter at hand: Monk is my primary class and I really like the design of the class itself. On the one hand the Healing Monk, the classic MMORPG charakter that keeps the group alive. Then the Prot Monk, which offers an interesting twist on the healing trope and plays quite differntly in game, as it requires a skillset that is different from that of a Healing Monk (anticipation with prot vs. reaction with heal). And last but not least, the Smiting Monk, which spins it all on its head. The "Good Guy" all of a sudden starts throwing RoJs on the enemies.

    I enjoy the fact that the monk in Guild Wars can also deal damage. The way it's done is also quite genious IMO. The class can deal damage, but when you think about it, it's just a different side of the same coin. While a monk is the saviour of its own group, he/she is the bane of the enemies group. While he heals you, he damages the opponent. This seems pretty obvious to us now but it's certainly very smart from a game design perspective, as it is pretty intuitive that a class benefits its own allies while damaging the opposition.

    Unfortunately, this very core of the class is not reflcted in its primary attribute. The description says: "For each rank of Divine Favor, allies are healed for 3.2 whenever you cast Monk spells on them. Several Monk skills, especially spells related to Energy gain and healing, become more effective with higher Divine Favor." In its current form, Divine Favor only covers one half of what the monk class is all about. It offers nothing in terms of Smiting Prayers' intuitive characteristic of damaging the opponent. It makes sense, that when you target your own allies as a monk, that with the blessing of the Gods, you shall improve your ability to benefit them. However, what happens when you target an enemy as monk?


    Well, except for what the skill itself does. But here is where i would like to suggest an alteration of the funcionality of Divine Favor. It should still increase healing when targeting an ally, but what if it also damaged the enemy when they are targeted by one of your skills? It would feed into the narrative that I am trying to establish, as the Monk being someone who blesses your group, while cursing the enemies. All with Divine Favor. Here is my Proposition:

    "For each rank of Divine Favor, allies are healed for 1.6 whenever you cast spells on them, while enemies are damaged for 1.6 whenever you cast spells on them. Several Monk skills, especially spells related to healing and damaging, become more effective with higher Divine Favor."

    Now, this would be the explanation from the flavor perspective. From a gameplay perspective, Divine Favor is pretty useless if you are anything other than a Healer or Proter. When you play an Assasin's Promise build with a monk, there is no point in wasting skill points in Divine Favor. With the one-dimensionality of Divine Favor, the monk class becomes pretty much useless as anything other than a Healer or Proter in most cases. Just a weaker version of a Mesmer or Ele. But if we gave Divine Favor the added bonus of damaging enemies upon targeting, it would open up an entirly new way to play the class. What about a Monk/ Ele that is skilling on Fire Magic and spamming "Flare". Now everytime you target the opponent with 12 points in Divine Favor you are dealing a cheeky 19.2 Damage.

    Is this to good? Maybe. The numbers can be changed. This is just my idea of how to make this really cool class a little more versatile, open up new class-combinations and make sure Monk is not just a one-trick-pony. What are your guys' thougths? I would love to hear what y'all think, let me know how or if you would even change anything about Divine Favor.

    submitted by /u/nedimf
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    Starting in Prophecies, x/Rt, which one?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Let me explain, i like the ritualist profession but i want to start in prophecies.

    So which class makes a good x/RT one?

    I'm thinking of ranger or necro, what do you guys think?

    I mostly want to do a signet of spirits build, and do pve/missions.

    What prophecies profession should be good for obtaining ritualist as a secondary?

    submitted by /u/Lunogh
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    E-surge and Discord-way

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    If every single skill in the game was given a dmg type like chaos dmg, cold dmg, etc. how would that rebalance the game???? since most skills that are armor ignoring have an untyped dmg source, and giving them a dmg type would make it respect armor.

    think another class would be the most powerful in terms of DPS instead of Mesmer? or still Mesmer?

    submitted by /u/rockrider_sd
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    Finally hit the "Legendary Master of the North" Title today!!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Wanting to return.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    As the title states, I want to return to carry on with my main characters I levelled, I played on day 1 release until nightfall which I only half completed and stopped playing as I didn't enjoy as much and started playing WoW more seriously so I feel I still have a ton on content to get through with my mains. Firstly can I just buy and relog into my old account? Buying a fresh copy doesn't mean a fresh account? And secondly are there any tips for returning players and challenges which people undertake as a solo player?


    submitted by /u/LtBossk
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    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    Does anybody know whats up with the observe mode? Seems it's totally broken right now...

    submitted by /u/thecowmakesmooh
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    The prayer during Vanquishing that this is the last foe.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 08:36 PM PDT


    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Getting account back

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:47 AM PDT


    Trying to get my account back after 14 years of not playing this awesome game. Just opened a ticket and gave some character names with the old billing adres and birth date, hopefully they can do something.

    Can remember the HA times, rank 10 and 2500 hours of play time.

    How does the game perform on old crappy laptops? Will it work on a budget laptop of 3 years old?

    Anyone knows how long it takes for them to respond to the ticket?

    Edit : found keys of prophecies, nightfall and factions. I know I got eotn as well, but can't find a key of that....

    submitted by /u/Robinnibor123321
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    Active Guilds?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    I've just gotten back into Guild Wars after more than 10 years! I've always had the fondest memories of this game and it's so great to see that it is still active and I'm having an absolute blast on my latest Ironman Mesmer.

    I was just wondering if there are any active guilds still around? I see that there are still big alliances, which is great, but I'm struggling to find a nice guild with a good vibe. Are there just not enough active players anymore that guild chat has been replaced with alliance chats?

    submitted by /u/UglyGekko
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    Shoutout to DirectSong additional music for Guild Wars

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Shoutout to DirectSong additional music for Guild Wars

    I just installed DirectSong additional GW music from https://guildwarslegacy.com/directsong/ and I love it. Not only is sound quality better but some zones have changed tracks and additional music in their playlist. Completely new feeling. Highly recommended!

    Disclaimer: even though everyone can install this, it is supposed to be installed only by legitimate buyers of DS music packs, but there is no legal way to buy this anymore.

    If you get this icon in Sound Options it means you installed correctly:


    submitted by /u/ZeusCM
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    Another meme build (Ranger/Ele, Conjure Flame+Kindlearrows)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Another meme build (Ranger/Ele, Conjure Flame+Kindlearrows)

    Conjure Flame actually works if you use Kindle Arrows.

    So I thought why not do this meme build while cleaning some area. The plan:

    Kindle Arrows and Conjure Flame are onhit.

    Incendiary hits up to three targets proccing onhit effects.

    Triple shot proccs them thrice. Surprise.

    Never rampage alone gives AS so you can still attack fast while you lack energy. I am Ele but put points into fire magic, bow....usage.... and ....camping...outdoors...idk...ranger stuff. So 3 attributes.

    So 1 point in energy storage only. Sundering attack can be used to spam out energy.

    Pet because pets are fun.

    And Zei Ri gives me Splinter Weapon.

    What you see in the screenshot is me using Triple Shot. 1 attack. So many numbers!

    I like.

    Actual usefulness: 2/10. I'M an elementalist with a bow. Where in my life did I go wrong.


    submitted by /u/Ionenschatten
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    Linking GW1 Account to GW2

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm planning on buying GW1 soon (hope the discount will hit too), and I've heard that by linking accounts of both games, I can get rewards in GW2, mostly from HotM content. So my questions are:

    1.) How to exactly prepare for that account linking?

    2.) Is there anything else, other than HotM, to obtain also in GW2?

    submitted by /u/falconvibes
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    Class Power Ranking ?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Is there any Power Ranking of the classes ? If Not , How would it Look ?

    submitted by /u/LenNiGo
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