• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 6, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Don't really have anyone to share the joy with, and though it may not look like much to some, this has been my biggest project/craft so far and I'm really proud of it

    Guild Wars 2 Don't really have anyone to share the joy with, and though it may not look like much to some, this has been my biggest project/craft so far and I'm really proud of it

    Don't really have anyone to share the joy with, and though it may not look like much to some, this has been my biggest project/craft so far and I'm really proud of it

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    Shooshadoo! Wanted to share from my photo shoot

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    "Why the hell did Dhuum turn around!?"

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Kuunavang (best dragon) fanart

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Bauble bingo to play while farming baubles

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    Reminder that Preview Window is still completely dysfunctional

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Reminder that Preview Window is still completely dysfunctional

    For a game that is all about cosmetic rewards, and cosmetic items being the main source of profit, the preview window is just abysmal.

    First off, it can't fit a single charr from any angle, even with weapons stowed.


    I'd gripe about the character being severely off-center, but funnily enough at least you can see one hand from the front like this, which would be impossible if it was centered properly (hilariously, the actual rotation axis is neither at the center of the character, nor at the center of the window). Also, if you think humans - the poster boys and girls for the fashion endgame - are any better, you'd still be only half-correct. They fit the window in most angles, but even then, from the back view the right hand clips into the dye icons.

    But of course, all hell breaks loose when you unsheathe the weapons. Now nothing fits, you can't see how weapons look on your character, you have to rotate it all around to even see the whole item, and some weapons (notoriously, rifles) don't even fit into "weapons only" view which still doesn't give you a proper representation of how it would look on your character, not just a weapon in a vacuum.

    A simple sword literally can't be viewed from a side in full.


    Trying to preview a greatsword is a foregone conclusion on any character, much less a charr. It's literally impossible to view an unsheathed greatsword on a charr in full, from any angle. Even on a human, it's only from one particular angle, and even then, it's subject to perspective distortion, plus just doesn't give you a proper representation.

    What the hell is this?

    Besides all that, the dye UI is atrocious. Having to preview dyes from the trading post is the saddest workaround I can imagine. And of course you can only color all items at once, which just ain't great.

    Not being able to preview 2 one-handed weapons at once is a definite minus as well.

    What Arenanet should do, is make the preview window resizable, zoomable, pannable (as in, move the character up/down/left/right) and rotatable around not just one, but 2 axes (X and Y) like the mount previews already work. Plus make a proper dye palette, and allow dual wield on previews. Also, for some ridiculous reason, preview window has antialiasing disabled even when the entire game has it enabled. So you see these ugly jagged edges everywhere.

    As the preview window stands now, it's pathetic, it's unacceptable, it's outdated, cumbersome, detestable, dysfunctional and failing spectacularly to do the one thing it's supposed to do.

    P.S. : The fact that you can't preview dyes at all on mount skins you haven't unlocked is awful and a big detractor for buying skins, since the default dyes are often terrible, and some mounts have great dye channels, while others are shit. Great example of this is Branded Mount Pack - by default they possess a rather unsightly grey color and tar black with boring purples. Not particularly exciting unless you adore branded aesthetic, and even then it misses the mark. But through the magic of dyes, a branded raptor can become a fierce lava raptor, or frost-themed icicle-adorned raptor, or a magnificent bloodstone-themed raptor, or many other themes. Which is great value and would definitely show a player that it's worth buying. If people could preview dyes, that would surely boost sales, and stuff.

    submitted by /u/Faleonor
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    Reminder: entering the Super Adventure Box lobby removes all buffs and boosters

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Title. This includes celebration/birthday boosters.

    submitted by /u/LordRumpo
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    Some UI suggestions

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    It would be great if we can have a UI improvement that will display our cooldowns on traits and sigils that triggers one way or another (stuns, 75% health, etc.). I think some classes will benefit from this like Thief with hard to catch, pain response, among others. With this, they can anticipate when their cooldowns will be active and act accordingly unlike guessing when it will trigger.

    Another UI suggestion is relevant to condi. There should be an indicator on the user's health ball of what is the total condi damage. A quick look on your health will tell you when to do a condi clear and when not to.

    submitted by /u/Lunarinth
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    4/6 PvP Balance

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    I miss the hype

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    I get it. With great hype, comes great disappointment. But I still miss it. I miss getting excited about new information.

    With this new expansion in the works, we have received barely anything as far as news, concept art, or any type of information. I understand that Anet has been gutted over the last couple of years. I know it's gotta be stressful to work on an expansion during a pandemic, and without a game director. But, I still miss it.

    I've been with Guild Wars since the release of GW1. I have thousands upon thousands of hours logged in both games, as do many of you all as well. I love this game. I love this community. And I think we deserve to get hyped about this game.

    Are we getting new Specializations, are we getting new playable races (Tengu pleeeease). What will Cantha look like in the GW2 engine? Can I be so bold as to dream about them moving us off of DX9?

    I miss the excitement. I miss the hype. I miss the community talking and collaborating and wishing together and looking forward to the future of this game as a whole.

    I love this community and I love Anet and I love this game.

    Sorry, I'm just rambling.

    I just need something to get excited about. Something to ponder during my work day. Maybe they will release something this Tuesday? Probably not.

    How do you all feel? Are you on the edge of your seat for the expansion? Or do you just not care since Anet isn't really marketing...anything.

    I have high hopes for the future! The DRMs are just not doing it, so I'm really hoping that they are pouring a lot of their resources into an epic expansion. I'm ready to get lost in Tyria all over again.

    submitted by /u/Oneiric19
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    I'm using DX12 and I'm having some issues with the more textured hairs where they have a bright white shine on them. Anyone know how to fix this?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    Pop-in while playing on Ultra LOD Distance

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    Basically I just noticed a thing, not a big problem but if it wasnt there it would be better.

    As you can see from this video https://imgur.com/a/NLpjB9K the catapult pops-in only when Im kinda near it even if my LOD Distance is on ultra

    Any solutions? Or is it normal this way?

    submitted by /u/Kiinkou
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    PSA: GW2Efficiency now includes SAB tab

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Didn't see this mentioned, but GW2Efficiency has been updated to include a tab for Super Adventure Box, showing each of your characters and what worlds and items they have individually unlocked.

    So if you can't recall which character you used last year, head on over and check it out.

    submitted by /u/Turkeyspit1975
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    How to do river (100% fail-proof)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    Graphical Glitch with the Fanged Iboga?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Anyone else experiencing with the Fanged Iboga's spit attack Crippling Anguish (F1) , a weird green untextured blocky stream as an attack animation?

    This ONLY happens with the spit attack and only with my pet.

    I already did run a repair on the files, the glitchy graphic persists.

    I do have no other graphical problems whatsoever.

    Is this maybe a known bug currently, as i tried looking up similar things yet did not find anything recently or comparable.

    edit: typos

    submitted by /u/Flacki
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    Most viable PvP classes for beginner, using action camera only

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    Tag: PvP classes + action camera

    Hi all,

    I am new to GW2 and have read a couple of posts here and on the official forums on the issue. My main source of enjoyment would be PvP. I have mainly played Neverwinter which has an excellent action combat system but the PvP has died nearly completely in the last few years and the devs have let it disintegrate with zero updates or balancing. This meant that PvP was mainly focused on arena (capture the flag/node) type battles, where group play is the key to winning (5v5, 10v10). And that was the ting I liked most. If I stick to GW2 I want to play a PvP class that meets the following criteria:

    1. Most important criterion: viable to play with action camera (AC) enabled as default. This is the way I enjoy games. I do not like tab targeting in PvE and I dislike it even more in PvP. If GW2 offers little viability to play a class with AC, then I am unfortunately out. By viability to play, I mean that there is little disadvantage to play PvP compared to playing with tab targeting (once advantages /disadvantages have both been considered).
    2. Generally, I have enjoyed playing support/leader roles in the past: using cc on the enemy team to both be tanky myself and allowing the damage-dealers in my team to land their blows/kills. Or, being a buff-bot by using skills/spells to protect my team-mates from incoming damage while buffing their own DPS. I have also played a tanky DoT, off-DPS support. Generally, these were all on the tankier side and definitely not glass canons.

    Point (2) is a preference but is less essential than (1) i.e. if you tell me that a damage dealer is the best class to use in PvP with AC, then I will be happy to consider that.

    So, which classes, if any, would fare well? If you have experience with using (almost entirely) AC in PvP with that class, please also say so - would be great to hear your personal experiences. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/captainmonki7
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    Is there a level requirement to enter the expansions?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    So I am considering to buy the expansions but I am a pretty low level (25), and I want to know if I would be able to access the expansions because if I will buy it I will buy it soon before the steelseries discount ends.

    thanks in advance!

    oh and if it does have a level requirement, should I still pick it up?

    submitted by /u/FlyMingo321
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    Question regarding the icebrood saga

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    I'm fairly sure that purchasing a certain edition of POF unlocked living world season 4 for me, but did it also open up the icebrood saga? I seem to have all the episodes unlocked but I'm probably only an active player for around 2 months of the year (trying to be more active now lol) so I know that these can't be from just logging into the game.

    submitted by /u/Buzzerker01
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    Somebody explain Serpent's Ire to me

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    A group of around 50 people just failed Serpent's Ire on the last boss fight.

    First events were tedious but easy, just find some zealots in the brand because why would you spawn them in predictable locations, no that's too easy. Then the second event, spam the EMP skill to delete breakbars and kill those zealots a second time.

    And finally the last fight. Ysshi Hessani the branded forgotten, and his hydra pet Pek Rakt Grag

    The first 75% hp was easy, just switch from melee to ranged weapons according to the buff the boss has and ignore the hydra because the boss will just revive it if you kill it

    But when we reached 25% hp we just got stuck.

    The boss goes invulnerable and some sparks start spawning on the other side of the lake. Go kill them and eventually, whenever he feels like it, the boss will do an explosion through the lake hitting all players for like 80% of their hp and stop being invulnerable. At this point, you go back to the boss and try to kill it.

    Except in this run I just did, where the boss would stay vulnerable for 5 to 10 seconds before going invulnerable again and starting another spark phase. Didn't matter if you break the defiance bar or not, the boss didn't care, he would turn invulnerable time and again and again and again. I honestly lost count of how many spark phases we had. Dealing from 1 to 3% of the boss hp in between each phase.

    Eventually, time run out and the event failed. We killed the branded forgotten with a whopping 5 seconds left on the timer and the hydra was at 50% hp so we didn't have enough time to kill it.

    What were we doing wrong? It's not the breakbar because we broke it several times but the boss didn't care and he just started another spark phase. Was it the sparks? Must you kill every single spark that spawns before the boss does the explosion attack through the lake? I've done this meta before, before the 2019 nerf, and I don't remember having any issue with the fight.

    Is the EMP skill bugged like it was on the Snowden Drifts Dragon Response Missions? I'm starting to think that the problem is the latter, the EMP bug, because the only time the boss stayed vulnerable for more than 5 seconds was when the time was about to run out and all the waystations had already despawned and all players had run out of EMP charges

    submitted by /u/Enlightenedbri
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    We fought LAYS. I was Hyped. Revenge of the zulus.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 05:06 AM PDT

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