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    Thursday, March 4, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Drawing of my character

    Guild Wars 2 Drawing of my character

    Drawing of my character

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:02 PM PST

    Petition to move forgotten World Bosses into the schedule

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:59 AM PST

    [history recap]

    World bosses used to be semi-random spawning events : for each boss, each world(server) had them spawn from time to time, killing them would trigger a cooldown (list for most normal events) and then a spawn window. We used to track them through the event API and jump from one to another depending on the next window or available pre-events.

    When Anet introduced megaservers, they were forced to shut the event API down. In order to keep World Bosses as a real GW2 activity, they moved most World Bosses to spawn on a fixed schedule. The schedule we know and see at the top of "/wiki ET" page. In that process, they forgot several World Bosses, for some reason. I mean, real World Bosses, with a reward chest on the ground, dragonite, and a daily bumpy chest for bonus rare item.

    IMHO it's quite about time the forgotten bosses get their spot in the schedule. Either by making some other bosses less frequent (not cool) or by using the 2nd line of the schedule (the one that hosts Tequatl, Karka Queen and TT. Could either place the forgotten bosses directly on this line, or move Claw of Jormag/Shatterer there and use their spots for forgotten bosses).

    I have those in mind but not sure if it's a complete list :

    • Dredge Komissar
    • Foulbear chieftain (ogre wars)
    • Eye of Zhaitan (straits of devastation version)
    • Drakin Cinderspire (aka Fire Shaman)
    submitted by /u/Keorl
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    downloaded this game yesterday and im really impressed with this MMO.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:06 PM PST

    im surprised this game is not as popular as WoW. started playin this game since last night and im already lvl 13. im playin it solo and without any guides on youtube so im takin my time and all. one thing i notice is that i cant get a mount unless i pay for the expasion. i want to hate on that but since the game has a f2p version i cant really complaint. just wish there was a workaround cus really all i want from the expasion is the mount nothing else, and thats just to make travelin easier but i guess ill just stick to walkin for now. anyway any tips on how to make the game even more enjoyable? im playin as a human elementalist btw

    submitted by /u/Albert3232
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    GW2 commission! I love this Asura Guy and his companion!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:45 PM PST

    Easy to Play Builds for All Classes in PvP

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:25 AM PST

    Would you watch a streamed GvG tournament

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:35 PM PST

    I posted a poll on the official forums to see if people would be interested in an unofficial GvG tournament. I don't want to waste time on something that people wouldn't be interested in, so let me know if you are or aren't in the link below.


    submitted by /u/Mintyfreshsmell
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    We need updated high-res textures on older armor skins!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:41 AM PST

    I decided to get the Sylvari cultural T3 for my Rev and I was very disappointed with how low-res the textures look compared to newer armor skins or outfits! :(

    I hope the older content (skins and also maps) will get some love from the devs come EoD...

    submitted by /u/korriane
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    Engineer Bomb Kit is silly

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:56 AM PST

    Even though it does fit into some meta builds and has some useful combo fields, and there was a lazy 1-spammer build I remember seeing several years ago, it still looks and feels incredibly silly to this day.

    For one, Charr carry around this massive keg of a bomb at all times, and yet drop teeny tiny ones.

    Secondly, your character just grunts and squats constantly when you're placing them, it's hard not to laugh and wince a bit at how badly it's implemented thematically. As part of a large rotation it's not too big of a deal as you only use it for a couple of its abilities.

    While it's probably a bit too late and established into the game at this point to change, I really think bombs should have a longer cast and fuse time, but explode more impressively like the toolbelt ability does, not this trail of firecrackers that it is now...

    submitted by /u/Weylin6
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    Shower Thought: Ghosts of Elder Dragons?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:04 PM PST

    Outside of Ascalon Ghosts, who seem to be stuck in an eternal loop of reliving the final moments of their lives, it's been established that the ghosts of this game are independent beings capable of fully interacting with the world, and are largely unchanged from their living states. The main difference between Living Gwen Thackery and Dead Gwen Thackery is that the dead version has chilled out a bit about the Charr. Also we know that Glint continued to operate after her death.

    So wouldn't this mean that there's a ghost of Zhatian, Mordremoth, and Kralkatorrik floating around the mists somewhere? Are they still feeding there, content to have an infinite food supply? Do they go to a special ED only afterlife where they can play with other dragons? Are they just sitting around in their original baby dragon forms going, "Damn, that was a messed up life. I'm glad that's over." Do they just not have souls and fleshy death is the end?

    Bonus thought: The Ghost of Joko too?

    submitted by /u/RopeAfterTheCowboy
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    Seeing as I am pretty much out of people to coach! We're doing more coaching! (and WvW roaming) coaching! Free of charge of course! EU and NA!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PST

    I'm here to offer free PvP coaching (Help with WvW roaming is also possible!) to the guild wars two community for anyone platinum 1 or below (Also free of charge, of course)

    Anyone from experienced with PvP to "I've never done a single PvP match." Is welcome!

    Whether you need class-specific help or help with PvP/WvW in general, I'd be more than happy to do both!

    The classes I can help you with are the following ones:


    -Core, Druid and Soulbeast

    -Core, Scrapper and Holosmith


    -(Condi) Core, (Condi) Mirage and (Condi) Chronomancer


    -Core Necro



    -Core and Herald


    -Core Support


    -Tempest Support

    Classes I am somewhat familiar with:


    -Core and Daredevil


    -Weaver (Fireweaver)


    -Core, Berserker (Power) and Spellbreaker (Power)


    -Core (Power) and Dragonhunter (Power)


    Coaching will generally be done one on one in a private server and/or by going over recorded gameplay to see where we can improve!

    The only requirement is that you have discord (A mic is not needed, as long as you can just hear me talk)!

    I play on EU (I also have an account on NA so players there are also welcome to send me a message!) and speak both English and Dutch.

    Feel free to poke me on here or on Discord (UpbeatOrchit#2763) so we can go over the details and set something up!

    submitted by /u/UpbeatOrchit
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    Today marks a month since I quit. Good luck in the lotto, friends.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:26 PM PST

    What game version do I own?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:20 AM PST

    General question. Where can I check?

    Back in the days we had like the digital version and the digital deluxe version and the collectors version and the heroic version and then HoT came out and i've stopped trying to understand it.

    Where can I check what version I own?

    submitted by /u/Ionenschatten
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    Mystic forge question

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:11 AM PST

    I looked and couldnt find this question being answered, sorry if this is a common question.

    I have two ascended rings, one is the Red Ring of Death, the other is the Vassar's Band. I want to use the Mystic Forge to make the Vassar ring have berserker stats, but I don't see any way to swap the stats and ensure I get a Crystalline Band instead of a second Red Ring of Death. Is there a way to make sure I don't screw this up?

    submitted by /u/linguotgr
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    shouldn't be Bear Ceremonial Gown be properly renamed to LEGGINGS not Gown?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:36 AM PST

    I am sure that I am not an only idiot who accidentally took Garb instead of Gown (leggins) due to its VERY confusing name and confusing icon look.

    I am feeling massive torment now as I made exact same mistake again from ONCE only reward track, and now I have duplicate Garb skin.

    I begged support about this, but I doubt if they will show mercy.


    submitted by /u/weridhamster
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    I made two very long compilations that I wanted to capture the journey of GW2 music :)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:04 AM PST

    first one is Drums in GW2 since original ost to Sunqua Peak (that may/may not hint EoD music) - 2:38:27 hours long


    second is all the music with Vocals (choir, vocalizations, singing) - 3:09:35 hours long


    Some tracks appear in both compilations, because for example Mordremoth or HoT's theme both have vocals and drums. :)

    I will certainly make more of such long compilations, because I enjoy doing them. :)

    I plan to do the evolution of string music next. :)

    music nerd signs off :D

    submitted by /u/MichramGW2
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    Cant Buy the Expansions. Playing from India

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:45 AM PST

    So i am trying to buy the expansions for the game but cant. Is there an alternative way to buy the game from India?Pls help!

    submitted by /u/AirEmperor
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    Can anyone explain why WvW rewards are penalized after moving servers?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Hey GW2. I was on blackgate and talked my cousin into playing. In my rush to get him to play I didn't have him create initially on BG. We leveled one toon to 80 and another to 30 and in all that time we couldn't WvW because BG was full for transfers.

    So I bit the bullet and paid $20 for gems and transferred to a different server so we could WvW together. I didn't realize that I wouldn't earn WvW rewards until I complete a full match. My question is, why? Is anyone really dropping $20 to transfer to these servers so they can get slightly faster WvW rewards? I can't imagine a lot of people would make that trade regularly...seems kind of silly to me.

    Any insight into why this might be in place is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Luckyone1
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    So, after you hit level 80, what's the best way to get hero points?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:04 AM PST

    Basically what the title says, I feel as if leveling up you get as much hero points for normal skills as you can possibly get, but now that you're level 80 and trying to get hero points for your elite specialization trees it's very hard and slow to do, I might just be doing it wrong. What are some things that I can do to get hero points for my elite specializations? Is it meant to be this long to get some now that you're 80?

    EDIT: I know about hero challenges, just wanted to know if there were faster methods than going around the map for hero points, don't get me wrong, I don't hate doing it, just rather be more efficient.

    submitted by /u/BigMamaBubbles
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    GW2 Launchbuddy, dx912 and Multiboxing, can't start second instance

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:42 AM PST

    GW2 Launchbuddy, dx912 and Multiboxing, can't start second instance


    I don't seem to be able to run GW2 twice via Launchbuddy while also having the dx912 .dll injected.First Client works fine. Second Client doesn't even start, after the login window nothing really happens until some seconds later I get an error popup saying I should contact gw2 support. No error code or something similar. The actual second client window never appears. Last info I get is the login window closing.

    So my actual questions are:

    1. Can you combine GW2 Launchbuddy with the dx912 dll?
    2. How do you actually properly inject it? I did inject the created (by the addonmanager I guess?) gw2addon_d912 dll. Didnt work. Then I went ahead and injected all three dlls in the screen below, still same error sheme.


    I had the gw2addon_d912pxy.dll injected in both accounts, but I guess that is the wrong way? (Currently the injection is removed and the d912pxy folder is renamed so I can do my stuff as usual).

    Whilst we are at it: What is the difference between injected software, plug-ins and addons and when do you use which? Did try to find some clear explanation, but ended up instead starting this post. :P


    I am using Gw2 AddOnManager to handle my current AddOns:-ArcDPS + extensions-Gw2 Radial

    Beside that, I have also installed TacO.

    Thankful for every helpful info.


    submitted by /u/Chris__Ki
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    Is my PC not good enough or is this game just very poorly optimized?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PST

    I've been trying to get into this game and rather enjoy it, but the performance really puts me off of it. I have a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660ti with 5gb of VRAM, an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, 16 GB of GDDR6 RAM, on Windows 10. Yet on high settings, I cant seem to get a solid 60 fps on ANY activity, it drops to 20-30 in populated towns, and I can't even DO PvP because it drops to 15-20 fps in the hub area. Is it my PC or is this game just horribly optimized? I figured for a game made in 2012, and not being the most graphically beautiful MMO on the market, my computer easily should've been able to run it... I guessed wrong. It seems weird to me because I can play WoW at an almost constant 120 fps on max, and BDO at near constant 60 fps on all high. Any settings I can check and turn off or turn on to help? I want to play this game so badly but my motion sickness gets real bad when I try :(

    submitted by /u/OmniSylar
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