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    Friday, February 12, 2021

    Guild Wars This April Fools Day, GIVE US THE OLD LOGIN SCREEN!

    Guild Wars This April Fools Day, GIVE US THE OLD LOGIN SCREEN!

    This April Fools Day, GIVE US THE OLD LOGIN SCREEN!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:28 PM PST

    Thunderhead Keep on Ultimate Ironman solo: Discoveries

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:09 PM PST

    Thunderhead Keep on Ultimate Ironman solo: Discoveries

    After finally beating Thunderhead Keep solo on my Ultimate Ironman elementalist, I thought I'd take the time to write down some of the discoveries I made in the dozens of runs it took me to do this. Maybe this is useful to somebody attempting this as well.

    Basic tactics for doing this mission solo have been established by /u/SomewhatPr0fessional, /u/sirjisu, /u/WoodenPotatoes and others and I won't go into any detail on those here because they have covered that in their respective streams/channels/wikis much better than I could. This includes:

    • getting Jalis stuck at the beginning of the mission
    • glitching through the city gate
    • killing only specific groups in the fort to trigger the boss timer without teleporting Jalis to you
    • using the bugged bonus Mursaat to kill spawning enemies

    So here are the things I found out (or at least didn't know about):

    • Clipping through the city gate is required for the boss timer glitch to work. If Jalis opens the gate, the glitch will not work. Instead, after killing all required foes (e.g. the boss, the western group of Heretics and the two northern groups of Gnashers), Jalis will make his way to the top of the fort, stopping at the closest enemy in his way (even if he is out of compass range). He will even magically get unstuck from the glitch spot at the beginning of the mission.
    • Stone Summit Heretics are probably the most difficult enemies in this mission. They always come in packs of three, snare, disenchant, cause max health degeneration and hit fairly hard. In fact, with an average of 20 damage per hit against 60 AR, their attacks cause more damage (~50 damage a second) than their max health degeneration (20 damage per second). The key to survival is avoiding their attacks by getting them obstructed. Each of the three required groups can be obstructed to some degree:
      • First group (the one patrolling towards to city gate): This is the hardest one. There is a large wooden gate in between the two ledges to the left. To get to it, you first have to rush onto the first ledge, let the patrol pass and turn around, and then follow it. If you hug the wooden gate, the patrol will not spot you on the way back to the city gate. Aggro them when they are at the right side and pull them back a little so that they are blocked by the right wall. There is a good amount of RNG to this, because one or two Heretics might step into line of sight randomly.

    The first ledge on the way to the \"safe\" spot

    This wall can be used to obstruct the first group of Heretics

      • Second group (the one patrolling towards the beacon): This group is quite easy to obstruct – simply use the corner where the road takes a right turn and right wall block the Heretics.
      • Third group (the western group in the center of the fort): Standing near the northern ballista, use a longbow to pull the group up towards the stairs. The Heretics will be obstructed either by the stair fence or by the wall in front of you.
    • The AI for Devastating Hammer is bugged. It will only use it on foes that are wielding an offensive weapon (e.g. anything but focus or shield). So, if you only wield a shield when fighting Stone Summit Gnashers and Jade Armors, they will never use Devastating Hammer on you to knock you down (props to /u/expectation18 for passing this on to me).
    • Avicara are hostile to all Stone Summit. This is especially useful in the area right after the big bridge, where two groups of Avicara can be pulled into the patrolling Stone Summit, killing even the monk boss if it spawns.
    • Jalis can be split from the three dwarves that follow him by luring them into the three Stone Summit Herders at the beginning of the mission. The Herders will win the fight, allowing you to later come back and use them to get Jalis stuck in the glitch spot.

    Jalis separated from his dwarven allies

    • You might want to kill the two groups of Enslaved Frost Giants on your way to the city gate as they can knock you down. There are two safe spots where you can hide from their attacks, one to the left just outside the city, and the other one in a corner at the right side of the very first dwarven house.

    The second safe spot to hide from Enslaved Frost Giants

    • There is a very useful shield with a +10 armor against dwarves mod, which you can get as a reward for the quest Minaar's Trouble. It gives 15 health and 14 armor against most foes in this mission, with no attribute requirement.
    • This might as well just have been the odds, but in what must have been about 100 attempts I have not once encountered Gornar Bellybreaker (the warrior dwarf boss). Maybe the spawns have something to do with certain parameters (e.g. primary/secondary class)? Or again it might just have been an extreme case of RNG.

    tl;dr I just beat Thunderhead Keep solo on my Ultimate Ironman character and discovered a few things that might be useful to other people attempting this.

    submitted by /u/MenziesIllusion
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    I finished my first campaign storyline, after 15 years.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:57 AM PST

    Last night I completed Hell's Precipice, having done the other 2 Fire Island missions the night before. Feels good, man. My character I made when I was 15 or so finally got across the finish line. Thats after not playing for a very long time.

    I would not have been able to do it without the help of some kind souls who answered my party search in Kamadan.

    I did learn my Necromanver build is likely trash and I don't know how to set up heroes well. Based on my inability to do the missions on my own. But I was only using the initial heroes from Nightfall and MOX.

    Now to start a fresh Factions character and do that storyline...

    submitted by /u/endlessmeow
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    Bacl to the game But

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 02:31 AM PST

    Hi guys, i'm back to the game i played for 6yrs and stop for a while !
    My Account was hacked longtime ago , now i'am naked in kurzick side :D

    Any advice for back to the game ? got no gold , no armor nothing :):):):)

    submitted by /u/Tethanos13
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    Bounty for Grand Court of Sebelkeh!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:17 AM PST

    Edit: A ton of the bounties were completed, and enough of them were that we were able to beat the mission! This of course voids off the existing bounties, but thanks so much! It is now documented for future solo challenge players too.

    Hello all. Some people have been following the solo assassin challenge and helping a ton. However, I have hit quite hard of a road block. Nightfall is the only campaign I have not completed yet and we are stuck at grand court of Sebelkeh.


    The Bounty?


    I will have a list below of all of the information we know, speculate, and don't know but might want to. I will put a price next to those things (based around the prices of consets) for anyone who would like test and confirm, test and see if they find any new information, or test and see if they can even complete it with the limitations of the challenge. Once a bounty has been collected I will remove it from the list. Keep in mind a lot of things can be tested with heroes with no cons. And even some solo stuff can be tested perfectly fine with cons. due to the difficulty of this mission I am allowing consets and other craftable pcons. Due to the challenge rules I cannot use any event items though so keep that in mind.


    I do ask for actual proof with these not just saying yes or no. If multiple people provide the same proof before I remove the bounty I will still pay for your time don't worry. If the proof is not enough or does not fully cover what the bounty is for, I will ask for that bit more otherwise I may not be able to pay or just pay half. Please feel free for any clarification you would like for the bounties before you put your time into it if you arnt sure what you need to do and provide.


    For my current gear (example I only have a +2 shadow rune not a plus 3 yet sadly..), rules, progress, and more channels to discuss missions and all else related to this challenge, please check out the discord here: https://discord.gg/Uxb5FrkgfM


    The Breakdown



    • Claws do not respawn period. But will always spawn within the capture range of a portal meaning they will need to be killed. (5e bounty if someone finds a claw that spawns outside of the portal capture range with proof, never experienced this).
      • Not really needed anymore, and still nobody has found any proof of this being possible, however if you do find one please do send it and I will stay pay the bounty for it because its crazy to think about, but this is not really what I would consider a priority bounty anymore.
      • Especially done now with the bounty since mission is completed.



    • The enemies are fixed, location wise AND profession wise. And there are 3 groups per portal. The first wave is 2 enemies, and run in once you walk past a certain line at the start of the mission. (10e bounty if someone finds a way to skip this trigger with proof, I tried using hos and couldn't, it goes in a U shape at the start of the mission, the sides allowing you to move up farther than the middle).
      • It is proven you can SAO chain to skip the trigger. However I will stay pay the bounty for those who find alternate methods who still adhere to my rule set!
      • HoS/Vipers works and found the exact size of the circle, nothing else really needs to be found for this now since HoS is just a single skill to get it going!



    • The second wave will only run in once it's corresponding group died. Example, looking at the map here: https://imgur.com/a/aD4tTBh , we see that after the monk and ele of north east die, and only after they BOTH die, will the ranger and paragon run to the middle. Each portal is it's own thing. So after you kill waves 1 and 2 nothing else will spawn or run to middle margonite wise. No bounties here.



    • The two waves pull all around the entire map, meaning you can aggro all 12 and ball them if you wanted. The south groups wave 2 doesn't pull ALL the way down the spawn of the mission walk way but enough. The portal group themselves of 3 enemies, barely even pulls off of the portal. The east will pull down the middle of the spawn walk way if you stay on the east wall. Same as west side and west Wall. No bounties here.



    • None of the patrols respawn after they have died, however, the 3 enemies on each portal DO respawn unless the portal is captured. Therefore, there's no reason to kill them until you can either confirm you can capture it before they respawn or capture it before even killing them. If you do the latter, those groups WILL recap the shrine while you off since they will build it back up. Again, no bounties here.



    • Adding on to the bullet above, my current theory is that the margonite group enemies on their corresponding portal will respawn when their corpse would normally despawn. This has not been confirmed. (15e bounty on confirming or discovering how the respawn system works with proof. Need to know: is it a timer based respawn, is it enemy by enemy or the entire group that respawns at the same time, etc etc).
      • It is PER enemy not group, and it IS based off when they died themselves.



    • As for the other part of this mission, we have to also deal with the blasphemy spawning. It will ALWAYS spawn at the south portal first. (15e bounty for discovering the exact time it spawns/what causes it to spawn AND what causes it to sometimes spawn early or late with proof).
      • Check comments for update :)


    • Currently proven that he will spawn early if you kill all 12 enemies from the waves. Leaving one alive regardless of which wave will cause him to still wait until after the 3 minute mark to spawn. However the exact time he spawns after 3 minutes is still unknown.


    • The locations themselves do not need to be fully at 0 for the mission objectives to be completed, they just all need to be at least captured once and not full. The blasphemy when using his skill, adds a small amount of capture percentage to each location that has been captured. (15e bounty for confirming/discovering how much percentage exactly gets filled on the locations each time the skill is used, with proof.) (Second bounty, 15e for confirming/discovering if a location needs to be captured or just not full for the mission to be completed. Example: both north shrines are captured by you and middle is captured by you, does the mission end as soon as the south shrine goes to 99% or does it need to actually be capped by you at least ONCE. As well as if a shrine is recapped, does it follow the same rules as being needed to be recapped again or just be at 99%, with proof).
      • This was disproved and bounty mostly completed. And whatever is left does not matter bounty wise since the mission was completed too.


    • The blasphemy will respawn at random locations after it's initial spawn in the south portal. He also should not spawn at portals that have been captured already. However we have seen it happen, and we think it might be due to the locations being almost recapped, allowing him to spawn even though they were previously captured by us. (20e bounty if you can find out if the blasphemy has a mechanic and reasoning to which shrine he will spawn at next after the first, proving it is not actually random, with proof). (Second bounty, 15e bounty if you can confirm with proof he will not spawn at a portal that is already captured, and what percentage is needed for him to actually spawn at a captured portal if that is what the reasoning is for it).
      • Never found this out but bounty would be off because completed. Though there is some speculation as to it spawning many many times over in the same spot.


    • The next bit is all about the blasphemy as well, and it's kind of all over the place. So the bounty for this one will just be 10e+ depending on what and how many things you can confirm/discover/disprove with proof. It's a lot so just know you will be paid fairly.
      • Mission COMPLETED! :D so the general bounty has been completed as well


    • The blasphemy can sometimes walk, and sometimes run. What decides him to walk or run?
      • Never found this out but bounty would be off because completed.


    • What causes him to randomly explode or die from body blocking him? I have experienced this , where he took 0 damage but still died when body blocked. Does he have a life time limit, can he be body blocked permanently? Etc.
      • Never found this out but bounty would be off because completed.


    • The blasphemy will sometimes run from the portal he spawns at directly to another portal instead of going to the middle. What causes this exactly/why does this happen and when? And which portal and why?
      • Never found this out but bounty would be off because completed.


    • We have discovered that he will use his skill on spawn. But we don't know if he always uses it on spawn at his first spawn in south or if he only uses it when he gets to middle after his first spawn. Theory is it's only middle after his first spawn.
      • Never found this out but bounty would be off because completed.


    • If he started using his skill in the middle (either casting it fully or just starting to cast it) he will then use his skill on his next spawn right away. After using his skill on spawn, he will then want to go to mid to use it next on his next spawn. If he never manages to get the skill started casting/completed when he is going to middle to cast it, on his next spawn, he will NOT use it on spawn and try to go to mid again over and over to cast it. This is the current theory and have some decent proof for it. What we don't know is, what will happen if he wants to cast it on spawn and it gets interrupted? What will he do then, on his next spawn? Is this all there is to it? Or is there more.
      • Never found this out but bounty would be off because completed.


    • When he dies, he spawns orbs and he does a large aoe hex, and we are curious what that exact range is of the hex.
      • Never found this out but bounty would be off because completed.


    • And lastly, if you provide a video of just you soloing it within my current limitations that alone basically proves everything we need and will also be rewarded greatly.
      • Soloed it and completed so bounty for this off :)


    • Also what the heck is that right at the end of the hall way where you spawn? It's a shadow and you cannot walk over it, it body blocks you but there's nothing there. Hello?
      • It is an invisible NPC because guild wars I guess. Offers no benefit at all. (Unless usuing toolbox but still not likely)


    I believe this is about all I can think of right now for what we know, what we think we know, what we don't know and what we want to know. Thanks for reading, and I really am grateful to everyone who has and maybe will, put their time on the line for game discovery purposes and maybe get us enough information to push through for solo challenges :) feel free to contact me through the comments here, Reddit private messages, or my discord: Shade#2029

    submitted by /u/sirjisu
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    Strat for Gyala Hatchery Masters?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:01 PM PST

    I'm trying to get Masters on the Gyala Hatchery but can't make it past the second or third spot where the turtles stop without one of the hatchlings dying. Does anyone have a sure fire strat to get through this with heroes? I'm running the hero offensive mesmerway build with my pious renewal derv.

    Mesmerway build: https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/Build:Team_-_7_Hero_Offensive_Mesmerway

    submitted by /u/thompsonammo
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    How much does finishing the consumables title cost in 2021 ?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:27 PM PST

    Going for GWAMM right now, I'm anticipating that the three "consumables" titles : Drunkard, Party Animal and Sweet Tooth will cost a lot.

    I've managed to get Drunkard for a bit under 50g per point (so a little under 500k for whole title) by trading with other players.

    How much are the other titles going for nowadays ? Especially concerned by Sweet Tooth because it seems that since the sweets offer in game bonus, they're going for a pretty high price. Are there any specific sweets I should target ?

    Thanks for your input !

    submitted by /u/ElkoSoltius
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    Anything to be sure to do before leaving Pre-Searing?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:36 AM PST

    I just hit level 20 with my r/W.

    Is there anything I should be sure to do before leaving? I'm pretty sure I did the thing with Gwen, but that would have been years ago before I picked the game up again. Any way to verify I did it right?

    Also, I'm playing at 4k with everything set to max. Any screenshot requests?

    submitted by /u/titanofold
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    Graphical bug ?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:32 AM PST

    Graphical bug ?

    Hey everyone!

    I planed to buy the paragon FoW armor but something hurt my eyes.

    In fact, the FoW armor (only the paragon's one) has... strange textures (as if it was on 480p you know), see the screens and compare it to the wiki that shows how the armor should be.

    Do you have any idea why the armor has a shitty appearance in my game ?

    [Edit : Resolved by doing the -image parameter on GW shortcut, if somebody is facing the same trouble]

    on me

    On other peeps

    How it should be

    submitted by /u/Jinn_Ossa
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    What do with materials ?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:45 AM PST

    Hey it's been awhile i played but i seem to have farmed tons of stacks of materials and i don't remember what to do with them. Tons of leather,fibers,glitter dust and more lol please help trying to sell stacks feels too tedious to players theres gotta be another use for them.

    submitted by /u/Cmdrcrusty
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    Installing GW on a Mac?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:34 AM PST

    I came across this post 3 years back but unfortunately the links were disabled. Does anyone know how to install GW on a Mac now?

    submitted by /u/Ithone
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