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    Friday, January 8, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 GW1 Heroes appearing in the GW2 story so far

    Guild Wars 2 GW1 Heroes appearing in the GW2 story so far

    GW1 Heroes appearing in the GW2 story so far

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:48 AM PST

    Just a small achievement I've spent some time aiming for

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 08:39 PM PST

    'In the weeks between releases, each chapter will continue to evolve with new content and ways to play.'

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:39 AM PST

    I don't get it. Have we gotten anything new between the release of the first chapter and now?

    Quote is taken from https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-icebrood-saga-champions/

    submitted by /u/ProofIndependence3
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    The ambient stories that liter this game are fantastic! Found Nelli in a tree and was confused and sad by her auto responses. (the few lines most NPC's say when trying to talk to them) Then Ruka came by and I just felt just heart broken after the full conversation went down.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 12:43 PM PST

    A while back I recorded the Warrior shouts across all races. Which race do you think did it better?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    Artists and Sound engineers should get a bonus.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:29 AM PST

    Artists and Sound engineers should get a bonus.

    This is a thing I see since the start of that game in 2013; the loading screen arts, animated background in personnal story dialogues or concept arts but also the musics and sound effects of this were always good quality, even very good quality, feeling like the employees do better than what we are expecting them to do.

    Take the differents concept arts as examples:

    Sylvari houses

    Underground Asura Lab

    Underwater Plant

    And loading screens:

    Wizard Tower

    Rata Novus

    But whereas all thoses arts and the fabulous associated musics sell dreams (I let you hear fear not this night, rata novus theme, battle on lion arch, the breachmaker or festival of four winds theme...) the story quality simply don't follow.

    I really feel like the artists are very talented and may have white card to draw what they think the best after knowing the theme of the instance of the story step. But sadly it shows elements you don't find in the associated instance and it's at least for me, it is infuriating and shocking. As example, just above this text you have the loading screen of HOT rata novus instance: I would like to have been those two asura in background exploring, but the reality is sad and depressing, only ruins, even ruins, is a big word, it is an empty cave, a waste, with only the command center that is, not even new assets or looking old. Whereas it could have been like that screen and it may have been better to add a console or whatever that allows to travel to the past and wander in the environment of that loading screen.

    To pursue, The three first pictures, concept arts kinda face the same issues: It shows that artists have so much ideas but none of them made their way into the game, it is only some, I redirect you to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:ArenaNet_concept_art if you want to check the others. Even recently, they still put several objects you will never see in game, like the latest loading screen of primordius rising from chapter 1 truce of icebrood saga, some golems and devices that aren't in game.

    The big second point is the consistency and mainaining the same quality level over time: It is the case for sound/music engineer and artists but the same can't be said about map designer, event programmers or story writters: their quality varies extremely from an episode to another from skritt poop to jewels and good execution: It means there is an issue. But what I saw overall along the years is that there are employees who deserve their jobs and other that should be moved away asap: The worst releases to me, if speaking of LS would be LS2, Bitterfrost frontier, bloodstone fen, domain kourna, bjora marches, and the latest chapter truce. Some instances are bad too and kinda scream why they are existing.

    I have enough of all that big changes along the year instead of sticking to certain content and improving them instead of replacing them or adding new one. Dungeons were sufficient: Why fractals? Why Strikes? Why DRM? You know, you could have put an NPCS at the entrance of dungeons or a mote to toggle challenges, adding more foes, changing the followed path in dungeons... there is 8 dungeons, if you added one per expansion, it is 10, with 3 levels of difficulties, you already have 30 tiers. How many fractals we have? Can have 25 max, with 4 tiers, not big difference. In dungeon, you could even put a second npc that give you the offer to send you to area of the dungeons that are in lockdown where a strong foes with unique mechanics wait for you: aka strikes?

    DRMS are ls1 like it is just that is is repeatable and isn't disapearing after time, but really, they can have been put as strikes like steal warband (like it in term of rewards, variety of mechanics, multiple phases and events...)

    There is no fouls, if episodes meta achievement is less and less completed is because how that whole thing is repetitive and the wait of 3 months: Always requiring completing story step, gather items, doing an event multiple time or do stupid time limit or avoid stuff achievs.

    Dungeons have been replaced by fractals, then replaced by strikes and no by DRM.

    Guilds and Raid have been forgotten. Like old LA and its real pirate vibe git thrown to bin.

    The story is more and more simplistic and lacking more and more senses and meaning.

    Complex elements became most basic ones: We passed from episodes giving you a map, unique skins, gh decos, quests, rewards, bounties to just instances.

    In a perfect world the story writers and the executions in instances would be as good as the arts representing them, but you can see it will never be the case because for the map makers, asuras whatver their affiliation are just asura and so they deserve just basic asura asset reused, that a charr is a charr, put a charr tank and say the job done, that norn just deserve some ballistas and prehistoric tents. This use of the assets is pushed to it's apogee in Rata Sum, an experimented eye can spot more than easily the assets: Light cannons used as pillars in the lowest level (LOL), tables and crates rotated 45° to serve as support for an holographic console (a joke), vines, stone cubes and holographic flowers from metrica everywhere. Cube and crystal scanners put upside down as lamps... but let say it can past, but when you see in sandswept, so inquest, so red, they are using BLUE holographics displays from RATA NOVUS.

    You can see along the years that they either don't have time to finish perfectly creating thir maps (Recurrence of removing one path if multi lane (dragon stand scrapped 4 lane) and kourna (2 lane of the 3 scrapped)) or simply leaving unfinished elements in the maps themselves: The cube drawn on tangled depths that isn't existing, a bridge under ground level of sandswpt that is meant to rely the ley line to the tunnels ending in front of it after the water and the mysterious door at the south west of rata primus closed leading to an empty room. The big unused space of north middle jahai....

    So there is something to decide, either they put less event, do a smaller map and do it WELL or they recruit more persons to help finishing those maps. Money an issue? Frankly, there was no need of LS, they could have just done 1 expansion each 2 year. Here is your money, that game could easily have 5 expansions right now.

    PS = zhaithan like our personnal story

    1-HOT mordremoth (Heart of Thorns) like the plot that happened

    2-DOF primordius (Depths of Fire) (transition between rata novus working on destroyers and depths)

    3-POC kralkatorrik (Path of Crystals) (help needed to contain stigmatized in grothmar and ascalon)

    4-LOI jormag (Land of Ice) Like current plot beginning at bjora, not implying bangar nor ryland.

    5-EOD sbubbles (End of Dragons) We finally found that the zone blue Specimen and the inquest have been liquidated, vessels and labs destroyed. Mind controlled canthans by sbubbles (they forget that sbubbles exist and don't see its minions, kind of hypnosis)

    All the LS, could have been side story, with an ahievement categories and appearing as green star steps to do once you killed zhaithan, you can do in the order you want, several one, each implying a main evil faction arc: Awakened, Inquest, White Mantle, Kraits, Centaurs...

    submitted by /u/Dark_Hadrian66
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    Why do you play engineer?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:53 PM PST

    I am thinking about making an engineer because the gadgeteer class seems fun and holosmith elite seems like the perfect skilll. The scrapper gyros also look fun.

    So I'm curious what draws you to the class and what race do you play to go along with it?

    Edit: I decided against playing engineer but it's still interesting to hear people's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/RevolutionaryLake69
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    So... Hammer Guardian... (Any PvE)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:48 AM PST

    Is it any good or viable? I don't think there's been any update for the weapon for a while now and other guardian weapons do things somewhat better. Axe by itself is much better for hard CC (traited aoe daze every 8 seconds, 3 target pull, multiple options for off-hand)

    When I look at the traits available it feels like it could potentially be a hybrid, point blank aoe weapon with soft CC

    • Zeal: Symbolic Power - Symbols charge Virtue 1 passive twice as fast
    • Zeal: Zealous Scepter - Might when Virtue 1 passive triggers
    • Zeal: Symbolic Exposure - Symbols inflict 2 Vuln on foes per hit
    • Virtues: Permeating Wrath - Virtue 1 passive needs 3 hits instead of 5
    • Virtues: Glacial Heart - The only hammer trait, chill on disable
    • Dragonhunter: Zealot's aggression - Virtue 1 passive cripples

    All of these traits would benefit from large groups of targets to constantly trigger Virtue 1 passive to make

    • Constant aoe burn, vulnerability and cripple
    • Constant might and protection

    Problem is that I don't think there's many places in PvE with a large amount of foes that are strong enough to not die in 5-10 seconds, or not enough places like the gravelings in Ascalonian Catacombs that constantly spawn and require large amounts of aoe (even then you're supposed to hit the burrows that spawn instead of the gravelings themselves)

    Writ of Persistence would be very good for this for more symbol uptime but it's in a completely different trait line.

    Am I missing something about hammer? Or has eveyone moved on and forgotten hammer guardian?

    submitted by /u/GoingMenthol
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    Daredevil staff build

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:39 AM PST

    I want to start using the staff and was wi seeing what to build.

    Can I go a power build and go acrobatics and trickery or what that be a lot less damage then just going critical strikes precision build instead.

    For the build I was thinking:

    Acrobatics: 2-3-1

    Trickery : 3-1-1

    Daredevil : 2-1-3

    And for skills main ones channeled vigor, impact strike and fist flurry.

    So this build has a mix of endurance gain and initiative gain so you can spam evades, with vault and bound. Also using double staff and sigil if energy you got a lot of benefit for switching weapons. And whilst you are at full endurance you can use vigorous channel to Regen a lot of your health and it is on a fairly low cooldown. Also you have pretty good sustain with assassins reward (giving you 500 health every vault) and escapists fortitude (giving you another 500 when you evade which is easy with vault and bound)

    So is this build good or is it missing damage if so how could I fix that or should I just use critical strikes(instead of acrobatics) and go for a precision build with staff instead.

    Also what runes and Sigils should I use?(if this build is even viable for both PvP and PVE)

    submitted by /u/Silver025
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    Revenant Commander Lore

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:37 AM PST

    Has there been any statement yet on how the Commander could even possibly have been a Revenant prior to HoT given Rhytlock was the first and didn't start instructing others for some time? I recall at the time of the expansion there was no real explanation to how any of this would/could work from a canonical perspective and the common community theory was time travel. I was curious if there's been any update by the official team?

    submitted by /u/TheOnlyFraen
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    Best Melee Class?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:42 AM PST

    So, I've started playing recently, picked Necromancer because everyone keeps saying it's the best class for a solo player, and yet, I can't help but admit that it's not all that fun. It's most certainly a powerful class, make no mistake, but every encounter just feels rather dull; there's no real difficulty or challenge, and I find it difficult to keep myself invested.

    So, that's why I'm asking about potentially making a new class. I used to run melee classes all the time in other MMOs; back in Runescape and AdventureQuest, melee is all I ever did. However, I'm unsure about what would be a good solo spec for myself; I'm usually just a guy that likes to wander around and explore, get myself a nice looking armor set, do side quests, very much a casual, aimless sort of play style.

    I've heard some good things about Warrior, but I've also heard that Guardian and Mesmer are better for higher tier play. While I don't quite know if I will ever go that high, I would like to get as much out of the game as I can, and I do intend to get to max level sooner or later.

    So, it's a simple question; what would be the best melee class for a casual solo player?

    PS: No Reaper spec, please.

    submitted by /u/WolfandDragonWriter
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    The lack of Game Director for GW2 worries me...

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST


    Mike Zadorojny left the position as the game director on Nov. 2019 - since then GW2 has no real leadership, neither Arenanet didn't publicly informed that Mike Z actually left Arenanet just after the Icebrood Saga's beginning. So it appears that during 2020 GW2 has had no leader that would set directions for End of Dragon.

    Every expansion so far had two Directors:

    Mike O'Brien and Colin Johanson - Heart of Thorns

    Mike O'Brien and Mike Zadorojny - Path of Fire

    So who sets the path and direction for End of Dragons if the position for Game Director is vacant? Story Lead? Narrative Director? Art Director? Or maybe every developer at Anet is now a self-proclaimed GW2's Director?

    Would Anet take a random person not really involved in GW2 since its inception? Why such veteran leaders are leaving GW2 without a proper candidate that would share the vision of the previous directors and take over the mantle of representing such amazing game?

    It's been in the back of my head for months now and it shows with the Saga that game is hurting in so many places, even normal PvE now without a leader, it's basically chaos...

    Still I am hopeful for what awaits this year, but they better find a leader for the Game this month that would unite different visions and make the best expansion ever that this game deserves in such iconic land that Cantha is.

    Thanks for reading. :)

    submitted by /u/MichramGW2
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    Deimos in a nutshell

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:16 AM PST

    How to use legendary gear as altoholic effectively?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:12 PM PST

    So, I have a total of 26 Legendary pieces of gear (all T1 weapons, some T2 weapons, 2 Backpieces, 1 Ring, and 1 heavy chest armor piece.) In the past, I focused mainly only on a single character or a maximum of 2 at a time. I recently decided to get all 9 classes decently geared up, so I can be more flexible and learn more about each class.

    But so far, I haven't been able to find a good way to use my legendary gear. I tried to make one class my "main" that I priorities. But I tend to switch the class I prefer to play nowadays fairly often, and with that, I am constantly switching around the legendary gear.

    Now I wonder how others that play many different classes/characters use their legendary gear. How do you deal with that "issue"?

    submitted by /u/ADumbledoor
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    Anybody here does GW2 art similar to the class concept art?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:25 AM PST

    Anybody here that can make GW2 art for classes? Not looking for anything too realistic. But Guild Wars 2 character art of similar design to the classes and elite spec concept art.


    submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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    Revenant dps build and armor

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:52 AM PST

    So what DPS build would you use and armor for power DPS alacrity?
    Would you go with the one on snowcrow?

    submitted by /u/ladybadone2016
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    Looking for GW2 Art

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:42 PM PST

    Is there a collection of al the GW2 art? And I mean all of it, concept art, map art, class art, etc.

    I'm happy for every link that gets posted.


    submitted by /u/Professor_NaHitAZ
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    Path of Fire: stuck, cant find masteries for canyon jumping

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:48 PM PST

    Im on the Path of Fire story mission where I need to collect crystals and contact taimi. But I need to get 3 mastery points to unlock canyon jumping so I can get the springer.

    But every mastery point I can get anywhere near is way too high up to get to without the springer. Can anyone point me to where I can find mastery points?

    submitted by /u/test18258
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    Order of play.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:15 AM PST

    I played through GW2, and the first of season 2 and Heart of Thorns. Should I play Path of fire and season 3 & 4 before I go on to Icebrood Saga? Is it best to play everything in order the best I can? Is the Season 2, 3 & 4 worth doing?

    submitted by /u/Mo_Caesar
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