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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Today I joined a snowman revolution in Divinity's Reach

    Guild Wars 2 Today I joined a snowman revolution in Divinity's Reach

    Today I joined a snowman revolution in Divinity's Reach

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Wintersday JP.. in VR

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Griffon is the most fun I've had in any game in years

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Got PoF last week after not playing for a year (just some pvp). Finished the story, got the griffon. At first it's underwhelming, then once you get the masteries and practice swooping down for speed and coasting around, climbing, diving down through maps. It's honestly the best piece of content in the whole game for me.

    Maybe everyone already used it enough but it's crazy I'm the only one jumping off the lighthouse in LA.

    submitted by /u/biepboep
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    The Commander And Merriment

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

    What outfit/gear is this norn wearing? Found in a forum from 2017 and no notes on the gear

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:23 AM PST

    Hmmm... Something about this hat doesn't seem right

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:10 PM PST

    How do you feel about the revelation at the end of season 4? "WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS"

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:08 PM PST

    That Kralkatorrik isn't truly evil and was in pain the whole time?

    I just wanted to know how people reacted to such a revelation since before the final fight Kralkatorrik comes off as nothing more than a hungry monster with seemingly no sympathetic qualities at all. There doesn't seem to be any foreshadowing whatsoever.

    submitted by /u/zacharyarons
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    Sticking up for The Grove: fastest, most tightly packed, most gorgeous Home Instance that there is.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:01 AM PST

    Barely a day goes by where I don't pop my LFG, offering my home instance, and it usually fills while I farm my guild halls.

    And if there's no specific home instance for the gathering daily, my go-to instance is the Grove. Because it's absolutely fucking gorgeous, utterly packed and even the music is fantastic. Sometimes it plays a few tacts of Fear Not This Night!

    ...but people need a guide, time and time again. Because it's like four rooms and a lake instead of a flat open surface.

    So here is the quickest and easiest route through it!

    • first do a quick loop: hop on the mushroom at the beginning and gather the garden, jump down to the wintersday tree and get the present, then hop down to the trees and log those
    • next is a straight line from the entrance past the Feline Dispersing Resonater right into the room with the cloth and leather racks
    • second straight line leads from the cloth room past the cooking station to the Kournan pile o' rocks, just gather all the nodes along the way
    • afterwards you get your first sideroom, just empty it
    • your third straight line leads from the first sideroom to the lake, gather all the nodes on the way
    • empty the entire region around the lake, including the nooks and crannies
    • second sideroom is right around the corner, can't miss it, it got a tonne of stuff
    • to the left of the Fire Orchid Tree is a shrubbery, just walk through it and you're standing in front of the HoT chests

    • done!

    submitted by /u/hinawerdan
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    How did people traverse orr before mounts were a thing?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Luckily i never had a character be that high level before i got PoF, but even so im always like getoffmegetoffmestopattackingmewhyiseverywaypointcontestedwhyamitakingdamagewhatisashrineohgodthatsachampionwhyisthereawalltherewhereamievengoingstopattackingmepleaseleavemebeaaaaaa

    I imagine is must have been a nightmare. On a similar note, what is the most annoying map for you?

    submitted by /u/voidlessduke
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    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 32 - Dragon's Stand

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    32 of 52 - Dragon's Stand - Level 80

    Dragon's Stand was, in a lot of ways, the fulfillment of a promise implicit in the original launch of Guild Wars 2. As we've covered in the past, there was a lot of talk in the late days of development about Orr and the 'multi-pronged assault' of the continent and the elder dragon Zhaitan. On release, those promises were fulfilled to the best of the team's ability at the time - especially on Straits of Devastation, where we see the multi-pronged idea take center stage - but the climactic Cursed Shore map never seemed like it really met the fantasy of fighting Zhaitan on their home turf.

    Dragon's Stand does meet the fantasy of fighting an Elder Dragon at the center of their power, in a way that I'm not sure has been matched since. As we'll see, this doesn't come without its fair share of caveats.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    This map is, like many of those we've talked about before, all about 'taking the keep' - assaulting evil where it dwells. We've seen this strongly in maps going all the back to Harathi Hinterlands and Fireheart Rise. In fiction this map lines up with any scene where the heroes are making a last ditch assault on the evil before they are completely destroyed, whether that is the Death Star or the gates of Mordor.

    One thing you'll notice from those examples is a sense of desperation - the idea that the heroes could not possibly win, but that they have to try anyway. I'm not sure we actually get that as much as I'd like in this map. Verdant Brink and even Tangled Depths feel more desperate to me, as by the time we get to Dragon's Stand we've actually become stronger and gathered all of our allies - and we've just beat the odds on three previous maps to boot! All that is to say that we're pretty confident we can win all throughout this map, despite what the actual expansion story missions seem to imply.

    However, beyond that the theme of the map is conveyed perfectly. We have that great 'tower of Mordremoth' in the distance the whole battle, a sense of a tightrope act of heroism in the three Blighting Towers, and finally an incredible show of scale in the Mouth of Mordremoth fight.

    Lore - 2/10

    Dragon's Stand is not big on lore. We see how close Rata Sum is to Mordremoth, that's mildly interesting lore. We see some fragments of asuran and exalted architecture but there isn't really any lore about them per se. Perhaps the map's biggest lore pieces - i.e; the death of Trahearne - happen in the story missions, not in the open world.

    In fact, it's even kind of unclear how we got all of our allies here. We assume they came from their respective maps, but does that mean those maps are essentially 'stabilized' after the meta completes, in the lore? If so, then why are we so worried about Mordremoth? It doesn't help that a full quarter of the map was cut in development.

    Design - 8/10

    In design, Dragon's Stand is the full large-scale implementation of a structure that had been around since the Marionette and Triple Trouble fights. If you were to take one of those fights and apply them to the size of an entire map, you would not be that far off from Dragon's stand.

    We've got three lanes, arranged pointing NE->SW. Each has three stations they need to reach as they go, and they have different phases that need to be completed both between those stations and after capturing them. One of the really clever design pieces on this map is the way that there are lots of different kinds of events you are asked to complete. There's the regular escort events, but there are additional events that spawn during the escort which keep the zerg on their toes. In addition, at each camp two competing events will spawn; these have a high level of variety and it is difficult to complete both in one go, providing more replayability.

    On top of that, we've got some interesting sub-bosses and a fun final snek to boop. The Mordrem bosses are each different enough to actually change your tactics when fighting them as a sub-squad in the Blighting Towers. They're also tough enough to seriously wreck your day if you're not careful.

    Then the Mouth of Mordremoth is an exercise in cinematic game design. It just looks and feels cool, regardless of anything else. The way that it was designed to break up large squads into smaller independent groups on each island is also a brilliant moment in the history of Guild Wars 2 open world design. Why have we never seen this tactic used again?

    Unfortunately, it's hard to get through this section without mentioning the cut content. The map as is is great, but has always seemed a tad unfinished. It seems clear that there were some major additions on this map that never made it in - as well as a final section of the Mouth of Mordremoth fight which we might actually be better off without.

    Gameplay - 9/10

    One important thing to keep in mind in this section is that we need to take into account both the map as it currently stands and also the way it was originally released. Like the other Heart of Thorns maps, Dragon's Stand did not release in as strong a state as it stands (no pun intended). The map was plagued with a number of bugs initially, leading to a lot of folks participating in an hour of content with nothing but crashes and disconnects to reward them. That was if the events did not stall.

    Since then, things have shaped up considerably. I have not heard a complaint about being kicked and unable to rejoin a Dragon's Stand map in some time. And the gameplay on the map, in general, is quite strong - so long as you don't mind the whole thing being one meta event.

    See, there's very little on this map in the way of exploration content. If you are one of the (not insubstantial group of) players who prefer the vanilla and Path of Fire map designs that encourage more 'open' emergent gameplay, then this may not be for you. There was actually a fairly large public outcry against this map about - I would say - eight months after its release, as we were headed towards Season 3. Folks said that it simply wasn't reasonable to be expected to play a solid hour and fifteen minutes for a single meta event. This intensified after legendary armor released, I think.

    That said, if you do like large scale Heart of Thorns metas, this is a great one. I always find that the variety of different events while still being a single 'push' towards the tower is compelling for me on a personal engagement level. This is one of those situations where I wonder about how to separate the actual moment-to-moment gameplay from 'fulfilling the fantasy' of playing in an MMORPG like this. I want to go slay a giant snake dragon with a hundred other people, and this map lets me do that. If some moments in the initial phases of the map are a bit repetitive, does that overshadow that fantasy? I don't think it does, but you might feel otherwise.

    Art - 10/10

    This map does look great, that's for certain. It makes fantastic use of color, light, and environmental props to create separation between each of the lanes - and to give the sense that you are crawling closer to the tower. I love how the weather changes as you get close. It's also fantastic the way that the environmental art really captures the idea of malicious, truly malevolent nature. How do you make roots or a big tree stump look evil? This map does it in spades.

    Special shoutout to the floating islands and the way that that whole final fight is framed - as well as the animator(s?) behind the Mouth of Mordremoth. It astonishes me to this day how smoothly the Mouth of Mordremoth body moves from island to island.

    Long Term/Retention - 10/10

    Just like it's Heart of Thorns siblings, Dragon's Stand has no problems when it comes to retention. This map is in some ways more guaranteed than any of them save Auric Basin, just because its rewards play into the reward structures for each of the other maps. Add to that that you need to play this map for the leystone armor sets and legendary armor, and you've got a consistent population.

    Overall - 8/10

    Dragon's Stand is both a fantastic achievement and a missed opportunity. It shows some of the highs and lows of HoT design. On the one hand, it finally shows what the GW2 devs had always promised for Orr - the idea of a single invasion against an overwhelming force. It strikes an excellent tone across the map, and few experiences in the open world bring the community together like the Dragon's Stand map.

    On the other hand, technical issues have plagued the map since its release, and a fourth lane cutting the sylvari story on the map (which seems the most critical to me) as well as a lack of lore for anything at all has always left a sour taste in my mouth. On top of that, this map may not be for you if you don't like to commit over an hour to a single meta with no exploration along the way.


    That's all, folks! What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others? Next week, we'll step back to take a look at Season 3 generally.

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    You do NOT have to be good at the Wintersday JP to give yourself an extra challenge.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:14 AM PST

    This post is only directed towards those who want to challenge themselves with first person, reverse action camera, auto run. Auto run with reverse action cam. They want to do it beyond the traditional way of doing it.

    But they aren't challenging themselves because they think there's no point. They think because they're not good at it doing it the normal way, then they won't ever be able to succeed in their challenges.

    This post isn't for those who just want to do it the normal way.

    Well, you don't have to wait until you're ready. Because you're ready now.

    My success rate with the gingerbread path doing it the traditional way (3rd person and camera is looking forward) is 6% or 3/50 runs.

    My success rate with the gingerbread path doing it in first person is 18% 9/50 runs

    Here were my criteria

    I took no skips that I wasn't confident in.

    I didn't do any risky things e.g dodging up the slope to go onto the candy platform next to the presents

    I did runs that still helped me complete them in time, but were as safe as possible for me. In other words I wasn't doing speed run attempts.

    I took breaks when I was starting to tire.

    I counted the runs where I made stupid mistakes because otherwise I might as well just not count any of the runs

    I didn't count runs stopped by the clock - I didn't want to be too cruel to myself

    FPS was constantly changing but at max it was around 81 or 71 with interface off.
    Ping averaged at 298. On ONE occasion the ping was so bad snowballs went right through me without hurting me.

    I used a sylvari

    I did both experiments pretty close to each other, so I was dealing with the same ping, and I got to look at the same well- defined male norn buttocks in both occasions of 3rd person and first person.

    I spent more time doing the JP in first person than 3rd person, hence doing it that way became easier for me.

    My current challenge is my character runs forward, but my camera is looking behind me. When I first started I couldn't even make it to the 3rd platform. Now my personal best is 3 platforms after the first candy canes on the gingerbread path. Now to be honest, my personal best is an UNCOMMON occurrence. I couldn't replicate it on demand, but the fact I was able to get there at all gives me hope that I can make it there again and maybe even further.

    And I didn't wait to git gud at doing it the normal way. I just started challenging myself as soon as I wanted to.

    I'm going to provide a quote from one of the greatest BAMF's of all time.

    "There's no different angle, no clever solution, no trickity trick that's gonna move that rock.

    ~Toph Beifong

    That quote means you need to do it to become good at it. At the end of the day you have to do it in first person, or you have to do it with your camera looking behind you, or you have to do with auto run to be able to successfully complete it that way. Aang was constantly avoiding what he had to do to successfully move that rock, because he thought maybe there was another way, and not doing the mode you want to succeed in because you think you aren't ready or think you have to learn certain things first is basically what Aang did.

    Also I went to practice the gingerbread path, even though I was still failing the quaggan path. I wanted to become good at the path that provides the most rewards. And well I can do the gingerbread path now. Not at a good rate, but I can still do it. I didn't wait to git gud at quaggan as a qualification to start on the gingerbread path.

    I'm not sure if I will be able to succeed in my reverse camera challenge this year. But I'm going to try.

    submitted by /u/Queen-of-not-sure
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    Have you seen the new art in "See You in 2021" on GW2 website?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:08 AM PST

    I always get the same recipe reward

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:17 AM PST

    I'm currently trying to get the Twins Grieving Insription and while I know that I can get in in the PoF Metas I always get the same recipe. Every single time I get a Zehtuka recipe, not a single different one. Always the same Zehtuka one.

    Do I just have bad RNG or is there something I can do?

    submitted by /u/SanDoria2000
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    Can't login help

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:26 AM PST

    I re downloaded the game and tried to login and the client just keeps telling me " The game client is unable to access the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support, please visit http://support.guildwars2.com " and i checked everything and made sure none of that was an issue. Then i try to login into the site and it says my password/email is incorrect when ik for a fact both of them are correct. Then i try to reset my password and the site asks for a name of one of my characters and i put it in and the website says " Some fields are invalid; please fix them." When the only thing its asking for is my character name and for me to click on "submit" so im at a complete loss and have no idea what to do

    submitted by /u/Sosiiii
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    Holosmith explodes

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:46 AM PST

    Is the Beetle Mount worth getting? I’ve just spent all of my gold on a Griffon and still have a little ways to go (took so long to farm the gold..)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:45 PM PST

    End of Elite specs

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:08 AM PST

    Since it's basically confirmed that we'll get new Elite specs with the next expansion, I was wondering what if Arenanet will stop making new Elite specs at some point.

    If we imagine EoD is just one of many future expansions, I think it's unlikely that Anet will give us thousands of new Elite specs. Especially the balancing would become more and more difficult. So i guess some day we will see an end for the elite specs.

    What if Anet said at the start of EoD that there would be a maximum number of elite specs that a profession could have.

    Let's assume that this maximum number is five.

    And let's also assume that Anet would say that the new Elite specs would no longer come every expansion, but every other expansion.

    What would be suitable replacements for the Elite specs?

    New proffesions?
    New skills for old weapons?
    Other mechanics that affect gameplay, like, I don't know, ships and naval battles?

    submitted by /u/Sertzert
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    Back again

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:54 PM PST

    Hello all. I haven't played since Heart of Thornes (apparently 4 years due to the 4 birthday gifts I got when I logged in). I just wanted to thank this subreddit for the returning players section. I look forward to diving back in!

    submitted by /u/LuminatorTW
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    Does The Grove, The Black Citadel, and Rata Sum have holidays?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:40 PM PST

    I currently can think of 4 annual holidays that are celebrated, and each one is based in a different major city. Hoelbrack has Dragonbash, Winter's Day is based in Divinity's Reach, The Festival of the Four-Winds has it's own location, and Halloween is majorly based in Lion's Arch. But I don't recall The Grove, The Black Citadel, or Rata Sum having holidays, I've tried checking the wiki but nothing comes up, so is there holidays for every major city and I've just missed them?

    submitted by /u/K_Janeway2314
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