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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Just Anet being Anet

    Guild Wars 2 Just Anet being Anet

    Just Anet being Anet

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Funny (NOT) permanent BAN!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Hi, players!

    I wanna share the story of tears which i have today.

    08/26/20 me and my wife have decided to play at guild wars 2. 1 family, 2 pc, 1 IP, 1 debit card (cause we don't need another one). Bought 2 serial numbers PoF by 1 card for two accounts (2 emails) , everything was good, 2 transactions - zero questions from Anet.

    1th december we saw SALE-SALE for living world seasons 2,3,4. My wife tried to buy gems by her debit card - error, tried to buy by paypal - success, 50$-4000 gems received on her account. After that we have tried made the same thing for my account - a lot of errors, without success. Ok, i've written to support - they told me: SORRY it was suspicious and our bot has blocked your attempts, you should try again later.

    Ok. I missed the sale, i don't have lws 2,3,4. Disappoint but not so hard.

    We were playing 2 days and yesterday 12/03/20 we can't login to client or website. We wrote to support together. Gave anything that they asked and now result:


    Wife's account - PERMANENT BAN, money for gems was refund.

    that was in letter from "support": After review of your account, our payment processor has determined that a purchase attempt that occurred on this account, or an account associated with this account, met certain criteria and displayed characteristics highly indicative of fraudulent purchase attempts or has committed fraudulent purchase attempts. As a result of these criteria or associations, this account has been permanently closed and is ineligible to be reopened for any reason. Unfortunately, there is no further assistance or information we can provide you regarding this issue or account. Further replies may not receive a response.

    ITS GREAT BUSINESS! I have never seen things like this before, im not first day in mmo.

    If (!!!!!) we committed a crime, show me a victim other than my wife! We are 2 real person, we have any evidence of payment or real IDs.

    Its VERY strange situation. This post - my first one, English is not my first language - im very sorry for any grammar or another mistakes. Im in hopelessness and powerlessness for this situation. Wife was crying all day.

    submitted by /u/KaZibYla
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    Current Alliances Situation

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:04 AM PST

    WvW World Linking 04/12/20

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Big research and hypothesis about that famous evil emblem

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:33 AM PST

    Big research and hypothesis about that famous evil emblem

    The inquest emblem and the two hypothesis (left and right)

    It started some times ago when I was playing the personnal story with my newly created character, and redoing the charge later for achievements. I wondered, why that symbol looks like this, surely there should be a reason. In all case, I think that the middle of the symbol is the asura, and that the outside border is the finite limit of the eternal alchemy. (The All) Where all others races are ignored. (I can get behind the idea, you can place all living form in the middle, but since it is an asuran organization...)

    I will start with, maybe the one that is the most unexpected involving other organizations, the left one: FIRST HYPOTHESIS

    In the superior area, the asuran colleges and in the inferior one, orders. This would assume that the orders and colleges are as old or older than the inquest, which one for reminder, is from around the fall of quora sum and when asura were chased by Primordius (~1120 After Exodus). In the middle, in that first case, it would be specifically the Inquest and all its members, overseeing that none of the colleges or orders would steal asura knowledges for themselves and lead to a second massive loss of knowledges for the asura society. It is doubtful about the organizations within their races but also the ones mixing all the races together like the orders. Through, compared to their original version, they gained a taste for world domination and feeling above others. But originally it is a kind of Priory Bis, only for asura, racist.

    Also each of those organization could be asociated with a certain dragon:

    -The college of statics. From wiki: "Members of this college are analytical and cautious, preferring to do the work right the first time and build things that last. They participate in large-scale projects such as building cities and the massive levitating stones that power them."

    What if I tell you, that Primordius*, by wanting to purely anhilate any form of life, is also, by definition, a large scale project, and a thing that will last? It is analytical and cautious: It used the underground asura gates networks to spread even facter to overrun the depths of Tyria. Also statics. Yes, be burnt in lava, or caught in ash rain make you static, locking you in a state that will never change again.*

    -The college of synergetics. From wiki: "The members of this college study magical metaphysics, cybernetic systems, and the theory of abstract structures. Their focus on the study of patterns and mystical complexities over the development of concrete applications leads other Asura to view this college as impractical and idealistic, if not downright muzzyheaded."

    Metaphysics, phylosophy, doesn't it reminds mind? Cybernetic systems and abstract structures. This is the important part, Mordremoth doesn't content itself of capturing prisoners, it uses them in experiment pods, reshaping their anatomy, upgrading it in it's way, it is bioengineering, and it isn't so far from cybernetics. Plantnetics if you want. Some of the minions are abstracts but they do reminds us of things: Flowers, Dogs, Corpse, but not totally.

    -The college of dynamics. From wiki: "The members of this college are typically enthusiastic about their highly experimental work, spontaneously imagining potential solutions to problems no one else yet perceives. They are known for devising ingenious, highly unstable and equally unpredictable contrivances, always on the bleeding edge of asura high magitechnology. Members of the college believe that an experiment is only a failure if nothing is learned from it. Dynamics is known to have an acute interest in charr technology. "

    Experimental works, potential solutions that no one else yet perceives, ingenious but also unpredictable, bleeding edge of technology. Yes, it is Jormag. No one planned Jormag and Ryland to be under its influence, svanir are everywhere but nobody can say what the do something and when they will do it. It unpredictably ingeneously created a machine to speed the icebrooding process. Jormag experimented. It is also liking sciences and knowleges, asking it's minions to stay near taimi lastly to have the latest news, it is an unpredictable strategist, using the forces and technologies of the charrs but upgrading them with its magic. It is also very strange, the members of that college do have an interest in charr technology, just like Jormag. And from which college is councillor Zudo which one is okay to help Jormag? Dynamics!

    -The priory. Gixx is an asura. Essentially, before extensions, the priory was essentially seeking and studying orrian artifacts, so zhaithan magics. It is, like I said way before, reference to Deep sea dragon Sbubbles domains which are to me about mind-washing or stealth. Even they, can't tell the name of that dragon. That dragon is related to knowledges, and manipulating them.

    -The order of whispers. Stealth, and discretion, disguises, be discreet and not suspect in city or anywhere, staying in the shadows. Being incognito. Zhaithan shadow and death magic. They do lead some research on svanir artifacts, but they are the ones highly present in orr and ruins. We can name agent bentenga as asura.

    -The vigil. Almorra, doing a great battle against one elder dragon menacing the charrs since a long time: Kralkatorrik. Always there during a fight against one of its important lieutenants, even here in dragonall. Efut is the asura. Both having the fury of battle, one for blood, one for storms.

    The second one, has more support in game and elements indicating its validity, right one: SECOND HYPOTHESIS

    The different elder dragons magic spot depending on Inquest HQ.

    The more obvious one is the Infinity Coil Reactor, there are 6 zones, each one studying an elder dragon. It goes following a specific clockwise pattern: Mordremoth- Jormag- Kralkattorik- Sbubbles- Zhaithan and Primordius. Those surface zones labs perfectly fit their spot underground in the crucible. I will assume that Kralkatorrik lab in the crucible is here but innacessible (You can spot above, in the aquarium a path going into the rocky side of the bassin, also preparation facility goes further in south, but you can't go there due to force fields, but yes, the kralkatorrik lab isn't rendered).

    For Rata Primus, you can somehow find the pattern but by using dragon's domain sometimes instead of seeking for the element: Most clear ones first.

    -Kralkatorrik. Correctly placed, south-est, lab with a death branded minion, but brand crystal is the main aspect here same as death magic was the main aspect of alpha preparation vault. Brand Crystal everywhere.

    -Zhaithan. Correctly placed, the room near the gate to access gorrik and blish is the place where the most awakened which are related to death are killed with the room defenses. The basement of that room is also the room monitoring the scarab plague, a dangerous plague that killed ton of individuals long ago. (I agree you also have the vault room south east, and also tons of cadavers here. But remember crucible, risens aren't only in alpha reserve but also in north, where normolly it's mordremoth)

    -Mordremoth. At the first room, the gate hub, awakened are walking synchronously into the gate, all directed and pupetted by one individual, Joko.

    Less obvious ones:

    -Jormag. Dragon of persuasion. Here, by using codes, you triggers the bomb golems of who would be your enemy in normal times to kill the awakened. It mays be an indirect reference to jormag ability to twist minds and makes one fight another. Also you have those awakened inquests that spawns in the corridors, turned again, against you and working for someone different from their usual leaders.

    -Sbubbles. Would it be secret or the power of being invisible and making other forget about yourself? You have a stealth console here, that allow to bypass it without issues, hinting to that. Also the area is quite empty, two gates closed. Nothing in the left, like it has been hidden what was researched here.

    -Primordius. Conflagration and fire. It is kinda everywhere, because of the fire and the whole city falling apart. Due to the destructive nature of that dragon, the link may be the door blowing up to access to lower level, and saving that skritt in middle of a collapsing area near a burning console. No other console is burning apart that one. Skritt is also a race chased with asura from the underground, the place where that skritt is is deep into the complex, maybe again a metaphor regarding something rampaging the undergrounds.

    So, to clear up the theory: For their headquarters but also the branches of the organization, they have that hexagonal motif to respect, and they have; for whatever reason to put the different magics and elders dragons following that order and locations on the layout of the facility. They must, when they can place an area for each elder dragon and its magic.

    In that second case, at the center of the Inquest symbol, it would be the inquest, and around, the six elder dragons. It means, that the Inquest, when founded, was already aware there was 6 dragons menacing potentially their lifes. So the Inquest, protecting, and keeping an eye open on the six dragons and protecting the rest of the race from them since the accident of quora sum.

    BUT what if both hypotheses were in fact, one, and linked?

    Final explanation

    The eternal alchemy is fully known by the inquest. It's their emblem! And their job is to study its compoments the best they can, it includes the asura, but also those six dragons. Therefore their labs and studies mostly directed towards draconic energies and elder dragons.

    All those six diamond shapes are linked to a specific elder dragon.

    The red outline, for that final hypothesis but also the two previous ones, is danger. Menace. But also supports. They allows the all / eternal alchemy and by extend the world of tyria to continue existing. So it is a danger, menacing the civilizations, but also of the end of the world if they are eliminated.

    Inquest is the real dragon watch. It is, the saviour protecting the asura from another downfall.

    They are the ones developing the cutting edges technologies and totally new perfectionned golems marks whereas the others members of asura society are still using their old and obselete marks.

    They are the ones ready to blow up a landmass if it can help them understand better dragons. That's why they try to make an ultimate minion infused by every draconic magic under their control to control every dragon servitor on Tyria. To end that damocles sword above their head of dragons killing all asura.

    They are creating knowledges about the dragons, whereas others labs only study basic life elements, like oozes, how to make holographic flowers, brews or teleporters.

    But like any organization that looks like having infinite fundings, knowledges and power, some of its members got big headed claiming they will dominate the world. But within the organization itself you can find an individual refusing torturing and only completing the database and another one killing mindlessly quaggans for its own pleasures. But like us, one of their main study organism is mices and rats, here skritts.

    submitted by /u/Dark_Hadrian66
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    You already know what map this is on

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:21 AM PST

    The EoD char. select screen looks great

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:03 PM PST

    One thief build for all game modes by Vallun

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:53 AM PST

    Natics first raiding attempt summarized in essence in 38 seconds

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:42 PM PST

    Guildwars2 - Graphics enhancer (mod) - 0 fps drop

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Winter Games - Event Month

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Hello Everyone!

    I am Melora Rose from Zenith Historia and this month the ZH community will be hosting numerous events with prizes to get into the Christmas spirit!

    The events that will be hosted will be as followed: 4/12 - Mount Racing (20 player cap) 5/12 - Fractal Race 6/12 - Dungeon Race 13/12 - Scavenger Hunt 20/12 - Fashion Show - Winter Wonderland Edition

    There is no stream for this event and I don't know if I should be linking our community Discord here so if you're interested in having some fun and getting a shot at some prizes, Drop me a mail in-game: merliora.9214 on the EU server.

    Merry December folks!

    submitted by /u/Destifate
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    GW2 | The Secret Golden Palace

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:49 PM PST

    Does life siphon count as a healing power?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Quick question : Does life siphon count as a healing power?

    Trying to put together a budget Renegade build and wondering if I could consider items that have "healing power" bonuses.

    I have none at the moment.

    Healing from Battle Scars is more than sufficient in Core maps but borderline sufficient sometimes in PoF.


    submitted by /u/TantrumQC
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    SERIOUS input lag problems, please help.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:29 AM PST

    Hello, since a whole bunch of time ago I've been having serious input lag problems. These problems appear completely randomly: sometimes they're there, sometimes it all runs smoothly, sometimes just one input in a while is affected.

    These problems are both ways: both when pressing and when releasing the key. I'll explain better: if I for example press "w" just for a split second, the character will start moving 2 or so seconds later and it will keep walking for way longer than I pressed the button for.

    The problems also affect typing in chat, but only inside the game (if I alt tab and write anywhere else, the problems aren't there, so it's not faulty hardware, also confirmed by the inconsistency of the problems).

    I use the Mount Wheel addon and ArcDPS, my keyboard and mouse are a Razer Huntsman and Razer Naga Trinity.

    Do you have any idea on how I might fix this problem? The game becomes totally unplayable, and it's especially problematic when it happens during raids since reaction times are vital.

    submitted by /u/Elq3
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    Mightyteapot has quit gw2

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:33 PM PST

    My wife and I are brand new players with a couple questions.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:57 AM PST

    Good morning, and sorry for the incredibly newbish questions, just trying to get a feel for where we want to focus. I wasn't planning on asking reddit but google and most of the forums have left me still asking questions because theres some info about this game, but none of it is for new players and it's super confusing.

    I played OG GW way back when it first came out and I played it for close to 8 months before I switched over to WoW for like 8 years. I always loved GW when I played it and talked about it a bit so my wife suggested we play for free for a couple days until we both decided we would like to purchase the game. So we purchased it, and they gave us the xpacs and the char boost, but our problem is, now we don't really know what to do.

    We have been working on trying to figure out our builds using metabattle and I think we kinda figured out where we would like to focus. I picked a necro and she picked an ele. We have been doing the latest story missions when we play, but outside of 2 manning them and taking about an hr at a time, we are wondering where we should go, or focus.

    Do we need to run around the map by ourselves to explore everything and unlock waypoints? What are some good dungeons? We don't plan to pvp since from what I remember in og gw, pvp was abysmal so we just want to do dungeons and raid or what not. What is the easiest way to get the most basic generic mount to help us move around faster? We have been stuck kind of in the area where the latest quests have been taking place just doing that because we don't know whats worth to explore if at all.

    Thanks for any assistance, we just want to not feel like we wasted $30 on a new MMO, even though after reading all the horror stories of bots and hackers, I feel that might be the case.

    submitted by /u/Kantaowns
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    Stowed Pets

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:43 AM PST

    So lately when I'm walking around with my Soulbeast my Pet gets randomly stowed and the only way to summon it back is to enter Beastmode and then leave it again. Is anyone else having that problem or knows why that keeps happening?

    submitted by /u/Forsaken_Presence
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    What does boon of the deep flame actually do in DRMs?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:02 PM PST

    I tried checking the wiki and there isn't information other than that it last 60 minutes. It grants bonus materials according to the mastery description? Is that right?

    submitted by /u/PopeDialgaVI
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    What is the best solo support build?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Imagine that you run in a 3 to 5 man group in PVE. Maybe you do some Dungeons, some Dragon Response Missions, a bit of open world and so on. Random stuff, where you don't really know how good your team mates are or what builds they will run.

    I know some of the obvious contenders, such as qFB, pFB and hFB. As well as Alacrigade and Boon Herald.

    But is there anything else which is perhaps better? Which can do better on it's own compared to those builds?

    submitted by /u/generally-speaking
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    no Unbound magic with "Unbound magic Sickle"

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:33 AM PST

    For some reason i don't get any uncound magic with the unbound magic sickle with my twink. The Twink got lvled to lvl80 with the instant lvl 80 booster and was since then used to farm Flax, so I bought 20 Unbound Magic sickles for him, he got there via the season 3 portal scroll I got with my main. Does anybody know what's the Problem?

    submitted by /u/dasnerft
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