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    Sunday, November 8, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 The Way- My Guild Wars 2 Huevember 6th Art

    Guild Wars 2 The Way- My Guild Wars 2 Huevember 6th Art

    The Way- My Guild Wars 2 Huevember 6th Art

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:54 PM PST

    Snow Crows [SC] Gorseval speed kill 1:20 (5:40 left)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Hello Reddit and fellow Guild Wars 2 players,

    Snow Crows is proud to present you our most recent speed kill.

    Gorseval the Multifarious 1:20 (5:40 left on the timer)

    Log (link to dps.report)

    Our Gameplan:

    For our newest record we found out that the split adds dont have stability yet for around ~.8 seconds after they spawn. This allows you to pull them into more favourable positions speeding up the split phase by a large amount. Shout out to this absolute unit for giving us the idea u/Bram_Linssen

    For the composition it was either 4 dragonhunters filled with some other classes for the F1 pulling or our beloved power chrono stack. The 4 way pull was easiest and most reliable to do with power chrono so we decided to go with that in the end (after all, who wants to precast dragonhunter F1 with action camera). Obviously the druid is irreplaceable here because of scholar uptime, stability, might and frost spirit. Warrior and ren are obvious choices as well.

    Also, gorseval has an internal cooldown on the retaliation phase which makes grinding split 2 extremely annoying since it will delay split adds by 2-3 seconds if you dont get instant retaliation in phase 1. This is why we decided to settle with this 1:20

    Pulling the adds:

    So for finding out pull locations I used our holy overlord raiding tool TacO marker pack to make my life 10 times easier. They allowed me to save the split add locations and have range indicators to other markers to figure out the optimal positioning. Also, banners are a life saver here because they are 600 range just like focus pull.

    At first we decided to go for a setup similar to the one we used in this video where we pulled the split adds close, then pulled the 2 side adds to the middle and from the middle to the stack spot. This was rather inconsistent though because the middle pull had to wait until both adds were pulled before he could close his and then the last pull had to wait for both middle pulls giving it a lot of variance. After working on the markers a bit I came up with these locations that allowed us to pull the 2 most eastern adds straight to the 4th spot which made it so that the middle pulls only has to look at west pulls making it a lot more consistent.

    Our Squad: (click on each name for a link to the Youtube video)

    Jerry wasnt part of the 1:20 kill but he joined for most evenings so he deserves to have his PoV listed

    Subgroup 1: Subgroup 2: Subgroup 3:
    Power Chrono (Stephan) Renegade (Nika) Warrior (Luna)
    Power Chrono (Trace)
    Power Chrono (Max)
    Power Chrono (Shion)
    Power Chrono (Westet)
    Power Chrono (Lawitz) (1:21 PoV)
    Power Chrono (Jerry) (different kill)
    Druid (Fallen)

    It was a pleasure working on a record that does not involve using on heal and on kill food and we hope to see you next time around <3~ SC

    submitted by /u/VayneSpotMe
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    Drama in the trading community.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:02 PM PST

    I don't know all the details, but since nobody else has made a post I figured I would.

    Today there has been some drama in the trading community, one of the richest players in the game with an estimated net worth of 10m+ gold was accused of RMTing and as such he was blacklisted by several trading communities. Together with his trading guild friends.

    As a result, he sold at least 30-50 Chak Infusions directly to buy orders for 10 000 gold each. He has been hoarding and gatekeeping these infusions for years to inflate the value of them. As well as multiple confetti infusions.

    Then he put up a buy order for over 200 000 Mystic Coins in an attempt to screw with the entire GW2 market.

    There may be other things involved as well, I don't know the details. But in short, one of the richest players in this game is having a bit of a meltdown. Bad news for some of the other very rich players, good news for most others as Chak Infusions can finally be bought. There has been a line of around 100 buy orders at all times for years on these, and it has finally been broken. So we're back to a situation where the person with the highest buy order gets the price, instead of "The person with the oldest 10000g buy order gets to be next in line.".

    The players have not been banned yet. No idea if they will be.

    I figured the GW2 community might be interested in this though.

    submitted by /u/generally-speaking
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    EoD Echovald forest art from the stream :)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:10 AM PST

    Pop Starr Charr [OC Art]

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Matthew Medina gave a tour of some of the internal tools ArenaNet uses to create content. If you are interested in this kind of stuff, then you don't want to miss this!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:47 PM PST

    EoD art from the extra life livestream

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Suggestion - Character Model Limit: Target Only

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:44 AM PST

    Suggestion - Character Model Limit: Target Only

    I don't know if developers read this, but many attempts at posting this in QoL thread on forum proves futile.

    In current situation right now in GW2 many face really unpleasant situation with other player's characters who has overstacked amount of particles from Cosmetic Infusions, Legendary Weapons and Backpacks. And each year something new appears that adds even more particles to that list.

    Not everyone plays GW2 with most modern PC, and some players even play this game on Laptops.

    And so there is a problem that needs to be addressed.




    Those characters adds very unecessary stress on GPU. Specially on Laptops\Notebooks, where cooling overflow is limited. Funny thing, on those images Character Model Quality set to Lowest. Why then Weapons, Infusions and Backpack still loads and shows? It breaks the very purpose of this Lowest Character Model, it suppose to help reduce stress and heat, but in the end it does nothing.

    Also with Character Model Limit set to Lowest, during big events like Tequatl, game engine constantly loads closest character models. But since it is limited to 10, this process never stops, because players moving around, changing the closest one to your character. And this adds stress on CPU.

    Simple solution to solve both problems here - Character Model Limit - Target Only.

    In this case, only if you target someone else's character it will be shown with all the armor and weapons and etc. depending on Character Model Quality setting. We have nameplates, which is enough to notice other character's movements around your character.

    To Arena net staff. It supposed to be easy update, and i believe many will find it useful.

    Also good side of such addition: During events like in Dragon Stand or Tangled Depths, when you need to escort and protect NPCs, character Model Limit also affects them. It is really hard to protect or attack something you can't see, because player character models takes the limit and priority. If character model limit will stop loading Character Models, NPC models will be in priority list and will stop disappearing, making it easier to complete events in crowd.

    submitted by /u/AeonNaranek
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    Who is the score screen for?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Lets go over why a player would want there to be a score screen at the end of a match: 1: To view the your numbers+top stats. 2: To see your team's top stat distribution. (top stats aren't a good way to judge how effective a player was but it's fun to see) 3: To see a character's name/profession in case you wish to speak to/about them, block, or report them.

    What the Score Screen currently does for people: 1: lets you see you and your team's top stats IF YOU WON. 2: Requires you to open a separate window if you want to actually see your/your team's stats if you lost 3: lets the winning team rub it in your face by emoting/dancing while you lay on the ground unable to do anything.
    4: If another player logs off after the match is over, you are left with nothing but their account name. You don't even get to see the icon of the profession they were using. Good luck figuring out who it was if more than one person left the match at completion.

    Instead of lingering around a bit to study the metrics at the end of a match and try to improve, the game encourages the losing team to leave as quickly as possible. The current end screen adds insult to injury and promotes the toxic reputation that sPvP suffers from in this game. What's also great is that if you leave the match too quickly after it's over, the game will PORT YOU BACK into the end screen half the time anyway. I just want an end screen that's helpful to all player whether they won or lost and doesn't go out of it's way to kick you while you're down. If the end screen has to stay the way it is then the losing team should just be instantly ported back to PvE instead of seeing it.

    submitted by /u/Ovark7
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    Is not like Mystic Coins were already too cheap..

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Seeing all this new Cantha art...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:28 PM PST

    kinda makes me sad we never got to see a proper savanna biome in Elona. I don't know, I just wish there were more wide, open, uninterrupted expanses outside of just the Crystal Desert. Jahai was like the Serengeti of GW1, but now there's cliffs and corruption from Balthazar, Joko, and Kralkatorrik everywhere so there's no place where we really get to feel like we're on a majestic plain in Africa singing 'nants ingonya'. Anyone else feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/Otazuno
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    I just tried my first raid today (Spirit Vale)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:51 AM PST

    and it was a blast!

    my group wiped out like 3-4 times at Vale Guardian and then we beat him and then wiped out 4 times at Gorseval and had to stop there due to people having to leave.

    I have to practice my rotation (was Power SB) and get it down better but overall, it was an awesome experience!

    submitted by /u/xagtusou1
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    Currently unable to buy the expansion?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Unless I'm just really bad at using their site, it seems like there's no way to buy the expansion from it right now. I've not found a way to put any of the expansion packages into the cart for some reason.

    I've also got 503 errors on the site and some other things, so I believe it may have broken.

    submitted by /u/kaptainriversnapps
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    Where do I go to to get spoilers on upcoming patches?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:41 AM PST

    I watched a video saying there is a patch being released this Tuesday and yet I have not read anything official yet or know what it's about.

    submitted by /u/PicklesTheCat54
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    Halloween Beetle Race - Finals

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:19 AM PST

    I keep getting "Connection error(s) detected. Retrying..." when I try to log into the game.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:58 AM PST

    Hello everyone, for the last few days I've tried logging in only to be greeted with this error. My connection has been fine and other games work perfectly. Is this an ongoing issue, or is there a fix that I'm not aware of? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/starforger1
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    Finally got my last tonic (for now)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Core Warrior PvP

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:13 AM PST

    Hi! I recently started a fresh account and I'm looking for a beginner-friendly core warrior (because I'm f2p) pvp build. Do you recommend any?

    submitted by /u/kovhe
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    Have the official forums been wiped?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:55 PM PST

    Branded are getting on my nerves.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:25 AM PST

    Does anyone know anything about when or even if, the Jahai Bluffs ancestor tree event will ever be fixed? Ive tried doing it every day for the last week. The branded crystals that we are supposed to destroy don't spawn. The event indicator spawns but immediately despawns as someone heads into the temporal shift. I've been trying to get the requiem armor collection for a week now. Ive met ppl who have been trying to do this for months even. All have said they reported the issue, but no action at all from devs.

    Can someone give any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Roni_Ravikumar
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    Generally advise

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:28 AM PST


    It have not played GW2 for about 7years so I can only guess a lot has changed. My and my Mate are looking to get back into it (he hasn't planed it before) is there any tips/advise for us before we start? All so was wondering if there are any good classes that work well for a 2 man team that we could play?


    submitted by /u/andrewcaines117
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    What is causing this glow?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:41 AM PST


    The hood is glowing, I don't want it to glow, it doesn't glow like this on the hero panel.

    Is this an ambient effect or a graphical setting?

    submitted by /u/Sockular
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    Musicians Guild of Tyria Halloween concert video

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:25 AM PST

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