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    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Hey there, tyrians. It's me, ya boy.

    Guild Wars 2 Hey there, tyrians. It's me, ya boy.

    Hey there, tyrians. It's me, ya boy.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:13 AM PST

    Anet, I know it's the Tuesday before a major American holiday, but can you at least, FOR ONCE, clarify what the heck is going on?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Dear Anet: Many people seemed to think that when the timer on Crystal Bloom ended, we'd be getting the Ebon Vanguard, because the Ebon Vanguard support achievement was visible in the live client already, and it just... it seemed logical? We'd have one week per faction, possibly on a rotating schedule? And some of us had extrapolated that maybe it'd be one new DRM map per week along with that.

    Instead, we got absolutely nothing except a way to turn in Crystal Bloom marks for generic Tyrian Support Marks. This doesn't make any sense at all. At this point, it looks like the biggest naysayers in this community were 100% correct: that we're not going to get any new content until January, and that this pittance of three uninspiring, short instances is ALL we get until then.

    But we don't even know that. We have absolute silence from you, and that's even worse, because it means that all we have is wild, rampant speculation as to what the heck is going on.

    The way I see it, there are three options:

    A) You intended at least for there to be a switchover to Ebon Vanguard today, but something broke and it didn't happen. If that's the case, please tell us that it's broke and what you're doing to fix it.

    B) The content is actually on a 2 week cadence, just like Living World Season 1. If that's the case, putting the faction on a one week timer was a HUGE mistake. It means the very few of us that had some kind of interest in pushing the faction meter now have no reason to keep bothering with the content, while the rest of the playerbase already abandoned it because it was boring and the rewards were, frankly, terrible. In the VERY worst version of this, we're stuck with the three pitiful missions, and getting a different faction to donate to every two weeks, who we can only donate to for one week, because... uh, reasons, I guess?

    C) We're not getting ANY new content whatsoever until after Wintersday. If that's the case, this is a massive, massive mistake, and will cement this release as one of the worst in the history of the game. And I'm even one of the people who was cautiously optimistic at the start of this, based on the implication of a one-or-two week release cadence of smaller content chunks.

    Please, just. Clarify which of these three scenarios it is before people fully dive into rampant worst case scenario doom and gloom all over the internet! And, if it's Scenario B, even the worst possible version of B (one week per faction, changing every two weeks; same maps until after Lunar New Year), can you pretty please at least extend the faction timer to be the full two weeks, so we have at least a ghost of a chance of getting to T4?

    Anet, y'all have been bad at communication basically since the Heart of Thorns hype train crashed after you overpromised and underdelivered re: legendaries and raids, but this is a new low in that regard. A pretty significant portion of the player base either had a wildly different assumption about how this new content was going to work than you implied, or you have a major bug blocking that content, and you haven't told us which one it is. Please, please, just clarify when the next piece of content is going to happen, and what that piece of content entails (eg, new faction next week; new DRM next year, SOMETHING)

    edit and in the time it took me to draft this post, people are now already fighting on this very subreddit about what "ways to play in the weeks between releases" and "evolving content" actually meant. Because you didn't clarify how things would be evolving, or at what pace they would be evolving, and evolving in the weeks between releases could mean literally any time between now and Chapter 2 in January, and could be anything from the SINGLE change to the NPC today where you can trade in Crystal Bloom marks to fully new DRMs and new faction vendors and new plot. But we have no way of knowing which of these things it is, and because it's so ambiguous, your playerbase is now fighting among themselves about what it actually means and who is right.

    EDIT2 Reddit gold??? ... Well, bit depressing that it's THIS post that does it, but, uh, thank you!

    submitted by /u/LucidSeraph
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    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    10hrs35min Daredevil World Record for Central Tyria World Completion

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Hello again! Last year I had posted a particular achievement of Speed running Central Tyria 0 to 100% in the span of 12hrs59min (Post shown here). Earlier this year, I had beaten that record with a run of 11hrs43min shown at Guild Wars 2 - speedrun.com.

    Now that the Skimmer mount can be used under-water I had decided to try once more for another record-breaking run. I am happy to present a new record time of 10hrs35min, beating my previous public record time by 1hr8min. The build I had used will be linked below! Augmented Tyria is the tool used for this (same as the last record and same routes by u/xTeh) with a few personal changes to the routes myself. In addition, I had also used Prototype Position Rewinder more regularly where deemed convenient, it is an incredibly powerful tool to help through mapping, I had also done extra mount-swapping where deemed necessary by utilising the fast-regeneration on the Griffon mount, and in moments, swapping to Roller Beetle to speed away, ignoring the slow-regeneration having being beetle-mounted. RNG on certain events being spawned at the right time to faster complete 'Tasks' was partially lacklustre, meaning... an even faster time is possible.

    Build Editor - Gw2Skills.Net - The build used in this run.

    submitted by /u/Sim_Souls
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    Can we have this kind of event again?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Hello all!
    I would like to share with you my opinion about what kind of event could players appreciate.

    In my point of the view we get quite poor quality content lately. Because we have already let Anet know we don't like it there is little summary what we (at least I and my friends) on another hand would really love.

    I went through all interesting and popular events and maps in game. There are some examples: Living season 1 Scarlet war, Triple Trouble, Tequatl, Silverwaste, Tarir, Chak, Pinata, World bosses...

    So why are these stuffs still popular? Why do people still play these? Why do people want Scarlet back?

    I don't know exactly but I think it is because of these things:

    • It is fast. It should definitely not be longer than hour. Better not longer than 30 minutes. That is why Drizzlewood is not popular. It is too long.
    • Reasonable reward:
      • certain profit, profit of average farm in Tyria
      • chance to drop superexpensive stuff
      • no need for new tokens or currency
      • you can randomly drop some new skins - for example after each meta you can drop some chest (drop rate around 30%) where there will be pieces of new skins, armors or whatever and you can chose which one to take
    • Slight time pressure. Definitely time limit.
    • For more than 20 people. So the event/meta/map success cannot be affected with one troll.
    • 80%-90% participation needed. I mean that you need this certain percentage of people doing this event to successfully finish it. If the percentage is too low people will slack and only few players will keep progressing it and that will annoy them. If the percentage is too high it could end up as Triple Trouble - it would be very hard to finish without people listening.
    • Cooperation. Let people do different tasks in certain phase. First of all people will have to communicate and cooperate (they pretend they don't like it but it is lie) and then everyone can do tasks which suit them and rotate them too.
    • No damage sponge. It doesn't matter the fight is short just please don't try to make it longer by health increase of the boss.
    • Mechanic. I know this must be hard to make but let them run, let them jump, let them bring stuffs. Anything but not just damage dealing.
    • Put it on timer. Exact hour each day.
    • No repeat xxx times achievements. This does not help to keep event/map active. This helps players to hate that event. Much better achievements are find, jump, bring, eat, investigate etc.
    • No unlock recipes and craft achievements. If you want to do craft achievements then only from sources you have to gather, collect, find, drop. Not from some tokens you have to farm.

    I know this must be extremely hard to create and then hard to balance but I think this is the way how to create events people would love.

    And that is all I wanted to say. I only wrote it down on reddit because I believe there is supersmall chance I am right and that someone from Anet would read that.

    Thank you for your attention and have a great day!

    Sincerely Yara

    submitted by /u/Yarabaczek
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    Analysis of Champions, the trailer, what to expect and where we are

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:46 AM PST

    Ok so i had a little think and i think maybe now i've worked out how this is all meant to play out.

    We have the road map of chapter releases every 2 months, that much is clear.

    The trailer tells us what is in this chapter, we have access to both weapon sets and the crystal bloom axe as well as all 3 of the missions and 1 of the 2 factions. So we are only missing the ebon vanguard faction which if they are doing chapters every 2 months maybe they are doing a faction per month?

    In the second half of the trailer showing stuff for future episodes we clearly see the other drm missions (including ebonhawk) that have been datamined along with a bunch of other factions so this does confirm that this is all we are getting for now in terms of drm missions.

    The achievement panel also gives us a hint at how this will all play out, there is no individual section for the chapter just an overall champions category and no meta for the episode, this indicates that the whole of champions will add to that section and ultimately create a whole episode worth of achievements, hopefully with a meta at the end.

    Frustratingly and unfortunately it does seem to be the case, based on all the evidence, that Champions is 1 episode split into 4 as the doomsayers predicted.

    I guess they figured two new weapon sets that require quite a bit of grind to get was sufficient. Had they added in a questline of some sort related to the axe then it might have seemed a bit better but it was honestly way too easy to buy it in a day or two.

    submitted by /u/Psykewne
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    ANet: The Crystal Bloom Bonus Event is proof that you are making the wrong kind of content.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:52 AM PST

    We didn't even get to T4 with this. You can blame this on lack of interesting content or meaningful rewards but also, at the end of the day, story-focused players failed to deliver. They did not play your content and they did not push this event.

    Compare this to the fractal bonus event that easily surpassed this and hit the end goal. Yes, it had a novelty at the end but no one in their right mind thinks that the whole impetus for players to complete that bonus event was a box tonic. The fact is that the content in fractals is fun, approachable at lower tiers, and has a natural progression that keeps players interested and challenged. DRMs do not.

    Story content doesn't keep players interested. Challenging content with scalable challenge and real rewards does. You should know this from the last 7 fucking years but now you have black and white proof. Stop feeding the former and starving the latter. If you're going to add more of these DRMs give them actual mechanics, not DPS sponges with 2 attacks. Then make them actually rewarding with either liquid gold, materials, or unlocks.

    submitted by /u/Whilyam
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    This man stormed the beaches of Orr for my freedom

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Council of Chairs

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:37 PM PST

    I think you guys are forgetting that arenanet did post a ‘schedule.’ Maybe the three DRM’s is all we are getting until Jan?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Pizza time!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:57 PM PST

    a gift to calm down the players is the right solution.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Lets face it ... once again we waited for human helps to come and they, in true Logan´s fasion, didnt come ...classic Ebonhawk story plot

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST

    [Fanart] HUEvember 2020: the rainbow is almost done...!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Are account upgrades giftable somehow?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Extra bag slots, shared inventory slots, bank slots, SLOTS? I can't find an option to gift them anywhere D:

    submitted by /u/Nefarious303
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    Expectations of the story to come (spoilers inside)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:23 AM PST

    I think we can all agree on that the story mission of the first chapter of the last chapter was very underwhelming and most of us expected a lot more then we got from the story. How ever something that kind of bothers me is more about how it was presented to us. And this post is for those that are involved in the story and how you guys feel about how the story was presented to us.

    First off not very long ago there was a stream from Arena Net devs who talked about how you build up your story in a game. They talked about the things they done and that we seen and liked in Season 4. It was a real build up that started already back in PoF and was running a bit in the background but enough to be present for us in the PoF story. They dedicated the whole season 4 to how to defeat Kralkatorik and we got to fight the dragon in ways we did not expect.

    So obviously i was waiting for the build up that would move over to the next story which would be in to the next expansion. We been lead through Jormags arc from a whisper to now talking and interacting with Jormag. From here it was unclear how we would step in to the expansion because Jormags story do not really feel finnished and deffo not something you will finnish in just a fourth of a chapter. Jormag following to the expac feels very unlikely so i was waiting for the thing that would bring us closer to Cantha and start the Cantha story.

    Then chapter 1 of chapter 5 came, and i expected a build up. Something we would move in too and explore, and learn about and understand and make plans ahead, much like previous stories. But what happens is this. Taimi: COMANDER, something strange is happening, Primordus is active, he is ripping Tyria apart go go go, sort it out!

    What ever happen to the build up? The investigations, findings and conclusions and how do we solve the problem part and how will that effect us. And what is Jormags part of it and why do Jormag want Primordus dead. The latter was adressed though but still very stressed and and fleshed out and not something we go through.

    Primordus is the biggest, meanest bad ass of all the dragon and i think that more then me would want to spend some time in his story. I am a bit afraid that they are just plewing through it to get rid of Jormag and Primordus to then walk in to the new expac. If that is the case, and i could be wrong, but if that is the case then i will be very sad. I want a real story for Primordus. Primordus deserve it's own expansion even. Again maybe this will happen in some way but for now it feel like they are stressing it and trying to fit in what Season 4 did with a full season, in to just 1 chapter.

    Do you guys have the same feeling and/or worry and what do you expect of Primordus story? Will we just sing a lullaby and put him to sleep and deal with him later or is the last chapter it, we will kill him and that is end of Primordus?

    submitted by /u/Lovaa
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    Players using the table to its purpose while waiting for the update

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:56 AM PST

    This is all I can see when I look at the picture of Jormag.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:30 PM PST

    CoF P3 Duo Record - 5:19

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Hello fellow Commanders!

    We, Observe [oS], would like to present our latest dungeon speedrun record. This time around, we went with Citadel of Flame Path 3 Duo. For the composition, we went with Guardian and Mesmer, both of which provide high DPS, good mobility and versatile utilities. In addition, Guardian is a great choice to improve consistency, especially for the trash mob event, while Mesmer offers great skip capabilities due to portals. This is probably not the optimal composition, however, we went with it mainly because we enjoy the classes and feel most comfortable with them.


    There are several minor issues in this run that can still be improved, e.g. path picking, skip to boss and so on. However, the boss fights and events went mostly well, although the endboss was a bit messy. Nevertheless, we are happy with the result as our goal was to get a sub 5:20.


    If you guys are interested in the gear or traits, we might add our templates codes later on. In case you have questions about the run, feel free to ask in the comments and we will try to answer them. Here are the PoVs:


    submitted by /u/HypeChoooChooo
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