• Breaking News

    Monday, November 30, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 [Fanart] The end of HUEvember 2020 - all my cartoon mounts!

    Guild Wars 2 [Fanart] The end of HUEvember 2020 - all my cartoon mounts!

    [Fanart] The end of HUEvember 2020 - all my cartoon mounts!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:02 AM PST

    Today we celebrate 2 whole years of no updates on alliances!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:49 PM PST

    Original post "World Restructuring Update 2" was written by Raymond Lukes on 29th of November, 2018. Maybe ANet could throw a no-downstate week for the occasion?


    And no, the "we will hear something about alliances in upcoming months" wasn't an update.

    submitted by /u/Samug
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    Autumn is the art challenge season. Here are some OCtober and huevember pieces I've made. [album]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Optimal vs Viable

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Blocking in this game needs improvement

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    If you block someone, they can still see when you're online and where you are in game. The only thing blocking does it make it so you can't message someone but you can still be followed and harassed by a problem player. You should not show up as online to them any longer and they shouldn't be able to come find where you are in the game if you have them blocked. From personal experience, the blocking feature doesn't help.

    submitted by /u/aphrolyn
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    The Commander And The Voice

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    [World First] 10 Scourge Deimos

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:34 PM PST


    Group is [MYST] Mystria, only 4 static members and the rest are pugs

    (:eyes: Miracle come back)

    You can absolutely 100% optimize the comp + builds, we just wanted to clear it for fun, nobody is tryhard, we even ran with pugs, be PMA

    Comp: Tank Scourge, 2 Heal Scourge, Handkite Scourge, 6 DPS Scourge

    (We would be doing just 1 Heal Scourge but it's a meme run w/ pugs so w/e)

    Tank PoV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsw7adOAm5k&t=13640s

    (2:32:00 mark is where we begin the Deimos grind, 3:47:20 for the kill pull)

    submitted by /u/MoXAriApph
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    MMO-Gamers of Reddit, I need your help with a study I am writing. It would be appreciated if you would fill out my survey on MMO-Gaming

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:09 AM PST

    As said before, as part of my final school project I have to write some sort of study on a topic which you can choose yourself. I decided to do my own survey on the topic because of many factors which came up while researching so I can complement my already existing sources for my research.

    To more specific, my final project is about the social influences in MMO-Games. More information about the topic is in my survey.

    It would be really appreciated if you would take my survey if you played at least one MMO-Game which should be the case if I post it here.

    I can inform you on my results if it is done.

    Time needed: 5-10min

    Link: https://surveyhero.com/c/309d3f97

    submitted by /u/OrangeMagic05
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    Suggestion: Don't make account bound items RNG dependant

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I'm looking at you Tequatl's Hoard, Gift of Aurene, and Drakkar's Hoard. There may be others, but these are the ones I am aware of

    These items are account bound. The items that come out of them are account bound. They have microscopic drop rates. (Maybe even nanoscopic). And they are all RNG dependent. The only way to get one of these is to get lucky. You could literally grind Tequatal, Drakkar and Dragonsfall until the servers shut down and never see anything outside that pity drop for opening 1000 Dragonfall chests.

    My proposal is that A: Anet cut that out and just make good loot in general, and B: Change how these work so that people can get them without the RNG BS.

    Some solutions:

    1: Retrofit these (and any similar items I am unaware of) to fit in with the raid system. The boss drops a small handful of a currency, and if you do it enough, you can straight up buy the skin/weapon. I've seen suggestions that Teq drop spoons.

    2: make a much more frequently dropping box that is purely skins. If its ANET wants some gates on Ascended stats, I can understand that. So add in a box of skins that will drop with reliable frequency.

    3: Add the skins to the Black Lion Wardrobe voucher system.

    4: Mystic forge recipes that let you change an different ascended weapon into one of these through some drop (like mist motes, or again spoons)

    submitted by /u/Neathra
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    A question to the raid community

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Here is my question : if Arenanet clearly announce that there will never be new raid wings, even after the release of EoD (hypotheticaly in August/September) do you plan on leaving Gw2 forever?

    If no, what will make you still play this mmo?

    submitted by /u/RG_Arkadia
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    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 30 - Auric Basin

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    30 of 52 - Auric Basin - Level 80

    Auric Basin came out very clearly the crowd favorite in our survey. It's not hard to see why: the map is gorgeous and varied, with four diverse metas leading into a fun and very repeatable boss - complete with some of the best music in the game. Does it hold up to close scrutiny? Let's find out.

    Theme/Concept - 9/10

    It seems clear that this map is all about the fantasy of lost ruins and civilizations hidden in the jungle. Thematically, what we would want to see is dialogue, events, and design that keep to that idea of lost glory or knowledge being rediscovered. The map does have that in a vague sense: the lighting of the different Exalted towers in the four metas is proof of that, and involves a fair amount of re-igniting or discovering lost technology. We have this elsewhere on the map, as well, with some ancient golems and Balthazar shrines that are waiting to be found. Hell, even the dinosaur mobs on the map tie into this theme in a very vague sense: what other animal represents a "lost world?"

    There's a sadder component to this theme that I think this map does very well, actually - which is the idea that some knowledge really is lost forever. This is something you see a great deal in the great adventure stories: Indiana Jones, Uncharted, etc. Even when you do discover hidden or ancient things, odds are that most of it will be unrecoverable - or that the discovery is temporary, and soon to be undone. In some ways I believe this map captures that too well.

    Lore - 5/10

    This section is going to be an echo of the lore discussions for each of the Heart of Thorns maps. As part of a design decision that was made on an expansion-wide level, traditional lore was de-emphasized in this product. We see that here: there's so much on this map that's ripe for great lore dumps: the Quetzal tengu, the druids, the Exalted. None of them really get much.

    The Exalted not really getting much lore in their own expansion is the strangest part of that. Compare this out-of-game lore dump article to what you get walking around Tarir and asking questions. They're not really comparable: you only get a fraction of the website article. A handful of Exalted are really interactable with full lore conversations - perhaps three, five at the most - that talk about who they as people are or were and what on earth it is they really do.

    The fact is that ultimately we get very little on the map in terms of real lore information in books, interactables, or conversations. Just like the rest of Heart of Thorns, the emphasis is on moment-to-moment drama and dialogue that serves to push us through this map and on to the next. That is all very much in keeping with the theme and narrative of the expansion, for the record. I think it's a decision that makes a lot of sense. But the lore does suffer for it.

    Design - 10/10

    One of the reasons that Auric Basin is so popular, I feel, is its accessibility. It hits the perfect balance of having a jungle that you can get lost in while also being relatively easy to navigate (especially in comparison to Verdant Brink or Tangled Depths). Much of that has to do with the layout. With a simple quadrant-based system, the map is easy to figure out from above. To help with this, there is a path around the outside of Tarir that you can follow most of the way around the city that will take you to any quadrant you want to get to.

    And on top of that, each quadrant has a clear identity. On the west side, we have the skritt and the Falls. In the north, we have the canopy and burnishers quarry. On the east, you've got the goddamn bristlebacks and a number of crashed airships. Finally, to the south, you've got lots of mordrem and Balthazar.

    The meta is, likewise, incredibly easy to understand with little explanation. At the start, each of the outposts will begin a chain of events that will split into three paths. Follow those paths, and you'll power up the outpost for the boss. Once the boss starts, each of the four sides has something unique it has to do during the fight. Bam, explanation done. It's brilliant in its relative simplicity, especially because each of the different meta paths has a great amount of variety.

    But Tarir itself is, with one exception that we'll get to in two maps (hint), the biggest missed opportunity in the game's design history. There's nothing there. There are two adventures, which are fun. But other than that, Tarir has no life. It ends up feeling like a silent tomb rather than a city - and for a game which was lauded for its living, breathing, voice acted cities, Tarir is a black mark. The lore involved in the construction of the city and the Exalted tastes of retcon, and the lack of interaction with practically any Exalted in their own city reinforces that. Just as an example, you cannot interact with the Luminate, the leader of the Exalted, in their own city. She's just not there.

    This may not mean much if we're looking at the map purely as a meta farm. But consider that it could have been both a meta farm and a city akin to Ebonhawke - a place for people to gather within the new expansion. It strikes me as a shame.

    Beyond that, though, the map is a masterclass in design - it's easy to navigate while being meaty for exploration. It has a huge variety in events and adventures you can do, while all building to one epic climax.

    Gameplay - 10/10

    And it's great fun, too! Like we covered in design, this all boils down to variety. There's a fine line being walked here where you want something unique and fun to do while still feeling like you're contributing to the overall meta. If you just want to go off on your own and do your own events, that's fine too - since the update 6 months after HoT launch, the team added a bunch of soloable events to this map.

    Key highlights for me on this map are the Vinetooth battle, which to this day requires your average open world squad to be on their toes, and the various events for unlocking Exalted armors. That kind of organic open-world competition is a blast.

    Art - 10/10

    Boy, this map is gorgeous. It's a highlight of Guild Wars 2 art design, and stands up against some of the very best open-world art that MMO games have to offer. The team managed to capture not only beautiful environments, but also a beautiful quality of light and atmosphere. This map's lighting effects are fantastic, and both night and day here have almost completely different personalities.

    Tarir itself is a masterclass in pure architectural/environmental art. While I disagree in the most strong terms with decisions that were made about the functional nature and design of the spaces here, they are fantastic as art objects. The environmental artists have captured art deco and brought it back to its roots - which is mesoamerican, egyptian, and mesopotamian art and architecture - and built an ancient civilization that is housed in monumental 20th century art sensibilities. It's a real treat.

    Long Term/Retention - 9/10

    Auric Basin has some of the strongest retention in the game, though perhaps not as much as it once had. In the heyday of the multiloot, Auric Basin seemed to house practically a majority of the playerbase. Now things have calmed down, but between legendary journeys, the weapon set and other skins available through the map, and pure loot potential, this map has no trouble retaining players. Uniquely, it seems that farmers actually enjoy the gameplay loop on this map (in comparison to, say, Istan, where I've heard relatively few people saying that they really enjoyed the meta for its own sake). There's nothing quite like the PANIC that Octovine can generate.

    Overall - 9/10

    Auric Basin emerged from the HoT era as the map with the strongest retention - due largely to exploitable reward structures and a short/clear 'daily reset' meta. But looking aside from those elements, you have a sterling, if a bit uneven, map. Everything outside Tarir is well designed and engaging - you can have a great time pushing any of the metas around the city, and each one has elements which strongly differentiate it from the others. It's a gorgeous map, and a fun time - if you can overlook the missed opportunities with lore.


    That's all, folks! What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others? Next week, we'll be digging into Tangled Depths.

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    The highest point I could get to in Glint's Lair, Desert Highlands

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:43 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:52 PM PST

    I'm excited for the armory. I love the idea of being able to share legendaries between alts automatically. But there is one crucial detail that I hope they've considered. Sigils. If sigils are tied to the weapon regardless of which character wields it, the benefit of having the armory is severely mitigated. You would still need to change the sigils. Sure, you'd save a couple of seconds, but to me, the potential benefit of the armory has more to do with eliminating a hassle than saving a little bit of time. Have any details regarding this been discussed?

    submitted by /u/invisiblepeep
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    [Art] | "Two words: Deadeye Tengu." | by Landylachs

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Revenant - Shield

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Dear intelligent people of Reddit, I recently started to play GW2 again and I am playing a revenant that I leveled up on 80 because I want to explore the dlcs. I want to use a shield in my off-hand and have already spent 30 hero points for the first level in the herald skill tree. I also got a shield when I skilled this, but when I equip the shield together with another weapon I can't use the shield abilities (4 and 5). Does any of you guys have an idea why? thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Goddo_Selzhaniik
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    Returning after many many years - do I need new gear?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:29 AM PST


    I just started to play GW 2 again but I'm quite overwhelmed. First off all, the bank in Lion's Arch suddenly is in an octupus....then, the build system seems to be changed drastically.

    Now I browsed through some builds on the internet to see if I can still play my Engineer as before (mainly with grenades) but I've seen that every build suggests to use Marodeur stuff. When I quit GW 2 I just crafted an ascended celestial armor but now theses stats are never recommended and are not even listed in the alternatives. I also have an ascended rifle with berserker's stats (Zojja's).

    In my chest I found my old Berserker exotic armour. Should I use this? Do I need a new ascended armour? That would mean a lot of farming for me :/

    Another question: Where should I start to play to get into the game again? Should I purchase the new extensions or the seasons? I was able to play the last episode of season 2 (in a library with an old buddy from GW 1, Ogden Stonehealer, but I couldn't follow the story he told me).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/b4rgh35t
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    Warrior Stats

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:51 AM PST

    Could you please advise which stat should I change, increase, focus and which stat am I missing big time in terms of my game play.

    I have been playing for 3 months now and posted last time what should I do after leveling to 80.

    I have a Berserker exotic set with superior rune of the thief. I have ascended GS with Berserker stats and exotic Dual Axe. In PVE, I love going in and dealing damage, spamming skills as fast as possible, you can say I am more of a brute force type of player. My 6-10 skills are composed of heal, stomp (for seed bomb and cc), outrage, signet of might , signet of rage (I chose the last two skills to give me the maximum damage output)

    To give you a picture of where am I now, I spend most of time in AB (around 3-5 hrs everyday) and sometimes I can complete the entire meta event with 2 or 3 deaths, sometimes none (depending on the amount of player). The thing is, I don't know if I am dealing the correct damage that is expected from a berserker like me since there are a lot of players hitting the same monster at once.

    Also, I want to know if there is any ideal or accepted number of power, precision, ferocity, crit damage, crit chance, etc. to be considered as a legit "damage dealer".

    Thank you.

    Here is a sc of my stats https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q4X-BcbMysMtq1wu7fQMQC8WJrjOVuHu/view?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/Thurgun17
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