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    Sunday, October 25, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 My submission to the GW2 Pumpkin Carving Contest

    Guild Wars 2 My submission to the GW2 Pumpkin Carving Contest

    My submission to the GW2 Pumpkin Carving Contest

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Mounts are so enjoyable to use in this game

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    I'm a returning player from 2015 so I'm still catching up on the new content. I haven't unlocked Skyscale yet, but so far, I love that each mount is unique and has its own use case. Raptor for short/med land travel and ravine hopping. Bunny for climbing vertically. Skimmer for water. Jackal for avoiding enemies. Griffon for speed, distance, and height given that you can start from a high place. Although Griffon is my favorite, I find that they all get equally used.

    The way that new maps are designed really allow for the mounts to shine. I just unlocked Thunderhead Peaks. Oh boy is it a joy to fly around with the Griffon. The ravine runs are oh so satisfying. Sometimes I go out of my way to find paths for using mounts instead of Waypoints. Good job Anet!

    submitted by /u/YolksterXD
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    A collection of useful links for Guild Wars 2

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    A collection of useful links I keep prepared on my discord, maybe it can help some of you?

    -A playlist of all the GW2 guides I've made myself: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYXBmGBTfXeQdgL7sr686ZTcU8rG2Meq1

    -For many of the top PvP Builds: https://www.godsofpvp.net/

    -For many of the top Fractal Builds: https://discretize.eu/

    -For many of the top Raid builds: https://snowcrows.com/

    -For WvW builds: https://gw2mists.de/

    -For various builds for ALL game modes you can check Metabattle. Note: anyone can upload builds here, there are good and bad. Read the reviews before you copy one! https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki

    -For GW2 trades outside of the trading post (example: trading a legendary for its weight in mystic coins without losing the trading post 15% cut) You can get help at the Overflow Trading CO: https://discord.gg/3qXmrqe

    -For raid training, you can join one of Muk's training raids or talk to the folks at Raid Academy (NA): http://discord.gg/GW2RA

    -For EU raid training, go here and choose one of the EU raid training discords (there is multiple to choose from!): https://snowcrows.com/raids/training/

    -A guide on most of the ways to get exotic or ascended gear in the game: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character

    -A Build calculator! http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/

    -The damage meter used on stream is arcdps and can be downloaded here: https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/ ; For a guide on how to use it and test your DPS: https://youtu.be/31UoIcTGcLI

    -For guides on how to set up various other addons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYXBmGBTfXeTyoS42W3NeahURuSO_aBM6

    -For a website dedicated to crafting: https://gw2crafts.net/

    -Check your accounts value, characters age, what ingredients you need to finish a big project, farming routes and much more on https://gw2efficiency.com/

    -Best ways to convert currencies for maximum profit and more: https://fast.farming-community.eu/news-updates

    -More tools similar to fast farming community: https://www.peuresearchcenter.com/index.html

    -Dak393's new player guide: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Dak393/New_player_Guide

    -tools for identifying and maximizing wardrobe unlocking: http://immortius.net.au/wardrobe-unlock-analyser/

    -tool for tracking and filtering achievements: https://gw2ap.com/

    -lets not leave out the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/ (remember, you can type "/wiki anything" in game to find information on it)

    -and specifically, the world event timer on the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers

    -gw2's resident data-miner and cat enthusiast: https://blog.thatshaman.com/p/tools-timers-games-and-downloads.html https://www.thatshaman.com/tools/countdown/

    -To check price history/fluctuations on the TP: https://www.gw2bltc.com/

    -Achivements1: http://dulfy.net/

    -Achivements2: https://www.ayinmaiden.com/gw2

    -Achivements3. https://guildjen.com/

    I'll add to this post if I have anything to add, note that this is copied from my discord, which can be found here if you would like to join: The Mukluk discord is: https://discord.gg/h5qS6Pk

    Feel free to comment more if you can think of some, I'm hoping this will help some new players out; We could have a lot of new people joining us with the November Steam launch!

    Edit 1: I've added more links from the comment section!

    submitted by /u/Mukluk1212
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    I'm building the top half of Divinity's Reach in Minecraft

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Super Organized Max Security Level Verdant Brink Meta

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Super Organized Max Security Level Verdant Brink Meta

    [AO] Auric Oasis tasked ourselves with doing something incredibly useless, completely filling the security bar in Verdant Brink during night meta. We usually get to tier 4 but there's always that last 30% of the bar that's never filled. This gap in the bar taunted us, insulted us even. It needed to be filled so we optimized our squads and took to the jungle.

    We had people assigned to each camp who were escorting pact soldier, we had a Rampaging Mordrem murder team that flew around executed those plant nerds, and 5 amazing commanders who kept all of us in check.

    The meta went fantastic and we filled the bar... then something happened. The bar reset and emptied out (video evidence shown below)


    After we freaked out, we continued to fill the bar (killing modrem and doing escorts) and our final total is shown in the picture below.

    The final VB night meta bar

    [AO] would like to thank everyone that came out to help us and have an amazing night in VB. This is our second hyper organized event, our first being a Dragon Stand Speed Run (which we completed in 31 minutes). If you see us in game, don't be afraid to say hi and join us for our antics.

    submitted by /u/HenryClayisBae
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    I thought the game was dying

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    i remember when people/streamers said gw2 is dying and i believed them i switched to wow classic just to come back 8-9 months later (because wow classic is boring) to find out the game is going strong and a new expansion is coming out DON'T BELIEVE THE PEOPLE CRYING WOLF

    -i'm just venting

    submitted by /u/HeadSwan3
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    I ran into this guy among my travels, got real Heaven and Hell vibes 0:) {:| (screenshot)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Wish I could tag along for this...

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    This is fine.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Start gw2taco and GW2 at the same time on Windows

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    If you aren't using or haven't tried gw2taco, you should check it out. If you are using it, one of the drawbacks is it has to be started after you've logged in, which means you need to start the game, alt-tab, then start gw2taco, and swap back (or as someone pointed out, after login, start it before the launcher's auto-start kicks in, which is still an extra step I just don't like). It's not a chore by any means, but I thought it would be nice if you could start them both automatically. For Windows users, I've created a batch file that does just that.

    Download the below files. Windows will warn you that the batch file "may harm computers" since it's executable. It's small, and I tried to make it very cleanly written, so you can see what it is doing before you decide to download it. It obviously only starts the two programs, and makes no changes to your computer :-)



    The first attempt was just a very simple batch, but a problem arose that taco doesn't want to continue to run from the launcher or character select screen, so this version tries to start it every few seconds until it is running on its own. If you have taco, but haven't set a key-bind to turn off its tactical overlay, you should do that too. This lets you have gw2taco on at all times, but hit a single button to remove the clutter when you need to. I hope this is useful to other people. :-)

    submitted by /u/SaintHax42
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    should I stick to meta builds in t3?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I was wondering if i necessarily had to play the meta builds in tier 3 fracs. I always play dps, but I haven't done tier 3 fracs yet (I can start them anyways).

    I know meta builds are meta for a reason, but I'd like playing something that I like rather than something that works better.

    Maybe you will just tell me: "no, you have to play meta" and it's fine, I only want to know if I can go and play dps with an off-meta without getting insulted/kicked.

    submitted by /u/gisitoredditor
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    Do practically all the quests in the personal story jerk at heartstrings?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    So I'm brand new to the game. My fiancé and I started playing together about a week ago and so far I'm enjoying it (I come from Wow and he comes from GW1 and Neverwinter). I'm gonna be honest, I ugly cried for like an hour after Tybalt Leftpaw died, and then follow that up with Tonn's death and his widow blaming me for it... well, a large mag of Halloween sized mini Twix bars wasn't enough to fill the hole of misery. Hell, I even teared up a bit at the quest to discover what happened to my parents (I chose orphan at the beginning). Everything is so well written and really hard to not get completely immersed.

    Wow's story arcs are good too, don't get me wrong, and I've certainly cried at some of the one's they've done or characters they've killed....but I've been playing since launch day in 2004, so some of those characters have been engrained in the story for years and are well established. I wasn't expecting to feel the same way for a character I've known for several hours.

    I'm curious, from the veterans, what are some of the points in the game where you were genuinely surprised at your reaction or emotions to it? Are there any points in the game where you wish you chose a different path for your main toons?

    (Also, I agree with the masses. The stick who "replaced" Tybalt can shove off. He's not my partner, just someone I work with. - I'm also not looking forward to seeing Tonn's widow again later.)

    submitted by /u/Rahkitty
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    Returning playing that left just before HoT. Looking for a profession that can heal casually.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    I'm not worried with viability. I just want to be able to have some healing spells I can throw into the abyss when doing open world boss events or small events. I also prefer to have it be a well rounded profession on something like Celestial gear(is that still a thing?) so I don't have to change gear later on.

    Haven't really read all the elite specs yet, but from what I remember of core, the Elementalist seems like a great candidate for this, but I heard Engi can too. What about Revenant or Ranger on their newer specs? Are they able to weave in damage and heals like core Ele?

    submitted by /u/lee_on_reddit
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    [HELP] Step Lag in game

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Hello there!
    Has anyone been experiencing this kind of issue while you play the game? it's like when moving with wasd, your movement stutters or stops, and while presing "R" for auto run it doesn't happen.

    This started last Friday.

    submitted by /u/Nehuy
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    Is there a website that will tell me what toon has an item?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    Like, let's say I know my account has a mystic salvage kit. Mystic Salvage Kit is just an example. Replace that example with whatever. But I don't know what toon I left it on, and I want to quickly be told what toon I left it on. Where do I go? Or if I need a revive orb but its on another toon instead of on the one I need it on. You get the idea

    With API keys being available, I am hoping that this is a thing. Thought I'd ask Reddit, because I googled this and Google wasn't quite sure what I meant

    TL;DR I need a website to use my API key to tell me what character has any item I need. For fast item swapping between toons

    submitted by /u/Queen-of-not-sure
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    Full account upgrade?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is allowed here so lmk if not. I've just recently started up GW2, and I wanted to know how it works in terms of "Upgrade to full account"

    There's a £25.99 option, which gives me Path of Fire, The icebrood saga and a max level boost. I probably won't buy it until I know this game is what I'm sticking too, but is this a onetime payment, and is it worth it?

    I can't seem to add a flair too this so apologies

    submitted by /u/AtypicalNexus
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    Ah, the memories. The painful memories.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:59 AM PDT


    Welcome to the heartbreak club, kid.

    submitted by /u/RopeAfterTheCowboy
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    Discretize website

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    Is there a way to hide the side bar? On my MacBook it blocks the content of the page.

    submitted by /u/Nikeli
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    Well i gues i need triple monitors now .. :D

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Walked into a bunch of naked norns. Casual day in gw2 XD

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Must Get Items/Etc Before Halloween Event Ends???

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    What are some must grabs/completes for the Mad King/Halloween event. I started watching a video, but had too much going on around me so figured I'd ask on here. Always great answers on reddit. Thanks in advance!!! Screenshots or wiki links for items encouraged 😊

    submitted by /u/edempsey1980
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