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    Monday, August 10, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 The guide....

    Guild Wars 2 The guide....

    The guide....

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Speaking of broken faces....

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    PSA: Superior Sigil of Torment Recipe is available on PSNA today!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    PSA: Superior Sigil of Torment Recipe is on rotation today on the PSNA vendors! Don't miss it.

    Currently at Verma at [&BA8CAAA=], use WP [&BB4CAAA=]

    submitted by /u/pfraites
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    Should I finish these? (SOUND ON)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    these edibles aint sh*t

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Man, these Maguuma plants be hittin different

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Why streamers/youtubers jumping into GW2 ara always stupid?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    After summit1g experience with the game I saw a couple of streamers/youtubers trying the game too, and it's always the same sad pattern: They do a couple of hearts, doesn't bother to understand what's going on, call the system stupid, use insta lvl 80 item, go to jungle maps, die instantly, call the game stupid, jump into pvp without knowing anything, get destroyed, blame the game.

    Are all the same, or I just got bad luck with the streams/videos I manage to find?

    submitted by /u/DrDeadwish
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    Dragon Banner is completely and utterly balanced, I swear.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    GW2 new content

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Hey just curious how often does GW2 get content updates. I like WoW because of the new content updates fairly often? But looking for new MMO.

    submitted by /u/crditzel11
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    My best reaper clips from the last two months (Hollts - Ranked PvP)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Fractals are Amazing! Don't get discouraged.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Fractals are Amazing! Don't get discouraged.

    Born in the Mists

    I'm a long time player who has been off and on of Guild Wars 2 since its release (Actually since Guild Wars 1). Never been a fan of the PVP aspect although I have enjoyed some moments in WvW, but I'm super biased because I simply don't like PVP in general from any game. I'm really big on PVE related content but with all my time playing the game, I have NEVER raided nor did Fractals. You're probably wondering "What the hell has he been doing this whole time?", well see I'm a simple man with simple pleasures and I truly enjoy just doing the story, Dailies, Word Events, and many of the other things the PVE has to offer. I spend most of my days joining story LFGs to help out new players or experience their core story from a different race. I kind of got the vibe that Raiding and Fractaling was for the super elite and read about the distasteful elitism that comes from some players who do this on the regular.

    A few weeks ago, I jumped into the fractals and got my start for the hell of it. Started doing each one and found many players, especially in the lower tiers, who were in the same boat as me. Most who LFG in the first two tiers haven't experienced all the scales and typically don't expect the other to know 100% of the mechanics involved in these fractals. I'm here to tell those who have yet to try it for the same reason, to definitely do. Don't make the same mistake I did and wait. Most of the LFGs are chill and Tiers 1 and 2 are perfect for joining people and learning everything you can about the fractals. It gets more series in Tier 3 but even then, it shouldn't be too hard and you should begin to have a decent idea of how it works and what people begin to look for in others.

    Just started T4 a few days ago and have been enjoying it. Here you will definitely find those who might give off a sense toxic elitism but by the time you reach here, you'll most likely know all the mechanics for each fractal and how to overcome it. The good news is that not all groups are crazy toxic and that you will always find a chill group looking to get through the Dailies. Pots (Or Mist Potions) will be required along with Utilities and Food, while understanding that you would be expected to play a certain role. I personally play the DPS role (Daredevil thief) and have grown to develop and grow my build to my play style while making sure I produce high enough damage for my group. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to complete a fractal with a well coordinated group and the sense of pride that comes with knowing that you played a big part in that completion is just a great feeling to have.

    I implore everyone who hasn't tried dipping their toes in Fractals, to do so whenever you get the chance because, along with the great loot you start to get, its a great experience to enjoy. Jump in it, try it out, learn from your mistake and learn about the fractals. You'll learn how to coordinate with strangers, how to progress and tinker with your build, and will be motivated to do research on the fractals itself and builds that best fit your class. Sure you'll run into that one asshole every once in a while who feels the need to tell you how bad you and everyone else is and who quits early because you failed once or twice, but know that it almost always boils down to two things, either they feel they are wasting their time or they're simply a prick. In the end, you do what you gotta do and take a failed groups as a learning experience to improve yourself.

    So don't wait for Shia Labeouf to come over and yell at you. Strap on whatever ascended gear you currently have and just f**king do it. To me, its been a hell of an amazing ride and this is a stepping stone to that great challenge I've yet to experience...Raids!

    TL;DR: Fractals bueno. Try fractals.

    submitted by /u/Goodjorge
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    Why are story mode Ascended rewards not stat selectable?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    I dont need Marshal stats on any of the builds on any of my characters. Is there anything I can even do with these? I know armor and weapons can be stat changed in the mystic forge, but not sure about accessories and amulets.

    Whats the point in having such tedious story rewards that are only useful for some people? These should be stat selectable, at the very least for all stats related to that expansion.

    submitted by /u/Harrada
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    Forget about skimmer, I present to you underwater griffon

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    These new Black Lion Chests

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Is core alot weaker than elite specs (new player)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    Hello guys so im fairly new to guild wars2 started earlier this year and i heared from a friend that it didnt matter what build or spec u wanna play as long as u enjoy it but i really didnt wanna fall behind bcs i enjoy playing necro blood magic i just wanted to know am i gonna fall behind greatly in pvp and pve if i dont chose one of the elite specs since i prefer core blood magic over reaper and scourge? I apperciate the help in advance 🙏🏼

    submitted by /u/Tokkijang
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    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 21 - Mount Maelstrom

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    Also, before we get to the recap, you should know that I'm currently conducting a survey on map preference. I'm currently still accepting responses - and I'll be publishing the results in a Weekly Map Recap Special article. Get in those responses while you still can!

    21 of 52 - Mount Maelstrom - Level 60-70

    Mount Maelstrom has always been a bit of an odd duck. The last map before we hit Orr, Maelstrom has very little in common with the zones around it. With a distinct look and feel and meta events focused on 'the B plot', Maelstrom can't help but feel a bit like a filler episode before the finale.

    As a 60-70 map, we're getting up there folks. Only four more to go after this in the vanilla set of maps. Exciting!

    Theme/Concept - 5/10

    The map description for Mount Maelstrom notes that it is "the wildest of lands, far from the prying eyes of the races of Tyria." It's clear where that idea comes across in the environmental art: a great volcano looming over a steaming jungle, with great ruins dotting the landscape.

    Unfortunately, that element of 'untamed wilderness' is only represented in fits and spurts. The focus on elementals and ruins on this map is a key piece that is done quite well. There are not one but two 'secret' event chains on this map that involve slaying multiple elementals. One opens the 'Hidden Garden' area - a high point for this map - and one summons a secret champion boss. You have asura ruins and the ruins of Droknar's Forge - oddly called Droknah's in this game. That stuff is all great.

    But the idea that this is 'the wildest of lands?' Not really present. Pact and Warden camps are all over this map. There are very few parts of the map without the presence of our 'civilized' Tyrians.

    This is an idea that we'll get to see much more fully realized when we get to Tangled Depths. On that map, the Pact camps are few and far between, and the most 'stable' area of the map is the Nuhoch town. But here on Mount Maelstrom, the land does not feel truly wild in the way that the description seems to imply.

    On another topic, this map offers a bit of a break from the theme of the fight against Zhaitan and the Ruins of Orr. While that story has been building in this part of the world since Bloodtide Coast, this map focuses instead on the destroyers and inquest.

    These are two factions which have never been 'central' to the plot of the game in GW2. Although the Orrian undead are here and the Pact is trying to contain them, they feel less central than the stories of the Megadestroyer or asura machinations. That's not necessarily a bad thing. When we have three whole maps coming up of Orrian undead - and Sparkfly Fen crawling with them - it's probably a positive that we get a break here.

    That said, that leaves the theme a bit confused. Although there is a lot of room to play up the connection between the asura and the destroyers - since they are so tied together in the lore - the inquest on this map are not focused on the destroyers. Instead, they're focused on… all of the dragons, I guess. They have an underwater base too, but it's unclear what that's all about.

    In short, this map has a lot going on. While a lot of it is great stuff - the elementals, the destroyer threat, containing the undead - none of it gets center stage. That leaves this map's theme muddled.

    Lore - 7/10

    Okay, we've got some exciting stuff today! First and foremost is Droknar's Forge. This was a high-level 'hub' outpost of GW1. For a long time it was considered THE hub of the game, even over Lion's Arch. From here, some of the best gear could be made, expeditions could be launched to Sorrow's Furnace - the first super-tough 'dungeon' in the game. The epilogue content of Prophecies was located here - including communication with Glint and the Brotherhood of the Dragon, a society of dwarves who served that dragon.

    In addition, this map was one of the strongest arguments for Mordremoth before we knew he existed. In the Crucible of Eternity dungeon itself, the 'Subject Alpha' boss has a skill called 'Teeth of Mordremoth' - which was the first reveal we had of the name. But here on Mount Maelstrom, the Zone Green lab was some of the strongest evidence we had that there was an Elder Dragon of plants that was unrevealed.

    On top of that, this map has a number of other interesting smaller lore pieces. We have the longest conversations you can have with a largos outside of the personal story, located in the awesome underwater volcanic vents area. We have a pilgrimage site for hylek in the southeast corner of the map. We even have an asuran outpost from before Orr fell (though the timeline there is a bit confused, since the asura are supposed to have been underground until the Eye of the North expansion for GW1).

    Now, all of this is great but it's important to note that none of it is 'central', per se. This is not on par with Fields of Ruin or Malchor's Leap lore wise by any means. But it's some great place setting stuff and some fun hints of what was to come.

    Design - 6/10

    Mount Maelstrom has a fascinating design. The eponymous mountain dominates the landscape, taking up much of the western half of the map. Narrow corridors run around it on the north, west, and south side of the mountain. To the east, there are three 'strips' of terrain running east-west. The northern strip contains the Crucible of Eternity, the middle strip is the Mire Sea, and the bottom strip is a narrow spit of land called the Stychs with more asura labs and the hylek pilgrimage site.

    Before skyscales and springers, Mount Maelstrom presented a real barrier for travel. The steep slopes plus the labyrinthian warren of tunnels underneath made it a challenge to get to where you wanted in the mountain or around it. That always felt very intentional - the lava tubes that riddle the landscape here are claustrophobic and unlike anything else in the game until we get to Ember Bay. The effect of emerging into the smoking caldera after wandering your way in those tunnels is one of the best 'frying pan into the fire' feelings you can get in exploring in Guild Wars 2.

    The rest of the map is really a wild mix. Let's start with the jumping puzzles. We have two - Conundrum Cubed and the Hidden Garden. The latter was added after launch, and is a brilliant hidden area. Conundrum Cubed itself is a load of fun.

    On the east side of the map we have a series of inquest labs. Moving north to south we have the Crucible of Eternity, then a lab where the 'Inquest Golem Mk II' spawns, then an underwater secret base, then a lab in the Stychs along the southern border.

    Some of these areas are more engaging or effective than others. The Crucible of Eternity area feels pretty barren - the areas feel sparse and too large for their purpose. It seems odd that there are labs here, outside of the dungeon. Who puts dragon research labs on the outside of their main complex?

    The underwater content is some of the most plentiful on any map in the game. There are a number of interesting events - including a largos hunt you can take part in. Most of this content was hard to find groups for at launch, so you can imagine the difficulty now.

    This map has the odd distinction of having two world bosses. Both the Megadestroyer and the Inquest Golem MkII live on this map.

    To sum up, there's a lot going on in this map. It's hard to tell what the 'flow' is intended to be here. So many different types of environments and events criss cross each other above ground, underground, and underwater. The major entrances to this map are in the NW, which would lead one to believe the Crucible - as the 'final boss' of this map - should be in the SE. But it's in the NE, leaving the bottom right to feel a bit remote and out of the way.

    Very few of the design elements here adhere to one another. How does the Crucible lab event relate to the Megadestroyer meta? It's not easy to get from one to the other. Why would players tackle the underwater content if there's nothing in the SE to entice them to cross the water? They could just stay in the north and west side where the metas live. It's all a bit confused.

    Gameplay - 6/10

    There's a lot of fun to be had here, even if none of the pieces gel together as a cohesive whole.

    Let's start with the bosses. The Megadestroyer is a mildly enjoyable fight, and remains one of the most dramatic of the world bosses. It received a small update after launch to make it more engaging, though not on the level of Tequatl or Shatterer. The Inquest Golem MKII is laughably easy and it seems odd to have a second world boss here rather than one on a map like Iron Marches or Fireheart Rise to add to the population up there.

    The exploration elements are the highlight of this map. Even aside from the various scavenger-hunt activities on the map, slaying elementals and unlocking hidden areas, the events are fun. There's an event to turn into an animal to sneak around a ghost-infested valley. There's the event to join with a largos on their hunt. There's an event to help a Pact patrol survive illusions from a Risen Wizard - an idea that will be played with when we get to the more Lovecraftian Icebrood Saga.

    And if you love underwater content, this really is a map for you. If some new rewards were placed on this map in conjunction with the new skimmer underwater ability, we could see some boost to the population here.

    The rollerbeetle race, as always, is a ton of fun.

    Really, the main issue with the gameplay as alluded to with the design is that none of these things relate to each other. There is no clear sense that helping, say, the Order of Whispers defeat the Inquest in the Stychs helps the assault against the Crucible. The map itself doesn't seem to change much when the Megadestroyer is alive or destroyed. For me, that makes these events less engaging - and ultimately, less fun.

    Imagine if the volcano smoked and could be seen across the map when the destroyers were active, or it rained embers elsewhere on the map. Imagine if disabling the other inquest bases lowered an energy shield around the crucible. This is a similar problem to Fireheart Rise, though it feels less present because the map is so focused on its exploration elements.

    Art - 8/10

    Mount Maelstrom has aged quite well, I think. The map retains a lot of unique visual elements and environmental assets and art design that hasn't been replicated on other maps. Even when we did get more volcanoes in Ember Bay, those featured completely separate assets and art style (giant skulls and all).

    If we put together the art from Conundrum Cubed, the Hidden Garden, the lava vents in Treacherous Depths, and the Caldera of Mount Maelstrom itself, you have some of my favorite environmental art in the vanilla release. That's not even touching on the underwater inquest base, the krait tower, the maze of lava tubes, the sunken Droknar's Forge, and the introduction of the Pact architecture (that we'll get a lot more of in Fort Trinity).

    Certainly some elements have aged better than others. Like all jungle maps in the vanilla release, the Maelstrom pales in comparison to any Heart of Thorns map in terms of simulating the density and lushness of a real jungle. The foliage all looks painfully 2012. But there's still a lot to love here.

    Long Term/Retention - 7/10

    This map is doing fine for retention. On top of having two world bosses, it has the entrance to a dungeon. The Hidden Garden area is critical in a high number of legendary precursor journeys, including the popular Chuka and Champawat, where - in an innovative way - it serves as the 'hub' of that quest.

    Pile on the players who are going through the Personal Story and those getting sunken treasure or beetle race medallions, and you've got a fairly robust population for a vanilla map. Most of that population is fairly transient - there isn't much reason to hang out after Megadestroyer, and Crucible of Eternity is not as popular as it once was.

    Overall - 6.5/10

    I don't know what to think about Mount Maelstrom. On the one hand, it's got a great identity focused around the enormous volcano that can be seen across the map. On top of that, it's got one of the coolest 'hidden areas' in the game - and one of the first examples of a multi-step jumping puzzle 'sandbox' that will come back in the future. On the other hand, the Crucible of Eternity area is bare-bones and uninteresting. While the Megadestroyer has been tuned up a bit, this is another zone where it would be nice to get some unique rewards to encourage players to stick around on the map after daily reset.


    That's it for today! Next week, we'll be headed to our last map before Orr: Straits of Devastation.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    Don't forget that survey!

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    I don't get this.. Isn't this a lv30 task?(indicated in the top right corner) Why do i need to wait until lv35 to get in?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Buying the ultimate version

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Any idea when usually they would have a discount for the ultimate version, always wanted to play this game but still saving up money for the pc :b

    submitted by /u/Ipokiller2G
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    Folks who use Mentor tags in low-level areas: what's your day like?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Hi! I've been playing for quite a while and I'm wondering if the Mentor tags are genuinely helpful for new players. I see folks with Mentor tags in lower-level areas, and I'm wondering: do you get pinged for explanations? Do you get asked for help with questing? What is life like?

    (People also use Mentor tags in place of Commander tags, but that's not really what I'm referring to... more along the lines of actual "mentor" stuff.)

    submitted by /u/novaloop
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    So what makes people not want to play WvW?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Just curious, whats some of the reasons people dont like to play WvW and what some reasons that make lots of players not want to give WvW a try? What killed this game mode in so many people's eyes?

    submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    So I wanted to try a new mmorpg and was suggested to play Guildwars2 so I installed the game and started creating my account. But when I finished creating it the website would say "There was an unspecified error. Please try again.". So I tried again and again and again and it just would not work for me. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell me

    submitted by /u/derpgodzilla
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    [Question] Is there a way to go to/unlock LWS Season 3 & 4 Map without doing the story?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Is there a way to go to/unlock LWS Season 3 & 4 without doing the story?

    Kindly note that I own the LWSs. I just don't want to spend time yet doing the stories, but needed to go to the maps to farm currencies. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/bumlife911
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