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    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - July 18, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - July 18, 2020

    Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - July 18, 2020

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


    Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Our newbies discord server had it's first wing clear just a couple of days after being created with a squad of mostly first-time raiders and I couldn't be more excited about this!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    2nd day in GW2 - What a ride!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    I am not sure why I write this down or if it interests anyone, but I just wanted to share this. This was my 2nd day in GW2 and I was on the way to the big city to pursue the main quest as a lv 12 Thief. On the way there I saw these amazing looking people just outside the city. There were 2 completely black reaper-like dressed guys. I started to tell them how awesome and cool they look. Suddenly people were gathering all arround us, showing off their different costumes, animals, dinosaurs, chairs and special effects. There were even two women playing music while a big guy with a mustache was enjoying the company of two young ladies. There was suddenly so much going on. I didn't even know where to watch. We all had a very friendly chat and they explained a lot about the game to me. They even showed me around the city and me and a couple of others even joined a guild of one of the friendly high level guys. This whole adventure took easily 2 hours. At the end I didn't even start the main quest yet, but I had a blast. I've seen so many things, learned quite a lot about the game, and met some great people. What a wondeful start into the game!

    submitted by /u/0xcfe
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    540 AR lol wtf

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    The New Commanders Guide to Efficient and Profitable Drizzlewood Coast Meta

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am copy pasting the guide that I wrote for my guild and allied guilds to help get your profits up in Drizzlewood Coast. If you have seen me running the tag has been [SM] RIKU'S ROUGHNECKS, and generally I have lived in this meta since it came out because I love it so much. If you have any questions hit me up in game or join my squads when I am running DWC. BTW I am NA not EU.

    This guide is written to provide my methods for increasing profits on the map. Currently DWC sits at the highest repeatable farm with 25g 11s 25c as the benchmark for each run. The benchmarking I use is from https://www.peuresearchcenter.com/benchmarks.html, my runs have provided profits higher than this but we can consider 25g as a par profitable run. Since rewards in DWC are mainly RNG based there is a higher than normal variance on your profits. To describe the RNG I am referring to, when you get reward chests and material chests they are assigned a value of overall materials of 1 type to give you to.

    Let's take the Blood Legions Blood chest as an example for this RNG. You get 100 bloods ranging from T1-T6. You could potentially end up with 24 T6 bloods, or you could end up with 3. This is how all the materials are rewarded from this meta. On a Charged Lodestone box of 25 Charged my highest pull was 12 Charged Lodestones. I am averaging 4 Charged Lodestones per box outside of that. Take this RNG into consideration if you are tracking your profits from the meta.


    The New Commanders Guide to Efficient and Profitable Drizzlewood Coast

    By [SM] Riku Shinobu.4518

    Before I begin this guide I am adding this to say that as of writing this guide (7/17/20) the map will be changing significantly in a little more than a week so some of the information that I am writing in this guide could become inaccurate after the patch.

    This guide is to help new players and commanders new to the map learn and understand the Drizzlewood Coast (DWC) meta farm in what I consider to be the most profit oriented approach to the meta so that your coin purses grow. As such this guide is not meant to be a teaching tool for the overall map meta but as a supplement to other guides that are already out.


    My approach to DWC has always been to increase the Gold Per Hour (gph) earned during the meta. I have lived in this map since it was released and I have tried different iterations of running the map to see what comes of it. I am still testing new ideas every run to get more information from the map to increase gph even at the risk of lowering a runs profitability; to say that some of these runs have produced horrible results would be an understatement. I have three rules that I follow now as simple guidelines.

    Rule #1: East side = Money

    Breaking down each individual territories rewards from Keep Lord Chests and the Troop Readiness Evaluation rewards it is clear that the east side is the high profit side.

    Vloxen Mine: Ore Petraj Overlook: Wood

    Fort Defiance: Fangs Port Cascadia: Scales

    Leadfoot Village: Bones Lighthouse Point: Totems

    Succeeding across the whole map is necessary for finishing out the meta but setting up the map to give you more rewards from the east side of the map is the idea behind increasing gph. The bar I set for myself when commanding the map is to get as many Lighthouse Point chests that I can get before the readiness bar fills up for the final assault.

     Par Run: 2 Lighthouse chests & 2 Village chests Optimal Run: 3 Lighthouse chests & 2 Village Chests 

    ?Supreme: 3 Lighthouse & 3 Village Chests? ?Or 4 Lighthouse?

    Troop Readiness Evaluation is based on the morale of each based controlled by the Legions, and I achieve my optimal runs by staggering east and west sides so that east side is always the first side to push forward into new territory.

    How I originally performed this was by staggering the initial escorts at the start of the meta to an east/west approach; starting east side first and then once east side hit the gates running over and starting west side. This is almost impossible to due now due to the amount of AFK farmers and botters that sit on the west side escort start point to leech participation and loot from the west side bull runners. They will always start west side at the beginning of the map and it is annoying. I have been unable to use this method of starting the map off for the last week and because of that we have figured out a way to return the stagger to the sides so that each run will end up with 3 Lighthouse chests. I add this stagger by making sure certain events that affect the morale of Fort Defiance end up failing on purpose so as too delay the escorts on west side, which in turn lowers the amount of morale at the end phase of the meta.

    The event that you want to fail is the Tier 2 Bull escort that starts at Mine and ends at Fort. This event has the least impact to the base so that you don't risk losing it, but it accounts for roughly half the morale of the base. We are still in the middle of testing how much is the optimal amount to fail and right now we are sitting on 3 to 4 bulls, with the potential for more to fail based on how efficient your map is. This gives us enough of a stagger to make sure that Village and Lighthouse ARE NOT captured in the same reward interval (tick) of Readiness.

    In order to push East side as fast as possible you need to make sure none of the events fail on the east side. This means that all the Tier 2 Bull escort events that spawn at Petraj need to succeed! I cannot stress enough how important those escorts are to speeding up the morale in Port Cascadia! THOSE BULLS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED SACRED AND HOLY UNTIL YOUR ASS IS SITTING IN LIGHTHOUSE!

    In order to push East side as fast as possible you need to make sure none of the events fail on the east side. This means that all the Tier 2 Bull escort events that spawn at Petraj need to succeed! I cannot stress enough how important those escorts are to speeding up the morale in Port Cascadia! THOSE BULLS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED SACRED AND HOLY UNTIL YOUR ASS IS SITTING IN LIGHTHOUSE!

    I think it is possible to end the meta with 3 chests of each Village and Lighthouse, and we are still running the maps with this goal in mind but I have not achieved it (at least that I can remember, some of the runs have been a blur because I run this meta so much xD). I will add my speculations at the end of the guide for others to try and achieve this.

    As an addendum I would like to add that you should NOT BE NEGLECTING WEST SIDE because of this rule. You need to succeed across the entire map to start the final assault and get those sweet cache rewards! This rule is in place to define the leading goal on the map.

    Rule #2: War Supplies make Siege

    This rule is a very simple rule, after buying your 15 daily keys from the Quaestor you should be spending your war supply on siege weapons. Specifically you need to be buying the Flame Rams and Catapults. These 2 siege weapons are extremely important when pushing escorts forward and using them WILL SPEED UP THE INFLUENCE DRAIN DURING CAPTURE EVENTS!

    The Arrow Cart and Ballista have very little use in my opinion and you should not be spending war supplies on them. I also do not recommend that you buy more than 15 keys either. At 250 supply each after daily prices, it can be a very quick drain on supply for something with little impact to the map.

    Following this rule leads to our next rule…

    You should always be assaulting bases with the Remote Charge ability! Until the champion spawns you should be throwing them at every building you see around you! Stacking the Remote Charges with the siege weapons that you can use on the map you can speed through the Influence drain of the assault very very quickly. The goal is to have the champion out within 1 minute of breaching the gates into the base. Speaking of breaching the gates, **PUT FLAME RAMS DOWN ON THE GATES!** Running around attacking the buildings with your weapon is going to get you nowhere fast. Remote Charges and siege weapons are intended to break as many structures in as quickly a time frame as you can. Comboing both of these is essential! The influence drain phase of the event can become one of the biggest time sinks in your map (not including weak dps and/or a bad combo on the champion).

    Initial Assault: Remote Charge → → Champion Spawn: Electromagical Pulse 

    Once the champion spawns you should be switching to the EMP to make sure that their bars are broken as quickly as possible, so that they die as quickly as possible.

    As an addendum to this rule I will add that if you do not yet have the Remote Charge ability unlocked then keep running EMP but you should be focusing on using siege weaponry to break stuff. Be wary when sitting on a catapult, the enemies seem to have a nose for sniffing out someone sitting on one. If you are completely new to the map and meta then focus on killing elites when assaulting.

    TL;DR Focus east side, making bulls a priority War Supplies = Siege weapons Always assault with Remote Charge 


    So this part will include some tips that I hope make it easier for you when running.

    Players are generally lemmings and will not follow your instructions. To use an example, whenever I am calling out for players on the map to start escorting the Tier 2 bulls, I will also go to the bulls myself and the lemmings will follow. Once I am confident that enough people are on the event I will head to the next area I am needing to be in.

    Escorts with less people will run super fast. I try to limit the assault escorts to 5-8 people so that they are scaled way down and are easily completed. Doing this is like adding a turbocharger to Malice and Efram when they are pushing forward. Speaking of those two, they like to fight, so I always recommend that you run slightly ahead and kill anything on the way before they get close to it.

    There are events that need to be higher on the priority list than others based on their consequences when failing. I follow this list of priority based on the event.

    Skirmishes > Bombers > Mortars > Balloons > Champions/Cannons > Mines > Recon/Tower

    Skirmishes will actively drain your morale until the event is over. If this event fails you get none of it back! Upon succeeding you get the morale that was drained back plus a boost.

    Bombers will lower morale by killing your NPCs in each base. This is bad. It is not as harsh as skirmish and the same rule applies, fail and you lose it all, win and you get it back plus more.

    Mortars reduces your morale when the shield breaks. The rest of the events just lower your morale when they fail.

    I do not consider the Dominion assaults as events in this list because it is the highest priority!

    1. If you fail this event you LOSE THE BASE!
    2. This event pauses your morale so it is neither raised or lowered by anything.

    This can end up slowing your progression on the map if your forward bases are attacked.

    3) The assaults can and will stack with the other events, so following the priority list will tell you how badly you need to be defending the base. Skirmishes and Bombers stacking with an assault will quickly end up with you losing the base.

    Remind your map that rewards are participation based across the map and that they don't need to be solely focusing on any part of the map. The map should be played as a whole.

    The Keep Lord Chest does suffer from diminishing returns, the readiness chests do not. My personal goal is to be at 150% participation BEFORE the third tick of readiness from the map. It is very possible to do this before the second tick, but I do not recommend it. This is due to it being a pain in the ass to achieve and also the reward increase to this is minimal at best. Best to save the stress and just get it ready before the third tick. Reminder that each tick is 10 minutes of time.

    AFK Farmers and botters will mess up your early map meta.

    Some of the events can be buggy thus reducing the efficiency of your map. All I can say is that when you are commanding you need to just roll with the punches and deal with it. Skirmish events will fail to mark targets which can delay completion, also sometimes if that base is really full the progress from kills will actually be low.

    Having a champion that has the Signaler effect will increase the time it takes to kill it, slowing down your champ train.

    The balloons are really hard to shoot when you are the commander.

    Almost everything in this map is RNG based. Rewards, bases that get assaulted + when they get assaulted, champion abilities during champ train, so don't let a bad RNG run get you down.

    I always ask my squad to call out events on the map so that people can respond to them, almost every event is tied to an achievement so people should be answering them quickly.

    It is a good idea to keep scouts assigned to territories so they can track events and the morale of the base.

    Sometimes Malice and Efram will say they are going to move out but they don't for quite a few minutes.

    Vishen likes to bug and stay up above everything, don't jump down until she actually goes down.


    Alright so here are all my ideas for how to increase map speeds even further. Some of these I am still trying out and some of them are just ideas that I haven't gotten around to.

    I think it is possible to speed up the capture of the bases by only allowing a max of 8 people into the territory, but I admit that I don't see how to actually achieve this outside of a controlled map of your guild mates thanks to all the randoms that join that don't listen.

    The champions scale the same way as the assaults do so the above idea but applied to the champ train. 8 people go on the train to kill and the rest follow behind to loot and wait for the champ to die. I have not tried this yet, but I would like to at some point. I would assign people to sub groups and have them go wait at each champions spawn point. I know the champions are random but they should die quickly and your champ train would be sped up thanks to not needing to travel to the champs. The chests from the champs last for around 5-10 minutes, I haven't time it yet. So either assigning people to the champs or having a small group lead to kill everything. I haven't decided yet.

    The events roll one after the other and I am curious if there is a pattern to the events. I will be testing this within the next week. This will allow you to get ready for certain events so that you can clear them almost instantly thus speeding up your map. (example would be everyone sitting on a cannon spawn when cannon event spawns)

    Having people waiting ahead of the assault in the base to blow up certain structures sooner to speed up the influence drain. I don't see why this wouldn't be a hard thing, and I don't think it would affect the scaling of the champion as long as they are not within the range of the champion. Probably not possible in Fort Defiance without affecting the champ scaling.


    So I am still testing out ideas, this weekend we will be recording the event rotations in each territory to see if they are a random rotation or if they cycle through the same events over and over. IF the event chain is static then that will provide us the opportunity of placing people ahead of the events to quickly and clearly finish them.

    If you have any questions or would like to actually join and see my method in action then hit me up in game or hit me up on discord: https://discord.gg/MZCcK3H

    Edit: Fixed some formatting issues.

    submitted by /u/Rush5th
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    [SC] Duo Caudecus' Manor path 3 2:58

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    Today we are proud to present our new duo of Caudecu's Manor path 3 in 2:58, which is also the fastest duo of any dungeon path, and the first to be below three minutes! This path was a lot of fun to optimize, and we ended up going with a soulbeast + chronomancer comp.

    The Soulbeast handled most of the dps with its insane burst along with providing some minor buffs such as Frost Spirit and Spotter, while also bringing good self-might, cc, and mobility. Since the soulbeast can pretty much solo burst all the bosses, we decided to go with a support rather than a second pure dps class, which lead us to the Chrono, chosen for its access to both quickness (for the burst phases) and alacrity (for the turret room), on demand stealth for the turret part, as well as bringing other crucial utilities such as focus pull for the adds, reflects, and cc.

    One thing that made this path very frustrating for us was the random(??) cooldowns on the turret guns ranging from 2.5 to 3.2 seconds, which often cucked us even with alacrity. But regardless, overall a very satisfying path to duo.


    PoVs (click on the names) : Elu (Soulbeast) Marchen (Chrono)

    submitted by /u/Tyrreur
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    PSA: Sweet and Spicy Butternut squash soup is available today

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    The Charr PSNA is currently in Ebonhawke at the gates, 25k karma today only or you can wait another few months or more, or you can spend 625g on the tp to get the recipe.

    submitted by /u/Private4160
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    I know DPS is a touchy subject, but this is a really helpful video.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    There are so many amazing weapon skins in game; Just because you don't have a legendary doesn't mean you can't have a great looking weapon! Be sure to check the full wardrobe, you'd be surprised what options there are if you've never looked!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Does Anet do this to troll medium armor players?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Brand new playing as of a week ago. My level 21 Sylvari Guardian (very basic appearance I know).

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Multiboxers in group instanced content

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Experienced this yesterday whilst doing Strikes. Left me jilted. Multiboxer using three Staff D/Ds. Scooping 3x the rewards whilst contributing almost nothing to the squads dps.

    I accept that Anet are okay with multiboxers, providing they are manually clicking the skills, and in this case they were doing so. But in group content where your slack is being picked up by other players, this feels off.

    submitted by /u/CALTCA
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    Anyone also play dnd?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Hey there reddit. I'm an avid gw2 player and I also play dnd I was curious if anyone had drafted a homebrew guild wars table top? It's an idea I've had for a while and was curious if anyone had done it before?

    submitted by /u/ZiaD5
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    [CnD] Crits N Dips | Cardinal Sabir | 2:31

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    We are quite excited to share our latest project with you: https://dps.report/Xey1-20200716-225322_sabir

    Albeit that there have only been two records on Cardinal Sabir since the release of Wing 7, we managed to beat the former record by 40 seconds.


    Group 1 Group 2
    Berserker — Liam Druid — Bekko*
    Chronomancer (Support) — Yulian
    Chronomancer (Power) — Aleoben
    Chronomancer (Power) — Solwolfer
    Chronomancer (Power) — Starshine*
    Holosmith — Bovan*
    Holosmith — Lunar*
    Holosmith — Xyonon
    Renegade — Sven

    *These videos are not from the main record. The runs are virtually the same, but people either forgot to record, didn't notice that their drive reached capacity or found another recording being closer to what they wanted to show.

    We used three Power Chronomancers for their high damage to both the boss and Defiance Bars, their ability to teleport through Unbridled Tempest (Shockwave) and therefore keeping their Flash Discharge (Special Action Skill). More importantly, they enabled us to use portals, speeding up our second ascension.
    Note that the portals have been used by [SC] in the former record and that we didn't come up with this idea.

    We also used three Power Holosmiths for similar reasons. The phase and Defiance Bars timings enabled the Holosmiths to achieve a high Photon Forge uptime for great DPS as well as having access to all their CC for every Bar. Thanks to A.E.D. they were able to survive the Unbridled Tempest, keeping their Flash Discharge and the associated damage buff as well. Unlike their Chronomancer partners, the Holosmiths also had great burst for the second phase, which enabled us to skip the first Unbridled Tempest there.
    Note that Holosmiths have not been used by former records on this boss and that we did come up with this idea.

    The Berserker was mandatory for Banners while providing Empower Allies to nine people.
    The Support Chronomancer was responsible for providing Quickness and two crucial portals. Note that both, Berserker and Holosmith, generate a great amount of Quickness themselves which relieved pressure from the Support Chronomancer.
    The Iboga was responsible for its owners' damage output, while he maintained Might and provided Fury, Protection.
    The Renegade was mandatory for maintaining Alacrity and also assisted with Protection. All of these classes also helped tremendously with breaking Defiance Bars.

    A lot has changed compared to the former record. Chronomancer has been buffed across the board in the last two balance patches and Holosmith wasn't even used back then. Higher damage and timed bursts lead to fewer mechanics and allowed us to keep Flash Discharge, for even higher damage and faster Defiance Bars. In essence, we minimised the time in which we can't attack the boss and are quite pleased with how quickly we were able to break Defiance Bars.
    For more information on the matter of Defiance Bars, refer to this video.
    To make this possible, everyone used a Sigil of Paralyzation and brought as much CC as possible —without unnecessarily sacrificing too much damage.

    As always, check out each video for more class-specific information and we'll see you next time <3
    ~ CnD

    Interested in speedruns? Join the Speedrun Discord, where new records will be announced.
    Featuring members from CnD, dP, LN and SC. We are happy to help you and your guild enter the speedrunning scene.

    submitted by /u/daeddee
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    Masters of the Arena Highlight Video

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I drew my Revenant, really proud of this

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    So, uh... do Sylvari have teeth?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    I'm asking because I really want to draw my sylvari character, and I'm obviously more accustomed to drawing humans. If there's a facial expression/pose/angle where teeth might show, do I keep or omit the teeth?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/misterflowerhead
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    Will I be able to access all of the Living World story, if I buy both expansions (one is free, I know) and the season 2 unlock?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I know that the first season is not available, but what about the rest? I'm not sure if I understand how this offer works. If I go to Guild Wars 2 shop to buy expansions I only see the Season 2 unlock avaiable, what about season 3 and 4? Will buying the expansions unlock them for me automatically, or how exactly does this work?

    submitted by /u/Tomix3317
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    I try to solo Sirens Reef. With memes

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    "Jormag Rising" comes to #GuildWars2 on July 28. Here's a first look at the Frost Citadel–are you ready?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Siren's Reef. Fixable? Hopeless?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    We've all seen, heard or talked about how terrible of an experience Siren's Reef Fractal can be (especially in T4s with the right "or worst" instabilities). So what's so bad about it? What could be improved to make it a overall better fractal? Please share your experiences and feedback, I'm curious to see what you all think can change or make the fractal better.

    The whole fractal isn't a terrible experience from the start to finish.I enjoy most of the journey believe it or not but the most single most frustrating thing about it is the very last boss.

    Captain Crowe, a boss so wickedly annoying with RNG blowing you every which way and an escape that is ridden with a insurmountable conditions that possibly get by..it can downright make a player skip this fractal all together and wait until the next day to a new set of daily/recommended fractals.

    What can be removed ? What can be improved ?

    I have no clue if the gusting winds are truly RNG based or summoned with player location/boss %/phase. I do know how unpredictable they can be and what little space you do have while trying to dodge all the other AOE spam being blown at you. How can they improve this?

    Patterns and a Breakbar. With every 25% the boss summons mobs to come and fight you, with this it could be appropriate to have to CC the boss and we have to fight the waves of pirates on the ship. As such the Captain Crowe can go to the "Crowes nest" after every CC bar. (Think Mai Trin but more refined)

    After every CC bar, we can expect a faster pattern of gusting winds and with this can be more predictable.

    That's my suggestion to make the last phase of the fractal a better experience. Lets here what you have to say!

    submitted by /u/Mistlocked_Stranger
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    The Ellutherius Wintergust Phenomenon

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Old school MMO players would know the pain of camping out for that one specific mob or boss spawn. Where it'd be hoping for that 0.01% Card drop from Golden Bug to violently farming Mushrooms for that rare Pan Lid shield. Though no matter what you farmed, it was that rush when you get that rare drop or some other Achievement.

    When Guild Wars 2 came in, it removed most of the rare drops in favor of the Achievement system and just outright farming gold to buy it off from someone who did. It was an odd change of pace but it gave everyone a decent chance and opportunity of finding their favorite items with enough time, money or just investment.

    Then this dumb-ass water genie shows up and breaks the entire philosophy

    According to the wiki Ellutherius Wintergust is a bounty that should spawn on a 30-60 minute timer at Palace of Aban in Desert Highlands. Bounties are fairly consistent and a fair way of doing things, but this particular bounty hasn't spawn in the past 24-odd hours.

    "Its just for AP" they say, "Wait for it to spawn" they lie. What people seem to not relized that a certain skin requires you to murder this liquid sleeze ball and take its gem, and there is no other way of obtaining it.

    But why you may ask?



    Anet wouldn't follow their Korean MMO roots and drop us some school outfits, swimsuits, Lord Faren's speedo or even a simple pair of SHORTS for us. So us Fashion Wars experts have to go knee deep in PVE just to get some decent looking skins.


    This broken legendary mob that won't spawn has brought me back 15 years ago where we have to camp out bosses in old MMO games for certain drops or rewards.

    submitted by /u/_Cuilan
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    [ART] I commissioned my character DIO to u/HenryClayisBae . Best gold ive spent in a long time!!!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:32 PM PDT

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