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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 We don’t always agree on travel directions.... 🦖❤️

    Guild Wars 2 We don’t always agree on travel directions.... ��❤️

    We don’t always agree on travel directions.... ��❤️

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    The lag in some maps is serioulsy destroying the game for me

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Some maps, especially pof and season 4 lag so hard most of the time that its just completely unplayable. Tried to do a legendary bounty in desert highlands today and it lagged so hard i couldnt even attack the boss seriously, he just ported, i stuttered and tpd all over the place, skills take mutiple seconds to actually go out. all in all its 0 fun playing with 1000+ ping and what feels like 30% packet loss.

    I just cant understand how arenanet can leave some maps in this unplayable state, its just embarrasing for the game as a whole, pathetic...

    submitted by /u/Meikinator
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    Hey GuildWars! Thanks for the memories (Please Read)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to this amazing community. This community was so welcoming and warm that my dad with chronic depression loved it and wanted to play it. You all made him fell welcome and appreciated.

    When he committed suicide in 2013, I was 5. I still have no idea why he didn't even attempt to get help. I guess he was too far gone. Im 13 now, and it still hurts. But I just want to say thanks for making my dad happy for so long. Every time i hear the name "Guildwars 2" i think of him. Thank you all.

    submitted by /u/DakotaTheAxe
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    Recipes purchased with Laurels should have all type of possble stats, not just core tyria. This would improve accessibility of gear for new players.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Back when I started play GW2 (which was almost 1.5 years ago) I did pretty huge mistake when tried craft Viper gear for my scourge. I purchased x6 recipes with Laurels thinking they have all stats, but I was wrong.

    Thankfully, I contacted support right away and after couple hours they of waiting, I was told to delete those recipes and gold/laurels were refunded.

    I strongly believe that recipes which are bought by Laurels should have every possible prefix. This would only help people to get their wanted stats, even if they don't have expansions.

    submitted by /u/pajausk
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    do you like pvp? yes 24 hours a day

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Dont expect people to respect your duels in a wvw map please.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Just got called rude and disrespectful for interrupting a duel in the middle of EBG. I rarely read chat so it was until I stomped that I realized I was interrupting one, and I should have realized as there were some people standing in a circular formation.

    So my bad I guess, but I have to question... why duel in the middle of EBG? Arenanet went out of their way to add gladiator arenas and coliseums to the Obsidian Jumping Puzzle and also one in EOTM. You can duel to your hearts contents there and you wont be bothered, and the places look awesome to boot.

    submitted by /u/Gurgles
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    Get this man a god damn spacial discombobulator! He's waiting since 2012!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    The Commander In The Past

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 16 - Bloodtide Coast

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    16 of 51 - Bloodtide Coast - Level 45-55

    Bloodtide Coast is one of those maps where, going into it, it's pretty clear that your mileage may vary. With a large portion of content underwater, many events focused on silly pirate shenanigans, and a vast majority of the enemies undead orrians, this map has a clear identity.

    We continue to climb in the levels, up to 45-55 now. While this map is technically connected to Lornar's Pass, players from that map making their way here are in for a challenge, since Lornar's only goes up to 40. As part of the 'Kryta' maps, one might think players are supposed to come here after completing Harathi Hinterlands - but that progression is a bit awkward. If they're completing the personal story, this map will be part of helping the hylek regardless of order choice.

    Theme/Concept - 5/10

    Bloodtide Coast is all about the pirates and the rising tide of undead. The Orrian story really ramps up here - and if players pick the hylek option in the personal narrative, things flow a bit better into Claw Island. That theme is represented well, with a number of settlements around the map that are recently abandoned or whose occupants have seemingly been turned into undead just before you got there.

    Guild Wars 2 has always had a bit of an odd relationship with pirates. In the original game, groups like the corsairs in Elona were definitely bad news - same with pirate-esque groups like the triads in Kaineng city.

    In the second game, pirates are represented by two key elements. First is the fantastic architectural style that once dominated in Lion's Arch, and now exists in maps like Gendarran Fields, Claw Island, and here in Bloodtide Coast.

    The other way that Guild Wars 2 represents pirates thematically is in the characters themselves. Invariably, Guild Wars 2's pirates pay only lip services to the idea of being dangerous cutthroats. Generally, they are fun-and-treasure loving layabouts who are more interested in a duel of drinking than of pillaging and burning.

    This creates a bit of an odd message thematically. Bloodtide Coast's pirates never really feel like a threat. They're more likely to recite a line from 'Pirates of Penzance' then slit your throat. This can get pretty cloying by the end of the map - especially if you also played on Gendarran Fields where it's much the same.

    Lore - 2/10

    There's not much to say on this. It's another map that is simply not present in GW1, and so there was a blank slate to do with whatever the Anet team wanted. Unfortunately, they haven't done that much. Despite the presence of so many pirates and pirate organizations, it's never clear their rules or how they relate to each other. Is there a 'brethren's code' like there was in real life that governs the pirates? What shipping do they actually prey on to make their gold, since there's few ships after the rising of Orr?

    Bloodtide Coast has two bright spots in terms of lore. First is that it has some neat bits on quaggan society and culture. Some of the largest quaggan settlements in vanilla are present here. Second, it has some good hylek stuff and looking at how the hylek are dealing with the rise of the Orrians. We'll get more of this in Sparkfly Fen to the south.

    Design - 7/10

    Bloodtide Coast's overall design and flow is really interesting. The west side of the map is predominantly water, and this isn't underwater content post release that has little in it. There's a lot of content down there. There's even an underwater 'jumping' puzzle(!). There are large caverns accessible only through the water, and a great deal of nooks, crannies, settlements, and resources to be found. Even whales!

    The rest of the map is no different. There are tons of little caves and tunnels throughout this map. It plays with a lot more verticality than the 'idea' of the map evokes. We don't associate swamps with treetop towns and underwater villages.

    In general, the player is supposed to make their way north to south. The map doesn't really 'force' the player to play underwater, since the levels stay even regardless of whether you're moving south on land or in the water. Even before release I believe the team was wary about requiring underwater content, despite their high hopes for it being a pillar of the game's gameplay.

    Gameplay - 7/10

    Events on the map are pretty straightforward, but there are some fun twists here and there. One event has you escorting someone to do a helpful ritual - but of course it goes wrong and summons an evil orrian monstrosity. One event has a more interesting part of the chain hidden behind failure - summoning some pirate ghosts after losing the first part of the chain.

    The two meta events on this map are entirely separate from each other in both design philosophy and content. The Taidha Covington pirate queen meta is one of the most oddly designed world bosses in the vanilla game. It involves an incredibly long first event where you're breaking into the fortress, fighting against objects like turrets rather than enemies. This part is very boring. The second section involves fighting the pirate queen herself, a small character model in a sea of players. This fight is inside labyrinthine interiors that are bland and difficult to navigate. This is not a good world boss.

    The other world boss is one of the peaks of large scale open-world event design. Triple Trouble arrived like a bomb into LWS1, blowing the player base out of the water. It was everything one could want from an open world 'end game' encounter. It needed precise coordination, and squad leadership. It required actual use of 'CC' mechanics, at a time when that was unusual. It had multiple types of events, one even involving jumping puzzle elements.

    Triple Trouble, plus the Marionette and the remake of Tequatl the Sunless, were the blueprint for all open world 'boss' events moving forward.

    The rest of the gameplay, as I said previously, features a lot of underwater combat. On a personal level, I have always enjoyed underwater content. But I understand that that is an unusual preference, and that many players have long struggled with wonky controls underwater and a lack of feedback in combat. Your mileage may vary.

    Art - 6/10

    With such a predominance of underwater content and hidden caves, there are a lot of fun art elements in Bloodtide Coast. The map contains beautiful waterfalls, grottos with wrecks of pirate ships, and coral reef towns. Overall though, the map struggles in comparison to later 'jungle' assets presented in Heart of Thorns - the lush areas on this map today look flat and decidedly lower quality. In addition, there's quite an abundance of repeated pirate ship architectural assets.

    Long Term/Retention - 8/10

    Bloodtide Coast has a surprising level of retention for various reasons. It contains not one, but two world bosses - one of which is perhaps the most predominantly run event in the entire game. You can expect large squads on this map every day at reset. In addition, there is a 'treasure hunter' achievement item on this map, as well as a jumping puzzle and normal story/progression. Finally, an Order base lives on this map - the Whispers sanctuary. Although it is the least visited, it is by no means abandoned.

    Overall - 6/10

    Bloodtide Coast is a different conversation before and after the implementation of Triple Trouble. The Covington meta event is the vanilla game's worst world boss - long and annoying. Some of the most interesting underwater content in the vanilla game is on this map, and some of the secret elements are quite interesting. But the Whispers presence is the least interesting for the average player on this map. I'd say in many ways, it's a very skippable map, and I would venture to say that without Triple Trouble it would see some of the least traffic of any map. With Triple Trouble, it has some of the strongest long-term retention in the game.


    That's it for today! Next week, we'll be headed to Iron Marches.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    FPS Benchmark

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    How to know if your FPS is good enough? What range should it be at?

    submitted by /u/Bouchilles
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    It's disheartening to see what wvw could have been.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    The new map shows a glimps of what wvw could have been like. Interesting design and optics. Maybe different rules. Smaller landscape. I never believed in the word that anet does not care about the mode. But to see what even the pve departman can do but the wvw departmant can is amazingly disappointing.

    submitted by /u/bezoXZ
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    Tanky Spellbreaker?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys, is it better to go as a tanky spellbreaker in wvw to help my squad. Are there any good tanky spellbreaker build that you can recommend? I'm still trying to put together a set for wvw but I can't fully commit until I really know what I need or have to do. I saw a build which is a support spellbreaker with hammer, axe and warhorn. Is this still a viable option? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/vdionel
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    Path Of Fire Animated Wallpaper [Wallpaper Engine]

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I was looking for some nice Guild Wars 2 wallpaper and I couldn't find any that I particularly liked (imo) so I made my own and it turned out much better than I thought so I posted it, and in case anyone else is looking for one I will share it here!

    Mine: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2155273624

    Lots of other options: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=431960&searchtext=Guild+Wars+2&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=textsearch&section=home

    Not sure if this post is against any rules, did check them and I think it should be fine but will take down if requested!

    submitted by /u/ConnorH_
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    Looking for people to run fractals of the mist with...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    I've finished the base game and I have decent knowledge of the game but I don't really have friends to play fractals of the mist with me. I really want to try it out but I can't without teammates so I thought, what better place than on the GW2 reddit? Anyways if you're interested in playing fractals of the mist and teaching me how to play and all the different mechanics and specifics on things like agony and ascended gear, I'd much appreciate it.

    I guess either message me on reddit or reply to this thread to let me know if you're down.

    Edit: I also want to join a guild but I think you need an invite, I could be wrong but if anyone is part of a decently large guild I would love to join and experience what that sort of community is like.

    submitted by /u/BigDaddy_2020
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    Blood Bank enables Necro Tank?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    "Blood Bank: This new trait replaces Vampiric Rituals in the Blood Magic grandmaster slot. It causes healing over your maximum health amount to be converted into barrier. Regeneration effects do not trigger this trait."

    This trait is insane. Do you think it could be enough to tank all on its on? It will come with a dps/heal loss compared to the normal builds. But if possible, you get build compression so it may be worth it, at least as a variant to current tank builds.

    Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Tur_In
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    What's a good Support Class

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I'm looking at playing GW2 again and getting my wife to join me so I wanted to get a good pve support build and I was just wondering what would be best Mesmer chronomancer or Ranger Druid?

    submitted by /u/JollyGreenFox
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    Arenanet password reset is broken?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    So ive been trying to reset my password for a few days now. after entering my email address or any email address doesnt really matter... It takes me to a blank site. Ive asked a buddy of mine to try reseting his password too he also got the blank page. Could any1 else try doing the same? You dont have to enter your account email address, any random email address will do just to see if u also get the blank page. If anyone knows a fix for this problem please help :P

    submitted by /u/Personality_Western
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    Thought I might return the game to catch up on the story.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Huge GW1 and GW's lore fan, played GW2 since Beta. Before I took a break I mostly did the CM 99 and CM 100 fractal attempts, as well as Raiding several days a week.

    Had to take a break from GW2 to finish another year of University (Teaching qualification to go on top of my Masters) was getting burnt out playing 12+ hours a day and knew that was going to seriously impact my education - Sometimes you just gotta step away.

    Figured I'd come back, catch up on the story-line, keep myself updated to the current lore, get myself emotionally reinvested in the story again.

    Super excited to find out what's happened to the whole gang since our last adventure, figure I'll play for a bit casually then read up on changes to my characters builds and what not.

    Might go back to grinding for that unicorn bow if the spirit of the grind takes me down that road again.

    Discovered Build Templates exist! Yes! Finally!
    Except I only get 3? Is that for my entire account? I have 12 characters and was working on getting one character of each profession Raid/CM ready. Please tell me that's 3 per character at least?
    Even then, when we finally got Build Templates back in GW1 - It was a hash code for the template, super easy to share and store, I had a whole spreadsheet of them. It seems absolutely nuts that this is tied to a Gemstore purchase.

    I also discovered that I completely forgot to log in for an arbitrary hour or so when the new episode unlocked to unlock the entire story. Again this seems absolutely nuts? How can returning players be drawn back into the game by new story lines, raid tiers and fractals and then get hit with a "Sorry, if you weren't rich with gold and gems before you took a break, you'll have to go grind for an arbitrary amount of time or use your credit card to play the story we used to appeal to returning players". If there was a new legendary weapon I might look at it and think "Damn I want that" and proceed to grind, but like, a story update should be the tool that sucks me back into the game, then have me start grinding for one of the many fashion wars pieces and then start fractals and raiding once I'm comfortable in my rotations etc. I fail to see the justification of having the story gated behind time/money, when ultimately half-way through earning the gold for that I might get bored of running silverwastes of boss kills or whatever current grind is accessible to me and then not bother.

    End rant.

    submitted by /u/ProjecTJack
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    How to test dps with condi

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    The golem in the raid area never attacks so the extra confusion damage never procs. You can set the golem in the fractals area to attack, but I did not see a measure of dps anywhere. Is there a solution to this?

    submitted by /u/SaicheShiro
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