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    Guild Wars 2 Soulbeast Mains Reading Patch Notes

    Guild Wars 2 Soulbeast Mains Reading Patch Notes

    Soulbeast Mains Reading Patch Notes

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    When GW2 forum is an example for other game devs, shame it has to be a bad one

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Made a drawing of my soulbeast

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Got bored from WoW, and started looking for a new MMO, tried GW2 out and wow

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    I don't know what clicked this time, but wow, I've been having the most fun I've had in any MMO for a long time.

    I actually played GW2 for a little while back in 2013 or 2014. I made an asura necromancer and got to level 7, then for some reason quit. To be fair, back then I was playing on a hand-me-down PC and the game ran like ass. Anything beyond a 5-man dungeon in WoW made my PC shit its pants.

    I tried getting back into it back when Heart of Thorns came out due to the hype. Made a new charr necromancer and got to level 12. Then quit for some reason. I can't remember why. I think I was racing to endgame and maybe burned myself out? I was still really into WoW at the time, so I was also playing that and maybe it was too much for me.

    Anyway, fast forward to the other day. I finally unsubbed from WoW, not out of spite but because I feel content with my character until Shadowlands. I play an unholy death knight, if anyone cares or was wondering. But I still wanted to play an MMO, so I thought giving myself a break from WoW and trying other games would help me scratch that itch without burning myself out from WoW.

    So I'm browsing YouTube, watching tons of videos. OSRS, Warframe, ESO, then lastly GW2. I knew another expansion came out so I decided to check up with the game. I found a video where someone was watching clips his viewers would submit and comment on them. I liked the format, and was familiar with it. A prominent death knight player in WoW's community does the same. And this clip of a warrior came up, absolutely destroying people roaming in WvW. My mind was blown. It was fast-paced, frantic, flashy, but still strategic. It was here, I knew I had to play the game again. This time, seriously sit down and give it the time it deserves.

    So, naturally I do some research to get reacquainted with the game. There's mounts now - nice. You can level up doing just about anything - also nice. There's kind of a trinity in the game now - cool, etc etc. I love the way unholy death knight plays in WoW, but unfortunately there's nothing quite like it in other games. So of course I roll a warrior, wanting to be just like the guy in the video. Watched a quick warrior guide on YouTube, finished my tutorial zone, and went straight into unranked PVP.

    Guess how that went.

    Got absolutely clapped.

    Now feeling beat down, discouraged, ego shot, shown that this warrior doesn't have a big dick after all, I decided to take a different approach. More research. In-depth research this time. Like, looking into every class, build, and elite spec available to me.

    Wait a minute. The answer was right in front me the whole damn time. That asura I made years ago. He's still waiting for me. And it has a certain elite spec, reaper, that checks all my boxes.

    • big sword
    • dots
    • minions
    • edgy
    • lots of self heals

    Yes, it's all coming together.

    I log into him, immediately feeling nostalgic. I end up just exploring and doing hearts, and having fun summoning a bunch of things and burning mobs down. I end up getting engrossed in my personal story, and find a build that I enjoy doing while leveling. At this point, I have sort of forgotten about trying to go HAM in PVP and enjoying the experience.

    Fast forward a little bit, and now I'm level 70. Still having just as much fun. I have been getting into crafting as well, and playing the trading post a little bit. I feel fairly poor with only 6 or 7 gold, but I suspect that's because I'm not crafting or farming current content stuff. My goal is to get to level cap this weekend, purchase Path of Fire, and start working on a reaper build.

    I've been having a ton of fun so far, and really look forward to getting into the group content. Hopefully end game is just as much fun as the leveling experience has been. I just wish I gave the game an honest chance from the start all those years ago.

    If you made it this far, thanks so much for giving this wall of text a read. I've been eager to share my experiences and getting into the community that GW2 has.

    submitted by /u/Ventem
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    Literally every balance patch

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    We have a BINGO! from last week's card. Did I miss any?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    We Need Better Gear Accessibility In Guild Wars 2!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    GW2 WvW Mirage/Mesmer Roaming 01 - 'Meme-er'

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Roy on the new balance patch for WvW

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I'm not sure how else to reach the guys at Metabattle, but there is going to be DDoS attacks against it and possibly the wiki

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    This isnt a threat, this is information I've found. This is due to ongoing drama in the Chinese Guild Wars 2 community. I'm not part of this drama but theres evidence this might happen according to posts on the Chinese forums. The Chinese wiki, and chinese client has already been attacked, and they're after any popular guide website. The attacker are gold farmers who are trying to start their own wiki to funnel new players towards their service, and they're doing this to ensure their wiki is more accessible than current alternatives. Mod, please delete this if this is violating any rules I just dont want to be a bystander and watch innocent peoples hardworking ruined for profit.

    submitted by /u/cqgw
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    Upcoming Balance Notes

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    This patch is a massive regression for WvW.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I know that the current patch notes are apparently still missing some changes, but I can't see those changing the overall theme of these notes and I wanted to at least make some attempt to hopefully have some of the more egregious changes towned down before the patch went live.

    I'm not sure what happened this patch, the previous patch was excellent, it hit most of the over-performing builds with well targeted changes and the quick hotfixes afterwards to fine tune things were very good to see. This patch managed to not address a single problem the game mode is experiencing balance-wise (Dragon Banner, Winds of Disenchantment and Revenant among others) but also gave the most unnecessary set of buffs I have ever seen to Scourge, a class that has dominated WvW in PoF since the launch of the expansion. Even more absurd is that this patch REVERSES the very appropriate nerfs to the spec in the last patch while doing nothing to remove the compensation buffs it got and adding several more buffs to some of the most powerful skills the profession has at the same time.

    By far the worst change in this patch is the shade change:

    • Shade Skills: These have been changed back to triggering at both the necromancer's location and their shade locations with each use.

    The community had asked for shade target caps to be lowered since the start of the expansion. While this wasn't - in my opinion - an ideal change, due to how much worse it made the class feel, it did bring the power of scourge in WvW in line with other classes. Not only this, but in the last patch scourge had a compensation buff of lowering the recharge on desert shroud. This was not reverted in this patch, leaving shades strictly better than they were before the previous nerf.

    If this change has to go through, shades need their target cap to go back down to 3 from 5 in WvW.

    The other change were lower cooldowns to all of the well skills to compensate for the removal of Vampiric Rituals. Well of Corruption and Suffering have been staple skills for necromancer in general since core. Interestingly the last time anyone took Vampiric Rituals was also in core, meaning this change is basically giving necromancer builds in WvW a free grandmaster trait.

    • Well of Corruption: Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 32 seconds.
    • Well of Suffering: Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

    These cooldown reductions should not apply in WvW at all.

    After CMC was added to the balance team and the last patch was a very strong step in the right direction I had really hoped we'd avoid patches like this. Please go back to the sweeping patches with WvW/PvP splits targeting over-performing builds with quick hotfixes afterwards.

    Edit: CMC came out on the anets twitch talking about future changes, shades losing target cap in exchange for the functionality coming back specifically. This is a perfect compromise for that change imo, but hopefully the other pain points for the game mode like Winds of Disenchantment and Revenant are addressed quickly as well, rather than having to contest changes that are negative to the game.

    submitted by /u/Teidot
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    Theorycrafting: Thief Healer Build

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I was thinking about how every profession has some kind of a healing build... except thief, and as a thief main myself I began to think of a possible healer/support build, and I came out with a (on paper) very versatile build that can:

    • Constantly steal boons, and share up to 3 with steal
    • Heal continiously or burn cooldowns for a burst heal, also the healing skill heals for 9500 AoE
    • Do some kind of damage (1900 power 50% crit chance)
    • Provide almost permanent fury, swiftness and vigor
    • Deal with downstates
    • Can self sustain pretty well
    • Good group and personal CC
    • AoE Stealh
    • Sometimes provide extra support or cc through stolen skills

    Basically spam sword 2 and other shadowsteps when healing is needed and use Shadow Refuge on downed allies

    THE BUILD is not intended to replace a main healer, more like a secondary/emergency healer

    It uses core thief so no Expansions needed.

    I had Fractals in mind while thinking of this, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Kyle_Umbra
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    The game desperately needs a proper combat tutorial area

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    So tonight was the second night in a row where I ended up pouring about 2 hours down the drain trying to help some inexperienced players through 100 cm (alongside another experienced player.) Once again, Arkk started crushing people with the ball aoe, people were getting frustrated by the difficulty spike ect., couldn't keep up enough DPS to phase at easy times - group falls apart.  

    I honestly think the game itself needs (and has needed for a very long time) to be doing more to encourage people to play properly enough that they can succeed in content like 100cm or even raids. Tucking difficult mechanics that take time to master behind group content just makes matters worse. A player is expected to go from literally only having to press w, f, 1 and occasionally 6 to drive their hero to the end of the first story to having to access every one of their skills within half a second in high-end pve.  

    The burden is shifted to the community to take up new players and show them the ropes that we can't exactly show them. Guild Wars 2 is an active game that you can only explain so much. At the end of the day if you want to get good you have to actually play the game and acquire the "feel" for how the game is asking you to play. Most of the open world content is not nearly hard enough to push players to their limits. Group content is non-functional for most players who are already insecure about their ability to play the game. They don't want to show that off in front of 9 other people. And I doubt that most experienced players want to sit there and try to explain something that is not only difficult to explain, but the game should already be providing an interactive experience for. Guild Wars 2 needs an up-to-date solo-instance training area that trains players to become mechanically efficient at the game.  

    It wouldn't have to be a complex or elaborate instance. Just an area that allows people to casually come in and train their reflexes/muscle memory on their own time and allows them to become enlightened on the fundamentals of the combat system. You could pull in the marble game from the Mistlock Hub, turn it into a daily for reaching multiple bounce treshholds ect. You could pull in the guitar hero staircase from the Uncat fractal, add some aoes to encourage proper positioning/reward avoiding damage. Add dailies for reaching the top at certain health thresholds.  

    GW2 is a deep game combat-wise and takes practice. I think providing an area that allows players to go in on their own time and practice/learn the fundamentals of GW2 would be a great service to the game and, more importantly, the players.

    submitted by /u/Zagerus
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    WvW saved! Hotfix for Scourge will come. It was a mistake (clip from dev stream)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Raid addon

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I'm looking for an addon for raids. In particular, I want an addon for boss mechanics. Played a lot WoW and there were GTFO and DBM perfect addons. Shortly they played a loud sound if I were standing in a damage puddle and wrote in the middle of the screen "Focus x", "Stack", "Spread", "Shield now", "Run away from boss" and so on.

    Is there an addon equivalent with those 2?

    submitted by /u/Dalacul
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    Skimmer Saddle

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I already have the skimmer mount, but somehow missed getting the skimmer saddle, which I need for the skimmer search achievement. How do I acquire it?

    submitted by /u/FluffyMens
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    Volatile Magic Farm +45g/h SUB-English

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Time to post this once again.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Can’t purchase gems

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Me and a friend, both from Denmark are unable to purchase gems all day. Anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/Nerkfull
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    I mean, for a few months worth of work with balancing, I was expecting way more rework, or even new gameplay for classes in need :/

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    What if Cantha isnt a real Continent, but a giant mobile Turtle

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I dont everything about the lore, but I had an idea for the story board. What if Cantha was never really a continent, but was really a giant turtle island, that can move around?

    With this in place, it could explain why Cantha wouldnt be were it was in GW1 and could explain why nobody travels there anymore

    submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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    What is ost fun and enjoyable map meta for you?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Edit title: *most.

    Be free to elaborate in comments why,

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/arrrtttyyy
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