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    Guild Wars 2 I knew that armor looked familiar

    Guild Wars 2 I knew that armor looked familiar

    I knew that armor looked familiar

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    First time Necro not being OP in WvW since Gw2 Release.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Hilarious story of how I got my first precursor!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    So I've had my account since beta and never had a precursor drop. I've probably done thousands of world bosses across my several-thousands of hours playtime. Never had any other cool or expensive drops like hoards or infusions either. Wasn't really too bothered but you kinda always do that TD meta with that quiet hope in the back of your head, like an unwanted ginger stepchild, giving you false hope.

    So me and two buddies were just messing around in Sandswept Isles doing the collection that gets you the ascended 32-slot bandolier. At the end of each step, you obviously empty the bandolier and unequip it to trade in for a better one, and by the end of the night it's getting tight on inventory slots since we're just powering through bounties and metas, barely even stopping to sell so we can empty our slots. Our ranger buddy joined us late so we'd already done the first 2 collections twice so he can catch up.

    My elementalist buddy is messing around with his inventory and goes "so can you get better than rare on the unidentified blue gears?"

    Me, feeling like mr know-it-all, smug as shit, am like, "dude, you can't even get rares from those? They're just stackable blues to avoid bag bloat, you'll only ever get the quality gear they're at. You're literally wasting all of our time by sorting through em all lmao"(Obviously neither me or the ranger actually care about waiting and it's just banter.)

    Elementalist is like "uh... no... I literally just got a yellow drop by consuming a stack of blues."


    So I double click a few blue unidentifieds and, sure enough, one of the items spat out is a better green quality.

    My mind is blown.

    "Fair enough... fair enough... I'm not too proud to admit the smoothness of my brain" I say.
    By this point my ranger buddy is making fun of me asking why they ever ask me for gw2 knowledge when I'm obviously not the guy to go to. I'm as thick as two short planks really.

    I go back to the vendor, bear in mind I was just clearing my bags for the last step of the collection so I can hand bag in, but decide to buy-back some green unidentified gears. There's probably no more than a stack of 80 there in total.

    I "consume stack" and only get through like 20 before my bags are full, and didn't even check the right-hand side to see what colours popped out since I just kinda no-brained it without even properly sorting my bags for enough space to get halfway through the enitre stack.

    I start sorting and that's when I notice a peculiar anomaly in my previously-empty equipment bag.

    Green... green... green... Dusk... green... green WAIT A FUCKIN SECOND.

    I link it in chat and the discord is in hysterics.


    My first precursor comes out of a damn GREEN UNIDENTIFIED GEAR???

    The ranger has had insane RNG before himself by getting a Teq Hoard from one of his first fights against her, so he's pretty onboard with crazy shit happening like this in MMOs, but the elementalist can't believe his eyes. He sounds like he just tilted off the face of the planet and entered jupiters gravity field to start orbiting for eternity.

    I am at a loss for words and just keep saying "no way... no fucking way..." inbetween laughing like a maniac.

    Afterwards I checked the droprates on the wiki and it seems exotic drops from unidentifieds are in the ballpark of 0.01% to 0.02%. chance. I basically won the damn lottery in odds of this happening to be fair.

    I've never made a leggy but always said if I did, it would probably be Twilight, so I'm taking it as fate and not gonna sell it for the easy 600+ gold. I'm poor as shit (just traded all my gold for gems to get the new Skyscale skin) so it'll be a long way off but it's given me something to look forward to longterm!

    Just thought I'd share that funny story with you guys. Stuff like this is the reason I love playing mmos, even though these kinds of crazy jackpots are few and far between for a reason.

    Feel free to share your own funny stories of mad-luck that happened to you or your buddies! Love to hear em!

    TL;DR mocked my buddy for sifting through blue unidentifieds wanting rare loot, proceeded to then spectacularly prove myself wrong by getting an exotic precursor from green unidentifieds in front of him LMAO.

    Edit: Not sure why this was tagged as a question but idk how to change it. Hopefully a mod notices and puts it right, who knows.

    submitted by /u/BuildEraseReplace
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    i managed to even it out on charr.. i think?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Do you think the Icebrood Saga will be the death of Jormag? Spoilers!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    With Episode 4 of the Icebrood Saga coming out in a couple of weeks, if we're going by how long the last few Living World stories have been, it looks like we're roughly at the halfway point. But, story-wise, it doesn't seem like we're really close to fighting Jormag in the flesh. We haven't dealt with Ryland yet and while it seems like Bangar HAS woken Jormag up (The Frost Legion), they've yet to make an appearance.

    We *did* kill Drakkar and the Whisper of Jormag, but I'm not sure where you'd put the significance of that. Is it equivalent to killing the Herald of Balthazar in Path of Fire (The end of Act 1)? Or something closer to the Blighting Pod bosses in Dragon's Stand, or Faolain (The end of Act 3 of HoT)?

    I'm curious as to where you all think we're going to go with this - will Jormag be dealt with, or will we find some other way to deal with them (Or just take out Bangar, reason with Ryland - even if that seems impossible at this point, punch Smodur in the face, and reunite the Charr) and move on to the next problem?

    Bonus question - If the expansion is officially revealed to be Cantha, what do you all think the main thrust of the story will be? I was talking about it with a friend, and we were thinking it could be a non-Dragon story in which we try to secure allies, since our own forces have been so badly battered. It could be the leadup to the Deep Sea Dragon expansion.

    submitted by /u/Naoko_Akamori
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    Game Update Notes: July 8, 2020

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Spellforged outfit in a nutshell

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Loot box gambling law review - UK

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    I signed a recent partition to tighten the laws on loot box in games. There is a now a call for evidence that will occur this summer. Please see their response below. Do you think Guild Wars 2 has a problem with loot boxes?

    The Government has responded to the petition you signed – "Extend the Gambling Act to cover Loot Boxes".

    Government responded:

    The government takes concerns around loot boxes very seriously and will be launching a call for evidence this summer. This will put us on the best footing to take whatever action is necessary.

    Over half the UK population plays games, the vast majority engaging safely with content that allows them to enjoy fun, exciting play, find moments of relaxation, socialise, and learn new skills. However, technology in video games is constantly evolving and it is important that government policy reflects this.

    We also believe the approach to protecting young people and vulnerable people should be based on evidence. To guide this approach, it will be important to understand fully the existing research around loot boxes, and how current protections and legislation work to keep people safe. That is why on the 8th June 2020 the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport announced in a written statement to Parliament that we will be launching an open call for evidence on loot boxes later on in the summer. This will also support the review of the Gambling Act 2005.

    The loot box call for evidence will seek and examine further information on a range of issues. These include concerns that loot boxes might lead to an increase in problem gambling, particularly amongst young people. Other areas we will investigate include the size of the loot box market, the design of loot boxes, how loot boxes work alongside other types of in-game purchases, and the effectiveness of the current statutory and voluntary regulation.

    In addition to a written call for evidence, we plan to hold a series of sessions to discuss issues and solutions in detail, including the most effective approaches to protect people from any harms identified. Full details of the call for evidence and how to respond will be announced shortly with initial findings expected by the end of the year.

    The government stands ready to take action should the outcomes of the call for evidence support taking a new approach to ensure users, and particularly young people, are protected.

    Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

    submitted by /u/leturner14
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    Open letter to Anet and their balance team

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Dear Anet & it's balance team(CmC excluded),

    The feb "Mega balance" patch was fantastic. It was well received, and I personally came back after reading it. It's EXACTLY what I wanted from the game since HoT. I was so amazed that you guys actually did something like that, it was impressive. I have also personally talked to lots of people in game who said they only came back for PvP after the feb patch. Great job!

    However, the newest and current patch, 5 months later, has regressed back to the "old" balancing style you guys had. Where you don't change things enough, and act scared to do any major changes for some reason despite the community and top players mutually agreeing upon the same issues - condi rev too strong, condi thief too strong, holosmith(grenades especially) too strong, warrior useless, mesmer too weak, etc.

    After 5 whole months, your changes were so minor to all of this that the exact same meta and top tier builds will still be top tier. People were already growing bored and annoyed at what's currently meta, as nearly all the meta builds are very low skill and annoying to fight.

    Even top players are annoyed. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/672642274 here is a video of sindrender, I assume a man who needs no introduction but I will introduce him anyways - winner of the MoTA(master of the arena) tournament, #2 on leaderboard, one of, if not the best thieves in the game. He goes on a 2 hour long rant about how disappointed he is in this patch. He flat out says it's embarrassing, and the worst balance patch that GW2 has EVER gotten. He says it's very obviously the old balance team, the one people dislike, and wants CmC back in full control of WvW and PvP balancing. He says the old balance team can work on PvE, but I disagree with that part, personally.

    Let's take a look at what was done after five whole months for PvE. This balance team states they want to buff condi thief in PvE, which is not helpful as Conditions are not good open world(too slow) and fractals are perma phased by any competent group so no condition build is played or good there. In raids, condition builds(correct me if I'm wrong) are only played on a few bosses, and the bosses it's played on mirage will always be the best.

    Ignoring all that, let's take a look into the changes to try to make Condi thief better in PvE:

    • Thousand Needles: Increased bleeding duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds for both the impact and pulse attacks.
    • Death Blossom: The number of targets this skill can strike has been increased from 3 to 5.

    This isn't even a 1% buff to condition thief. The death blossom change is nice for open world, but doesn't do a single thing for raids or fractals. I doubt the thousand needles buff would even result in 1% damage increase. After 5 months, this is what condi thief gets to " improve condition builds in PvE "?

    Then for soulbeast you state " Damage-build soulbeasts have been unleashing numbers that are higher than they should be. " so you remove 50 stat which will, again, at most be a 1% damage nerf. After 5 months, you nerf it's damage by 1%. How will this change anything?

    Meanwhile we have multiple classes - thief and necro - who are 30% behind other builds(reaper) or bring zero utility, are squishy, and still behind the top DPS (Thief). In 5 months, did these classes get any changes? Nope, not a single one. Why?

    Anet, and the balance team, I'm begging you, please give CmC free reign for WvW and PvP. For PvE, please talk to your top guilds and ask them what they think. Look at the community and make big, impactful changes to under performing classes so we have more things we can play in PvE without feeling like we're gimping ourselves. Your current balance team has let us down for 8 years, change absolutely NEEDS to happen. They are taking a great game and dragging it down by doing an unacceptable job.

    We want this game to be great, let the games balance be handled by people who want it to be great and understand it.

    submitted by /u/Shiyo
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    Portable Composter's recipe not received

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Some months ago I started the Gourmet Training and topped at level 426 with Charr collection completed and Sylvari's at Varietal Herb Seeds.

    Right now, Mender Earie is saying "Please go craft a portable composter", but the thing is: I don't have the recipe unlocked! I'm at level 489, already gave him the seeds but I can't craft the composter.

    I checked my account's recipes at gw2efficiency and I don't have it unlocked. Checked gw2timer and I don't have it in any character inventory or bank tab.

    Am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/Grohax
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    Dungeon Armor needs to be stat selectable at this point

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Alright, so I know some might not like this idea, but I'm apart of a guild tailored to helping new/returning players. Getting gear with the right stats is a real problem. Might teapot actually shares his thoughts on this as well (link further in post). However, I really like the idea of making dungeon armor with the currency stat selectable. This would help draw more to dungeons besides the skin and achievements. I see a lot of people who still like dungeons but never find people to run them with. I really think this would help two parts of the game in a big way especially for new players. Thoughts?

    Also, by no means am I associated with the YouTuber below. Just liked his stance.

    mightyteapot's thoughts

    submitted by /u/ferratus2
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    If I can't see them, they can't see me

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Considering the new outfit, I wonder why Anet doesn't just give us the years old school unform, which is already 100% finished???

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Dagger necro build?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Was wondering if there is a dagger necro build that is viable. Been playing around with them for a sec looking for a fractal build if possible?

    submitted by /u/Blockphatass
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    What an awesome game!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    What an awesome game!

    I just started playing this game its the most fun pvp experience I've ever had. I really wish I could buy the game and experience the specializations and rest of the cool story content but unfortunately cause of Corona, I'm out of work and don't have the money to spend on video games :( It really sucks cause I want to play Revenant and Tempest so badly! Does anyone have any good builds for people without the expansions?


    submitted by /u/GuildWars2FanBoy123
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    I've been enjoying Raids a lot- has Arenanet commented on if they will ever continue development of raids again?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I've pretty much gotten bored of all of the easy content in GW2 like Dungeons, Fractals, open world stuff, Strikes. Trying out new raids has been what keeps me playing, I enjoy the learning experience and the feeling when you overcome a boss that took several tries to beat. Once I finish all of them, I'm not sure what will keep me playing- the new story episodes only last a couple episodes and strike missions generally only take a couple tries the first time.

    It's been a year since we've seen a new raid. I recall that Arenanet had said they're putting them on hold due to low player engagement, and will create strikes to help prepare players for raids.

    With 7 strikes out now, some of which come close to raid difficulty(ie Whisper of Jormag, Boneskinner), has Arenanet made any indication of new development on raids?

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    Elementalist leveling

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    So far, I've been mixing weapons around but I've gotten to the point where I want to know what is the BEST one to level with.

    Also, specs? Which ones should I go for? I've done fire first because I'm attuned to it the most but that's about it

    I need it in depth, words typed out and all. I have no idea the lingo for this game except for condi/power

    submitted by /u/senpaiwaifu247
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    About to use the Lvl80 boost, got a few questions before...

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    I already know the basics and got my Revenant to lvl60, now I want to jump to the expansions with a Engineer.

    Should I keep the default gear received from the boost? Or will I receive better gear on the very first area?

    Should I do something specific right between using the boost and going for the HoT/PoF/Fractals areas?

    Will I receive all the hero points that you typically earn during leveling?

    Where can I learn about crafting in order to improve my gear in the future?

    submitted by /u/syrsaes
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    As a exlusive WvW player I'm so excited about Q3! Oh wait...

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

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