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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 [Art] My leafy engi

    Guild Wars 2 [Art] My leafy engi

    [Art] My leafy engi

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    I tried to make a little Quaggan.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    i think we need some hair for hats because you know with that its looks better ( made the hair with sai)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Opportunity cost in GW2

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Opportunity cost is something that I see a lot of people struggle with (both in and out of game). And this can be a difficult thing to fully understand. I remember taking an intro level Microeconomics course years ago and some of my classmates really struggled with this the entire semester. So I thought I would make this post to explain the concept and hopefully help people maybe make better decisions with their resources in-game.

    So what is opportunity cost?

    To put it simply, opportunity cost is "the cost of the next best choice". At least that's how my Economics professors have taught it to me.

    Basically, by taking option A, you also have to factor in what you could have had by taking option B.

    A basic example would be: On Saturday you have two choices. You can work an extra shift that would pay $10 an hour and last for 8 hours, or you can go out drinking with friends. You decide to go out and you spend $40 that night. So that night cost $40 right? Well, no. You spent $40, but you could have also earned $80 instead. Thus the true cost was $120.

    So how can we apply this to GW2?

    The easiest way to apply this is to think abou the "true cost" of the resources that you use in the game. The easiest way is to think about the gold cost of resources, regardless of the means by which you acquired them.

    Here's a basic example for GW2:

    You have 10 mystic coins that you got from daily login rewards. There's a recipe for a weapon skin you want that requires 10 mystic coins plus about 5 gold in materials. So you decide to craft the weapon by buying those materials and throwing in the mystic coins you got from login rewards.

    So how much did it cost you? 5 gold right?

    Well, no. You spent 5 gold on the materials yes. But you also had to use up those 10 mystic coins you had in storage. If you had decided not to craft the skin, you could have sold those mystic coins. If the cost of mystic coins is 2 gold (currently 1.6-1.7g but we'll simplify things), then you could have sold those and gotten 20 gold, minus the TP fees (so 17 gold I believe). Thus the "true cost" of the skin was not 5 gold, but 22 gold.

    I see often times in game people saying, "oh well X is free because I didn't buy it off the TP, I got it from Y" But, assuming Y isn't account/soulbound, that's not true. If you use it for something, you lose the gold you could have gained by selling it.

    But it's not just gold that you could have gained by selling it on the TP, it's still the cost of the next best alternative.

    For example, let's say you run CM100 and CM99 fractals. And you save up 20 integrated fractal matrix. And then you decide to use them to buy a +5/+9 infusion from the vendor. Well the Integrated fractal matrix is account bound on acquire, so it's not like you could just sell it on the trading post. So the cost of the infusion was pretty low right?

    Well, again, not exactly. Because there are other uses for those, and by using it on the infusion, you're giving up using it on those other sources. You could, for example, exchange them for keys. One of the vendors will trade 10 fractal keys, for 1 integrated fractal matrix. So you could have exchanged them for 200 keys. If you purchased the deeply discounted keys at 20 silver each to open boxes, then you could have saved 40 gold by using them on keys instead.

    I constantly see people say things like, "oh I get it from (dailies/fractals/whatever), so it doesn't cost me anything. And that's usually incorrect.

    Of course, at the end of the day, it's a game. If you constantly worry about getting the 100% max value out of every single thing you get and do, you would just be farming drizzlewood coast all day. So make sure you enjoy the game. Just try to keep opportunity cost in mind.

    submitted by /u/Wasabi_kitty
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    Jormag Rising trailer music was composed by a newcomer to the GW2 team - Bryan Atkinson - Let's say hi :) (Links to his music piece in the description)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Trailer music: https://youtu.be/r119voSvuJE

    Source: https://www.bryanatkinson.productions/ (as Guild Wars trailer)

    Brendon Williams confirmed it's Bryan Atkinson's composition https://twitter.com/BrendonComposer/status/1283089654963560449

    submitted by /u/MichramGW2
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    HOPE: What came first? The gaming or the smarts?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    There was a study that people who play action combat games tend to have higher situational awareness, better prioritization of multiple different tasks (think trash mobs and what fucker to kill first.) And last but not least being able to adapt to new situations.

    So do people game because they were already good at those things?

    Or did they become good because they played the game?

    Well according to this https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171212102158.htm people play the game and from playing git gud.

    So this brings some hope and realism for players.

    There are absolutely gw2 players who have a better genetic capacity for those cognitive traits. A lot of games come easy to them from the beginning, and hard activities they pick up very quickly.

    That being said, the study implied that even average gamers could git gud. It might just take awhile. I don't know about panic facerollers like myself, but one can dream.

    submitted by /u/Willow_rpg
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    Raiding/Fractal CMs LFG discord server for noobs

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT


    I am not sure if this is against the rules or not because the rules say no guild advertisement but this isn't a guild so please do let me know if it is. I will post it in the appropriate subreddit if this isn't it.

    I made a discord server that functions as an LFG specifically for people like myself with little to no raiding experience who happen to find it difficult to get into raid training sessions (because the number of people who are both capable of training and actually willing to train is limited, while trainees are much much more numerous).

    This discord is not a training discord at all, this discord serves as a medium where noobs can find each other, study a raid through a youtube guide and just go ahead and try to do it the old school way. With no 'trainer' figure.

    I decided to create the discord because, from firsthand experience and on the accounts of other people with little to no experience like myself, people like us almost never look at the game's own Raids tab in the LFG window because we just never see any listing that doesn't have "[two or three digits]+ KP" so this is really an LFG window that noobs would actually look at? (at least this is the idea).

    And, on top of that, as I mentioned above training discords are really congested and spots on squads are heavily contested. I believe that this is an unnecessary barrier to entry if a noob is willing to join a squad of other noobs that can just be eliminated this way.

    Veterans are also welcome to join and chat or even host training sessions if they feel like it (you don't need permission, just post it in LFG normally and mention that you know what you're doing). This is really just an attempt to grow a community that revolves around pulling noobs (like myself) into the more hardcore content without being bottlenecked by how somewhat limited trainers/training sessions are.

    I would love to hear your opinions on this and suggestions if you have any!

    Here's a permanent invite link too. Tryhard Newbies discord server

    submitted by /u/hackermaw
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    I'm auctioning off some rare vinyl test pressings of the Path of Fire soundtrack for charity!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    5-Man Twin Largos | 5:14 Kill

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Let's Not Do That Again (seriously)

    Hey there Reddit! Back in May, I formed up some friends to tackle 5 man Largos after realizing how strong condi chrono (cChrono) was (pre July 7th patch). At first, our goal was "let's just kill it", but it very quickly turned into "let's kill it really fast". The intention was to spend even more time theorycrafting but on such short notice of the changes to cChrono, we had to act fast and ended up developing the split phase strats in just a few days for a somewhat scuffed kill.

    While we all know that we can do better than this, getting a kill that's just over a minute better than the previous [SC][CnD] run is something we're satisfied with. A sub 5 minute kill is definitely possible and can probably be grinded out to the 4:45 range. The nerf to cChrono hurts, somewhere in the 10% range, but it's possible that we could make up for the lost damage and more with cleaner movement and strats.

    This was my first experience grinding out and researching a boss for a record kill time and it's been a blast, I hope to stick around for even more speedruns.

    The Roster

    Pupsi (Ruffy.2508), Puddles (dissa.1632), Felix (mordefelix.5826) - DPS cChronos

    Chem (Chemistry Practical.5806), Levi (Brokenyew.3901) - Heal Tank Druids/DPS cChronos

    Proto (Mordrede.6872) - StM (Seize the Moment) cChrono

    Shoutouts to: Kacodo, Reckoner, Emi, and Atomic Elf for filling for us as DPS cChronos and saving us from the forbidden 4-Man Largos.


    • We opted to go for the highest damage composition: 1 heal druid tank and 4 cChronos, also seen in the latest Largos record by [dP]. The most significant component of this is being able to stack cChronos to remove the need for a dedicated alacrity-giving chrono and to instead have a full dps, 0% boon duration cChrono with StM for quickness. The druid handling the tanking mechanic itself offers a very minor dps increase by allowing the usual tank chrono to drop their toughness/vitality for power/precision and allows the chrono to use scepter 2 double-tap/blocks more deliberately.
    • Each cChrono dropped their expertise signet in order to free up a utility slot for an ethereal field of some kind [build was courtesy of dP], and this loss was made up by taking more viper's pieces and some expertise infusions. For our fields, we ran 3 alacrity wells with 1 feedback. Ideally, there is at least one feedback in each sub for extra damage since feedback lasts twice as long as the alacrity well. Our pistol 4 phantasm projectiles and pistol 5 projectile would pick up finishers from these fields for extra confusion, in addition to blind finishers from the smoke field from the druid's smokescale (whenever the smokescale was actually on group...).
    • The druid here ran minstrel's gear for tanking slotted with Monk runes. Alternative rune sets were considered, like Pack runes for better might/fury and Herald runes for better protection uptime, however the outgoing healing modifier was too good to replace.
      • For weapon sets, x/warhorn is absolutely necessary for vulnerability and boon uptime. Sword/warhorn was what was settled on as axe has too many projectiles and would steal field finishers from the cChrono projectiles. Greatsword was considered on the other weapon set in order to tank tornados, but staff became more valuable after the Kenut tanking pattern was more ironed out as staff offered more mobility and healing.
      • It was also found that marksmanship works very well in maintaining might from pet swapping and giving more vulnerability each time the druid gained fury. Specifically, there's a vulnerability gap with cChronos as the only DPS. Base storm spirit applies 6 seconds of vulnerability every 10 seconds, so cChronos can only apply 9 seconds of vulnerability every 10 seconds. This 1 second missing of vulnerability has to be made up for by the druid.
      • Build used in the kill can be found here

    Nikare P1

    The main motivation behind our movements was to mitigate the effects of Nikare's dashes, which meant finding a way to control the dashes in a way that minimized dash distance. The dashes are controlled by targeting: furthest -> furthest -> tank. While our tanking shortened the length of the dashes as much as possible, this does not mean Nikare starts auto attacking sooner. This is because he remains animation locked even when dashing into the wall. The main benefits of shortening the dash distances are: clones shatter on Nikare faster, the torch 5 phantasm travel time is reduced, the path of the projectiles is consistent, and safer and predictable movement.

    • Starting the fight itself already has a nuance: Nikare spawns on the platform and performs an animation where he bows. Hitting him before this animation goes off means that his attack pattern is RNG before first dash, which is tragic for cChronos because they could miss their block and it would throw off the timing of the rotation. However, if Nikare is attacked after/during this animation, the attack pattern of 4 autos into bubbles is always preserved. This means that precasting anything that damages is a no-go because it would randomize the attack pattern. For this reason, sun spirit is precasted on the far edge of the platform because it was found out that time warp procs the sun spirit's burning buff and would start the fight early.
    • The first dash set (a set of 3 dashes) is handled in the same way that the current [dP] record handles it. We all stack North for the first block and the cChronos rotated about 90 degrees, back out slightly, and enter CS (Continuum Split). The first dash is blocked and Nikare is chased down by the cChronos until CS ends which enables the druid, who moves to the tanking spot during the first dash, to take aggro of the last two dashes. This puts Nikare on the northmost edge at the end of the last dash, which is where we tanked him for the rest of P1 to eliminate movement. The first knockback bubbles were mitigated by nature spirit stability (only trusting it about 75% of the time...).
    • Every dash set afterwards is handled by having the StM cChrono move out and bait out the first dash. This gives the DPS cChronos enough time to react to the second dash, and lets the druid tank keep Nikare where he ended up at the end of the 3rd dash. Specifically, the tanking spot is the midpoint of the north edge. Ideally, Nikare dashes first to the midpoint of the edge counter-clockwise of the north edge, back to group on the second, and towards the north tanking position on the third dash covering very little distance.
      • We spent probably 90% of the time optimizing this single aspect of the fight on Nikare P1. As far as we know, dashes occur approximately every 30 seconds/ 16 autos with a large variance in the amount of time/autos. This is because making Nikare do something that isn't autos, as in things that have a cast time like bubbles or any movement, will "eat" an amount of autos before the next dash. Ideally, you get about 16 autos between dashes, where each dash is preceded by bubbles; but if autos are eaten before hand because of early bubbles or movement, dashes can happen after, say, only 14 autos.
      • We had the StM cChrono bait out the first dash in every subsequent dash set as we lost the lowest amount of DPS by doing so. It's possible to have the druid tank bait this dash out, but the timing in general is too tight for this to happen because it could result in Nikare moving.
    • Tide pools were handled aggressively: the first tide pool gets dropped at center. We are able to get away with this because we tanked on the edge, far enough from the tide pool that it would take a while for it to overwhelm us. If someone on group got a tide pool, they would walk out slightly backwards and drop it behind group. If the StM baiter got a tide pool, they would walk towards the baiting spot drop it there. These pools would often cause trouble with baiting so we tried to see if the mechanic could be baited but we've concluded that it is RNG, at least with respect to relative positioning to Nikare.
    • Knockback circles are usually dodged or blocked but the first one is stabbed through. However, sometimes the circles are overlapping which means that one stack of stability is not enough. To reduce the chance of getting knocked by both circles, the cChronos moved to the edge of the circle hitboxes. The circles have a target cap of around 5 which includes minions, spirits, clone, phantasms, etc, and prioritizes targets closest to the center of the circle.
    • In the [dP] record, their DPS check was to phase before the second dash set; our DPS check was to phase before the third dash set, which required around 160k squad DPS. This was a very tough DPS check to hit, and in fact in our kill we did not meet this check. Additionally, we had to phase before we got overwhelmed by aggressive tide pool placement.

    Kenut P1

    • In our kill, there's not much going on here as we spent very little time researching detailed strats for Kenut P1. We tanked center until the first boon rip attack, which is baited out by a DPS cChrono. This is overall a DPS loss but we did it this way because the StM cChrono has to focus on getting enough quickness stacks out to the group before the first boon rip and the druid tank was focusing on getting boons and spirits up. The druid would move and tank at the bait spot where the bait spot is generally free of tornados. Just like in the current [dP] record, the druid ran celerity to guarantee enough quickness.
      • In later runs, we would actually stack tight enough on Kenut to enable the tank druid to also kite.

    Split Phases (Nikare and Kenut P2 + P3)

    As mentioned earlier, we expected to have more time to theorycraft the split platforms, but our time was cut short by the balance patch (and not wanting to re-optimize our gameplay with new shatters). The biggest motivation for our deliberate movements was to maintain spirit uptime for higher damage and better boon uptimes for safer phases.

    • By moving optimally to Kenut P2, we got a no-tornado platform. Again, we tanked center until the CC phase, and then moved to the west-most side. No tornadoes became crucial in having high enough platform DPS to glide directly to the Nikare P2 spout. This was needed for our druid so that he didn't have to land in the water and lose his spirits.
      • In later runs, the cChronos would actually only glide halfway to the spout, and use underwater skills to superspeed dash to the Nikare spout for a few seconds timesave.
    • Our first tanking position on Nikare P2 was on the east-most side. This is where the druid tank would pull their spirits and give boons. After dashing, the new tanking position would be at the north-most side. After phasing, we would wait on the east-most side of Nikare P3. This small amount of time was to allow the spirit pull abilities to come off cooldown for Kenut P3. This is the biggest difference in P3 when comparing our run to the [SC][CnD] run.
    • We waited for bubbles to appear on Nikare P3 and used that as our cue to glide to Kenut P3. The druid would give boons on the west-most side and we would move back center to kill. We had to kill Kenut before Nikare since we phased Kenut to P3 before Nikare.
    • We killed Nikare on the west-most side again for spirits while trying to avoid Nikare's massive cleave.


    • Nikare should be tanked on edge in non-mirage comps to ensure no movement outside of dashes. Alternatively for mirage comps, tank close to the edge, where the only movement should be after the last dash. Tank should move in order to bait the second and third dashes in a way that the third dash's distance is minimized and so that the stack can only get hit a maximum of two times.
      • If possible, Nikare side druids should learn to bait the first dash to further minimize the danger of the dashes.
    • Kenut baiters should bait to a spot that will be free of tornados and the tank should move to the bait position.
    • Druids should be very aware of their spirit positioning and pulling to ensure spirit uptime for safer and faster runs
    • Druids can consider dropping skirmishing for marksmanship 3-3-2 if they find that vulnerability is low or need extra boons at split phases. There should not be issues with boons or vulnerability on Nikare and Kenut P1 with a 10 man composition and 2 druids.
    • Bonus: the pre-event scales with how many people are in instance. We found that we low-manned the pre-event faster with a fractal-like comp faster than many PuGs do with a full 10 man squad.

    Log and PoVs

    Log: https://dps.report/LdnO-20200706-163652_twins

    Levi - Heal Tank Druid

    Puddles - DPS cChrono

    Felix - DPS cChrono

    Proto - StM cChrono

    submitted by /u/ProtoGW2
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    Weird/Useless areas and content

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Does anyone have a list of weird or useless areas or items in the game?

    Was running around beneath Temple of Kormir and found an entrance to a cave. In that cave, there were some Vampire Beasts and two Coffee Crates these items aren't found anywhere else in the game and just contain a single bag of coffee beans each. I don't see any reference to the cave being used outside of having the coffee crates in there.

    Wonder if this was originally designed for something else then they just decided to throw some coffee beans in there.

    submitted by /u/SaltKick2
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    Seeing the skimmer icon in the Q3 roadmap has me like

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    The Living World payment model needs an overhaul.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Important note: I just tried the checkout page for buying the bundle, and it DOES allow you to add on living world season 2 to your total purchase, but season 3 and 4 aren't available to add on!? Like what.

    Before you comment about how bad it would be to make everything free for everyone, please remember that 'price' and 'model' are not the same word. The price isn't the problem.

    If this game is going to survive on the merits of its content, it CANNOT continue to hide said content behind a paywall that requires a scavenger hunt every time a prospective player is left wondering why purchasing the expansions didn't actually unlock the "full game" as they are led to believe it does. Nowhere on the buy page does it say that seasons aren't tied to expansions, and it doesn't help that new players don't realize that 'saga' and 'season' are the exact same thing in regards to pricing. I don't really have much more to say. Either make it more accessible price wise, or include it in the actual purchase of the full game, which really can't be called the full game since that purchase doesn't include literal years of content. Yes the griffon is the non-lw counterpart to the skyscale and what-not, but that doesn't mean living world has to hide in the gem store exclusively while you wonder why the 'full game' doesn't include it.

    ok i lied i do have some more to say after getting some really out-there replies lol.

    As someone who has logged in for every episode, the expansions literally were used by by Anet as THE way you get access to the subsequent living world. So yes, for me and 'hundreds of thousands of others' as some have put it, buying the expansions has unlocked the entire complete 'discography' of content updates, i.e the full game. I mean, they don't even explicitly tell you how much of the icebrood saga you're actually getting on the buy page. The lack of transparency about how to access the rest of the game's content BEFORE you've invested fully in it already is the problem, not the prices themselves. Jesus, the number of people who think "model" and "price" are the same word is too damn high lol.

    submitted by /u/inertialambda
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    what keeps you logging in?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    as the title states, What makes you want to log in everyday, what do you do?

    submitted by /u/DeadGrins
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    What happened to vabbi.eu?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    I want to check some builds for wvw and I always use that site but its been down for a couple of days now.

    submitted by /u/Gurgles
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    Flag a location permanently

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:28 PM PDT


    I found a cool area near broadhollow bluffs with crazy jumping puzzles and got 3 chests but know there are more. Is there a way to mark it on my map permanently so I can come back at some point?

    This game is freaking awesome btw!!!!!!!


    submitted by /u/enddream
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    PvP/WvW one dodge Power Mirage - Breaking Limits (incl voice)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    [Question] Why does Skyscale Food not show up on gw2spidy? Does anybody know?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    According to the wiki https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/90910 should show the prices of Skyscale Food - but evidently there's nothing. You can't look it up directly either?

    What am I missing here, does anybody have an explanation?

    submitted by /u/Arafax
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    Different classes and different playstyles. My characters have different personalities because of subconscious roleplaying.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Okay, wait, hear me out for a minute.

    I've noticed an interesting phenomena, that changing my class almost instantly changes my play style.

    For example on my ele I tend to dodge backwards.

    On my mesmer I tend to dodge roll past the enemy so that I'm now behind the enemy.

    Both just feel so natural.

    On my mesmer I don't panic when my health gets low. I've survived with 40 health, by keeping my cool.

    On my ele - I get a scratch and I'm like NOOOOOO! It hurts! But my ele is filled with revenge. She's gone after a creature, that only defeated her because it had help, and found it solo and killed the thing. The creature wasn't part of a meta or a hero point challenge. She just couldn't stand the blow to her pride. She is an asura.

    On my engineer for some reason I just wanna stand there and blow stuff up. Oh there's an AOE around me? Well I suppose I could deign to leave such an inconvenience. But maybe it's not so bad and I can just stand here instead. We can see who has the best explosives!

    On my thief. I'm too precious, to have this flawless skin marred by a single scratch. Ow, that hurt. ;( I never want to be on the front lines again. I'm going to walk, so that I remain behind the NPCS during story missions. I don't care how long it takes, I'm shooting these bastards from the walls.

    On my warrior. Oh god every enemy is just so far away. PLEASE just c'mere!

    On my necromancer. If life is the power of death by the integer of the conditions to the power of the boons of the chrono, these utility skills are good and need to be slotted.

    So you chose random skills that looked good?

    My necro: I would never do something so common.

    On my ranger. Wow look at how big my animal sanctuary is! Sees aggressive NPC: You are encroaching on my territory and you're near my animal friends, blood is the only solution.

    submitted by /u/Willow_rpg
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    WTFast with GW2

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Is WTFast allowed with GW2, and if so, does anyone have experience using it? I've heard conflicting things.

    submitted by /u/Silent_Render
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