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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Guild Wars One like and I'll summon Nightfall

    Guild Wars One like and I'll summon Nightfall

    One like and I'll summon Nightfall

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    The title system feel much better than other games achievements

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Since the introduction and heavy use of achievement in most games, I've always been bothered by how vapid most of them feel. Getting them for just leveling up, walking to some places, finishing quests.

    The worst is GW2's system that approaches it without a cap vs the other games where there's a finite end to them. I'm sure one of the big reasons of the achievement system is purely psychological to keep players playing to hunt those achieves.

    The title system in GW1 always felt so much better to me. It doesn't have the showering of achieves for simply taking a step in the world. Instead it's a lot more condensed with cosmetic rewards (titles) and with the soft incentive to max them (the title's coolness factor does up) as well as a much bigger goal with GWAMM.

    It's certainly not perfect, with the afk titles like drunk/party ones and others than are very grindy (think all the pvp ones) but it gives clear goal and no bloat/filler.

    submitted by /u/ClickingClicker
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    Potential build with new sin bow

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    I wish Devona, Eve, Cyn, Mhenlo and other signature henchmen could be turned into heroes?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    They've just become so iconic to the game, how come they can only be used as crappy henchmen?

    submitted by /u/Maulclaw
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    Alliance Battles on Friday night were great fun - thanks everyone!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that participated, especially the people coordinating the efforts to keep them active.

    I've not played AB mode in years and it was always my favourite PvP mode. I joined the AB Discord group when I realised it existed and kept missing them. I thought I'd missed them again, then saw someone advertising them in Kaineng. I went there straight away and saw all these players in one place! I got an invite more or less straight away and stayed with the same group for seven or so games until things went quiet, then joined groups of the remaining stragglers. Was especially great to see some new/inexperienced players in the mix and joining in, and I hope they had fun too.

    Anyway, was a good night to be a Kurzick. I had a lot of fun on my dervish, despite not really having many good skills for PvP unlocked on this character. Will be sure to get a better PvP build together for future ABs!

    Earlier, I also ran a guild mate from LA to Droks and onto the Granite Citadel. It's like it's 10 years ago, only with much better internet and no parents to tell me to go to bed.

    Cheers all, and have a great weekend.

    submitted by /u/S_Borealis
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    As Requested, Minion Bomb In Action

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    rip para ������✝️

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    What are your top 5 (or 10, or 15...) most iconic skills in Guild Wars?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I think mine are, in no particular order: 1. Empathy, this skill has always been there from the beginning of Prophecies for Mesmer and it's just a solid skill to have on the bar.

    1. Summon Flesh Golem (MMs in general). I never really got into Necro, but I still remember the first time I saw this thing.

    2. Barrage (Barrage/Pet). I main ranger, so...

    3. Shadowform. Just because of the history of the skill, the love, the hate, the farming.

    4. Splinter Weapon. I put that shit on everything. You get a Splinter Weapon, you get a Splinter Weapon...

    submitted by /u/xBlankk
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    Anniversary Shield for Mesmers on heroes?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    What do you think of equipping Mesmer heroes with that new shield? +16 armor is quite amazing on casters, especially if you combine it with a +5 armor spear grip and the Prodigy's insignia.

    The drawback would obviously be the loss of HCT and HSR mods on the 40/40 set or the staff (whatever you prefer). And, of course, the Mesmer's total amount of energy would decrease to 35. So eventually you'd trade damage for defense.

    Worth it or not?

    submitted by /u/_cherry_sauce_
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    Paragon daggers and double strike.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:18 AM PDT

    Do paragon daggers get double strike when you raise your leadership (I assume not, but can't currently test)?

    submitted by /u/b_kin
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    How possible is it GW1, like EQ1 and Lineage 1, becomes updated alongside GW2 again?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    There are examples of other studios doing basically this: expansions for both games, the stories coexisting alongside each other.

    I once heard GW1 was held together with duct tape and excel, so perhaps it simply is hard to maintain; but I've been heartened by the response to the new stuff as someone around since 2007.

    My questions are:

    • do you think it's likely that we'll see more updates?
    • if so, quarterly balances? Content? Expansions?
    • do you worry that it might make the game unrecognisable over time?

    Honestly, I just want to get a pulse on community sentiment.

    submitted by /u/stellaproiectura
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    Efficient ways to make money?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    I've returned to the game and am enjoying myself a great deal. I am planning to finally get my first FoW armor after all these years. However, I have no idea what the most efficient ways to farm / make money are these days. Any suggestions?

    If it matters , I main an assassin, on which I have completed all campaigns and have access to all outputs and skills.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/taxicab_1729
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    The broken Broken Blade

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    So way back, I hit a roadblock on Guild Wars: Beyond, at A Vengeance of Blades.

    That's the quest where instead of playing as your character, you get to be a gimp with one good ranger skill that has a 45 minute cooldown, 4 placebo skills for those players who like to mash the keyboard for no particular reason, and a wimpy heal. After several days, things like bad spawns (groups bunched together, occasional all-ele groups that can frag in billionuplicate, swarming) etc., it got to the point where I was so intimidated by the quest that any time I attempted it, I'd get shaky, fumble and defeat myself. It sounds like everyone else finds that an easy mission, but I just got to the point that I'd panic. It was a big mental block.

    Now that I've returned to the game, I retried and made it through the level. Yay! Except after returning to the scrying pool and Gwen went through her dialogue, nothing happened. I checked the wiki, and there's supposed to be a broken blade that I need to inspect, but it didn't trigger.

    I thought maybe I missed a drop at the end of the quest, so did A Vengeance of Blades again. No broken blade drop. Nothing in my inventory either, or on the floor after zoning. The second time, Gwen's dialogue didn't trigger either, but maybe that's only supposed to happen the first time?

    Does anyone know what do I need to do to trigger The Broken Blade quest? Now that I've actually cleared this quest, I'd like to go further.

    submitted by /u/WhoaMercy
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    Vanquishing with 7 Paragon Heroes

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    if you know me, you know I am a big fan of Paragon. Back when Guild Wars was still pretty active, I was playing Paraway twice a week with my guild and some friends, usually via the good old Wartower forum. Since I returned, I wanted to get GWAMM on every character, and on my Paragon, I wanted to do that with 7 Paragon heroes, because people told me Paragon is bad, and I wanted to prove a point. Back in the day we had the rule of no enchantments (and no hexes, which I obeyed, but barely anyone else did, but MoP would only cause the mobs to scatter anyway), thus I didn't even try to put an Order Paragon, and put Nature's Renewal instead.

    The build is built around healing via Finale of Restoration, and lots many Shouts and Chants, specifically Anthems (proc on Attack Skill) and Choruses (Chori? proc on Shout/Chant), damage reduction through "They're on Fire!", "Save Yourselves!" and/or "There's nothing to fear!" and a melee Paragon player for Blazing Finale (and heroes running from melee mobs like chickens even though they have 196 armor).

    Originally, a conset was required, and a lot hinged on the player being able to tank due to mentioned issues with the hero AI. Hence I ran Hundred Blades due to Paragon Elite skills not being that useful, and the general lack of AoE damage. With the Heroic Refrain, that obviously changed. Initially I kept the Consets (I still advise Consets for areas with Confounding Images, Vocal Minority, Well of Silence, Blindness spam, or Knockdown spam), and tried a Hammer Paragon (12+2+1 Leadership, 11 Hammer, 6 Tactics). Since you constantly dish out burning, Yeti Smash will always knock. However, I barely needed knockdowns, so I switched to Axe (12+2+1 Leadership, 11 Axe, 6 Tactics). That increased the damage, but I ran into occasional aggro issues due to SY! being lower on priority with attributes through the roof and having the same armour level as my heroes. I realized that with a BU and 20 Leadership, "There's nothing to fear!" lasts 14 seconds on a 16 second CD and since it helps against armour ignoring damage as well as damage on the player, I dropped SY, and switched to a Scythe Paragon, which in turn became part of the final teambuild. The attributes are all fixed for the Heroic Refrain nerf (Führung=Leadership, Befehl=Command, Flüche=Curses, Kana=Channeling, Überleben=Survival, Schutz=Protection, rest should be pretty clear). There are advantages and disadvantages on which weapon to use. WWA, Crude Swing, and Cyclone Axe can hit mobs behind you and thus you can just focus on spreading the burning with Blazing Finale, but Scythe just does more damage as long as you stack the mobs in front of you. As for SY! vs TintF!, it really depends on the mobs you're facing.

    However, it became glaringly obvious that I was overstacked on defence and energy management, and thus I dropped the conset. Since that meant all my heroes ran Aggressive Refrain, I put SY! back in to remove their armour drop (since -20+100=80 bonus armour is over the cap of 25, the -20 gets ignored, and they have +100 armour), but I also kept "There's nothing to fear!" since some support skills got removed. After attribute adjustment today, the final conset-less build looks like this.

    Rend Enchantments and Convert Hexes are to be manually used, everything else works on autopilot. Angelic Protection helps with a pull, and on tougher fights, precasting a Finale of Restoration on yourself helps a lot with initial pressure.

    Is this build better than stacking Mesmers? Definitely not.

    Is this build much worse? No, it's mostly slower. It is ridiculously safe unless you run into full shutdown (Confounding Images, Vocal Minority, Well of Silence). Anthem of Fury means guaranteed adrenaline generation regardless of blocking mobs or Blindness/Blurred Vision and friends.

    Are there variants for 4 or 6 man areas? I'm working on it. First I have to get through the Nightfall missions where they force an inferior profession in my party.

    Important things to note: While with players you can easily use Song of Purification for group cleanses, heroes don't like to use that skill as much, so I opted for "It's just a Flesh Wound!" instead. Heroes are also too dumb to realize what Finale of Restoration does, and use it as an instant heal (easy to test, force the last hero to use infuse, and watch what the others are doing. For more effect, flag them out of range and watch how everyone walks up and overwrites the Finale). Stunning Strike is the main reason we get through healer heavy encounters or earth eles like Joffs the Mitigator. Oh, and Mending Refrain, Bladeturn Refrain, and Burning Refrain suck. Well, the latter doesn't, but it's basically single target burning, which is either redundant or only reduces the damage on select few targets.

    tl;dr: Paragon player + 7 Paragon hero builds, click links to steal.

    submitted by /u/Rymayc
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    Dark Aura and weapon spells

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Is there any logical reason why a lone hero would only cast Dark Aura on a real player if that player is a Ritualist with Three Forges?

    submitted by /u/markireland
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    Server Problems?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Today i got many server problemls here. 0% at map loading screen :(

    Im from germany. Maybee more here with problems?

    submitted by /u/Charrzenegger
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    Account recovery?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    Hello! I played GW1 8+ years ago, bought GW2 during college but never got too into it. Years later I want to revisit this game, but having bad luck trying to get access to my account. Sent a ticket but never got a response back. I honestly only remember one of my characters name and obviously don't have the CD keys. Any recommendations? Would really like to play during the quarantine. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Step2DumDum
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    guild wars prophecies

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    So I wanted to play through the original again and only one of my friends said they would want to play. I know that you can get a certain way through the game with NPC's as your extras, but at some point you need real players in order to truly get to the finish line. For anyone that still plays Prophecies, are there still enough people playing that we can make it to the end game?

    submitted by /u/deadestmoon
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    Profession for whole endgame - Me or A

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    I'm still in the process of choosing my main for GWAMM and i narrowed it down to Mesmer and Assassin. I don't wanna level and grind for multiple chars, though

    Both have decent DPS. Assassin can also farm but seems so squishy, even in normal mode. And it only has 1 pve build afaik.

    So which profession can do the most endgame stuff (to me: vanquish, sc's, uw)? Which is the most sought after in SC/dungeon runs?

    I just want to get the most out of my time. And yes, i do realize dervish combines all of the above :D

    submitted by /u/Murandus
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    How are there players with so MUCH gold?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I find it kind of baffling that Guild Wars ahs become the kind of game that requires a sub-economy system in order for some players to keep track of their money. I mean, ectos, armbraces and black dyes? What else is there?

    I just find it insane that there's so many people who can hold on to so much money. I'm no veteran and I'm far from being an expert in this game, but I've been frequently struggling with making money on this game. I only managed to get lucky in terms of money thanks a Pre-Searing drop I sold. I had to use that profit to gear up my characters and heroes, and that has left me broke again.

    I only wanna know how people do it, though. Is it farming? Playing the market? RMT (ew)? Selling items from the Premium Store? Or just farming and grinding non-stop?

    submitted by /u/Maulclaw
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    Monk, Ele new weapons builds options

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Mercenary Question

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Returning player, Looking to get some mercenary heroes to start doing some HM content. If I understand correctly, your characters need to be Level 20 for it to became a mercenary. Does this work for PvP characters? ie making a PVP character and just registering it as mercenary and then deleting said character. I would like to make a Mesmer mercenary but I don't have one for PVE and if possible would like to not level one up from scratch.

    If I'm missing anything please let me know. Thanks to all

    submitted by /u/MsDiego64
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