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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Voice Acting in Episode 3 of The Icebrood Saga – GuildWars2.com

    Guild Wars 2 Voice Acting in Episode 3 of The Icebrood Saga – GuildWars2.com

    Voice Acting in Episode 3 of The Icebrood Saga – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    My guild prepared a massive list of raiding PoV videos to help anyone getting into PvE raids!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Hey hey. I'm the guild leader of an EU PvE raid training guild, the Raid Training Initiative [RTI].

    We've been training players to get into PvE raids pretty much since the content released over 4 years ago. One consistent problem that we've noticed many new raiders run into while getting into raids is that there is a huge lack of good videos (a.k.a. PoVs) out there of other people playing the class/role that they're planning on running themselves that they can use as examples or guides.

    For example, you might want to go into raids as a Chronotank, but you have no idea where to move Xera/Dhuum, you don't know how to tank all the damage that Largos or Qadim the Peerless throw at you, you have no idea how to pull magmas in at Qadim, etc. Or you might want to go into Sabir as a BS, but you want to see someone else handle the wisps on Sabir before you're thrown on the role yourself. Or maybe you have no idea where to go on Twisted Castle and at this point it's way too late to admit it. And so on and so forth.

    There are PoVs out there, but looking up the right ones is not as easy as it sounds:

    • Many PoVs are years old and show outdated comps and strategies.
    • You have no idea if the player recording the PoV is any good / knows their stuff.
    • Really niche PoVs like how to portal on Chrono in Eyes of Darkness are all but non-existent.
    • A lot of PoVs where the recorded gameplay is actually good has the group doing super hardcore, DPS-reliant strategies that you don't find in pugs / training runs like keeping Xera tanked in one spot or no-orb Keep Construct. The PoVs which have more familiar strategies often have bad gameplay. Finding PoVs with the right strategies AND good gameplay is not easy.

    So, a number of people in RTI got together and recorded over 90 videos for almost every possible special role or class you might need to be asked to do in raids. This list is recorded and curated by experienced players, many of whom have been raiding for years, and many of the videos include descriptions that give more details about your role, have a link to the log, etc. The strategies used in the videos are all up-to-date, common strategies found in pugs and training runs as of March/April 2020, and for bosses like Qadim where strategies can vary wildly, there are even multiple videos showing off different strategies.

    This started as a small idea I had where we'd just go around finding decent PoVs online that we can dump in a Discord channel, but thanks to all the many experienced guildies who stepped up to record videos for us, it evolved into a much larger project that I'm actually very hyped about! I hope this resource helps anyone looking to get into raids, try new roles, or even just taking a look at how other people do things.

    Finally, head on over to the RTI Discord! Over there you'll find many more resources like this one, such as a compilation of boss guides, a list of raid plugins/services/discords you can take a look at, guides on things like installing ArcDPS + logging encounters, etc etc etc. Everyone is welcome to hang around, and there are instructions in the Discord on how to join the in-game guild if you'd like to give raiding a shot in a friendly, welcoming environment and actually get some boss kills under your belt.

    Without further ado, here's the list of PoVs!

    Raid PoVs

    Wing 1

    Wing 2

    Wing 3

    Wing 4

    Wing 5

    Wing 6

    Wing 7

    submitted by /u/StepW
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    dps rotations in pugs

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Crochet Asura hat

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Anet and the quest to slay all the elder dragons be like

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    The SAB jumping mushrooms are fine...

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    5 steps to make the next episode of Icebrood Saga an epic and unforgettable experience

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I think most of you read the devs' blog post where they announced, that the next episode of Icebrood Saga will have no voice acting.

    Today I came up with an idea for a guild event that I want to share with you. So here it comes:

    • Step 1: Get as many friends/guild mates together (up to 5) as you can.
    • Step 2: Party up and join the same voice chat.
    • Step 3: Define an order within your team.
    • Step 4: While playing the new episode: Whenever a new character turns up, the next player in turn has to voice that character for the rest of the episode. You may have to voice multiple characters if there are more than your party size. *Step 5: Try to make your voice acting as appropriate to the character as you can, even if its the opposite sex

    I promise, this will result in an unforgettable evening full of fun and laughter. Maybe some of you can even record your session and share it here on reddit.

    So stay safe and healthy and have a lot of fun with the upcoming episode!

    submitted by /u/strong_stancer
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    SAB W2Z3 Tribulation Mode WR 6:55 Duo with Sheepo

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Underwater Combat Enhancement: GW2 Unda Da Sea

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Take your Guild Wars 2 underwater combat to a whole new level, down where its wetter! 🦀🧜‍♀️

    Alpha (seems stable) build is released. Enjoy!


    Download on GitHub https://github.com/OpNop/GW2UndaDaSea

    EDIT 1: VERSION 1.0 is released!!!!
    ✅ Fixed loop gap
    ✅ Better volume gradient
    ✅ A grinning 🦀 icon

    🦀DOWNLOAD V1.0🧜‍♀️

    submitted by /u/TinyTaimi
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    Colon in front of username

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    Anyone know why some usernames have a colon in front of them. An example would be instead of being coolguy.123 some friends usernames show :coolguy23 is online. What is the reason for the colon in front of the username?

    submitted by /u/KingJynth
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    Former WoW player made the jump to GW and is looking for help with pvp

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    I used to play WoW a lot but the state of the game made me leave and try GW2 and so far im loving it. I was a huge pvper in wow and now am looking to getting into gw2 pvp but there are a lot of differences between the games and i am not sure where to really look for help in learning my class and the pvp basics.

    Any protips, videos or streamer reccomendations for pvp strategy and builds and play styles would be awesome!

    Currently im playing mesmer and trying out the carrion axe pvp build. I either crush people ir do nothing and fall over and not sure what im doing right or wrong.

    Also looking into thief and ranger for pvp but havnt tried them yet.

    submitted by /u/CasualCompetitive
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    Thought this looked really nice

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    Condition Soulbeast PvP Build Guide

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    If you're just interested in the builds, skip the text and check out the links, for those who like to know more about why it was made, what's good about it, traits, match-ups and general tips? Read on, it's all down below.

    For the past season I've been playing a dagger/dagger soulbeast build I created. It's A) very fun to play B) I've been doing quite well on it and C) recently there's been a bunch of people asking me to share it so that's kind of the purpose of this post.

    Who am I?

    Hi Im Raving, or hiim as some people say ;) I've been playing ranger pretty much since guild wars 1 was released. I've got just over 10k games in GW2 and while I play different classes, the most played is ranger with 3.8k matches. At the moment of writing this Im at position 31 & 102 on the EU leaderboard with 59-34 and 72-57 as win/loss ratio. Account names are both Kraitan, Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/TJTNAph

    What I wanna share today:

    After taking a little break I came back to the game only to see my class besmirched by the core power ranger reroll meta (sorry if this sounds judgemental, it is). I did not feel like playing that and set out to create a semi-viable build that actually uses the ~very cool~ main hand dagger (MH) which has barely the light of day in pvp since it came out with PoF. As a second weapon shortbow made a lot of sense (a nice ranged option), and so condi soulbeast was born.

    So why is this fun?

    • it uses some very interesting traits which aren't being used often, this gives you an element of surprise which is huge
    • it uses d/d which feels awesome ngl.
    • it can beat most 1v1 matchups (discussing matchups later on)
    • it can apply damage while being very hard to hit itself
    • there's two versions but many more viable options to tinker around with


    So without much further ado, here are the links to the builds. The first one is the stance variant, and the second one is the bleed version. Because they're quite similar I'll only discuss the poison one here.

    Poison & Stances: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAgiVlVweYTMJ2JWeP2v3SW0BA-zZoOjUUBZKFc7A

    Bleeding & Survival:




    [Trapper's Expertise] increases condition duration on [Viper's Nest] as well as reducing the cooldown to only 16 seconds and adding cripple to it's effect. It also reduces the CD on healing spring to 24s which helps.

    [Hidden Barbs] increases bleed damage by 33%. This is another nice damage boost since you have a lot of bleeding on weapon skills (shortbow auto-attacks (AA's), [Crippling Shot] if merged, dagger AA chain 2 out of 4 strikes, [Double Arc], [Crippling Talon], [Maul] if siamoth merged and of course entangle)

    [Light on your Feet] Just don't even run shortbow without this trait. It's so good, does so many thing that I'm actually afraid it'll be reworked at some point (especially if this build gets picked up by many ppl) It makes your arrows pierce, increases condition damage 10% & duration 10% after dodging or using [Quick Shot], reduces shortbow cooldowns by 20% and most importantly it enhances attacks made from a flanking position (for example immobilizing instead of crippling).

    Wilderness Survival

    [Oakheart salve] This trait increases your survivability and thanks to [Healing Spring] we get decent regeneration uptime. While it's not amazing, it does a better job than the vitality you get from [Taste for Danger]. [Child of Earth] is also a good option which is used by the bleed version of this build which also uses [Wilderness Knowledge].

    [Ambidexterity] Definitely take this, it reduces all your dagger cooldowns by 20% on top of giving you 120 condition damage on shortbow and 240 condition damage while wielding daggers.

    [Poison Master] Now this is a beautiful trait. Really does a great job of boosting your poison damage and after using a beast ability your pet applies 2 more stacks of poison on it's attacks. If you are in combat (taking some falling damage, or right after finishing an enemy) use it while merged and it'll give you the buff which has no timer! so you can use this to always start your fights with a free buff of 2 stacks of poison on your first attack.


    [Unstoppable Union] Even post nerf it's a good trait, you can always merge while stunned so even if you have no stun break this will at least give you protection. Furthermore if you want to leave a fight using [Swoop] on bird this trait makes sure you can do that.

    [Predator's Cunning] Very fun, actually ramps up quickly and helps you sustain while damaging. It's unblockable which is nice and since [Second Skin] was nerfed to 20% I think [Predator's Cunning] actually does a way better job at keeping me alive.

    [Leader of the Pack] Kind of a no-brainer, if you're gonna run stances you might as well share them and have a longer uptime. This allows you to support the team a little as well (see Assisting Allies)

    How to play it?

    • goal: the goal of this build is to control side-nodes and win small fights. Ideally you want to start every match by going close and securing it.
    • pre-match: while waiting to start the game open the scoreboard and figure out what the enemy is playing. You'll want to swap your rune nearly every game. What you're looking for is how many condition classes the enemy has, and if those are mobile classes. (for example, if they have a condi thief, that's something you might wanna know before he ganks you unprepared) Some viable options are rune of the mirage, rune of thorns, rune of the sunless, rune of resistance, rune of the krait. I don't wanna go over runes too long so generally take thorns (or krait on the bleed version) if you're feeling unkillable, take sunless or resistance vs heavy condi comps, and take mirage if you only have power matchups on the sides (for example v core rangers). While in base, use [Quick Shot] and [Quickening Screech] just before the match begins and use [Swoop] to get to your node quickly.
    • pre-fight: Once you get to the node use [Healing Spring] and [Viper's Nest] straight away, they'll most likely recharge by the time an enemy appears. Also while you're still merged with your bird from moving to the node, use [Crippling Shot] and [Double Arc]. These abilities normally cause your pet to apply conditions on it's next attacks but if used while merged you receive a 10 second buff on yourself. use another [Quickening Screech] and [Quick Shot] to keep up swiftness and unmerge. Quickly swap to your siamoth and use [Forage] to get a free consumable item. Then swap back to bird while waiting to see if an enemy is coming. The items created by siamoth can lay on the ground for about 30s before they disappear. If you pick them up within those 30 seconds you get another 30s of holding it before it vanishes from your hand.

    If you did all this, you'll be capping your node with 2 traps on the ground, unmerged, with the bird out, 2-3 buffs on your next attacks (always get [Crippling Shot] & [Double Arcs] buff (for 10 seconds) and the third is [Poison Master]'s buff which is endless but you can only get if you can get in combat by yourself) Now if nothing appears, use the bird and move around the map, if something does come, try to determine their build and swap to the appropriate pet before you get in combat. Generally versus condition builds use the bird, versus power use your siamoth.

    • Combat: gonna keep it short, use your evades & dodges right, use your combo fields (leaping in water = 1.3k heal, leaping in poison = 8s weakness), use your dagger vs reflects, watch your condition cleanses, use [Dolyak Stance] only when you must, rarely use if offensive, try to use [Stalker's Strike] on a movement impaired foe for way better damage, same for [Poison Volley] which applies 5 stacks of poison at close range, but only 1 at a distance. Use your abilities as efficient as possible, any advantage u can get counts.
    • Assisting allies: you can assist allies directly with [Dolyak Stance], [Healing Spring], [Spiritual Reprieve], [Quickening Screech] and indirectly by peeling, find a revenant or thief and open with shortbow, it'll usually only take a few attacks to make them back off from your team. Also [Entangle] can be used but it's usually not very effective in a team situation.

    Matchups: Some tips vs different classes and which pet I prefer vs them

    • Warrior: have your siamoth out, make sure to land your cc from shortbow and sia merged [Charge], also don't hit their Full Counter if possible and watch out for getting hit by shield reflects.
    • Mirage: they'll usually open from stealth or after porting in, use line of sight and your pet to kite away their initial burst and once you go offensive get out the daggers, they do an OK job at killing clones, if they're power, siamoth, if not, use bird.
    • Ranger: use either bird or siamoth depending on their build. If they aren't soulbeast, always kill their pet first. It's really simple, you can usually kill a pet before the ranger even gets to node, again use line of sight if they're using a longbow and realize you will have to kill 2 pets before he's out. It's really worth it tho if you look at effort v result. A single [Viper's Nest] and a few AA's is enough to kill a pet. Do it, kill his pets and enjoy seeing a ranger who doesn't know what to do :)
    • Engineer: usually holo, don't nuke to hard during hard light arena if they run it, don't fight in the blind field, don't shoot yourself on the shield reflect, if he is actively blocking (same for warrior shield #5) this is a nice time to lay down traps, heal, or entangle (or anything unblockable) since they wont dodge during the block.
    • Necromancer: takes a while but it can be done. While they're in shroud load up on conditions, wait for them to come out and use their heal to cleanse. Try to bait, predict & interrupt that heal. If you're using rune of the sunless you can use [Entangle] to interrupt aswell.
    • Revenant: use bird or siamoth, doesn't really matter v revenant. Most are power in my games, just wait for them to swap to shiro and cc them with the bow, if they're running around blocking with their staff, snare them with entangle and put a trap under them, that's enough to make them run.
    • Elementalist: usually LR weaver. Not a hard matchup, keep pressure up with daggers mostly, only go for shortbow as some quick extra pressure when their reflect/evades are down. Bird or siamoth can be used, both work.
    • Thief: power thief isn't really a problem, they never expect the [Viper's Nest] and if they do just start putting it in new spots. They don't have a lot of cleanses, once they jump you they usually jump onto a trap and that'll force them to back off, just try to not get hurt too much and let the trap/pet & AA's + evades work their magic. Use shortbow + [Swoop] to chase them down if you can kill them.

    Other considerations

    How about a stance heal? Why Healing Spring?

    You can go with the Stance heal ability in the stance/poison variant, it has 12 cleanses, where [Healing Spring] has only 10 (5x2 cleanses). You can however have 2 [Healing Spring]s at the start of a fight which is 20 cleanses and it gives a water field & regeneration. Take the stance if you think your team might need your support or if you just like the stance. If you do this, you can swap out [Oakheart Salve] if you want.

    Why not smokescale for leaping in a smokefield?

    Its combat abilities are inferior for a condition build compared to siamoth or bird. You can still get stealth from the siamoth, but this way you don't have to waste your dagger cooldowns (which you wanna apply 8s weakness with or heal for 1.3k) to stealth up and risking getting stuck in combat with a smokescale.

    Why not core ranger? drop soulbeast traits for beast mastery traits?

    No, you will lose 1v1 to a soulbeast because your pets will be killed before you can take anything down.

    How about trapper rune and maybe a few more traps?

    You don't wanna go full traps. it's a weakness not a strength. Diversify your damage output. Also trapper rune functions on a gameplay level that just doesn't interest me at all. I sincerely hope it's removed from pvp in a future patch. However feel free to use it if it makes you feel safer, it's not the worst rune I just cba with it.

    So this is the guide, if there are questions or comments I might update the post to include those. I was also wondering if there's any interest in a video? (could be a either a guide or montage), it's been way too long since my last one. Check out my youtube if you want: youtube.com/hiimraving

    Have fun and good luck fellow pvp'ers

    also, thanks for reading if you made it this far ;)

    submitted by /u/Hiimraving
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    ardps in WvW with in-game combat log (in chat window) on outgoing healing crashes client

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Ever since the larger balance patch, running the most current version of acrdps while having the in-game combat log (in game chat window) set to display outgoing healing consistently crashes my game client while in WvW.

    This issue survives a complete reinstall of the game client and arcdps, client running in administrator mode, etc.

    The combat log's outgoing healing works flawlessly with arcdps uninstalled, and arcdps runs flawlessly without having the combat log's outgoing healing displayed.

    When the client crashes arc produces a window stating an unhandled exception and produces a lastcrash.log file.

    Has anyone else had this issue?

    submitted by /u/L-L-C
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    #ArenaPets: let R.Lukes Mochi be an actual springer (sorry, can't sleep) :D

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Not sure if a Reaper, or a Sith Lord.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    I compared my full-build chronomancer against my newly built guardian alt, and the guardian seems to just blow chronomancer out of the water. Can someone help me understand?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    I'm a relatively new player, and my main is a Chronomancer, using builds inspired by this Dungeon DPS build and this open world damage build. My Chrono has full Berserker exotic as well.

    I like to tweak and test my builds and skill rotations at the Heart of the Mists PvP lobby, to see how they'd do against open world mobs and bosses.

    I decided to make a Guardian alt and have been testing a build similar to this open world Guardian build (utility skills are different). The build focuses on getting your enemies burning, using the virtues, and getting aegis up over and over again.

    I'm still messing about with ideal skill rotations, and haven't even got a weapon swap available. Despite that, I'm noticing I am having a significantly easier time killing mobs like Svanir and Chieftain Utahein at the PvP lobby. The learning curve, DPS, surviveability, and kill-speed of my guardian seems to be leagues above my experienced Chronomancer.

    To emphasise the difference, I levelled my mesmer to 80 the long way (renown hearts and map completion all the way to 80), while my Guardian is still level 12. I haven't even started testing with the Elite specs for Guardian, but I imagine they will only increase the difference I am seeing.

    Can someone help me understand how this is happening? Is the difference between Guardian and Mesmer this great in terms of DPS and surviveability, or am I doing something wrong with my Chrono? I've heard there were some major nerfs to Chronomancer over the past year, but I can't find any information on specifics, and how that might affect how you build the class.

    Happy to provide more details if its needed to figure this out (e.g. my exact builds and skill rotations for each).

    submitted by /u/geiko99
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    Gandara The Musical Act I

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    [EU] Mentally challenged looking for help.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Hello all.

    I've been playing this franchise for close to 14 years now, but life has been hitting really hard these past 6-7 years. I won't bore you with everything that's happened to me, this isn't me looking for pity. In fact, I have a decent enough support system.

    When I say mentally challenged, I don't mean learning disabilty or things of the likes. I suffer from heavy Dystimia (and thus Clinical Depression) on top of extremely severe PTSD. What this translates to is in my inability to focus on something and enjoy my time doing so, like gaming, if it keeps getting interrupted by having to alt-tab to a guide , the hero tab, or whatever else. Another example to illustrate my troubles is my inability to read without my mind wandering off to dark places after 3 lines of dialogue. The hardest part for me is getting into that "bubble of concentration", and if it keeps popping after every objective, it becomes impossible to enjoy.

    A year or so ago, the friendliest random person offered to guide me through PoF achievements, and it was by far the most fun I had in a very long time. All I had to do was follow him, kill what I needed to kill, interact what I needed to interact with all the while taking the scenery into account and chatting with him. It's hard to expalin (and probably even harded to grasp), but it did me immense good that lasted for weeks after we were done.

    So now here I am, hoping I'm able to make sense describing something what is extremely hard to explain, hoping that someone will be kind enough to guide me through the LS4 achievements. Just know that it would do me immense good in my current times, if that helps, and that I'm far from an unsocial person.

    That's it. Regardless of if someone steps up or not, I wish you all all a good year; and stay safe amidst the current pandemic.

    submitted by /u/jojo_iso
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    I would like it if Anet added a new unique visual Tier 4 Cultural Weapons and Race Armors.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    In my personal opinion, the Weapon and Armor art has improved greatly post Vanilla GW2. You see this in full effect when to compare vanilla legendary to the newer legendary. I would love to see what the current Art team could do if tasked to make new Cultural Weapons and Race Armors.

    One thing I hated was that the T3 Cultural Human Weapons are recolored weapons you can get from one of the Dungeons. I would hope for some unique cultural weapon designs.

    submitted by /u/Knighthonor
    [link] [comments]

    GW2 - My lockdown friend

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    I picked this game up to commit to something during lockdown and I am totally in love.

    The game is great but the community is amazing.

    I've had such awesome people guiding me and helping me and its been truly wonderful.

    I ask a lot of questions and I die a lot but everyone seems to keep reviving me anyway :)

    I have only been playing for a few days and would love more people to play with. Im lvl80 and finishing the story and map completion before doing any endgame content.

    I would love more friends for adventures!

    Character is Dismias on EU

    Thanks again for such a welcoming, informative and friendly community!

    submitted by /u/Dismias
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    Error when buying gems

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    So I tried buying gems a few days ago to get the living world chapters but everytime I put my info in, there is a very quick pop up saying something about an error. I cant be more specific on the error because it stays on screen for only a fraction of a second.

    People I play with told me to put in a support ticket, which I did, however anet has yet to answer my first ticket I submitted over a month ago. I'm not sure I want to wait around for over another month without access to the content I want to play.

    Has anyone had a similar issue and managed to fix it? Or is aware of a fix or what anet does to fix it? A quick google search of "gw2 can't buy gems" shows that this is a problem that has been around for a LONG time and has effected a lot of players. Yet it seems no one has a solution to it, and I've only found 1 person claiming anet was able to resolve this but he gave no other details.


    submitted by /u/PlayerBenefit
    [link] [comments]

    SAB W2Z3 Tribulation Mode Speedrun World record 6:55 Sheeppo's POV

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Help with cosplay

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Help with cosplay

    So my 2 most played games are GW2 and Smite, and I would like to make my Chrono cosplay Bellona from Smite, the thing is, it's kinda hard to find any armor that looks like heavy armor but being light, so I'm looking for any advise, including the weapons.
    I was thinking about using the shaman armor from eye of the north


    submitted by /u/Ter0zak
    [link] [comments]

    Rata Sum has a new floor being excavated?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    I explored this area pretty well back in the day and don't remember this. Looks like the area just below the lowest floor of rata sum is being excavated.Has golems, lights, etc.

    How long has this been there?

    Processing img ufkd5jk269w41...

    submitted by /u/Techstriker1
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