• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Posted my reaper dyejob a couple of days ago and saw this in my mornong teq run. Thank you kind stranger!

    Guild Wars 2 Posted my reaper dyejob a couple of days ago and saw this in my mornong teq run. Thank you kind stranger!

    Posted my reaper dyejob a couple of days ago and saw this in my mornong teq run. Thank you kind stranger!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    The most electrifying move Anet put into the No Quarter

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Dear anet: stop the RNG!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Dear anet: stop the RNG!

    Dear anet!

    I really like the new armor sets and weapon sets you implemented and plan to implement but here I am. I am an unlucky person with no 2000gold. The raven shaman gear is unobtainable for me and the dropchances are unbelievably low. This so called reward is non existant for 99.99% of the playerbase.
    Don't make the same mistake again.

    Instead make the new gear obtainable through hard but doable achievement. And delete the grind, nobody plays a game to just do more chores and 100hours of monotone farming.

    Sincerely Austin or idk whatever my name is


    submitted by /u/Ionenschatten
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    Everyone seeing the trailer and knowing the release will mostly be silent:

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Does this look familiar to you

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:19 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    After grinding the achievements for a few days, I finally got it and OH BOY was it worth it!

    Zooming around the maps at an insane speed, blasting past everything.. I don't think I can ever resort back to just walking again :/

    submitted by /u/JaqueLeKappa
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    Event: Tour of HoT Map Run Saturday on **EU**

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Well I was asked to do my Tour Run on EU and I just can't say no so:

    Saturday May 9th at 1pm pm Server Time at Shipwreck Peak WP in Verdant Brink. This is EU Server, I'll be back on NA in a couple weeks.

    This Run will cover and open all of Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths and the non-Meta portion of Dragon Stand. This is moderately paced, helpful and I try very hard not to leave anyone behind. You'll get all of VB, AB and TD opened and a Month's worth of solo grind in a fun relaxed day!

    What you need: Basic Glide - that is it! No Waypoints need, Mounts are not required. This is a very new(er) and disabled player friendly run.

    What you'll get:

    All Waypoints opened

    360 Hero Points (Basic Glide gets you 350)

    50+ MPs - Communes, Strongboxes and Achievements (Basic Glide gets you 45-48'ish)

    Some achievements

    Quite a few hard to find or reach Vistas and PoI - not full map completion but we get most of them including the ones requiring Masteries to access.

    Some events we cross, which ones depend on timing and what the group's up for.

    Pretty good XP and Loot zerg along the way!

    It is a full day if you stay for the whole thing, about 7-8 hours including scheduled breaks but you're free to stay for what you can. This is a no peep left behind run so the tail has a lot to say about the pace.

    Starts PROMPTLY at 1 pm Server Time but will be posted on LFG/Heart of Thorns/Verdant Brink between 12:20 and 12:30 Server Time. If there's room I'll post in AB and TD when we reach them. I'll try and have the squad up at or around 12:15 Server Time and you can whisper me for an invite. You can contact me at Trixi Morrigna or Morrigna.1704.

    I'm not planning on doing an overflow squad so get there early to assure a spot.

    Hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/Trixi_Morrigna
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    No more open world 'raid-hard' content ala TriWurm?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    One of the things that has made me pretty sad as a veteran player of the game is the apparent abandonment of what I call 'Open world raid-hard content'. Im talking about TT wurm and Tequatl Rising revamp at its release. These were open world events requiring large player counts (150+), strong communication and coordination amongst the leaders of the event and often days of trial and error to find a workable strategy.

    Entire communities and guilds formed around this content in the EU region that went strong for years in the hope that more of this style of content would come into GW2 but sadly they have definitely begun to die off.

    I think ANET is missing a trick here. Im pretty sure a large segment of veteran players would come back to GW2 with a new 'raid-hard' open world boss event. The bragging rights of 'world first' was a massive draw to the crowds and personalities that led these events.

    I dont describe them as 'raid-hard' in the sense of maximizing dps outputs and precision mechanics fulfillment. But rather in the logistical, coordination and communication challenge in itself which some masochistic commanders and players do enjoy and can be extremely challenging and rewarding.

    To an extent, the Chak Gerent was somewhat a return to this style of content but they nerfed the HP and the players got comfortable with the mechanics to the point that a sufficient map population is almost a guarantee of a kill.

    Most of the new maps that have come into GW2 with the LW episodes has had some form or large scale meta event with a big boss baddie to kill. Drakkar. Branded Shatterer. But they are all just 'player count' problems. Throw enough players at it...and it dies. Boring. Lazy. Promotes afk leeching of the event.

    I just wonder if Anet will ever consider actually challenging its open world PvE player base. The players are capable of completing it. TT wurm is still killed by dedicated communities and pug commanders to this day. 5 years after its release. There is a hunger for this kind of content.

    submitted by /u/Mkkoll
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    Legitimate question about endgame community

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Been getting into the game, and really enjoying it. But one of my big concerns is the commentary I keep seeing here. About meta builds and comps, about fractals and the things that worry me are comments like;

    • -"Don't play condi in fractals."
    • -"Why play "x" when "y" build is better in raid?"
    • -"You should be able to pull 90% of the benchmark dps"
    • -Commentary regarding the removal of players without explanation
    • -Commentary on disdain for classes outside of the meta.
    • -Comments that X class would just be removed if someone brought it to Fractals

    Along with some others. I raid high end content in WoW and FFXIV, and I am an experienced player, but in those games realistically all classes could clear the content, and even if someone wants to bring something suboptimal, it is fine outside of things like the top 5% guilds in the game. With enough gear all classes are viable to the point of clearing, realistically.

    Is GW2 seriously this meta focused? That people are removed from mid tier fractals and raids if they aren't playing meta builds? I got into a group the other day for a dungeon and because I didn't know the cheese routes for AC, and asked about them, no one explained, I got left behind, and then kicked.

    I hate to say it but its like the overworld content is great but the PVE community seems more toxic than I have experienced in an MMO in a long time. The general mood I have gathered from this subreddit is literally;

    "Play what you want in open world, but play X or be removed from PVE content."

    Now don't get me wrong. I understand that something has to be viable. I don't expect a group to take someone doing 10k dps into raids. I get that. But if someone is playing a condition build and doing 23k dps or something, are they seriously being removed for not playing a power meta for a fight etc?

    I don't know, it just seems very volatile and I have serious apprehension and buyers remorse after being exposed to that community here. Which sucks because I like the game, and want to experience and clear that content.

    Thanks to anyone who reads, let me know your thoughts. Not a hostile question, just really want to know if I am reading a vocal minority or not.

    submitted by /u/Vomitom
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    Is there a way to get around high ping?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    As an Australian player I've been struggling to get into the game due to high ping, I love the combat, the movement, the worlds, pretty much everything about the game but I feel as more I progress the harder it's going to be, I'm already experiencing input delay, sometimes my abilities won't activate but they'll cool down like they've been used. I'm struggling to dodge as well because I'll move out of the way but I'll still get hit. When my partner is on the computer my ping is between 300-350, when she isn't it's around 200-250. Is this going to be an ongoing issue or is it something I'll learn to cope with?

    submitted by /u/xNephilim
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    Jackal chair pictures for anyone interested

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Battle Cry ? Ohh yes new game play, this is the most hype boost in the trailer

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    I discovered the ritualist outfit just today! I immediately had to create a tribute to my very first Guild Wars character. Ariton The Little

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Tool Talk: Is there an interest in a tool similiar to gw2shinies?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Hey, i made a tool a while ago which i picked up working again that works similiar to the gw2shinies tools. Is there something similiar out, or is there in general a demand on such a tool being available again? Would love to hear your input

    submitted by /u/unr3al011
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    Can't find a certain track

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Okey there is this one track that plays when you are in Kryta and it sounds it has this baroque/renaissance orchestral style but I can't find it in anywhere.

    submitted by /u/NatnMO
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    Is this a me problem? :/

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Is this a me problem? Or are these normal struggles?

    • Being stuck in a corner after dodging in a confined area to avoid a strong AoE and struggling to mouse look my way out. Or just getting stuck in corners in general

    • Watching YT videos of players soloing dungeon bosses like pros, and feeling like a loser because I couldn't do that.

    • Using a skill and getting the 'you need an enemy to use this skill' because I didn't realize/forgot to retarget

    • Staring at a button that's really obvious outside of combat. This strafes left. That strafes right. But somehow forgetting what the button does when combat gets really intense. I guess it's from having a mind blank from combat panic.

    • Lack of combat intuition. Thinking of what to do. Going down before I figure it out.

    • Knowing all of the combat advice from more experienced players but struggling with the execution of that advice. This one is hard to explain. I know how to do the advice. But it can be hard to adapt advice to the environment.

    • Staring at my keybinds hoping for the magic answer when I'm losing but don't want to run away

    Feeling like being average at combat makes me bad at combat when people are soloing champions by themselves

    I was hoping that if I trained from 1 - 80 via personal story, world map completion, dynamic events, I'd become really good at combat. But I'm level 61 or 62 and I still feel mediocre and given how fast levelling is, I don't think I'll be amazing by level 80.

    I mean no offence to anyone when I say being mediocre at combat makes me feel bad at combat, when there are people soloing dungeons and champs and winning. I'm not saying that if you're also mediocre that you must be bad as well. I'm more harsh on myself than another player. My judgement on myself isn't a judgement on anyone else who is average at combat.

    submitted by /u/Willow_rpg
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