• Breaking News

    Friday, April 24, 2020

    Guild Wars It truly is a time to be alive. This scythe is fun.

    Guild Wars It truly is a time to be alive. This scythe is fun.

    It truly is a time to be alive. This scythe is fun.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    returning to the game after years

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Update caught me by surprise is all i'm saying.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    The best thing about the patch

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Yesterdays's patch had one feature that stood out above all the other cool toys we got: the incredible amount of people flooding outposts everywhere in the game just because of one small change. Just felt good seeing the game that is longer "dead" than it was alive so full of people that still care about it despite not playing much.

    submitted by /u/drsh1ne
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    Loving Shadow Theft - just cleared Foundry for the first time ever!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    I was never super into end-game PvE back in the day, mostly because I was just bad/young. I did a few easy SC's, but I always had the goal of beating DoA since the tormented skins are some of my absolute favorite in the game. This week I found myself drawn back by the new elite skills and I decided to try to take on DoA again! Was finally able to take down Foundry and loot my first gemstone (though two dropped during the attempts lol). It was glorious.

    Shout out to Péter Kádár over on youtube for his guide, followed it pretty closely except that I went A/W dagger spam with the new Shadow Theft, and also that I pulled too many mobs many many times. Looking forward to City next!

    PS: The Fury at the end dropped one of these as a memento for my first success in DoA, can't wait to get back in. I haven't been this excited about Guild Wars in years!

    submitted by /u/Ender593
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    A blast from the bast.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    The New 2020 Elite Skills & Weapons Added To Gw1 - A Review by WoodenPotatoes

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I missed GW1

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    I was invited to join a newer guild. Yet, I ended up leaving because I couldn't even get a response or any help on a trivial mission or quest. I know the game isn't active in the way it uses to be but the minute I started playing again for about an hour. I remember, why I loved this game. It kept my attention even after a long hiatus. So, when I couldn't get people in a guild or alliance to even help me on a low-level mission because I kept getting wiped. It was ruining the game for me.

    It drove want to form my own guild. Yet, I'm not scared to disband and have 2.1k lesson but I'd like to join an alliance or guild that understands why I wanted to form this guild in the first place. To help new and returning players play the game in all its various aspects. Some people like to create an alt and enjoy the magic like it's their first time again but want help speeding up the process of getting to key points.

    The first time I left was to play GW2 with my guild. Yet, after mindless logging in and out of gw2 and eventually just not playing. I felt the urge to play gw again. I was enjoying it all over again until it was the roadblock of can you help me with an easy mission or quest because it been a while and just silence of guildies and alliance members. Not even, I can't or not right now. I think that what got to me.

    submitted by /u/TheBloodyyui
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    Doing DoASC with pre nerf Time Ward

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    The little Gwen quest in pre searing?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    I've given her 4 flowers, how many does she need? I got the new flute and girls cape in my bag but I can't seem to give it to her? If I talk to her she just stops following me, the next is she follows again, that's it.

    submitted by /u/DanteVSTheWorld
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    Press F for our mysterious agent

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Long time PvE Player wants to try his hands on PvP - Are there People playing at European hours to show a noob the ropes?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    A little bit of context, I'm playing Guild Wars since Feb. 2006 , but I've only played PvE and the occasional Alliance Battles or Fort Aspenwood.

    I tried Heroes Ascent with a couple of random people and henchmen yesterday, and in the beginning against bots it was underwhelming.

    As soon as we entered The Courtyard and had to coordinate and battle against real players, fun and my enjoyment increased exponentially.

    So are there PvP / Heroes' Ascent Guilds/ groups that would welcome a noob in their ranks? Even if it would be just for a couple of games to show me some things to keep in mind/ help me get a better footing when it comes to fighting other players.

    Living in Germany, so European hours would be preferable.

    submitted by /u/captain_charisma14
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    Question about multiple block chance occurences

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I'm wondering how multiple party-buff block effects interact with each other. Say I run both Displacement and Aegis on my castbar, and run to the first enemy I meet. How does the 75% and 50% will interact with each other ?

    My thought is that the game will calculate both instances separately, as additive would be stupid (125% block chance would be quite OP right ?). So each time I get hit, the game will calculate separately the chances that Displacement and Aegis will trigger. Then, if one of them triggers, I block the attack.

    But then, is it possible that both Aegis and Displacement proc at the same time on a single attack ? If so, will the spirit lose health ? If not, which spell will get the "priority" ?

    I'm asking this cause I'm trying a new Heroic Refrain Paragon bar and I'm wondering if Bladeturn Refrain's blocking chance will screw up things with the Displacement spirit from the ST.

    submitted by /u/Laohlyth
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    GW on MacOS Catalina

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Really want to come back and check out the new update. Sadly, I am stuck with a MacBook 16" running Catalina, my Windows station is in a different country.

    Did anyone of you manage to run Guild Wars on Catalina without paying for something like crossover?

    If so, could you please give me a place to start or some tips? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/LogicalIntuition
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    Skills previously made less/unuseable that may come back?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    edit: as below and wiki BUG: This skill will not increase attributes of the secondary profession unless their rank is at least 3.

    Off the top of my head (I had thought about this, but was incorrect)

    Flail. 4a Stance - For 1-12-15 second[s[ you attack 33% faster but move 33% slower.

    If I recall, Assassins used to often use this skill, but the duration was changed. At rank 4 str it is 5 seconds, at rank 5 it is 6.


    Still might be some to mull over. Lol sorry for starting this though on an incorrect note. I forgot about the bug/issue.

    submitted by /u/10inchesofsnowman
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    Let's Play Prophecies! A New Series by Undead Dev!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    And the fun begins.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Heroic Fire Teambuild

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    Heroic Fire Teambuild

    Hi Guys,

    Started a build using the Heroic Refrain and looking forward to your input.

    Team Composition

    The important parts:

    Leadership at 14 so you can increase it up to 20 by casting Heroic Refrain twice on yourself. Then spread it to the rest of the team.

    "They're on Fire" is great to keep the Echo going and the 45% dmg reduction is great with Searing Flames.

    Prismatic Ele

    The Ele gets +20 armor from the prismatic Insignie. and gets some use out off all elements except of earth (for now).

    The remaining builds aren't very new. Only the attribute distributions are different, since 14 is the new maximum necessary (14+6=20). I'm very much looking forward to hear your suggestions. I'm sure theres tons more skills to abuse at attribute lvl 20 that I'm not aware of. So far I only vanquished an areas which went really well.

    What a possible addition could look like

    submitted by /u/str3uner
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    Now that you can get 20 Weapon skill, 15 Strength and 12 in any other secondary, there have got to be some interesting builds for Warrior.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    I think with 12 in Blood Magic, you could play a pretty decent drain-tank/blood knight. I'm pretty excited to see all the new stuff that will come from these few skills.

    submitted by /u/0perationFail
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    Has anyone had contact with support recently?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    I submitted a ticket on Monday hoping to get my sms authentication moved off an old phone number. I have yet to receive any contact unfortunately. I understand the team may be having a hard time at this moment but 4 days is so long when I'm ready for a nostalgia trip.

    Has anyone had luck with support this week?

    submitted by /u/hobo131
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    Over The Limit, has anyone found a niche?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    As many of you may have noticed some of the new elite skills are, although incredibly unique, kind of underwhelming.

    I believe the worst offender to be the Elementalist's "Over The Limit".

    Frankly, I don't really see a use-case for it.

    Even if the overcast and maintainance cost were removed I'd still struggle to justify picking it over Ether Renewal/Ether Prism (for non-Elementalist skills) or Elemental Attunement (for Elementalist skills).

    I feel like even without its costs, at its current power, it's more in line with PvE-Only Non-Elite skills, rather than Elite Skills (let alone PvE-Only Elites).

    The benefits simply aren't that significant, even less so when factoring in that 40/40 sets are commonplace amongst Elementalists, reducing the effect of this skill even more.

    So I ask you, has anyone found a niche where this skill can fit? Because I can't really seem to find one.

    submitted by /u/Deadonstick
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    I just got hit with 045 for gold selling?!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    I logged in last week just to stay in guild but didnt play. This is on a 10 year old account.. not saying it isn't my fault for not being secure or something. I thought the game shared 2FA with GW2? I can login with the same account to GW2 just not GW1. So sad hope it resolves. I just play the game... fuck I hope my characters are not poor as shit. Please pray for me.

    submitted by /u/Dboi
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