• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    Guild Wars As a Guild Wars 2 player who started in 2016, seeing you guys theorycraft over your new skills is so beautiful even though I have no clue what you all are talking about

    Guild Wars As a Guild Wars 2 player who started in 2016, seeing you guys theorycraft over your new skills is so beautiful even though I have no clue what you all are talking about

    As a Guild Wars 2 player who started in 2016, seeing you guys theorycraft over your new skills is so beautiful even though I have no clue what you all are talking about

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    <3 to my comrades from the past who speak in arcane tongues

    submitted by /u/Pwadigy
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    All 10 new Skills

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    How Anniversary Weapons Interact with Weapon Mastery

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I've been seeing a lot of stuff (both on here, in-game, and on the wiki talk pages) about how people are noticing their Anniversary weapons are doing much less damage than expected.

    This is caused by the way that the game calculates Armor Respecting damage from hits with martial weapons, as described here. If you meet the attribute requirement of an Anniversary Weapon, your base damage will be appropriate for the weapon you're using (e.g. base damage of the axe is 6-28).

    However, without investment into Axe Mastery, your "Strike Level" is equal to 0, meaning that you have a 0.35 multiplier (2^([0-60]/40) = 2^-1.5 = 0.35) on your outgoing damage against targets with 60 AR. This effect gets progressively worse with increased AR.

    I haven't seen any acknowledgment of this issue yet, but hopefully there will be a slight change to these weapons such that they scale only off their required attribute (either by having that attribute treated as their Mastery attribute, or by having it just scale with character level like other effects).

    tl;dr Without a high rank in the weapon's actual Mastery attribute, your damage is more substantially reduced by Armor than you'd expect.

    submitted by /u/aquadrizzt
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    a Few fun Guild Wars 1 stories from an oldtimer

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Two stories that I feel would be real fun for anniversary times

    My interview: So I used to work for Microsoft and one of my co-workers there got a job at Anet as a QA tester so when he got there he put my name in for someone they should talk to. I got through all the phone interviews and got my in-person interview. James Phinney ran my whole interview and at the time I had no idea he was the lead designer of Starcraft, in my phone interview they asked me what games I like and what game I was good at. I said Starcraft and Magic, so my interview had a lot of them in it. After a lot of talking Phinney moved the interview to a "put your money where your mouth is" part of the interview, he brought out his magic deck from their internal league going on. He gave me his deck which just lost a match and he had the deck that beat his. (Phinney is very very competitive and didn't tell me this until later) I pulled his deck apart with his side board talked through how I would change the deck why, then put the deck back together with my changes and played him, I went 3-0 and he seemed a little irritated (he's a hard one to read.) After that he brought me to a computer and said I'm playing Starcraft Now vs their top guy. I sat down and did my best to get used to the mouse and keyboard knowing that excuse wouldn't hold up. The game got going I played Terrian vs Protoss and I went a hard mech start harassing with vultures almost got an early win but Jim snuck a Reaver drop out on me, and the game went to mid game. The whole time I was playing Mo and James where behind me talking about making Starcraft it was in this moment I realized I was playing in front of two main Dev's of Starcraft. (Lesson to everyone research your interviewers.) They started talking about who made what sound effect and balance changes, I got nervous and made some mistakes hard and Jim ended up winning the match with a hard carrier push. I did a big Drop on his main and we base raced and he won it was an hour long game so I didn't feel like I did too bad but I felt bad for not winning. James later told me he almost didn't give me the job because I lost but said he liked a lot of answers on balance.


    First few weeks at Anet was weird, James wanted me to play the game a whole lot and the internal Alpha had no cheat commands. If you wanted to test something you had to farm. I remember farming for hours to get this Lightning Hilt because it ignored heavy armor and I thought that was broken and wanted to prove it to James. It was super interesting way to speed the first few weeks.


    IWAY So during beta I played with this guild Lord of the Dead, we played a lot and I would make up a lot of crazy builds for us to try and it helped me do a lot of balance testing. Early on I tried this one build it was 8 warrior/R's all with hammers and pets and a skill "I will avenge you" we ran it during a big play test, and got slaughtered. The build just didn't work it was because the skill "I will avenge you" didn't work at all, it was bugged and didn't trigger off anyone but yourself, which needless to say it's hard to avenge yourself. I tossed the build out and put in the bug request to get fixed and didn't think much of it. After the game launched, we had played hard one night and where really burnt out they asked if I had any goofy builds to play and I went looking through my old beta screen shots to find one. I found the one I took for the bug report and laughed and said lets try this one. We ran 8 warrior/rangers all with hammers and pets and IWAY. We played for another 8 hours, LuluTheMonk made videos of it and we did really well. The next day the build was everywhere, we made a FoC spike build to counter it but it didn't matter IWAY was so easy to play and it made matchmaking easier. I spent the next year nerfing IWAY which was a build I made…. Still to this day every cheesy build is <cheeze>WAY and every time I read it I get this crushing guilt.


    Really love this game, it holds a special place in my heart and still to this day is the game I've put the most hours into I think I had near 18k hours across all my accounts on live and don't even want think how many prelaunch and on dev I had. It made my career and many deep friendships with people all around the world.

    submitted by /u/IsaiahCartwright
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    PSA: If you haven't noticed yet, every new elite skill counts towards the skill hunter title track for all 3 campaigns.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    On my main I now have 92/90 and 122/120 for tyria and cantha even tho I only got 2 skills in nightfall.

    submitted by /u/Luminsnce
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    Nobody: a melee Necro would be good ArenaNet:

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    New Skills

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    PROPHECIES. Captured from Abaddon's Cursed in Perdition Rock. Northeast corner of the map. MAP

    Elementalist (Energy Storage): Over the Limit. Elite enchantment spell. 1 upkeep cost, 5 energy cost, 1 casting time, 20 recharge time. While you maintain this enchantment, your spells cast 15...19% faster and recharge 15...19% faster, but you continuously gain Overcast.

    Necromancer (Soulreaping): Soul Taker. Elite enchantment spell. 5 energy, 1 casting time, 15 recharge time. For 3...25 seconds, your attacks sacrifice 15...19 health and deal 15...19 more damage.

    FACTIONS. Raisu Palace. Blade Ancient Syu-Shai. Centrally in the area, on the bridge. Look between the mission spot for Cynn and Danika. MAP

    Warrior (Strength) Seven-Weapons-Stance. Elite Stance. 5 energy, 20 recharge. 3...17...21 seconds your weapon attributes are raised by (!!) 1..12...16 and you attack 33% faster.

    Assassin (critical strikes): Shadow Theft. 5 energy, 1/4 casting time, 20 recharge. Elite skill. Shadow step to target. For 5...17 seconds target attributes are reduced by 1...4. and yours are increased by 1...4. Lead attack.

    Ritualist (spawning power): Weapons of Three Forges. Elite weapon spell. 10 energy, 2 casting time, 15 recharge time. 3...17...20 seconds. Non-spirit allies in earshot receive a random weapon spell.

    NIGHTFALL. Raptured Heart. Captured from a monk boss "Yoannh the Rebuilder" which was using skills from dervish, monk and paragon. Anthem of flames, mystic sweep, the new elites and more I guess. Boss spawned in the north/west of the area. MAP

    Paragon: Heroic Refrain (Leadership). Elite echo. 5 energy, 1 casting time, 15 recharge time. 3...12...15 seconds. Target ally receives +1...4 on all attributes. Renewed when a shout or chant ends. Can't target spirits.

    Dervish: Vow of Revolution (Mysticism): 10e, 1 casting time 20, recharge. Elite enchantment. 3...9 seconds +1...4 energy regeneration. Renewed when using non-dervish skills.

    Monk: Judgment Strike (Divine Favour). Elite melee attack. 5 energy, 15 recharge time, standard activation time. Target and adjacent targets are attacked for +13...19 holy (!) damage. Causes knock down on attacking foes.

    EYE OF THE NORTH. Sacnoth Valley. Fureyst Sharpsight on the field in front of Rragar's. MAP

    Mesmer (Fast Casting): Time Ward. Elite Ward Spell. 10 energy, 2 casting time, 30 recharge time. Non-spirit allies in the ward cast spells 15...19...20% faster and skills (!) recharge 15...19...20% faster. NOTE: THIS SKILL IS CURRENTLY BROKEN, its recharge effects are far stronger than promised. About 80% on 15 fast casting. We were able to keep two teams of dying people alive with by ural's hammer using just one mesmer.

    Ranger (Expertise): "Together as one!" Elite Shout. 10 energy, 15 recharge, 1 casting time (! note that this is new to shouts). All party members nearby you and your pet receive +1...6...7 health regeneration and deal +5...13...15 damage. 3...13...15 seconds duration.


    • The new weapons like fast casting shield, critical strikes bow etc. seem to work in PvP. This means a huge change for PvP.

    • The new fast casting shield can't be upgraded with a suffix, i.e. +30 health points.

    • Proofs of Triumph are tradeable between characters of the same account. Can't trade to other accounts. They don't get used up when finding a boss.

    • These new skills can't be gained with a tome. You need to capture them per character.

    • Heroes can't use these skills.

    • Doppelganger can use these skills.

    • These skills count towards the skill hunter titles.

    • Update your pawned program files for access to the new skills.

    submitted by /u/Krschkr
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    During the Anniversary you can easily farm 3 Zkeys per day!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    It does fit in well with most of the other ones though

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    GW mouse cursor on windows

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Do you know if anyone as extracted or recreated the GW cursors to use them on windows ?
    It would be pretty neat.

    submitted by /u/Pil_Own_Electrik
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    Warning: Anniversary Weapons are Customized upon Acquisition

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    No, I didn't fully digest the phrase "customized tools befitting a legend" before I bought one in my excitement.

    Now I have an extra soul reaping scythe in my assassins name.

    submitted by /u/Yugiah
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    paw·ned²: Anniversary Update

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    just wanted to let you know that I updated the paw·ned² build editor to include the new skills. This works purely by program update (help menu), and the skill DB update feature is now hidden as the server backend from GWCom.de was switched off and they refuse to at least give me access to the files.

    Please report errors and bugs that krschkr and I did not find. ;)

    You can download paw·ned² here. That is the last version from 2013, before development started again in 2017. It has an updater in the Help menu that updates it to the most recent version whose changelog can be found here (scroll down). You cannot download the current version directly, you can only update from any earlier version.

    submitted by /u/numma_cway
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    All new boss spawn locations:

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I drew a thingy(:

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    The new Paragon Elite, Heroic Refrain, almost doubles your heroes Esurge dps*

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    *given there is enough energy to zap.

    Right now your heroes may run a setup like this:

    16 Domination (12 + 1 + 3)

    13 Fast Casting (12 + 1)

    This will result in Esurge dealing 99 damage. Due to your Fast Casting attribute you will have a cast time of 1.1 seconds (2sec * 0.55) and a recharge time of 9 seconds. So every 10.1 seconds Esurge can deal 99 damage which amounts to 9.8019 damage per second.

    With Heroic Refrain the calculation would look like this:

    21 Domination (12 + 1 + 3 + 5)

    19 Fast Casting (12 + 1 + 5)

    This will result in Esurge dealing 126 damage. Due to your Fast Casting attribute you will have a cast time of 0.84 seconds (2sec * 0.42) and a recharge time of 6 seconds. So every 6.84 seconds Esurge can deal 126 damage which amounts to 18.4210 damage per second.

    And on top of that comes the 40/40 Domination set which will push the dps even further.

    Heroic Mesmerway is going to be bonkers.

    submitted by /u/Jiikool
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    New Beginnings

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Due the recent post that they're updating original Guild Wars my nostalgic heart leapt at the chance to once again experience the marvel of my childhood adventures through Ascalon, Kryta, Cantha and Elona, and so I've decided to jump back in and create a new character that shall be the embodiment of my nostalgic passion. This is a new beginning on an adventure that sparked my passion for writing, and as I post this, I will be taking my new first step in this glorious game of old, starting from prophecies and going from there, expansion to expansion. I hope to see you all in the world, and cheers to you all.

    submitted by /u/FidoTheAlmighty
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    Stare Into The Scrying Pool – A Guild Wars 15th Anniversary Developer Interview

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Which builds become the most OP or interesting with the new paragon elite skill Heroic Refrain?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    So I was thinking about builds that become possible. Theres many obvious ones but maybe people can think of new ones too. You can do a lot more attribute spread than normal with the insane boost to stats. If you run 11+2+1 10+2 10+2 as a quick example you get 20 18 18 attributes.

    Obvious ones: mesmers can run 20 20 and still have an attribute left such as 9 command for fall back, or inspiration for energy, or illusion for more dmg.

    ST rits make the party double invincible, with 4 spirits/ST (maybe you can run a 4th spirit now?), higher def on spirits, double higher hp due to lvl and spawning. You again have attribute points left, can run fall back, or maybe splinter weapon even or healing like spirit light or PwK.

    BiP necro becomes much better because you only need 4 in blood magic now for +6 BiP. Rest of the points can go to max out SR for infinite energy or maybe something funky. They also get a major boost in healing with 18 resto instead of 12.

    SOS monk with splinter weapon (6x splinter at 18) and smite with divine favour party healing.

    Maybe a dwayna derv which does infinite party healing. Or BiP / orders derv.

    ER eles becomes a lot more viable as heroes will be able to keep the elite up more easily and dont need +3 rune.

    If you have any stupid ideas post them here. I recommend 2x fall back and 1x anthem of flame on heroes to keep up echos without having to do anything yourself. While the party is moving, FB is obviously used, but when you stand still and afk, heroes still use anthem of flame. Obviously you pack the rest of your paragon with more echos so you dont have to contribute anything yourself to fights. You can even do it on a secondary profession if you echo the elite from yourself to a paragon hero.

    submitted by /u/Ferrum-56
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    Warrior's new Elite (Seven Stance Weapons Stance) adds missing attributes!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Warrior's new Elite (Seven Stance Weapons Stance) adds missing attributes!

    The new elite warrior skill doesn't just add an attribute bonus to the weapon skills you have.

    It adds weapon attributes not included in your primary or secondary profession as well.


    submitted by /u/McBeardedson
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    Anniversary update bugs for DrStephen (the dev)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Please post any bugs related to the anniversary update for /u/drstephencw

    For reference, Time Ward (Mesmer elite) and Over the Limit (Ele elite) have already been fixed in a hotfix build.

    submitted by /u/pewpewrabbit
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    Did Cartographer made easy break with the update?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Heya guys,

    i noticed that the map in texmod isnt loading in anymore, so the usual overlay is just replaced with the normal map since the update.

    Is that just me and i should maybe reinstall? Or anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Sunorat
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    Intimidated by experience of community

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I have been on the fence about diving into GW as it is up there with Halo 2 and Runescape for most nostalgic and favorite games of all time. However, I have thus far been unable to recover my account and most likely won't be able to.

    So, I have been thinking of starting a fresh account. I am a bit intimidated by the fact I will have 0 money, materials, skills etc as well as this subreddit.

    Everyone seems very welcoming but also extremely experienced (obviously). People use acronyms I don't remember (DoA being one), have these optimal builds with incredible items, and generally just an infinite amount of knowledge.

    My question is, am I just confusing myself and a lot of this isn't necessary for someone seeking to play through the campaigns and become a badass (insert profession) or is it as daunting as I am making it out. Regardless, I have enjoyed lurking these past few days!

    submitted by /u/dericandajax
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    Post new elite skill builds here

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    If youre trying to improve in Rollerbeetle Racing, watch this (485.609)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    ok so obviously you will not get the triple SRB combo.I just want you to watch the video, so you know where you should use your dash and ram.

    Never use ram to knock down other players, never use offensive skills to knock down other players. Just focus on urself and eventually you can get a 480+

    click here

    submitted by /u/hypercarryi
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    Store issue: Unlock Packs and Costume purchases not working

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    Store issue: Unlock Packs and Costume purchases not working

    When I try clicking on any item in the Store in the categories Unlock Packs or Costumes I get this wrong page (see screenshot). No way to see the product info or complete the purchase.

    Is anyone else getting this?


    Store error


    submitted by /u/primordialBeanie
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